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1Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Empty Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Fri May 23, 2014 12:38 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu


2Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Empty Re: Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Sun May 25, 2014 9:47 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Waking up wasn't one of the things Risu had on her list of favorite things, on the contrary even, she hated the moment where the noise finally reached her consciousness, the sounds of people outside waking her up, forcing her to look into the bright light behind the curtains and realize that it had become a new day again. However, after her promotion to an ANBU member, her dream ever since she became a genin, the young woman had gone to a new place to live, hiding in the farmost northern part of the village, living in the privately assigned quarters for all ANBU members, which meant that she woke up in an entirely different place than usual, but it also meant no Uncle watching her and tracking her every move nor any of his goons trying to follow her around.

Around her new place, no one knew who exactly she was, even though they had a hunch with her skin and appearance, most of her missions required the use of the mask and armor of the ANBU, making it so that she would no longer be one specific shinobi, but a part of an elite unit.

Pulling on her traditional ANBU outfit, along with the new mask she had gotten, a one of a kind ANBU mask to hide her face and her hair bound in a high placed, braided tail Risu ventured outside of the building she now resided in, making her way over the rooftops in the direction of the mission board, where she was obliged to remove her mask from her face just so she could be notified by other shinobi who were simply doing their job.

When she got to the board itself, she took a few moments to look around and find what she was looking for: a decent paying and thrilling mission for someone of her rank, yet when she found the mission, it became obvious to her that it was better to have at least one person with her as support, since the mission report clearly stated this was not going to be easy and waiting wasn't a priority either, so without hesitation, Risu signed the mission contract with her ANBU name of Lamya and asked the men behind the desk to send another person on that mission, she would be waiting for that person on top of the administration building.

401/2500 A rank mission

3Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Empty Re: Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Mon May 26, 2014 5:20 am



Rippa had gone to sleep rather late as the night before he had a midnight patient come asking for assistance. After all being a free medical practitioner was apparently a rare thing. So he had been up rather late into the midnight hours preforming some basic surgery removing a gate spike from a young mans thigh. Obviously not every one was cut out for a par core type running style. Either that or the boy had simply slipped up. The fact that one of them had been intelligent enough to make a tourniquet above and another below the wound to cut off circulation. That was perhaps the only reason he had been able to save the leg. Still it was only about two hours before sunrise when the boy and his companions left his home and he finished cleaning up the mess. And cleaning himself as well. Finally an hour before sunrise he had managed to go to sleep again. The staff asked not to bother him for at least a few hours.

Still the few hours that passed before there was a knock at his door had been a blessing. Still he groaned as the maid opened the door an peaked in. In response to which Rippa pulled the blanket up over his head as if hiding. He heard her timid foot steps come across the room as if thinking she might not disturb him if she tip toed. And left a missive for him on his desk. Before quiet as a mouse she tip toed back out. Still Rippa did not rise as soon as the door closed. He would lay there staring at the inside of his blankets for a bit before finally tossing them off. Rising out of the bed in his boxers and a white t shirt before opening the letter and rubbing his eyes.

It appeared it was an order to go an support some one on a mission. Apparently there had been a murder and the suspect had fled. For a moment he ran his hand through his hair as he contemplated just pretending he never got the missive. The bed was so inviting after all. But instead he sighed. After all lives may depend on his involvement. And he really should earn some extra ryo to pay for that Kizai fellows medical bill. After all he had smashed the kid pretty good. Either way he shrugged and hurriedly changed into his usual outfit. The black pants and boots with the black tank top and the silver necklace of angel wings. The dark leather fingerless gloves and finally his red knee length coat with his head band stitched into the left shoulder.

Still he arrived at the coffee shop outside the administration building in good time. He ordered a triple shot espresso before sipping it and entering the administration building. Using the stairs to get to the top instead of just scaling the wall or jumping building to building. He finally pushed open the door to the roof with his left hand while sipping the coffee in his right. He let the door close behind him before yawning and looking around with half asleep eyes. Before spotting the ANBU he was to be teamed up with. He spoke like a soft groan as if he was fighting the urge to sleep still.

