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'When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see? Your reflection, or yourself? You know what I see? A mirror...'




Someone left the tap on again. Someone, or something. Cerberus sashayed around the room, sniffing around the empty air that surrounded it. His nostrils flared wide open and took in a large current of scents, most of which he was familiar with. Most, but one. That familiar smell of the unknown, he knew it all too well. The panther took in another log drag of the air through his nostrils before turning towards the general direction of the scent. His eyes shot open, his eyelids arched and lowered above his pupil, the beast scrunched its snout and exposed its fangs from underneath its lips. It lowered its head and torso into a bow whilst raising it's behind a little higher. It's front claws protruded and it's hind legs prepared for a pounce. With the scent locked in its memory and its roots traced back to a room four floors beneath their own apartment, Cerberus broke into a chase after it.

The wild cat dashed out the door and ran on all fours through the corridors and leapt down the stairway from floor to floor until it were convinced it had reached the floor hiding the scent. It's yellow eyes locked themselves against the sight of a crimson-red door that was slightly opened within the room. The cat didn't waste another second, it made a bee line towards the door and once it had reached it, dashed inside and stopped to interrogate the source of the smell. A second faster than yesterday, not a big improvement, but an improvement nonetheless. Keep it up and I might take you on my next mission," Binsu explained, as tossed the trifle towards the panther in a hurry. The big cat purged a smirk before watching the armed swordsman leave the apartment.

'A Konoha shinobi was found dead in the early hours of the morning. Witness reports of arguing and later investigations indicate foul play. The shinobi's partner, a jounin by the name of Fukawa Sora, matched the eyewitness account given to investigators and can not be found. It is assumed she has defected and left the village. All oi-nin are currently on assignment, so the task falls to you. A blood trail indicates she may be injured and traveling slowly, so time is of the essence. Find and subdue Fukawa Sora by any means necessary. If she engages combat, you have express permission to kill her, though this will result in reduced pay,' read the scroll he had been given by the secretary in the Hokage's building. Binsu read it over at three more times before discarding the scroll away within his kimono. The lonely swordsman finally approached the village gates of Konohagakure no sato, where he and his new-found friend Tenmei had arranged to meet at. He had with him his two swords Daken and Hada no ken as per usual and underneath his kimono he wore the modified ANBU armour he had been given during his time with the corps. The Jounin soon found himself waiting for his partner just outside the gates' shadow, his gaze fixed on the luscious green forest that swam in front of him.

WC: 562/2000 (20% off mission wc perk)




'A Konoha shinobi was found dead in the early hours of the morning. Witness reports of arguing and later investigations indicate foul play. The shinobi's partner, a jounin by the name of Fukawa Sora, matched the eyewitness account given to investigators and can not be found. It is assumed she has defected and left the village. All oi-nin are currently on assignment, so the task falls to you. A blood trail indicates she may be injured and traveling slowly, so time is of the essence. Find and subdue Fukawa Sora by any means necessary.


A short sigh. A slight frown. The young special jounin shook her head once more as she went over the neatly noted details for the third time that morning.

It was hard to believe that two weeks had already slipped silently by since she had fled her mist sodden home and traveled to the land hidden in the leaves. And yet... within that fleeting expanse of time, so much had happened. It had all started with something as simple as a few footsteps. Wandering through the colours of a once upon a memory, trying to find a new sense of solace in this uniquely grown place. But then.... all of a sudden; her search was interrupted by a stranger of sorts. A shinobi who bore the strength of the trees and the stability of the earth, who had come to question her intentions in his home; share words about her past and her now. But those words soon turned to action and action came with consequences. Before the fire tempered shinobi could realize what had happened in those moments she was once again left bleeding beaten and wondering why she had gotten so agonizingly angry again. It seemed this cycle of half regrets was going around too fast.

And they all could see she was spinning out of control.

So what was she to do now? The trees had seen her injure their precious protector, the curious had heard. The Hokage was kind enough to keep their secret but what would she do if the trees shed the rumours with the leaves and whispered the truth to whoever could listen? What if they believed the inquisitive stories and followed their pointing fingers? What if the mist had followed her here? The Sotsuji didn't want to find out. Instead she stayed out of sight, out of mind. Waiting out the storm of questions and almost accusations until she was brave enough to test the waters once more. And so she did. She waited and then she waded through the tension until all that was left was a careful glance and another encounter... and what a unusual encounter it was.

After that though.... everything seemed to fall in to an obscure like pattern.
She would wake up at dawn. When the honey amber orb in the sky was just high enough to bathe the outstretching canopy in shades of fuscia tangerine and the wide eyed nightly creatures made room for their waking companions she would go out to explore. See the scars, learn of it's strengths, wander and wonder about a new home. Only when the shadows had shrunk to their past shortest point did she think of returning to the crowded streets of the village. And then to the administration building. Oh yes, in the moments before she had parted ways from her confrontation with the kage, the special jounin had offered to do something as penance for her actions. So after that time of rest had passed she checked the mission board once a day to see if there was a mission... a task that was left untouched even after everyone had chosen and gone. Once the the third day had passed... it was clear which job she would take.


"Any means neccerssary... huh?"

With gentle care, Tenmei folded the lightly yellowed paper again and placed it safely inside her pocket along side the small Lizard that resided there.  She took her sheath, her swords... what strength she could gather in the last few minutes and a lightly packed bag; before heading out the door in to the cooler world of the outside.
The day before, not long after she had chosen the mission, the female had requested that Binsu, the masked shinobi who had accompanied her to this emerald painted place; would take the mission with her. Of course she had not expected him accept. They had only met a couple days ago and while living here they had barely seen each other more than twice. And even then those moments were as brief as these two weeks had been. But in a strange world full of strange people she didn't know...didn't trust; He was her only and last option. And thank goodness, he didn't let her down.

