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Takeshi woke up this morning with a crick in his neck. He got up from his bed with a with a funny feeling in his stomach. At first, he was confused as to why he felt like this, but then he remembered why. He had got assigned to lead a team of Genin, as their Captain. Takeshi shook his head at this, this was probably the worst timing. The Chuunin exams were starting up soon, and he got assigned a team. Now he would have to prepare them for such and endeavor. Takeshi headed off to the shower to wash off his stink and prepare himself for today. The only thing he hoped was that he didn't have to be teamed up with little kids. Getting out the shower he quickly put on his clothes and grabbed a cigarette from the pack and put the same pack in his jacket. Walking out of his apartment's door he walked down the street and headed of to the meeting place. They were supposed to meet in forest not far from the village. It didn't take him long go through the normal process of leaving the village and getting to the small forest. As he reached the place, he saw that his students wasn't there yet, so he decided to chill out for the time being. He couldn't believe that he had to have a squad. He didn't know what the higher ups were thinking. He was probably the last person to give a squad to, though he would have accept it as another one of his ninja duties. With that said, he would have to stop complaining about it and just take it easy. With that said, he found himself a nice tree to lean against to continue to smoke his cigarette.

As he waited on his future students, he thought about their files. He didn't read any of it. He refused to read such a thing, he wanted to get to know them like how a normal human would. That, and he forgot the papers on his nightstand. It was funny because he saw the folder that contained the kid's profile on his nightstand. He just chose to get his lighter the was right next to the folder and ended up forgetting about the damned thing. In any case he would have to learn the old fashioned way. To Takeshi, this was all new to him, this setting, this feel. He was never in a squad as a Genin, he worked all the up to Jounin rank by himself with little guidance. This affected the way he fought and acted in some cases. He didn't know how to teach, or how to lead. So, he would definitely have to wing most of the stuff he would say. The only thing that he had, was experience, and that's all the really mattered in his opinion. He could teach these youngsters how to be a ninja, and he would teach them his way, and instill the will of fire in them.

wc: 508

Last edited by Takeshi on Sun Sep 15, 2013 2:14 pm; edited 1 time in total



Sarutobi Mitsuo couldn't help but smile to himself as he grabbed a new pack off smokes off of his dresser at the Sarutobi compound, pulling his prized lighter off of the dresser and gathering his clothes from the floor. He knew he wasn't the neatest person in the world, and that was one of the few things in his life that hadn't changed since his brother's death.

It's a big day today nii-san, I wish you were here for it. I'm off to meet my squad, hopefully they don't get too annoyed with me, eh?

He chuckled to himself at the thought as he left the compound, making his way for the south forest where he was meeting his new sensei, Takeshi. From what he knew of Takeshi he typically worked solo, which was something that Mitsuo was also used to. He knew this would be an interesting experience for all involved and he was looking forward to seeing how him and his new teammates would work together. He took out a smoke, brought it to his lips and lit it, taking a deep drag before pocketing his lighter and adjusting his glasses.

The training is going to be tough, Nii-san, the Chuunin exams are around the corner, but I know I'll be able to handle it. I have to be able to to meet my goals. The Will of fire burns bright in me and I have my promise to you to keep as well...I won't let you down Nii-san.

He enters the forest and sees a man with shorter red hair, the trademark of the Uzumaki clan, leaning against a tree and assumes this must be his Sensei. He stepped out and nodded, fixing his long black hair back into place and taking another drag of his smoke before speaking.

"Looks like I'm early. Nice to meet you, I'm Sarutobi Mitsuo."

This is it nii-san, everything changes for me today, thank you for all of your guidance and pushing me to where I am now.


Last edited by Mitsuo on Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:31 pm; edited 1 time in total



A young boy on the cusp of manhood would smile wryly at the sky as he contemplated how to succeed as a ninja.  He realized that his mentality was wholly suited for this line of work, that perhaps he was too kind, too nice to even consider fighting people on the whims of others.  Enman knew that now was the time to decide if he wanted to continue down this path, that now was the time to find his own reason for becoming a ninja.  

He knew that most people have their obvious reasons...such as protecting loved ones, or protecting the village, but none of this mattered to Enman...he was a student of philosophy, of more modern ways of thinking.  He felt that if understanding could be applied and felt through all people then perhaps true peace could exist, but alas he knew that it was impossible for everyone to feel the same way.  It was obvious from the way the world was...people thought differently so the separate villages were created, and the ninja system was protect oneself from the differing ways of thought.  

Enman would close his eyes once more, sigh, and then open them again after completing the handseals required for the Katon: Great Fireball jutsu.  He would feel the pressure build in his stomach, yet nothing would emit from his mouth.  He practiced because he loved ninjutsu, but hated the fact that the main purpose of this jutsu was to burn someone to the ground.   It was definitely ironic that such a peaceful lad would have such an uncanny desire for knowledge in the art of killing.  Enman would stand up, brush off his shoulders and would walk to the place where he would have to meet his squad..the first piece of the puzzle in to becoming a ninja.  With his hands in his pockets and his attention more upon the clouds than the ground Enman would make his way towards the south forest.  

