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Walking down the street,  greeting the people he would  pass,  those who knew him favored him for his kind heart, he would try to hide it but he would never back away from those that needed his help, Heading to the mission Board ,Izanagi was wondering what type of mission he is to take today,as he approaches the mission board, he'd look at it and notice a mission titled "Village maintenance",after taking the mission he headed to the storage house and took tools he needed for his mission, paint buckets,roller, a saw ,a wall painting brush,nails,wood and a hammer,carrying his tools he would see a house of brilliance but just as brilliantly big it is as worn out it was, Izanagi would knock at the door asking the owners permission to repair,as he took his permission he would start replacing the worn out wooden roof bit by bit, he focused at not bothering the residents of the house thus, he did his job with ease, after replacing it he would look at the painted outer walls of the house's lower body he noticed the paint was losing color on each outer wall and so, he would sink the brush in the paint bucket and colors the edges that a roller cant reach then use's the roller to paint the rest of the house from outside after nailing loosened wood together,after having repaired the house he left on to a antiques shop, he asked the owner of the shop of  permission ,after taking it he started  working his way around the shop owner also asked for a sign ,izanagi willingly obliged,thus he began cutting whats left of wood  to make a sign for the shop then nailed on left top of the shop, then fixed the shop front and re-nailed it symmetrically the shop owner would ask izanagi to collect lumber from the forest izanagi accepted and headed of to the forest and began collecting lumber,thanked by the shop owner he would advance to see a worn-out direction sign he replaced it with a one he had just made he took his next step to the next place was a bakery shop just as izanagi saw it , it was a nice place but the door was old and worn out,  old enough that its was easy to know that from first look izanagi would use the saw peeling the door from outside making it look new , after being thanked by the old man he went on his way again ,one look at izanagi  and one could tell izanagi is enjoying himself,  he always felt it was his duty to help and protect others and as a ninja that it is
truly his duty ,his resolve to help others would never weaken  it would only grow stronger by the day, izanagi stumbled up a pet shop  it was  old worn out  he helped re-shape it  with his tools he repaired it as if it was just made leaving again taking thanks from the owner, on this mission he learned the warmth of helping others and  how nice it is to receive a sincere thank-you
he continued repairing houses buildings farms shops  walking around until he approached  three trouble makers who were messing around trifling with others property's, Izanagi was infuriated , still he held his anger asking them nicely to stop their acts, but the punks wouldn't budge,they started attacking him idiotically he forgot to wear his headband  they would just aim at him with plain attacks ,izanagi would dadoge their attacks he then approaches them  knocking them out,after that he would tie them and hid them near a tree out of plain sight,he then says to himself -you could've made it easier on me and on you, izanagi went to apologize to the people, helping them by repairing  whatever the punks have ruined , izanagi continued these massive repairs  to the village, from house to house, from shop to shop, pleasing people brought warmth to him, he continued on and on without sleeping for two days,day and night, people wouldn't feel his presence while working, izanagi focused at being silent to not bother the folks of his precious village ,at the end of the day izanagi  on his way back stumbles upon a abandoned rundown house ,izanagi knocked but it turns out it wasn't abandoned ,an old fragile lady would answer he would ask her if shes living alone he asked her about her needs he fulfilled her in-house needs along side repairs and painting to renew her house  he knew that fate has abandoned this old lady and thus his thoughts were"even if its not my mission how  to fulfill her needs aside from repairs i am still going to help her "izanagi would excuse himself as he is leaving the lady would thank him sincerely it was a thanks given from the bottom of ones heart a one that could calm a raging sea,Izanagi replied to her with a smile and left without a word, he felt fulfilled , walking back to kenta's office he quietly said "mission complete"  his thoughts contained no regret, taking the mission cleared his mind, he actually enjoyed it pretty much,leaving kenta's office izanagi would wonder asking himself"i wonder whats next..well be what it may I'll always be steady and ready"
izanagi's words were said as if he is confronting his Fate
Izanagi heading home in this beautiful calm night   with a passionate smile sticking to his face

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