"Lamya I presume? Chi Rippa at your service. I am to be your back up apparently."


4Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Empty Re: Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Mon May 26, 2014 9:10 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Well, Risu was glad she did not have to wait for too long for a subordinate helper to arrive, so the chance of capturing the killer was substantially increased, which when she noticed who had taken the spot of helping her made her day even better. Though even if she wanted to hug and kiss the man standing not far from her, she had to keep in her role as a fresh ANBU member, meaning she could not get all too friendly and too outgoing on this mission, though she knew that despite the mask, the young man going by the name Chi Rippa was more than able to notice that the ANBU member he was talking to was none other than the Orochi Lady herself.

"Hmm, good morning, mr. Chi," The young woman would say cautiously, trying to keep her emotions in check, showing off what was supposed to be her uncle's illustrate trademark: The cold voice and stare. "I'm certain that you are fully aware of the dangers this mission could present to us. We are in pursuit of a criminal who may or may not be wounded, but despite all odds is still a danger for those who undertake the challenge without thought."

Before she made the sign to move, Risu seemed to shudder slightly, when from underneath her short sleeves, a rosey white, small snake with red eyes slithered towards the young woman's wrist, turning its head towards Rippa for a moment, as if the snake could litterally smell the blood inside the man or rather the fact that that man was all about blood in both combat and everyday life.

"Forgive me, Mr. Chi, this is Ureaus, he will be coming with us to gain some insight on how shinobi fight," A rather simple truth, as the little snake was obviously not more than a mere hatchling, but with sufficient training alongside its natural growth spurts, this little creature could one day be as strong as the best shinobi around and act as a full member of any team. "If you are ready and you've checked any gear you're carrying, I suggest we make haste to the rolling hills outside of the village, so we can try and track the killer."

With that being said, Risu checked her own stuff as well in a mere ten seconds, placing her feet on the administration building's roof rails, balancing on it precariously before launching herself into the air, moving into the direction of the Rolling hills. Knowing there was some time in between, the young woman braced herself for any kind of questions coming from the young man if he had any at all.

854/2500 A rank mission

5Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Empty Re: Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Tue May 27, 2014 5:35 am



Rippa would blink as he was a little taken back by the professional mannerism of the ANBU. He didn't know what he should expect from them. He supposed he had expected some sort of strong and silent type individual that would be disapproving of him in every way. Of course he had always pictured the ANBU to be some sort of mysterious society that was dark and brooding in some fairy tail romance type thing. He realized then that such expectations had been rather childish of him. They were just specialized nin after all. It was time that he grew out of his childish thoughts. Still he was drawn to the mission objective. A target that may or may not be injured. Well that was kind of a bucket with a hole in the bottom. It may be a small hole and still usable or a big hole and a huge issue. For now he would simply presume the non injured target until evidence pointed to the contrary. And once he saw he could judge just how injured for himself. Besides he was just back up after all right? Still, there was something incredibly familiar about this lamya. Still when she shuddered and a snake popped out of her he let his eyes go wide.

As she introduce the snake as Ureaus he grinned and smiled wide. Snakes were soooo cool! Granted he understood how dangerous they could be and how their venom could drop anything and their muscles could crush anything around their size. The fact that this one was so small hardly bothered him. It's white scales and red eyes alone were incredibly unique. Not to mention the above average intelligence she was explaining of the creature. He made no effort to conceal his excitement and wonder over it. Still he was brought back when she spoke once more and he blinked before checking his pocket. He frowned and his shoulders slumped as he realized he had forgotten the scroll with his medical supplies inside yet again. Still she was already leaping off the rail and he blinked before realizing he was about to get left behind and tossed his coffee cup aside before leaping after her. His red coat flapping in the wind as they raced towards the hills. Apparently the general location of where their target was. All thoughts of how familiar she was gone with the effort of keeping up.

He raced along after her. His running pace considerably slower then hers but still he raced to keep up. Monitoring his breathing as the moved across the village. It was obvious she could take off and leave him if she wanted too. His eye twitched in mild irritation at his own slow body. It only figured after all. These Anbu were no joke. Still as they moved across the roof tops he called out. Making sure to be loud enough to be heard.