Upon reaching the location the young lad would note that he was not the first to arrive.. He would see a black haired dude, about the same age as himself, and then a taller...more older looking individual whom Enman coined as the sensei.  So, with assumptions in tow he would walk up to the two people as if he had known them his whole life "sup, i'm Uzumaki, Enman." his hand coming out of his pocket in the form of a nonchalant wave.  He would first walk up to the Sarutobi, offering his same right hand he had used to wave to shake, and would then proceed to the one he presumed to be the sensei to shake his hand.  "nice to meet you both." he would say after their replies should it make sense.




as Ryuu woke up he went to wash his face an dress up to head out he was meeting up with his sensei and his team-mates,he being the silent type  he did not know how to interact with people
izanagi got to his window and  jumped outside escaping from the landlord lady she has the most powerful jutsu   collecting rent no jutsu  the most fearful jutsu in izanagi's eyes especially when hes broke  izanagi ran on the roofs of the houses after jumping from his apartment's window  rushing to the meeting place as he was late enough he rushed but he saw two kids bullying a  weak one izanagi was short fused pissed off without saying a word he got down and kicked each one of the two kids  on their faces and knocked them out  as he left the bullied kid he told him in a  feint voice"grow strong" then left rushing to the meeting place "tch am late"he said to himself as he reached the meeting place  he greeted his two team mate with a hand shake  staring into their eyes this is the first time he interacted this closely with others he the shook the hand of his teacher he said"Izanagi-Kimura,Izanagi " then saying in a feint voice"I'll be in you're care"then continued " lets grow stronger together" he kept worrying  maybe he  bothers his comrades with his silence yet still he stayed silent and only spoke when needed to,staying around these two,he had always feared getting close to others  because he never wanted to lose anyone else he worried izanagi would speak in a feint voice"dont you both dare die"it was a wish for he did not wish to gain more pain his pain was already enough for him he chose to act coldly  to them he did not want to form that  strong bond he was afraid of losing them  after becoming close friends he let out a worried sigh and says "dont get in my way and you ill be fine" barley letting his voice be loud ,tho that's what he said ,these was not his true feelings because he felt they would be tough rivals as their eyes shone with power,he respected his teacher but still stayed distanced for he was this way to everyone if he is alone he wouldn't cry  over others death ,with this thought in mind he isolated himself.



Takeshi watched as his students came at different times with all of them having a different way they presented themselves. The first student that came was a Sarutobi. Takeshi already knew this by the way he carried himself. There was a certain air most Sarutobi's carried with themselves, it wasn't hard to pick them out. He had a very relaxed look on his face as he introduced himself. Takeshi gave him a nod while exhaling smoke out of his lungs. He didn't want to repeat himself three times over by introducing himself, so he decided to wait until the other two came. The second person that came looked very different from people he had met before. The man had red hair, not something Takeshi saw all the time. In fact, he had only seen one time before, and it belonged to his mother who was an Uzumaki. When the guy introduced himself, it caused Takeshi to raise an eyebrow. He had never met another Uzumaki in all his time. The man offered his hand in a shake, in which Takeshi shook his hand with moderate strength. Still waiting on the third person, Takeshi looked at the team members he had, it was an interesting mix. Then the third member came, he walked like he was scared, or maybe nervous. He didn't look like the social type, so just doing this little introduction of his was probably torture. Then again, Takeshi could be wrong, and maybe that was just the way he carried himself.

Takeshi looked at this team, it was an interesting mix indeed. Mitsuo Sarutobi, Enman Uzumaki, and Izanagi Kimura. This was a very well balanced team, the Sarutobi and his fire. The Uzumaki and his sealing jutsu, and the Kimura with their unique Kekkai Genkai. In truth, Takeshi didn't know too much about the Kimura clan, so this would be a learning experience for him. Now that his whole team was here, Takeshi thought this was the right time to introduce himself. Takeshi took the cigarette out of his mouth and shook the ash off of it before putting it back in his mouth. Now that we are all here, its my turn to introduce myself. My name is Takeshi Uzumaki, and I will be your squad leader. I don't have much else to say other than this will be more than a meet and greet. Today will mark the first day of your training. It'll be all three of you against me, and you objective will be... Takeshi paused and took a pack of cigarettes out of his coat pocket. He walked over to a nearby stump that was about up to his knees in height. He placed the pack on the stump and took a few steps back. You need to work as a team to get the pack of cigarettes off the stump. Takeshi looked at his students, hiding the fact that he just came up with that on the spot.

wc: 1004

Last edited by Takeshi on Sun Sep 15, 2013 2:15 pm; edited 1 time in total



Mitsuo shook the hands of his other two teammates as they came and introduced themselves, smiling softly at both and quickly realizing they didn't have the most social group of all. He took another drag of his smoke before putting it out on the bottom of his shoe and putting the butt back in his pack. He smiled once more after looking between Enman and Takeshi-sensei, realizing quickly that both were a part of the Uzumaki clan, his mother's clan. He couldn't help but feel a sort of kindred spirit between them. As he looked at the shy Izanagi he realized that he had seen him before eating a bowl of ramen when he was. He noted that he hadn't heard of his clan before and would be interested to learn more of them.

"Now that we are all here, its my turn to introduce myself." His sensei spoke and Mitsuo realized he had seen him too, on the same day at the same place as where he saw Izanagi. He chuckled at the coincidence. "My name is Takeshi Uzumaki, and I will be your squad leader. I don't have much else to say other than this will be more than a meet and greet. Today will mark the first day of your training. It'll be all three of you against me, and you objective will be..." Takeshi seemed to look a bit confused at first before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his deck of smokes, another thing the two of them had in common. He placed them onto the stump and said with confidence; 'You need to work as a team to get the pack of cigarettes off the stump."