"I was a little worried that you wouldn't show. I didn't even know if you were still here... " she had said, her eyes transfixed past the gates to the dense forest foliage before them. Stretching out like a dark green sea with it's gaping jaws waiting for them to enter.
"I am glad you came though.... Lets out head out. This Fukawa Sora person must have a camp some where. I want to get to her before she catches wind that there is someone on to her."

The slight smile that danced across her fiery features as she turned to face her mysterious companion was as fleeting as the sigh that followed. She knew this mission would be a dangerous game....that she was taking a hefty gamble by just accepting it. She knew there must have been a reason why people were avoiding it. So why had she done it? Why take the risk? The answer was in the rumours of fourteen days ago. She had fought with the Hokage and threatened his home. Injured his shoulder, damaged his forest and didn't so much as apologize. Tenmei Sotsuji needed a reason. A reason to leave or a reason to say. Something strong and loud enough to get through the wall of doubt that had her wandering to the border every day since she was brave enough to ignore the glances and pointed fingers. But would this risk be reason enough? Would it satisfy her need to make that decision? There was only one way to find out.

"Let's go"

With that, the female pushed off hard and sprinted off in to the thick forest ahead, following her instincts more than the directions given.
This Fukawa Sora had spent her last day hiding freely within the village's reach. And this time when she let loose...when she let go. The trees... the curious would be telling a different story.

Words: 1138




At last she had arrived: the pinnacle of his existence, the Yin to his Yang, the daughter he never had, the friend he always wanted, the comrade that didn't leave his side. Tenmei had arrived.

The slender figure of an assassin, one with quite literally a hot temper, the one with a heart patched with scars. Tenmei looked fearsome as she walked, no waltzed over towards the village gates. She caught the male attention of most of the village guards, those that paid any attention to anything, as she walked by in her usual battle attire with a few new weapons displayed on some part of her body. She had gotten an upgrade, Binsu could feel it more than he could see it. Those weapons didn't look cheap, nor did they look weak. She approached the swordsman with a little more pride than the first thine they had met, and for the first she had ventured towards him instead of the other way around. Her step was light and sent few if no vibrations across the surface of the earth; she had the step of an assassin and her movements complimented it. Binsu felt inferior to her for even a brief second, he felt intrigued by her very presence, a feeling that never dyed down from the moment they met. Her gaze caught his attention, and his mood lightened up when she greeted him at last.

"I was a little worried that you wouldn't show. I didn't even know if you were still here... " she spoke, and he replied, "I'm sorry we haven't been in communication lately, but no matter the circumstances I'll never abandon you Tenmei."  
She then went on to explain, "I am glad you came though.... Lets out head out. This Fukawa Sora person must have a camp some where. I want to get to her before she catches wind that there is someone on to her." Binsu nodded in agreement, the mission had stated that the subject was mildly wounded, which meant that she left the choice of being healed in Konoha knowing she'd receive some for of support not too far out into the woods. This meant that if she did manage to reach this camp Tenmei and would have to deal with more than one subject, but if it could be avoided it'd be best to do whatever they could to stop the woman before she could get back up. "Ok, lead the way and look out for splatters of blood, the mission details suggests she is wounded to a point where the damage she took was able to draw blood. I'll follow close behind you," Bunsu suggested, before chasing after the kunoichi after she had taken off towards the entrance of the forest. The swordsman followed closely behind and above his partner, leaping from tree branch to tree branch in pursuit towards the hopeful direction of the runnaway criminal.

WC: 1058/2000




She knew he was there


Even though she couldn't hear his feather light footsteps as he raced across the breeze or feel him start to creep slowly, gradually, closer to her scorched trail. Even though she couldn't see his shadow nimbly dart around the corners of her silver cloud tinged eyes she knew he was right there. Following closely. Quickly. Behind and above, gracefully leaping from one branch to the next like a raw raiton current dancing between exposed wire. The Shinobi Binsu had not changed since she had seen him last all those days ago. Still as steady... as calm as the earth he wielded, still as quick as the live lightning he controlled. Oh yes, the people may have stared at her in awe and wonder. But him... they looked at the armoured soul with fear and respect. With an almost guessing.... Almost knowing.
But in the end their eyes meant nothing. She was a mystery and he was a mastery. And together they tore from their silent questions and through the forest, moving like an electrical fire through the landscape.

Following the trail of the sinner whose redemption would soon find her.

It wouldn't take them long.

The Sotsuji may have been moving fast across through the scrub but the luminescent details of the over hanging landscape was not lost to her attention. The brightly verdigris leaves slowly revealing their shades of honey lemon to the slight changes in the wind. The minute abrasions across armoured trunks of the slowly swaying giants. The courageous little flowers that had fought through the littered ground, desperately seeking the narrow dartle of light which escaped through the above canopy. Every footprint and disturbance raced passed her vision as she searched for the clue her wise companion had..... there.
It was only small. A cardinal speckle against a harsh stone background. Not much at all. But it was enough to cause the female to skid to a halt and approach it cautiously, glancing back to her companion with silent confirmation on her findings. Only with that nod approval would she then delicately press her finger to the area and smell... feel... taste it's substance just to be sure.

"It's blood. Not much but its still fresh. Looks like our information was correct after all."  Another pause. Another look to him.
"Judging by the size of the drop and the directionality, she was moving pretty fast. I expect she will have traveled quite a bit further before she would have to stop and rest. Let's keep going"

And just like that. Just like that the two shinobi had gone from becoming scent dogs to ravenous blood hounds. Following the trail step by step, drop by drop. Getting so close than the female could almost feel the warm sticky, metallic scent of it cling to her heat tanned skin. It was a feeling that she had not experienced in a long time. A feeling she could get lost in.... but she wouldn't. Not this time. This time there was something keeping her grounded. Words that directed her mind from wandering too far from their wondering. His words that whispered over and over and over again like an echo:
'I will never abandon you.'
'I will never abandon you' 'I will never...'
She had heard it so many time before that the pattern of syllables had become as lifeless as ash in their mouths. Sounds strung together to make a  of sounds. But with him.... for some reason with him, Tenmei was starting to believe it once again. That maybe she was starting to approach trusting him as they were now starting to approach their target. Slow at first but consistently... constantly picking up speed.