"Lamya Sama. Before we get to this supposed killer that may or may not be injured. What is my specific roll in this? Am I strictly medical support or am I allowed to utilize ninjutsu as well?"


6Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Empty Re: Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Tue May 27, 2014 11:53 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Jumping over the rooftops, feeling the wind blow through her braided tail, Risu felt as if she was on top of her game, certainly feeling a lot different than she had felt the last past days and weeks, which had to be accounted to the stress she had of losing a few days of memory when she was with Kyohei, not to mention she hardly remembered what she had done or said during the late night dinner with the man following behind her, making it even harder to stay composed in front of Rippa.

"The information on the subject is quite hazy," The snake girl slissed deeply, a voice so unlike her own more elegant and smooth voice thanks to the mask's abilities. "Apparently she was one of the best students to graduate from the academy a few years back, got promoted to chuunin within six months and has had her promotion to special jounin in the same year. According to the reports…she missed two promotions to Jounin ever since because of…unstable behavior patterns, that does sound like a motive for defecting and seeking chances somewhere else, right?"

Risu chuckled softly, knowing that the smart man following her would easily look at that report and have the same insight on what the subject was planning. She had killed a comrade and now was running from the ANBU and her fellow shinobi, not the smartest move, unless if she killed her comrade with some twisted idea of freedom or joy. She hoped that she had not brought Rippa into something above his league.

"As a Chi member with the Blood element, I am fully aware of the rapid growing chances of exhaustion when using your peculiar ability without strategy and caution, Ofcourse Risu hated to see Rippa use his blood jutsu, it wasn't that blood would make her hurl or lose her will, but in the face of so many blood…things were always different and behavior completely unpredictable. "What I mean to say is…don't overdo it."

A quarter of an hour after they had passed the main gates, Risu noticed a trail of black spots in the light green grass on the hills, which needed some observation, which immediately made it obvious that the person they were searching had come past this place and was seemingly heading to the border of the Fire nation from that place, yet the trail also made it apparent that despite the entire trail of blood droplets, the wound wasn't fatal or even more than simply hindering, it meant they really had to watch themselves.

1291/2500 A rank mission

7Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Empty Re: Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Wed May 28, 2014 10:22 am



He listened as the mysterious woman before him informed him in detail about the targets history. A prodigy at a young age but her efforts had only driven her so far. Something due to unstable behavior. He himself had chosen to take it slow. Having been a genin till only a couple months back. Something had held him back be it emotional or mental. But he had truly just wanted to study and be as informed as he could be before taking another step into his career. But still he wondered just how stable his behavior was. There was a girl that seemed to adore him but unlike any other man his age he had no idea how to go about that. Most had thought him a freak all his life so he had never grown to feel that from some one. The feel of her lips was like an echo in his memories that he could not forget. But he felt he needed to be better. If she liked him he needed to keep up with her and that was why he was here now on this assignment. He had volunteered for the dangerous jobs to prove to the higher ups he was ready for a promotion. He didn't understand why he was driven to put his life on the line to keep up with her but still he knew it was there.

He followed in thought and silence for a time. His blue eyes watching where he stepped acknowledging her thoughts with a nod before adding his own. "Thats all well and good. But should I be injured to not rush to my side. If my eyes go completely white get as far away from me as possible. That is what a Chi member appears like when they berserk due to blood loss. If you stay you would be forced to either put me down or fend off me at my most brutal. I advise just avoiding that entirely."

He followed her to the point where they discovered the blood. Kneeling down he reached out and tapped it with his finger tip pulling the blood up to look at it. Studying it and the blood droplet patterns. Before once more he spoke up quietly. "By the way this blood has thickened and not yet crusted she is no more then a few minutes ahead of us. Blood thickens quickly in smaller amounts once it exits the body. She is injured but the blood loss is more of an irritation then a hindrance based on the amount of blood here. I would suspect by now she has noticed she is leaving a trail and is cleaning the wound quickly to cover her escape better. We should hurry before the trail goes cold."


8Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Empty Re: Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Wed May 28, 2014 5:14 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Damn it, that hurt.