Mitsuo was excited at the process to test his skills against the Jonin, knowing that it would be quite the challenge. He wasn't sure how his teammates fought but from what he knew of the Uzumaki clan he was expecting Enman to be a master of sealing Jutsus, which would prove very useful. Mitsuo would be more than glad to throw in his elemental Jutsus to help his group along, assuming his sensei would expect him to be a master of Katon but not sure if he would guess that he was more proficient with his Futon Style.

"Sounds like this will be a good challenge to see how well we can work together. I don't know about you guys..." Mitsuo pulled out his Tanto and flicked it into the air, smiling as he did and fixing his glasses in place. He caught it back in it's sheath and performed a Bird hand sign, preparing himself for the battle ahead. "But I'm looking forward to this one!"

Here we go nii-san, this should be pretty exciting, eh?


Last edited by Mitsuo on Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:33 pm; edited 1 time in total




Izanagi over-confident of his skills, whispered (Kage Bunshin)as he created  three clones he hid them in the current locations

Izanagi:izanagi as he created the first clone  he used what so littile time he had to hid in the forest  among the trees to the left waiting for an opening

First clone:he used the second he had to switch himself with a clone , this clone ran to the stump aiming to make an opening as his sensei focuses on  on this clone, the real one is to snatch the pack

Second clone:he hid the second clone in the opposite side of where he really is in order to make an opening if the first clone fails  this clone is to make a move aside from that it is dispersed 

Izanagi forgot that they are a team they were supposed to work together  but izanagi had planned this all alone without informing them  he regretted so they would have had a better chance but for now he has to depend on himself ,watching his sensei being cautious of every move he makes not even blinking his sensei appeared to be a skilled nin Izanagi was over confident but never underestimated anyone to him letting guard down in such situations was a total failure he was worried about the actions of his teammates as well as they may get in the way of his clones,Izanagi never depended on power alone , for strategy is a must in such situations

chakra 135/150:

Last edited by Izanagi on Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:43 pm; edited 1 time in total



[OOC:: The new posting order shall be Myself, Mitsuo, Izanagi, and Enman. Please keep this posting order.]



Enman would exchange greetings, meeting at last his sensei, whose name was Takeshi.  The man seemed calm and collected, yet looks were deceiving.  Fate would have it that the man was also an Uzumaki, something Enman assumed due to the hair, but did not put much stock in to it considering anyone could have red hair. Enman would feel a slight shiver shoot down his spine as Takehsi mentioned training, and then described in what context the training would be carried out in.  It was a simple game of keep away for Takeshi, his sole goal was to keep the three of them from stealing a pack of cigarettes.  

The whole notion was absurd to Enman, perhaps even juvenile, yet despite its obvious childish connotations the task would prove more daunting than it sounded.  As the old mantra went "It's harder than it sounds."  Mitsuo, a person whom made a good first impression upon Enman would speak then, about how excited he was about the fight, while Izanagi, a person whom seemed rather shy would show his resolve and already begin an assault..despite the aforementioned suggestion of teamwork.  

Enman would shrug though, after all it wasn't that much of a big deal.  His two teammates were by far more interested in the affair.  Sure, Enman was excited to test his strength, but the prospect of teamwork, something he had never done was slightly intimidating.  Despite all of his doubts, Enman would man up, and as the situation unfolded Enman's demeanor and expression would change from one of pleasantry and kindness to one of focus and determination.  

There would be a smirk upon his face as he watched the clones of Izanagi move in to action, and would note the seal that Mitsuo was making.  Enman however was more content to simply watch Takeshi and react accordingly, yet something within him made him feel like acting against the norm of his character.   It was an itch that moved from the back of his neck to the tips of his fingers..the competitive spirit within him came alive at that very moment.  

So to sum thing sup Izanagi made some clones, Mitsuo prepped with a seal, and Taekshi had yet to move.  So..Enman's eyes would focus upon Takeshi..preparing to act should the jonin spring in to motion, yet the more likely scenario would be that he would simply wait to see how they would tackle on the task of getting the cigarettes off of the stump.  Enman would then quickly lift up his right hand and aim it towards Takeshi, then like a snake a chain made of chakra would spit from his palm directly at the Jonin's face, traveling at a high rate of speed, easily closing the ten foot distance between Takeshi and himself.  The jutsu was not meant as a direct attack, but merely to distract the jonin by occupying his sight.    

135/150 Chakra

Jutsu Used:

935 Words



Takeshi watched his students closely, seeing what they would do. His hopes was that they would try to plan something out, but that hope got quickly shot down. His students didn't even look at each other to see what they were doing. They all just went about did what they wanted to do. This is kind of what Takeshi expected to see amongst the Genin. At this time, most of them were cocky because they had learned a few skills. They still hadn't learned the hard ships of being a ninja yet. Takeshi had to slowly teach them this simple fact, still, it was cute that they were trying to distract him with so many different attacks.