They were nearly there.

Once again. Just as suddenly, the special Jounin skidded to a halt and crouched down beside a much larger mass of crimson. The ruby pool staining the undergrowth below their feet. With just as much caution and care from before, the female crouched down once more and picked up one of the ocre spatted leaves, delicately smelling the moisture that still lingered there, before once again, touching and tasting it. Just to be sure it was fresh.... and it was human. They were so close now.... so close that she could not only feel tension pressing through the thin barrier of heat around her but the pounding coming from inside. Her beating heart, the adrenalin injecting through her volcanic veins. She couldn't be far now. Surely she had not gotten further than this. Surely they had reached their destination just beyond those trees. But there was something in the back of mind. A small... thread of doubt no bigger than the first blood spot that was slowly sinking deeper and deeper in to her resolve.

"The blood is telling me that she stopped here for a moment to rest. But look... there are no further blood drops spanning from the central area. Which means she must have found a way to redress her wound and cover it up. So this place could be close to her camp... or she could have got much further and we wouldn't even know"

There was no glances for reassurance this time. No fleeting stare to check. She didn't even look at up him. With those storm grey eyes fixated firmly on the ground and fists balled at her sides. Her heat starting to reach out to the air around her; the seething frustration at this turn was evident. She had been so confident in her path. So decisive in the direction and now she had led them straight to a dead end. What would he think of her now? What would he think of her? What could she possibly do to make it look like she hadn't been as foolish as the others had thought she was when choosing a mission that everyone else refused to touch? It seemed that even with someone to guide her the Special Jounin was still getting lost. So what would she do? The answer was obvious. Become even more lost. She would find their way again. Tenmei Sotsuji wouldn't let him down again. Not again.

"No... I dont think she would have gone too far. She couldn't have" Tenmei continued, hoping her conviction would be enough to convince the both of them
"The amount of blood she has lost, the distance traveled; if she went much further then she would have bled out and died even with a new bandage. I think we should split up circle the area, and move in slowly from both sides. If she tries to run then the other can head them off. End this chase before it continues. Is that alright? I'm open to other ideas if you have a plan of your own"

End this chase. Win this game.

Let it be over once and for all.

Words: 1165
Total: 2303



{ The last piece to the puzzle }

They flew over the repeating branches, stepping down onto the occasional firm log, before pushing off of the brittle bark and advancing through the woodland. Below the shinobi kept an eye on their leads. However small they may be. Tenmei made it her responsibility to point out what the jounin had looked past, hinting their target was the type to overlook their step. The kunoichi carefully analyzed every abnormality on their trail and scrutinized its meaning whilst piling up a stack of possibilities that every clue connected with the last and just as accurately lead to their target. On occasion the kunoichi would suspend their hunt to closesly examine what she thought was another piece to the same puzzle, before quietly arguing with her instincts and then sharing the verdict with the assuming Binsu.

"It's blood. Not much but its still fresh. Looks like our information was correct after all."  Another pause, another exchange of looks, a confirming nod. "Judging by the size of the drop and the directionality, she was moving pretty fast. I expect she will have traveled quite a bit further before she would have to stop and rest. Let's keep going" and she wasn't wrong. If their target had left the village alone with a wound bad enough to draw that amount much of blood it would've been with assurance of medical assistance not too far into the woods. This meant that their target must be heading towards a tent or small settlement of some sort where there would be more outcasts gathered. Binsu and Tenmei couldn't let their prey acquire reinforcement; it'd just add more unnecessary heads onto their hitlist, which they had no need for. Before another moment in time could be wasted upon the observation of the drop of blood the two comrades had darted back into their pursuit, confident they had found the last piece of te puzzle.

...and it fit perfectly.

Binsu willinly followed that long trail hair that sprouted from the roots of his companion's head, that beautiful, misunderstood head of hers. It put kages to shame, any other paled in comparison to its curveture and its rigidness. The contents inside it drew the swordsman towards its holder; the figure that had waltzed into his life under the alias of 'Tenmei'. The swordsman watched as her slender build made its way through the shadows of the trees, only to be softly complimented by the occasional ray of light that faught its way through the dense canopies of the trees just to catch a glimpse of that heavenly face. For the brief moment he followed that spirit his own seemed to lose its sense of direction. Only the gentle tug of her aura could keep Binsu from falling behind, and that sweet feminine smell of hers proved a great compass for the swordsman's heart.

He'd follow her to the depths of hell for a single smell of her fragrance, her presence, her soul, and he'd do it all once more than whar he opted for.

"No... I dont think she would have gone too far. She couldn't have" Tenmei continued, hoping her conviction would be enough to convince the both of them
"The amount of blood she has lost, the distance traveled; if she went much further then she would have bled out and died even with a new bandage. I think we should split up circle the area, and move in slowly from both sides. If she tries to run then the other can head them off. End this chase before it continues. Is that alright? I'm open to other ideas. if you have a plan of your own".
The truth was he had no plans, at least none that didn't resort to chaotic violence between their party and their rivals'. The swordsman understood the kunoichi's plan well enough to agree with it. Nodding his head no more than once Binsu replaced his empty right hand with a firm grip on the handle of Daken, his most versatile weapon by far, and drawing the sword away from its sheath and into the space just in front of him. After watching the young Tenmei make her way into the dense forest the jounin began slowly marching away in the opposite direction, keeping his eye active in his surroundings as he ploughed through the forest vegetation.

Both parties wielded the element of surprise within their grips, though one held it higher than the other...