A young woman, barely more than a teen, was looking at the ground below, hiding in a small patch of trees on the Rolling Hills. She was so close to the border of the land of fire, so close to finally escape and go somewhere else, where they might look at her with more respect and accept her superiority. Her old partner was a fool, but he was good with knives and the wound he inflicted to her arm before she managed to break the damn bugger's neck was still bleeding.

An irritating wound, hindering the movement of her left arm, stinging like crazy every time the fabrik of her sleeves touched the rough edged outline of the cut. She had to replace the bandage, clean the wound a bit more and desinfect it to be sure, but the fugitive wasn't sure if she had the time to do so.

After a few moments of thought, the girl decided to take her chances and clean it up anyway, thinking it's better to die in combat than of a disease contracted by an infected wound. Time was a big matter now, for she was certain there would be some shinobi tracking her already, probably ANBU as well and those guys….she couldn't think about anything worse than the ANBU, except for maybe the rumored Black ANBU, but they were seen as a ghost story, a tail to frighten naughty kids.

Risu looked at Rippa, who was surprising her yet again with his extensive medical knowledge, though she did expect that he'd be an expert when it came to blood, given the fact that the young man's branch of the Chi clan also used that knowledge to cure people of bloodpoisoning, blood-related diseases and more.

"So you're saying that she can't be that far away from us," The distorted voice of Risu ressonated through the mask. For a moment she was yet again startled by the sound of her voice, as it sounded thanks to the mask's special properties. Yet she also had to look around, assess the situation and deduct a strategy and a solution. This was not her first high ranked mission, but it was the fact that she had now become an ANBU which actually made her affraid from failure, so in a way she was glad that Rippa was with her, since he was by far one of the strongest Chuunin around, not to mention he had aptitude for healing and combat at the same time. "If I were wounded, on the run and proud of my own abilities, what would I do?"

That was the question she was pondering about, her thoughts spoken aloud, so that her partner in this mission could help her anywhere he could if he had better ideas.

"Frustrated and angry, though probably affraid for the repurcussions of her deed," Risu continued her deduction, placing her fingers against the mask, as if she was concentrating so deep that the mask would fall off because of some inexplicable mental vibrations. "A high position, yet covered, a place where she could oversee everything around her without being necessarily spotted herself. She needs trees, leaves to cover her, a high position and she might just as well patch her wound up. I know only one patch of trees, almost a small forest nearby. What do you think, what direction does the trail of blood go and how long did you estimate the time has passed ever since she ran around here?"


9Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Empty Re: Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Thu May 29, 2014 10:06 pm



Rippa listened as his companion seemed to be deep in thought and expressing it verbally. He would listen to her words while at the same time he would move to the next spot of blood. Dipping his fingers in that as well. After all a scientist doesn't conclude a theory without multiple tests. His blue eyes scanned the direction the blood was leading a moment before looking back the way they had just come from. He was pondering something as he rose to his feet and seemed to stare into the direction the blood was leading. He turned slowly as he looked around them. He didn't see anything or sense anything. Still his hands idly tapped his sides. Something was off about the whole situation. The individual they were chasing was supposedly a prodigy at one point. He could accept that a few of her marbles might be missing but she had taken down a fellow shinobi and only suffered a small wound. He doubted that she would be making such simple mistakes. And that made him nervous. What was the purpose to leading a trail like this one? He turned back as his team leader finished speaking. And for a moment he was quiet.

The Anbu with him was one for predicting scenario's and exuded confidence. He could learn some things from her but still she wanted his opinion. He had been ready to rush ahead less they lose the trail but she was patient. And with patience came survival. It allowed the mind a great deal more time to think things through and prevent one from being foolish. They need not rush into a head on conflict if they could help it. Still he hoped they would not let their prey escape. Or lose the trail they were tracking her with. So he spoke his thoughts aloud.