The first to react was Izanagi, who seemed to be unable to hear the "Team" part of this training. He sent out a few clones, though it wasn't hard to see that they were fakes. They had no shadow on this sunny day, this clearly gave them away. Takeshi just watched as the first clone ran and motioned to pick up the pack of cigarettes, only to fade away upon actually trying to pick them up. Takeshi couldn't see the real Izanagi as of right now, though Takeshi figured that he was hiding in a bush somewhere. Izanagi would soon find out that his little move only hindered the team, especially now since it was two Genin against a Jounin. Looking over to Mitsuo, it looked like he was analyzing Takeshi. At least, that's what Takeshi was hoping he was doing. At the same time, it looked like he was preparing a jutsu, this is something that Takeshi would have to watch out for. Now, looking at Enman who was looking at Takeshi, he could see that maybe he was trying to study Takeshi. After which, he used the Chakra Chain technique that had been passed down. He only made one chain, that was heading straight for Takeshi. Knowing better to touch it, Takeshi simply moved his head out of the way and walked over to his right.

He then shook his head and stared back at his students with a cold look in his eyes. The point was to work as a team, not to fire random attacks. So I'll tell ya what, how about I do this. And with that Takeshi formed a cross with his index and middle finger, creating a clone of himself. Since you don't wanna work together, how about I show you first hand how valuable team work is. Takeshi said this with in a cold emotionless manner. After this statement, Takeshi's clone launched himself at Enman and Mitsuo. The clone started off by aiming his right fist at Mitsuo's face, holding his full strength back to not hurt him too much. After that attack, the clone would then prepare himself against the students.

wc: 1481

Jutsu Used:


Last edited by Takeshi on Sun Sep 15, 2013 2:17 pm; edited 1 time in total



Mitsuo had to stop himself from shaking his head as he saw his "team" rush off, both of the others doing their own thing. He was watching Takeshi-sensei, looking for an opening, keeping his bird hand sign formed and building up eight pockets of wind chakra in his mouth. He couldn't help but see out of the corner of his eye his one teammate move ahead and rush the pack of smokes without any real other plan, not entirely sure what he was planning with the direct route but hoping that it might draw Takeshi's attention long enough for him to enter the fight. He was disappointed to see "Izanagi" dissipate as soon as he touched the log, realizing shortly after that it didn't have a shadow when he saw it moving.

He looked towards his Uzumaki teammate, Enman, as he summoned one of his clan's special chakra chains, which he was hoping would be slightly more effective than his other teammates attempt to distract Takeshi but he simply sidestepped the chain, using his incredible Jounin speed, and sighed before speaking to all three of them.

"The point was to work as a team, not to fire random attacks. So I'll tell ya what, how about I do this." Mitsuo watched as his sensei performed a quick hand sign and summoned an exact clone of himself, shadow and all. "Since you don't wanna work together, how about I show you first hand how valuable team work is."

This would make Mitsuo's next move a little more difficult. He was hoping to get a shot in at his sensei but now he wasn't sure which was which. He looked ahead and saw one coming straight at him with a punch.

Here he comes nii-san, or at least one of them. Now's my chance!

Mitsuo's speed wasn't up to Jounin specs, but he was still pretty quick for a Genin, stepping a little bit to the left and expelling the eight wind bullets directly at the Takeshi charging him, hoping it would be enough to either knock his sensei back, or, if it was the clone, to make the clone disappear. After releasing his Jutsu he brought his hand quickly to his hip to draw his tanto.

Damnit guys, we need to work as a TEAM!


Jutsu Used:




"lightning javelin" said izanagi shouting as izanagi threw a lightning spear at the clone that had attacked mitsuo aiming to protect him and stop him from using his technique rationally  "you misunderstood me all of you ,the clones i had made were to make you think they are a  distraction, but they were no distraction now that my team mates learned about my kage bunshin they have no shadows that's the limit of distraction i could do , using them was merely to show you what my jutsu can do, i never underestimated you sensei , you looked at the shadow to make sure of their capabilities , my lightning style javelin will be you're true distraction ,  he hinted with his eyes to use his  chakra chains once he is in range or distracted by the Lightning spears ,from what he saw the sarutobi guy was the brains among their group "he said to him mitsuo do what you see fit as i launch my attack,izanagi got into three meters away from his teacher and threw his lightning spears at him ,then advanced till he was one  meter away from his sensei ,then shot the final spear in a way it would come from above after the attack Izanagi went to attack his teacher   jumping and giving him a high kick with full strength aiming to land on his  face,his attack was formed in layer way,the main base would be his comrades reactions,he then jumped back near his teammates .

jutsu& chakra:

Last edited by Izanagi on Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:11 am; edited 1 time in total



Enman had not expected this to happen, after all they were both Uzumaki and Enman expected Takeshi to have better knowledge of the chakra chains, yet there seemed to be one key factor that Takeshi had failed to remember. That key component was that these chains have the ability to be controlled on a whim by the controller of the jutsu.  This meaning that while a normal chain would have continued forwards past Takeshi after he had dodged, this chain would be free to move to Enman's whims.   So, as the chain shot past Takeshi's head Enman would stop its forward motion.  Of course stopping the momentum would take a bit longer than a simple direction change, and as a result Takeshi would have ample time to summon his clones.  This was much to Enman's displeasure, as the main purpose of the chain is to prevent one from using chakra.  Nevertheless Enman would have the chain stop, and then re-route, now coming at Takeshi from behind.  The chain would then attempt to wrap around the original Takeshi just as the jonin finished talking and prevent the jonin from further casting jutsu.   While all of this was occurring the instant the statement was over the clones of Takeshi would set in to motion.  It was at this time that one of Takeshi's clones would come at Mitsuo.  Mitsuo, who was to Enman's left would react by counteracting with a jutsu of his own..which would only be amplified by the aid of Enman's left hand.  This left hand had a chakra chain emitted from it, which would attempt to snag Takeshi's clone around its waist so that it would not be able to dodge the air bullets or lightning javelins aimed at it. So, if this plan worked out it would leave Takeshi open for a direct attack, yet there would still be three B ranked clones to deal with. would this team of three take advantage of the opportunity, or would the jonin not be so easily thwarted?