WC: 1828/2000




Everything changed.
Now that she was alone, everything looked
Different. Darker

Moving between the towering organisms slower now; the special jounin couldn't help but notice how perilously sinister the deep forest had become. The way the slowly swaying trees crooked their creaking fingers towards it's brethren, extending it's deep chartreuse shroud to join with the next... asphyxiating the light from the air below. The way the shadows crept and crawled from their safe nooks in the undergrowth to wrap around the seekers bare exposed nerves. It was in the way that every sound... every footstep crunching across the lifeless leaves like treading on burnt bone, every animal with their gold tinged eyes and ravenous smile scratching up the blackened bark: all of it, every echoing sensation that rippled across her skin reminded her of one of those childish nightmares. A hauntingly terrifying day dream. Except for this time he wasn't there to hold her hand through it. No one was there.

Was it any wonder why she was feeling so on edge?

There. Again. A pristine luminescent cardinal crimson speckle against the night grey ground. She delicately... carefully leaned down once again with fingers outstretched. Trying to grab a scent... a taste... a feel of that blot of colour just to be sure. Just to be... her fingers barely brushed the surface when something yanked at her perception. A flash of silver that was quick enough to carve a thin red line across her cheek before continuing down in to the soil just in front of her. A knife. A mistake......A reaction.
Without thinking, Tenmei turned sharply on her heel, drawing the twin bladed dagger from it's place at her side. She shifted her balance, crouched ready to push. Ready to attack... then nothing. She stopped. Stuck. Frozen between a breath and a heart beat. What was this? What... the hell... was going on? This nightmare wasn't supposed to be real. But the female in front of her.

"Like looking at a mirror... isn't it?"

She was exactly the same. Coal black hair hanging loose from a leather tied pony tail. Steel grey eyes with a knife like gaze. Sleeveless top, loose trousers. Cuts and burns patterning her skin. With the exception of where and how old those wounds were, the woman in front of her looked exactly like the young Sotsuji. And she did mean... exactly. Right down to the way she talked, the way she grinned, the way she sauntered over to the sheer dumbstruck female. Everything she did was like looking at a distorted reflection of who she might be one day. That's right. If Tenmei had thought she was living a nightmare before, making her way through the deep dark forest: seeing this woman was like stepping in to it and starring in the leading role. And all she could do.. all she was capable of doing; was watch as her other self gently raised her touch to the lightly bleeding cheek before grabbing her own dagger and jamming it once in to her shoulder and again in to her leg. Laughing at the high pitched scream that drowned out all the other sounds.

"Now... that's better"

The scream may have stolen her words... but the pain gave back her footing. Biting back the cusses and the disbelief; Tenmei got up and took off after the imposter, back through the trees, back through the shadows. Back towards her camp where her partner would have gone.

She had got stuck. She had froze. And she paid the price.
It won't happen again.


~Minutes Later~

The ebony haired female crashed through to the camp, her silver eyes flickering back like a wavering candle...  darting across the trees as if being chased by a bush fire. She was looking him, while also keeping an eye out for her. It was just sheer dumb luck that in the mean time the slightly older woman had somehow found her way back to her camp in this God forsaken forest. She hated it here. Everything looked the same here, everything smelt the same. If it had not been for the subtle markers... the familiar rocks, the scratches on the trees. She would have got lost time and time again. Yet here she still was, luring the poor little kunoichi away from the safety of their precious village. Getting them further and further lost in to her traps. And then she came along. Her young naive doppleganger. What a stroke of luck.
The poor deer was so startled that she didn't even put up a fight when she carved out her own injuries in to her fragile flesh. The other would be her way out of here. For good. It was perfect.

Simply absolutely per...

She barely heard him. The older male who had been on her trail with the younger female only a few minutes ago. How long had he been standing there? How long had he been watching her standing there and trying to bandage up her wounds with the first aid kit in the bag she had taken. How much did he know about this little game? Well... She was about to find out.

"The target. She found me" She said, slightly out of breath, glancing back a third time. "I was following her trail and she caught me off guarded. She was going to kill me. I got away and tried leading her back here but... I think I lost her. We can't let her get away with this. She will be coming soon. Be ready. I wont let something like this happen again"

Oh yes, she wasn't going to blow this chance. Her key to a free ride out of here was just about to walk past those trees with the same injuries that she had. And without her kirigakure or that knife of hers, there was no way he could tell the difference between the two. It was perfect. Simple. Flawless. Her chance was now. Game on time.

Game on.


Words: 1017
Total: 3320

7Manhunt [A rank mission | Tenmei/Private] Empty Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:51 am




'The waiting is the worst part'

A bell of silence rang loudly within the area as the two companions split apart in search for the missing shinobi. Binsu soon found himself surfing his gaze through the scenery looking for any clue that stood out; a foot print, a broken tree branch or another speck of blood littering the earth with its formality. The swordsman saw nothing of the sort. In fact the site looked very much untouched; the only foot prints he saw were that of his own and few of his counterpart Tenmei's. His foot was heavy on the earth, but purposefully slow and driven. His sword was still grasped by the swordsman's grip, its weight showing little significance.

The autonomous sounds of nothingness were soon pierced by the painful screams of a woman, or feminine guy perhaps. A flock of birds escaped the commotion through the open canopies of the trees, before the sounds of emptiness were once again interrupted by the repetitive, gradual noises of feet pushing hard across the dirt. A few minutes later and image appeared, which resembled the swordsman's partner in every size and form. It was Tenmei. The kunoichi ran towards Binsu in a hurry, this time carrying a bladed wound across one of her shoulders and its complimentary leg. Drops of blood fell to the earth to discolour its texture, its stench slowly creeping into the Jounin's nostrils; it smelt fresh, but nonetheless disgusting. "The target. She found me," she forced the words out of her mouth almost out of breath. Binsu looked past the woman's figure in search of their target, thinking the kunoichi might have been followed, but the swordsman couldn't see anything apart from the dreaded scenery of continuous trees and dirt.