"I think we are only a couple of minutes behind. If we shouted she could likely hear us. And the blood trail leads in the direction of the tree's you spoke of. But I have other concerns. It is very unlike a trained shinobi to leave such an obvious trail. At the very least had she wanted to I am sure she could of stopped the bleeding on the go. Or made it a less obvious trail anyway. This leads me to believe that she is leaving a trail on purpose. And those tree's happen to be a good position for an ambush. I say we let her get overconfident. Let me approach via the ground as the distraction. Soon as she reveals herself you should be prepared to strike. Since you are the heavier hitter."


10Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Empty Re: Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Fri May 30, 2014 12:08 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

The snake woman listened closely to what Rippa was saying, deducing that it was indeed more than plausible that a shinobi of Fukuwa Sora's level would not just take refuge in some patch of trees without a reason or without any kind of preparation, she would most likely have guessed that she was going to be followed for her crimes and every smart shinobi would know that such crimes as killing a partner would not be left unchecked for a long period of time.

"Allright, your strategy is most welcome in this mission," The ANBU replied to the chuunin's proposal. It was indeed more beneficial to the mission that she would be the one acting as the surprise in this matter. After all, Risu was in the advantage of having a multitude of strong long range juts and for the sake of close combat, she still could rely on her highly praised medical combat skills. "Just as you said, you will take the forefront, luring her out. Though remember, Fukuwa Sora is of a higher rank than yourself and is seen as one of those rare once in a shinobi generation prodigies, not to mention she was supposed to become part of the Sword Saints division of Konoha, proving that she is skilled in kenjutsu and to top it off, her taijutsu is outstanding as well. All in all, be careful Rippa."

Having said this, Risu tapped Rippa on the shoulder gently, squeezing his shoulder a bit to give him some courage, while in the meantime letting her small pet snake Ureaus slither into his clothes unseen, so that she could locate him in every situation they would get into.

"Let's go," The ANBU Kunoichi would simply say, darting off into a slightly different direction than that in which Rippa should be moving, as she decided that a two-pronged attack would work better if problems would arise in the matter.

There, the wound has been bandaged and cleaned, but time was against Fukuwa, as she noticed shades in the distance. Two of them apparently, with one running into another direction than the path of blood she had left behind a bit carelessly.

One of them was clearly an ANBU, but the other was harder to recognise. Maybe a regular shinobi to assist the ANBU member. If an ANBU used a regular shinobi as assistance this had to mean they knew eachother and worked well with eachother's jutsu.

She sighed deeply, reaching for the two tanto on her back and calmly awaited her trackers' next move.


11Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Empty Re: Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Fri May 30, 2014 11:19 pm



Rippa nodded as she agreed with his strategy. His blue eyes scanning in the direction of the blood trail. He could make out the patch of tree's from where he was. If only due to the size of them. Within them was the target. If he allowed her to make the first move. Then that area would be his graveyard. He hear the Anbu with him talk of her skills and felt the urge to back away momentarily. Both taijutsu and weapons were his weakness. He struggled inwardly for a moment with the thought of just playing it safe. The thought of running away suited his survival instincts too well. And if he left now the woman they were after even if she did detect him had no reason to give chase. He could live if he just ran.

The hand on his shoulder seemed to break his chain of thought like shattering glass. He stiffened for a moment and in that moment he felt his chakra raging through him. His mind wanted to run but his whole body, his whole body wanted to fight. Inwardly he felt it. His body questioning him. Where is your conviction boy? The man who hated those who picked on those weaker then them. The man who hated people who used others as nothing but stepping stones and lashed out at them, is he gone an replaced with this scared boy only out to save himself? His fist clenched as he grit his teeth. His blue eyes turning colder as he felt the hate for the person they were after replace his fear. His body whispered within him, the blood chakra whispered within him, "Go and be the blood demon they fear you as."

He began walking as she said go. Each step going faster as he was now racing for the tree's. Anger fueling him more with every step until he was full on running at the tree's. Ripping through the brush as he prepared for the rapid paced combat. His power slamming and surging through him at such a pace it was like adrenaline slamming into him. His blood pumping through his veins like it wanted to lash out. He broke into the clearing with only 20 meters between him and the tree's she was in. He could see her now. Sitting there grabbing her weapons. As if she could be prepared for him. He slammed both feet to the ground and slammed his hands together with palms facing the woman now only 15 meters away. He screamed out to her in rage. His words ringing out.