-Continued use of chakra chains
- 1232 words total



The clone ran towards Mitsuo, aiming for his face when Mitsuo side stepped and fired off his jutsu. The jutsu he used was Wind Release: Air Bullets, a okay move. It was enough to push the clone back, and possibly seriously hurt him as well. The clone was already making plans to dodge the bullets when he saw lightning spears heading for him. These spears were thrown by Izanagi who decided to come out of the bushes. It was good he decided to be apart of the team, Takeshi was also glad with the fact that he used this as an opportunity to attack. Takeshi could count two that was heading straight for him. It was going to be slightly difficult to dodge all these attacks. On top of all this, Enman shot another chain out of his palm to try to help stop the clone from dodging. Takeshi knew that attacking them like this would be a better test, and it would basically force them to work together as a team. Even it was only an all out attack like this. This however wouldn't be enough to get the clone, and they had to work a lot harder than this. The clone turned his head to the right and exhaled a powerful blast of air, loosing his cigarette in the process. This burst of air was powerful enough to completely change his course, and he successfully dodged the attack. With that gust of air, he got sent into a direction of a tree, and after doing a simple maneuver, he landed vertically feet first on the tree. He then formed the tiger hand seal and filled his lungs with chakra. Almost immediately after forming the seal he let loose a huge fire ball heading straight for the Genin. After this simple attack, the clone jumped for a branch that was above him. He crouched on this branch and watched his attack heading straight for the students, preparing himself to attack again.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield stood the real Takeshi who was a few feet away from the stump. He was watching all of this happen, peacefully smoking his cigarette. He was analyzying his students, seeing how they acted together. He was surprised to hear Mitsuo try to rally his squad mates into working together. Somebody had to do it, so Mitsuo decided to make that happen. Even with that, it was still up to his squad mates whether or not they wanted to work together. Takeshi could feel the clone using quite a bit of chakra that last round, he didn't worry about it too much. The clone was basically him, and he knew what he was doing. Interrupting his thoughts, Takeshi could feel something wrapping around his torso. It was the chakra chain from before, Takeshi thought that Enman would have recalled this chain by now. In any case, it wasn't a big deal, Takeshi just raised his hands from his pockets and grabbed the chain. Without exerting too much force, he broke the chain with his hands. The chain faded away, and Takeshi went back to watching his students fight.

wc: 2008

Jutsu Used:


Last edited by Takeshi on Sun Sep 15, 2013 2:18 pm; edited 1 time in total



Mitsuo knew this fight wasn't going to be easy. He knew that his sensei was a  Jounin, which meant he was stronger, faster, and generally more experienced than all three of them combined. He was trying to keep an eye on both Takeshis as he released his wind bullets, though focusing mostly on the closest to him. When he saw the Takeshi closest to him make a face that he knew was oh too familiar he knew exactly what was coming, meaning his wind bullets would move uselessly past his sensei. He watched as Takeshi used the Stream jutsu to launch himself backwards, noticing all three students' combined attacks making their wats for where he had been standing. He smiled slightly as he saw his teammates had decided to work together instead of doing their own stuff.

As soon as his sensei blew himself back Mitsuo knew that he was going to attack. Mitsuo quickly jumped up to a nearby tree, getting a full scope for the battlefield as he did, bringing his tanto up to a position where he could throw it if needed and where he could also defend with it, having it in front of his mouth and chin in a reverse grip, his right hand extended in front of the left which held the tanto, palm opened. He took the opportunity to glance at the other Takeshi, who was sitting back and having a smoke nonchalantly, clearly not overly concerned but at the same time clearly also studying his students. Mitsuo assumed this was the real Takeshi from this behavior and that he had sent his clone to attack. He then searched to find the clone, who had jumped into another tree and quickly signed, sending a fireball jutsu at where he had just been standing, which would converge where Enman and Izanagi were standing.

Though he didn't want to give away his position he couldn't sit by and do nothing as his sensei attacked his new friends, quickly yelling "Guys, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" assuming that had they not seen it coming before, they would now. He quickly jumped to another tree closer to where the fireball had come from and prepared for another hand to hand attack, hoping his teammates would have some way of figuring out how to deal with the clone. He perched once more hoping to see if he could spot the clone, and also preparing another jutsu while he scanned ahead. When he did find it he jumped towards it, hoping to leave an opening for his friends to attack as he threw his tanto expertly towards the clone in a way that it would stick in the tree if it missed, preparing to strike with his opened palm on his left hand side.

Gotta draw him towards me nii-san, gotta give them some time!