Binsu turned back to face his wounded comrade, who only then began to explain in detail her current situation. "I was following her trail and she caught me off guarded. She was going to kill me. I got away and tried leading her back here but... I think I lost her. We can't let her get away with this. She will be coming soon. Be ready. I wont let something like this happen again." Her words sounded sincere, she sounded just as concerned with her abilities then as she had when they were tracking their target. The Jounin opened his mouth to speak, but the sound a loud rustle in the trees broke his trail of thought and incidentally robed him of his words. A few seconds later the same wounded image of Tenmei broke through the cover of the trees and landed no further than six meters away from the pair. Binsu's eyes dilated, the woman beside him shot a cold glare towards the second Tenmei and screamed, "There she is! Using my appearance as her disguise, how low. Look she even mimicked the wounds she gave me earlier. She takes us on for a couple of fools, let's show her how wrong she is!" Tenmei protested, or so he thought she was Tenmei. Binsu didn't want to expend his chakra just to see who the real Tenmei was, but if the imposter was using a bunshin or transformation jutsu it was far more advanced than any copy/clone jutsu he had seen. "Tenmei, is that you?" Binsu asked the new Tenmei, but before he realised the stupidity in revealing the real name of the identity of his real partner to the fake imposter, the Tenmei right beside him spoke up. "Of course it's me. Don't tell me she's managed to fool you already. Let's not waste any time, get her! You come in from the left and i from the right! Binsu didn't move, he didn't want to make the wrong move, but if he didn't make the right move his partner would pay the price.

Mission WC: 2487/2400




'You're growing dim little candle
You hesitated. You held back and she took the advantage.
This is your fault. And these are your consequences"


He wasn't really there. Not really. She couldn't feel his hearth like presence looming behind her shoulder or see him lingering in the shadows in the corner of her eye. She couldn't sense him she couldn't reach for him; Even though the fiery tempered female couldn't hear the disappointed soaked words, she knew that was exactly what he would have said. And of course, like always. All of it was the truth.
The moment she saw the intruder with the stolen face, she had froze. All her training, survival instincts, the common sense that kept her body moving fell away from under her feet which left her stumbling and open for the attack. And then...while she was finding her balance once more the other self easily escaped. Gone. Lost. Out of her reach. It was all her fault. And those consequences.... well. They ached with a vengeance. From her shoulder spiraling down her arm. Burning through the muscles at the top of her leg and above her hip. Cold and stinging. It didn't matter. He wasn't there to share his stern words and scolding glances. Instead these would be the reminder.

A reminder of her mistake. Her fault.

It was time she saw her consequences.

With barely a second wasted, the female grabbed the discarded knife by her feet and cut away the bottom of her shirt, before dividing it in to two strips to temporarily bind her shoulder and leg.  She took a moment to find her balance. Another to seek direction; then like a flame through eucalyptus she charged back through the trees, hotly following the imposters trail back towards the camp. Hoping and praying to whatever deity could hear her that her knowledge of this forest would aid her in to getting back to the camp before she did. So that she could explain to her companion what was going to happen and end this quickly. Because if not... if this didn't end when it was supposed to, the special jounin had a feeling that this simple 'in-and-out, capture dead or alive' mission was about to get doubly more complicated than it already was... and a lot more messy.

But when had she ever been that lucky?


It took too long to get back through the chaotically tangled forest.
It seemed that even though she was moving fast enough to not leave char marks on cracked surfaces and the dry littered floor; it felt like the forest itself was intent on keeping her from her target. The trees that would sway their length across her path, the ground, grabbing and whipping at her legs. She could feel the pristine tainted air shredding at her air ways as it struggled to fill her gasping lungs.
By the time the make shift tent and clearing edge came in to view, ebony haired female knew that she was too late...
They were just more mistakes More faults. More consequences. And this poorly crafted reflection was probably already spinning some lie to get close to the people she didn't trust. That's right. Tenmei knew because it's exactly what she would do. Which was why the female didn't stop and just came tearing through to the clearing anyway, just in time to see them both look at her holding the bloody knife matched with newly bandaged injuries.

"Don't listen to her. She is lying to you. I'm the real Tenmei.
Listen, after we split up I ran in to her in the forest. She.... she surprised me and stabbed me and then ran to find you. You have to beleive me.... please it's her. She is the imposter. I swear it"
Tenmei winced even as the words left her lips. She was desperate. She sounded desperate. Even in the way she slowly backed from the stalking movements of the dangerous duo, she knew how bad this looked. And so did the imposter who was more than happy to point it out, planting more and more seeds of doubt which would only grow.

"She is the one who you should not be listening to. Look at her. The knife she is carrying. The way she backs away. I told you that she may have freshly bandaged her wounds and look. Make her pay for what she has done and lets get this over and done with. We don't need to make this last any longer than it has to"

She was true to her word too. No sooner had she taken one more step... one more slight adjustment of footing, the other female took suddenly pounced at the real Tenmei, the stolen Sotsuji knife coming straight for her already injured shoulder... but her attack wasn't good enough. The special jounin, grabbed the wrist holding the knife and pushed it out while bringing her knee up to land a viscous kick to her abdomen. Sure it wouldn't break anything but it was enough to get her away for long enough to turn her attention back to Binsu

"Don't do this. We travelled to konoha together. You know me"

"Don't listen to her. She found me because she was following us. She knows everything we said to each other. Binsu you have to trust me.
Stop her. Stop her now"

"She is lying. Please. I don't want to attack you"

Staying low, blade held out front, Tenmei continued to try and reason with her strange acquaintance. Trying to sway him to her reasoning though even she knew that her pleas were weak at best.
It seemed... once again everything was her fault. She was the one who insisted on doing the mission that everyone shied away from. She was the one who decided to bring him on this mission to begin with. And it was her decision to split up and meet back at the obvious place. And now the foolish kunoichi had him in a position that she never wanted him to be in and she had once again found herself tangled up in the consequences.