"Those weapons can't save you!"

And then it happened. Out of no where Blood surged out of his palms. A massive surge of blood surged out created from pure chakra. No wounds appeared but the jutsu itself was massive. tearing forward in just a little over a second the giant shark of blood towering between the two of them would slam into the tree's. The sheer force of the jutsu sending such concusive force that it tore through the ground between them and pulses of the power used slammed through the immediate area between them. If it connected it would shatter bones through out her body but as it was traveling at 13 meters per second likely she would dodge by going air born. The tree's she had been healing up in would be utterly destroyed in the impact. But that was the point. Force her airborn so that the ANBU could hit her mark. After all if he was to be a distraction he was a damn good one. Too bad for the tree's though.

WC remaining 199
Chakra 180/200

Jutsu used:

12Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Empty Re: Manhunt (A rank mission, private) Sat May 31, 2014 6:13 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Where is that ANBU going to?

that question was ringing inside Fukuwa's mind, clouding her judgement in favor of the duo that was doing the mission, she knew it, but still, knowing that the ANBU was most likely the one dealing the final blow, she couldn't simply lose focus and the tracks of that woman.

Her arm had healed up pretty nicely, she'd easily get out of there, simply wait for the attack and fend it off, that was the plan. However, she had not thought about the possibility of the second person that worked besides the ANBU would have such a fearfull kekkei genkai, as the surging blood made her lose focus for just a single instant.

She rushed out of the tree when it was crushed by the massive shark made out of blood, real red blood. While hanging in the air, Fukuwa knew she had made a mistake and unsheathed her tantos...

Risu had made an arc on the ground, her trajectory slightly bending back towards the patch of trees when she noticed the trees being swiftly brushed aside by a large shark bullet made out of blood. Despite the horrendous sight, she did not tremble or stumble during her run, but rather felt a deep kind of awe for this impressive work of art. Rippa had certainly grown and this single jutsu proved to her that it would no take long for him to reach the same rank as she had, but even so, she was the prodigy, while he was the person catching up, maybe they needed to have a little training session again some day, just to see if Risu had really outgrown him now or not.

In the midst of that train of thought, she noticed the woman jumping upwards, coming out of hiding and beinch chased out of her refuge by the bloody shark.

"Relay this for me Uraeus," Risu laughed from behind her mask, now clearly visible to both the shinobi on the ground who was her partner in this mission, as well as the target in the sky. "Is Rippa allright?"

Jumping through the grassy field, the ANBU woman quickly made a few hand seals, suddenly firing off a dozen sickle formed waterprojectiles at the target, encompassing Fukuwa in a barrage of dancing slashes, cutting at her legs, arms neck and torso, but Fukuwa's blades were swift as well, countering the waterslashes with equal speed and grace, forcing Risu to throw two extra sets of projectiles at her while coming closer, as the target dropped down again.

The waterslashes had failed to do their job, but as an ANBU, Risu had to show her superiority to both Rippa and that arrogant murderous woman. Placing her hands together while running, a teal glow of chakra formed around her hands, which she used to lash out with at the woman's legs when she dropped down on the branch right above her head.

Tumbling down like a rag doll, the target screamed and roared like a ferral beast, swinging around with her tantos like a wounded cornered animal.

"Give it up Fukuwa, you can't win or run," Risu spoke calmly, the chakra on her hands vanishing again, while she made a few extra handseals again, after which two snakes made out of mud coiled around the woman, hardening instantly, so she could no longer move. When that was done, the ANBU simply placed her hand on top of the woman's forehead and put her to sleep with a simple secret art of the ANBU itself. "Mr Chi, to you the honors of bringing her into the CID's custody for questioning and detainment, I'll be doing the paperwork."

Patting the man on his shoulder, Risu made sure her tiny white snake could get back to her, hissing content when he had reached her shoulder. "Ah yes, that reminds me…if you are ever willing to test your strength, you can find me at the training grounds every saturday…training ground C."

2996/2500 A rank complete, target's alive.

(exit thread)

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