Izanagi had replied to his teacher's effectively ,Izanagi had heard his teammate yelling giving his position away for their sake ,izanagi would then be warned by his teachers attacks and would then dodge it, izanagi realized by their attacks they may have just been attack dodge game to his teacher as they focused on distracting him that it turned into an attack the teacher instead of grabbing the main object place on the stump , Izanagi would signal  for his friends  using his hands to regroup and hide somewhere away from the teacher,so that they would be capable of planning and putting up a good strategy to grab the pack of cigarets his teacher had placed on a stump "read between the lines" remembering what his parents had taught him izanagi, remembering the expression his teacher had made when they worked separately , maybe  grabbing the cigarets was not the objective ,  maybe their working  together is the objective ,they were as far as the sky from earth when they worked separately ,they must unite,their physical strength their brains their actions,they must think and act together as one that is what  they should've been doing,Izanagi having thought of this he thought they must work together , he wanted to share his thoughts with his friends ,after thinking it all it was like prove to me the strength of you're team work by  taking the stump together as one ,izanagi thought good about this one, he wanted to share his thoughts with his friends ,izanagi wanted to act alone he didn't want to get close  to others fearing the loss of them his isolation has strengthened his split personality ,izanagi was pissed he was becoming everything he didn't want to ,izanagi would yell "lets group-up forget what you're doing"he yelled  ,he had something to tell and he had a



Enman would begin to feel perspiration form on the nape of his neck and a burning sensation within the forefront of his skull.  This feeling was that of doubt coupled with desire and amplified by concentration.  This concentration put in to place so as to not allow the fear ebb away at his effectiveness.  It was hard however to block his thoughts of failure from his mind and also focus on the task at hand.  

It created a slight "lag" a hesitation in his movements.  It would appear as if he was caught in a daze yet with the gritting of his teeth he would react to the situation facing him.  The first being that his chakra chain was easily broken by Takeshi-Sensei, something that he had not factored in to his maneuver, underestimating what exactly the title of jounin meant in comparison to his own strength.  

Enman felt that the tittle was just a rank within the village and that it did not depict actual power there are many previous cases of genin of incredible strength.  In coincidence with the chain breaking event the previous attacks made by himself and his teammates against Takeshi's clone proved to fail big time.  Enman would watch as the clone used the familiar Nagare jutsu to evade their attacks.  

Then, he would turn to face the clone as it elevated itself and hid amongst the branches, however he made sure that he could keep an eye in his peripheral for the actual Takeshi-sensei should he decide to intervene.   Enamn was too far away to intercept the clone but his teammate Mitsuo, who was closer would take the initiative and follow it.  However before Mitsuo could make it the clone would fire a great fire ball jutsu at them.  

Enman would jump then and tuck and roll, during the roll he would "bounce" up back to his feet and then turn on a time and make a B-line towards the stump where his Sensei and the cigarettes were.  He held no fear of the clone for Mitsuo was near the and the objective was to remove the pack from the stump.   Enman was slightly worried about Mitsuo who would be going against the clone alone, but knew that their sensi would kill him so there wasn't anything to particularly fear..though perhaps some resentment for his lack of aid, but to put it bluntly it didn't really matter to focus on the clone when a few feet away the real person could intervene when they were distracted.  

It was pathetic, and even frustrating that it took this much effort for them to fight against one clone.  So without further adieu Enman would pop out of the tuck and roll dodge and make a B line sprint towards TAkeshi-sensei, as he ran he would weave signs and then he would stop suddenly, taking in a deep breath and exhaling it as an expertly formed a massive fireball would emit from his mouth directly at Takeshi and the cigarettes.  Enman had forgotten completely about his objective, and despite typically being the go with the flow calm and collected guy he reacted brashly.

Jutsu Used:

Chakra: 120/150

Word Count: 1767



After he fired the fire ball towards the Genin, he watched as they all scattered. It was to be expected that they would scatter like they did, but Takeshi did at least expect them to regroup. This didn't happen since they all went their separate ways. The clone watched as Mitsuo made his way towards him alone. The clone looked at him with a calm face, he didn't want to hurt him, so he would have to refrain from using deadly force in this encounter. Keeping his eyes on Mitsuo, the clone could see his tanto fly directly towards him. The clone knew better than to simply sit there and let it hit him, though he waited a few more seconds before dodging it by tilting his head. As it flew at high speeds past Takeshi's head, he could hear the loud thunk of wood being pierced through. Looking over to where the weapon landed, the clone could see that it went pretty deep inside the tree. That would have been enough to make the clone dissipate if that was a direct hit. Good thing it wasn't and the clone was all there, now he prepared himself for an oncoming attack by Mitsuo. Watching him come closer, the clone reacted quickly and tried to think of the best way he could fight Mitsuo. From what he observed, he had that blade from the very start. That could possibly mean that he was a bukijutsu user. Either that, or he had some sort of special attachment to that blade. With that said, the clone would try to keep Mitsuo away from that blade, not that it made that much of a difference. It was just so he could evaluate how Mitsuo would react when put into that situation. With that being said, the clone met Mitsuo half way and started out with a right punch, after which, the left would closely follow.