Words: 1051
Total: 4371




There she was, at two different places at once. Whilst one of the two watched the confused expression on the swordsman's face Binsu fixed his stare on either of the doubles, desperately trying to distinguish the real Tenmei from the fake and failing miserably. He didn't know much about the real Tenmei and the little he knew of her could easily be mimiced by someone with any clue of who the lady was. Their faces were ridiculously identical, so much that one looked like a reflection of the other. Their wounds were indistinguishable; both equally disturbing and both occupying the same arm on each of the identical Tenmeis. The swordsman was forced to stand inbetween the well-masked identity of his target and that of his comrade, clueless as to who was who and which was which? The latest double had marched into the scene with a desperate expression plastered across her face, and with a pleading tone in her words she adressed the swordsman in an attempt to convince him of the truth in her guise.

"Don't listen to her. She is lying to you. I'm the real Tenmei.
Listen, after we split up I ran in to her in the forest. She.... she surprised me and stabbed me and then ran to find you. You have to beleive me.... please it's her. She is the imposter. I swear it."
Her speech was all too convincing; all she had claimed was true, all but the last bit. She could've been the imposter with knowledge of their earlier actions. She could've been the real Tenmei, without a clue on how to convince her partner she was who she was. Their intruder was cunning; she or he knew how mimic the identity of another person down to their voice, walking style, stance and aroma, all clues Binsu would have otherwise been able to use to distinguish the two Tenmeis apart, but the guise was far more complex than that. It was as though the two were long lost twins; one with ill intentions for the other. The swordsman could feel the pressure of choosing between the two; it felt one sided, but from which side of the coin?

"Don't let her get into your head," the other Tenmei spoke. "...she's trying to confuse you. Attack her before she attacks us!" He could feel the frustration radiating from every word she spoke; it fuelled the guilt and added to the pressure that already existed within him. How could he be fooled so easily into forgetting the one person in this world that still made him happy? The one person he didn't need to impress or intimidate to get the attention of? The one beating heart in this world he could still hear as loud as he could hear his own. This imposter had the means of tearing that bond apart and shining a fake one in front of his eyes, oh those untrained eyes. If only he paid more attention, if only he gave her more of his time, if only...if only...if only she knew how much he was lost without her. Her absence brought darkness into his world and introduced to it a thick, eerie cloud of dreadful despair that settled over the dry, cracked earth beneath his feet like a cold and uncomfortable blanket. Slowly the swordsman could feel the weight of his world sink into the lie that was the fake Tenmei.

'You're a dissapointment to her, you'll never be anything more than a tool to her if even that. You're worthless, useless, and in her time of need you don't even have the wit to distinguish her from a poorly-made dopple ganger. You are a disgrace, Binsu. Let me take of this, let me deal with yet again another issue you cannot handle. I will be the you you want to wish to have to be...' That inner voice spoke out to him with a poisonous tounge of truth. It spat orders into his conscious thoughts and manipulated his actions with its bittersweet proposals. The swordsman felt his mind slowly lose its grasp on his body, slowly before succumbing to the forceful control of him.

"The real Tenmei can take a hit," the swordsman, or someone like him muttered before dartig his left hand after the collapsed windmill shuriken, that was loosely straped behind his back, and pulling it off of its rig and out towards his front. He'd simultaneously open the blades of the large weapon before projecting it towards the latest Tenmei, aimed straight towards her chest. A second later the swordsman would've unsheathed his Daken sword using the reverse hand grip of his left hand before rotating 270 degrees in the anti-clockwise direction whilst pointing the edge of sword against the other Tenmei's neck. The second Tenmei managed to dash backwards away from the slice, whilst simultaneously pulling her dual hand knives in front of her body in a defensive position. The first Tenmei's reaction was then later observed by the swordsman, as he readied himself into an offesnive stance, ready to launch another double attack.

Extra WC: 887/964



This can't be happening

She could see it all happening.

Like a badly cliched story book, Tenmei Sotsuji could see the series of unfortunate events unfurling right before her steely gaze, and there was nothing...  absolutely nothing that she could do about it. Except for sit there and watch. Watch the conflict further burden the confusion in his eyes. Inflicting that familiar frustration of not being able to solve an impossible puzzle. Causing feelings of anger, helplessness, bewilderment.... causing him pain. The Special Jounin could do nothing but stand there looking on, with her useless words and reserved actions as the sheer turmoil of facing up this infuriating riddle worked to tear his psyche apart. But yes, that's exactly right. She was the one who was hurting him. It was all her fault. If the young kunoichi had not hesitated... if she had just been more confident and taken this mission on her own then maybe this plot would have never come to pass. And the one that was quickly becoming a close ally... a friend, someone she trusted, would have never have been put in such a damaging position. It was all her fault.

It was her mistake.
And these were her consequences.

"Please Binsu. You have to listen. She is the one getting in to your head. She is the imposter here. You know this is me. Please. Please believe me. You have to believe me"

"Stop it! Can you not hear her?  She is getting desperate because she knows that you can see who the real one is and she is panicking. Damn it Binsu you have to see that I am the real Tenmei"

"She is lying"

"She is lying and you know it!"

"No I....."

Her words didn't make it past her tongue. Before the real Tenmei could take another step back, her companion had, in one swift and lethal moment, grabbed for the shuriken at his back and had thrown it at her chest with a dangerous intent. Malicious. Strong. Fast. But the attack was not fast enough. With only a few raw seconds to spare Tenmei sharply dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the screaming shuriken's pathway before landing precariously on her feet. Halfway between the imposter and Binsu, the other knife now held firmly in her hands..... and she was in the exact same stance as the other opposing female.
It was almost sickening really. Not only did she look identical and speak in the same manner as herself, the intruder also moved the same way. As soon as the blade had come for the other female's neck, she too had jumped back and held the blades in front of her in defense. Both versions standing the same. Both glaring venom at each other while throwing desperate glances at him.

The only difference that she could see was that she hated Tenmei for being the same. While Tenmei hated her for being better.

"Binsu listen to me.. Trust me. You need to stop this. I am not going to fight you. The only person you need to attack is her.  The imposter who is standing there and twisting your words. She ambushed me"

"She is a liar Binsu. That intruder is the one that came after me. I am not going to fight you either. You are my friend. I care about you. Don't let this person get in the way. End it now and be done with this mission once and for all. Trust me"

Trust me. Trust me

Those words sounded as hollow as the first time she said them. And they were even more so, hearing them from the imposter. How could she expect him to trust her, when she had trouble trusting herself. How could he possibly believe the young special jounin when her faith in her abilities was limited at best. As the ebony haired kunoichi rounded back to where she stood before, putting more distance between the doppelganger and herself, she couldn't help but wonder how could she hope to convince her traveling partner when it seemed that words were no longer reaching him.
Oh yes, Tenmei noticed the change. Somewhere in between those words, the disorientation that danced across his expression had slipped away to a terrifying determination. It seemed that even though he may have not figured out who was true and who was the liar, he had indeed made his mind up about something. And he wasn't going to stop until he got it. And that... was what scared her.

"Binsu please. Don't do this"

"You know it's me" 

I don't want to hurt you like I hurt them


Words: 787
Total: 5158




Neither Tenmei nor her imposter had allowed either of the swordsman's attacks go unavoided; the Tenmei to his left swiftly evading to her left, whilst her double made an elegant dash backwards away from the kiss of his sword swing's edge, before each mirrored the other's defensive stance with one small bladed weapon in hand and raised a few inches in front of them. Thus far the twisted swordsman couldn't distinguish the two's reactions or fighting styles; the other could always find a way to mimic the other and vice versa. It was almost as though the two liked the idea of sharing the same identity, in contrast to their pleads. Each criticized the legitimacy of the other, though their combined effort only made it all that more difficult for the swordsman to judge which was which. Luckily however the masked swordsman had temporarily given up his morality to his alter ego in trust that it'd find an easier way to clearly distinguish the desperate kunoichis, no matter the method.

Words, more useless words. Did they not know he had gone deaf?

The kunoichis pleaded their identities much in the same way as the other, begging the now-subconsciously-controlled swordsman to listen to the voice of their reasoning, albeit unaware of the uselessness of their attempts. Binsu had felt the violently insisting grip of his alter ego force his hands to launch an attack at each of the Tenmei, and like before he could feel that cold grip once more.

'That wasn't enough to trigger her, usually it's enough. Oh well, this just means she needs a stronger push,' Binsu heard his other self plotting, but couldn't help but feel the urge to worry about the harm these plots would bring, specifically to the real Tenmei. 'It isn't her life you should be worried about, it is ours,' he heard himself think, and he was right. The swordsman knew so little about the real Tenmei and much less about her skills; she might have been more than capable of killing him with little effort, or she might have been as weak as her desperate pleads for him suggested. Either way Binsu knew it was the only way he knew he'd be able to separate his friend from her imposter without killing either of the two, even if it did end up costing him his life.

With the kunoichis ready in their defensive stance Binsu knew his next attack would have to be far more insisting than the last if he were going to force the flaming beast out of his partner. With the handle of his sword still held firmly in his left hand, the swordsman would use his free hand to swiftly weave together a short chain of hand signs before summoning an identical doppelganger of his own, just a feet to the right from where he stood. The clone appeared with a cloud of smoke that cleared as soon as it had arrived, it's appearance matching its creator's almost identically; it hadn't any of its master's swords on it. The swordsman quickly passed his Daken sword into the hands of his clone, before drawing out his Hada no Ken sword and adopting it in his right hand using the same 'normal' hand grip as his clone.

The words, "Do not waste your breath," would escape the mindless swordsman's mask before he took off after the Tenmei that stood closest to he (the real Tenmei) whilst his copy made a dash for the the other, both with their swords held lowly away from their right leg and pointed downwards. The swordsman dashed after his target with the speed he had grown accustomed to, reaching the kunoichi's position within the short moment of two seconds and forcing through a range of diagonal and horizontal slashes against the lady's torso in less than a second after he had reached her. His double attempted the same attack on the other Tenmei, before the two observed the reactions of each of their targets with a great degree of insisting attention.

Chakra 285/300:

Free WC: 696/1660



And just like that
everything changed


For just a moment... everything was still.
Exposed soles digging in to the damp soil below her feet, limbs wound and impatiently poised. The blood painted knife held tight within her white knucked grip; as the true ebony haired female stood there with the chilled bitten wind tugging at her clothes and the cool blades of grass dancing around her ankles, with steely silver eyes she watched the unsure moment of calm which lay before her. The stilled image of the fierce determination in the familiar face with stolen knife and the twisted words. The solid decisiveness and strength of her acquainted stranger's eyes. The tension in between them, so thick that she could almost hear it interfering with the desperate words that filled the air. Oh yes. That's right. She could see it clearly now. Her words and her words; they no longer reached him. Their prayers and pleas meant nothing. He was the judge, the jury and the two women before him were on trial. Standing there like obedient statues awaiting the verdict of guilty. They were ready... steady... still... waiting waiting...

She blinked

And she missed it.

The fluent string of complex hand signs. The puff off smoke bringing a second life in to existence. The casual passing of steel and responsibility.

"Do not waste your breath,"

All of a sudden the male was once again in front of her, but this time it was not his screaming shuriken that lashed out towards her lithe form. It was his blade. Slashing and hacking away with graceful brutality, aiming to dice away what blood she maintained. She may have been able to fend off the flying weapon before but the knife she weilded was as useful as a single senbon against the sword that bore down on her again... and again... and again. With every swing she would bring up the knife, no longer than her forearm; and swing it up to defend. The attack would falter, she would be safe... until she was parried away leaving the cool steel open to slice through her side, her arms, her legs, her shoulders, her skin and muscle. But none of it.... not one single blow or laceration hurt more than knowing that if she had not hesitated right at the beginning, if Tenmei Sotsuji had not froze and allowed her self to be stabbed none of this would happen.
She was being hurt over and over and there was nothing that she could do to mitigate this pain.

What do I do?