On the other side of battlefield, Takeshi was becoming slightly irritated with his squad. He knew that they were still Genin, and new to the whole squad thing, but come one. The only team oriented thing that came out of them was one combination attack. Then right after that they all scattered for a second time. This time was even worse than the last time in fact, because last time only one person did his own thing. Now everybody was doing their own thing, with not even a lick of planning, or at least, that's how Takeshi saw it. Izanagi was back in the bushes shouting something to his teammates, though it didn't seem like they heard him. Mitsuo went off to fight his clone alone, which was not a good thing, especially when it was against a Jounin. Now Enman was making his way back to the real Takeshi with what looked like an intent to fight him head on. Takeshi exhaled smoke from his mouth with the cigarette still in his mouth as he prepared to fight Enman. To his surprise, that wasn't the case because Enman stopped in his tracks a few meters away. He could tell what jutsu Enman was doing from afar because he knew the seals and how to perform it as well. Takeshi quickly grabbed the pack of cigarettes and jumped off into the trees as the fireball consumed the area he was just in. He didn't stay in the trees for long because he reappeared after the fireball was gone. He stood back in the same place he was in shaking his head in disapproval.

Everyone, stop what you're doing and come here, the evaluation is over. Takeshi said in a cold, yet angered tone of voice.

wc: 2624

Last edited by Takeshi on Sun Sep 15, 2013 2:19 pm; edited 1 time in total



Mitsuo was about to show his true strength. He was disappointed to say the least when he realized that his squadmates had abandoned him to take on the Jounin level nin mono es mono, though he had assumed that, from what he had seen so far, if any one of them stood a chance it was him. It didn't make him happy though that it would be only him. If this was a real fight and he wasn't fighting his Sensei he knew that his teammates actions would have just gotten him killed. He would not find it easy to forgive them for this, but now was not the time.

Mitsuo had earlier deduced that this was the clone so he didn't feel bad for what he was about to do. As soon as he had thrown his Tanto at the clone he had hoped that it would try to come towards him, going against the wind to come at him and he was correct. He formed a horse seal and moulded chakra in the back of his throat, expelling it in a large cloud of "ash" which was composed entirely of gunpowder. He released it all as quickly as he could, knowing he wouldn't have much time before the clone was on top of him, and bit down on the flint in the back of his mouth between his teeth.


The spark caught just as he heard his Sensei angrily exclaim over the sounds of battle; "Everyone, stop what you're doing and come here, the evaluation is over." Mitsuo couldn't stop the attack from happening, he let it run his course, knowing that the clone would not really be harmed as it would either dodge or disappear, though he wasn't sure which as he looked back and quickly made his way to his sensei, shaking his head and kneeling before him. Mitsuo knew they were all about to get a tongue lashing and he could understand why, though he was really hoping that they would have been able to work together more than just briefly in that fight. Mitsuo didn't blame his sensei for being angry, and he allowed himself to face the repercussions of his entire team's, if you could call the three of them that, actions.


Jutsu Used:




Everyone, stop what you're doing and come here, the evaluation is over"as he heard his teacher shouting angrily,the team appears to have obviously disappoint him they worked separately,Izanagi shouted to his team-mates asking them to regroup ,but it appears that they did not hear him ,this  was a battle to be fought as a team they showed great weakness,coming out in front of his sensei with cold eyes,disappointed that he was incapable of sharing his feeling with his team-mates ,suddenly it all seemed stupid and weak to Izanagi that they were not capable of defeating his sensei or at least succeed at this evaluation,they seemed to have failed ,Izanagi knew they would get an earful,this pissed him off,he didn't know what to call himself either stupid or weak,with his cold pissed off eyes he stood looking at the ground , the inability to work together would  never help them in the chunin exams  ,tho not united yet ,he was happy as he felt that each one of them had the thought of supporting each other even tho alone,as always his emotions were confused ,he looked at each one of his comrades then at his sensei ,he would then say to his comrades "am sorry" and  repeat what he said to his sensei,he felt guilt for not working together,but whats done is done ,no use crying over spilled milk,he thought that if they go again ,they should work together  , and so he would say what he has to say .



Enman would watch as his fire ball jutsu cascaded down the grassy plain, eating it away like a hungry demon feasting upon the flesh of its human prey. He felt guilty now..felt the guilt of having abandoned his team in order to make himself appear as the star.. It was a realization that was obviously uknown to him, he had forsaken his priorities in a moment of arrogance that came crashing down with the tone of Takeshi-sensei's voice. Enman would have a dejected look upon his faces,, his eyes glowering at the ground as he sluggishly made his way towards his sensei. Despite all the facades, all the "coolness" he excused Enman was still after all a fifteen year old boy filled with naivety and pride. He knew what he had done was wrong, he knew that he had probably overestimated Mitsuo, and had underestimated Izanagi. Enman would walk over the charred ground, make it to Takeshi-sensei and would await for whatever it was the angry guy had to say. Enman would stop looking at the ground and would defiantly look Takeshi in the eye. "I don't really get why you're angry...sure you say we need to work as a easy for you to've never done anything with anyone...I know who you are..I know all about you.. I checked you out when I figured you you'd be my teacher....tch...I don't know these people..and they seem like cool dudes and all but it's preposterous to expect us to just congeal as if we have known each other all our lives...come on man..give us a break." Enman would shake his head...he felt annoyed that Izanagi felt obligated to apologize..felt annoyed not for the kid saying it , but that just the feeling of failure had resulted in this embarrassing fiasco. "Don't ever say you're sorry, if you do something..mean it." he would say to Izanagi fiercely.