A quick glance at the other was enough to see that she too suffered the same fate. What the kunoichi to do? What was either of them supposed to do? They couldn't show him the truth. The way the other dodged and parried, and struggled with the pain; even her eyes started to wonder if she was intruder stepping callously over this life. She couldn't make him hear her anymore. He was deaf to her words, he could taste the lies. There was no question he could ask that would give him the answer he was looking for? So how in all the lands were either of them going to prove to him that they were the one that needed saving. How could they prove to this single entity that one of the two were the innocent and the other was a fake? How? 

Please help me. Tell me. How can I make him believe?
Please.... pl...

You show him the real you. Make him feel the power of the Sotsuji


The voice was like a volcano. Erupting out from beneath the earth crushing force with a terrifyingly viscious roar. Sounding out all throughout the area so all mere mortal could here. Warning them all.
Before the echoes had faded from the trees, a sudden and violent burst of pure untamed heat exploded from her core, in an attempt to push back any enemy that dare cause her pain again. But that wasn't all. In the same breath... in that same raw moment the wave of heat also extended down her shoulders, her back,  before igniting in a brilliant rolling cloak of heat that swooped down over her eyes and down her arm to the blade she still held in her hand. He was right. Tenmei was a Sotsuji. A living breathing naked flame fulled by it's own anger and she would never be extinguished. Not by this stranger wearing her friends skin... and not by some foolish girl playing dress up with her identity. This game was at it's end.

With a speed that belittled the intruders, Tenmei shot past both version's of Binsu in a flash of a tangerine white light and descended upon the bleeding doppleganger like a ravenous predator who was done toying with it's weakened prey.

"It's like looking in a mirror, isn't it?" the female hissed to the squriming girl... right before she pressed her hands over the girl's face, melting... burning the shrieking screaming fear contorted expression underneath.
"Mmmm that's better. Listen to me very carefully, you poor pathetic, stupid child. You want to be me? You want my life? You would die screaming if you even spent a day in my burning world. So I am going to do you a favour. I will end your misery before it begins. You can thank me from the hell you will rot in"

With blade still in hand she turned slightly to look at the male, her eyes glowing the auburn orange of the fire she wielded. Then she sliced the girl's throat where she lay.


And just like that... everything changed

As she retrieved the blade from the corpse, the flames from around her shoulders faded and the heat slowly subsided. The luscious grass from around her footprints were now nothing but dust left to be trampled in to the soil and the trees bore scars of charcoal and iron. Her breath steadied, her heart along with it and finally... when it was truly over... when she turned back to face her companion the silver in her eyes had returned once again. That was it. It was over.
She was tired... sore. The ebony haired female had lost track of which gash... which bruise hurt the worst. Using her better arm to brace herself against a tree she turned away from him to gaze wearily towards the direction of home. To the time before this mess happened.

"Leave the body here. I will leave a message with administration to collect it in the morning. Now... unless you have any further doubts that it is me Binsu, then I would like to head back.
Oh and... I don't blame you. None of this was your fault"

Your faults. Your mistakes.

And it wont happen again.

Words: 1157
Total: 6315


Mission: 2500/6315 = 3815
Endurance: C - B1 = 3725

6315 - 2500 - 3725 = 90 left over


Jutsu Used :

Last edited by Tenmei on Sun May 03, 2015 1:52 am; edited 4 times in total




"THAT'S ENOUGH," an unrelenting force escaped the bowels of the true Phoenix incarne, the one true Dragornborn that greet the world with a thousand tendrils of emotions, all cloaked by a thin layer of patience and tolerance. A broken layer at best. After giving her body up to the repetitive painful strokes of her blinded partner's sword she finally gave up...or rather gave herself up to the lie with desparate hopes that the devine spirits would find within the ruble some truth in her pleas. Her world must have fallen over the tipping edge, her hatred fueled past the threshold, and the bitter memories of her cheap double must have proven a great catalyst for the events that would unfold before them.

The earth grumbled and the trees protested; Binsu had felt a sudden increase in heat around the air that surrounded Tenmei. A moment later and the kunoichi's inner strength would have began to seep through the pores of her skin in the form of heat, untamed yet violently stable. Tenmei had exploded into a controlled explosion, the effects of which would be felt by her unfortunate look-a-like. The heat caught the swordsman off guard, ironically he had been prepared for this reaction from the kunoichi. The radioactive waves shot off of the lady's skin and pierced his own with violent intent. His partner mad a quick dash towards her victim, before slowly ending her life in a pool of her blood, her throat slit open for proof. Before the act he had managed to spit out a few low-toned mumbles towards the unfortunate imposter, before forcing her body to return to its resting temperature.

"Leave the body here. I will leave a message with administration to collect it in the morning. Now... unless you have any further doubts that it is me Binsu, then I would like to head back.

Oh and... I don't blame you. None of this was your fault".
Tenmei spoke with heavy words; he could tell she was a little fatigue. '...why then do i feel guilty?' he couldn't help to think, but the only things that came out of his mouth was, [color:4cb2= darkred]"I wish i never left your side, none of this would have happened if i had...that Binsu you heard just a moment ago, that wasn't me.'
The swordsman wanted to say more to the kunoichi, however he thought he'd honor her courage by allowing her to rest. He'd reach into his kunai pouch, which had been strapped against his left thigh and pull out a single kunai and a long tread of ninja wire. After attaching the wire to the loop at the end of the kunai's handle he'd launch the kunai towards the presumed-dead body of their unfortunate target. The blade pierced the woman's left ribcage and a second after the jounin sent a strong electric current through the end of the wire he had held onto. The current flowed into the lifeless body through the end of the anchored kunai and sizled and crackled into a violent attack on the kunoichi's body. Her body failed to move in protest, confirming their target's death. " You never stop to amaze me, Tenmei... Binsu managed to spit out, as he let the layers of the kunoichi's skills slowly set on top of the compound he once knew as her potential...

- End Mission -

Total free WC: 582/2,242 (-1500 for trained jutsu (Lightning sewing technique) B rank

Total left over: 742

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