Takeshi watched as his students made their way to the stump, the place where he was standing. He could tell that by their body language, they was a lot of mixed emotions running through their body. At this moment in time, Takeshi didn't really care how they felt, how they felt wasn't important to him. What was important to him is what they learned about each other through all of that. He could hear Izanagi say sorry, though he didn't respond to that statement. He was thinking about what he should say about this, and he was starting to cool off, his cigarette was helping him do this. He looked at his students and as he began to say something, he was interrupted by Enman. After listening to what Enman had to say about the situation, Takeshi let his cigarette drop to the ground, and stepping on it as soon as it hit the ground. He then sat down on the stump, putting the cigarettes back into his pocket. He looked at his students, letting his amber eyes examine them. Sit down kids, I have something to say. When saying this, Takeshi didn't let out any emotion. He waited for them to sit down before he began to speak.

Listen kids and listen good because what I'm about to say is important. You guys are in a squad whether you like it or not, and maybe your fresh out of the academy with no experience, but that has nothing to do with this evaluation. During this evaluation I was looking for three things. One of these three things was personal ability, meaning your individual skill. Adaptably, this one is obvious. And the last but most important is teamwork. This is the thing that could keep you from death out there on the battlefield, and do you wanna know what I saw out there? Mitsuo, your teammate, fighting a Jounin level enemy by himself. It doesn't matter if I've never been in a squad myself, or if you were still new to each other. The fact of the matter is, your teammate needed your help. That has nothing to do with chemistry or me and my experience, THAT'S FUCKIN COMMON SENSE PEOPLE! Takeshi gave himself a moment to calm down before continuing the conversation any further.

There was once a great man who said that "In the ninja world, those who break the rules are trash, that's true, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash."Let that sink in for a moment before saying anything else.

wc: 3052

Last edited by Takeshi on Sun Sep 15, 2013 2:20 pm; edited 1 time in total



"There was once a great man who said that "In the ninja world, those who break the rules are trash, that's true, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash."Let that sink in for a moment before saying anything else." Takeshi spoke of Hatake Kakashi, who was a hero of the village long ago, and one of the leaders of the Unified Shinobi Forces. He had heard the words before and he had always thought them to be important. Mitsuo's brother had died because they weren't able to work as a team, and he still felt responsible about this to this day. He didn't think that his squadmates had fully grasped the seriousness of what they were doing. He had realized that going up against a jounin was a little headstrong of him, his abilities were great but not that great, and he shouldn't have assumed his teammates would automatically fall him. He could have organized a plan...

"Enman, Izanagi, I want the seriousness of this situation to set in..." Mitsuo's voice cracked a little, smile vanished from his face. "Five years ago, when I had originally graduated from the academy, my brother and I went on a mission together, along with a squad we had been placed in. We ended up getting attacked by some Kiri-nin on the way and our Sensei tried to protect us by fighting them. He didn't realize there were two assailants and my brother and I stood back to back, trying to guard one another. I decided that I needed to run off and do something....something stupid anyway, it's not important... The second Kiri-nin instantly took the opportunity and attacked my brother, dealing a fatal blow to him. By the time I had gotten back to him after hearing his scream our charge was dead, the enemies were gone, and my brother was laying on the ground. He died in my arms...." He wiped his eyes, not believing he could show such weakness in front of these two, but knowing that he had to say his piece. "If this was a real fight and you had done what you did, I would be dead right now. You would be holding my dead body in your arms. It's hard to lose a comrade, just as hard as to lose a brother..." Mitsuo stopped, lit a smoke, took a deep drag and held the smoke there, letting his head go light before releasing.

"I'm sorry Sensei, I failed my team, I will do better in the future," Mitsuo stated before looking around at his team and back to his sensei, standing again and pacing back and forth as he tended to do from time to time, waiting to hear what the others would have to say about the atrocious test.



"There was once a great man who said that "In the ninja world, those who break the rules are trash, that's true, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash."Let that sink in for a moment before saying anything else."

hearing those words Izanagi started thinking "i was running away scared from others loss and so i didn't want to get close to others

i wanted to remain alone i worked alone i stayed away from others ,i never got involved "
he then would hear Mitsuo's  story  his eyes widened when he heard the last sentence "my brother was laying on the ground. He died in my arms...." tears were trapped in them from what he heard he remembered his last mother's words
"you will protect others and become a hero i know you can do it you are my son after all...i love you"

izanagi would wipe his teary eyes,and a brave look of a hawk would flash in  his  eyes  "if i have wings to spread I'll spread em to protect the ones i love ,as far as my wings are spread  as much as i will protect  under my wings I'll keep the ones i care and those two are no exception I'll fight for them till the day i die"

Izanagi stood up after he sat down

"we are a team so i want you to do as i will,you guys are my comrades and my friends ,I'll fight for you two and you guys do the same for me,this time we wont fight alone we will become one mind and one body - i lost my parents  and i know the feeling of holding a  dying loved one in you hands and i never want to experience that again i was running i kept running away scared of getting involved and losing more,but that's the past along side you two"

as he is about to finish his sentence his chakra  would start burning strongly like a series of explosions in his body , he would continue his sentence "FIGHT!" a fierce look possessed his eyes as if he finally broke thru the wall of fear  that was holding him down.

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