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Rinshi began making his way home after a long gruesome day and wished for it to be over.  The sky had an orange hue to it due to the setting sun.  Rinshi walked up to his front door to find an envelope sticking under it, the envelope gave him a sign that work was involved.  Rinshi reached down to pull the letter from under the door, and began to open the envelope while leaning against his front door.  The script read that he was needed for a higher ranked mission, due to the shortage of higher level shinobi.  Apparently, Rinshi was to meet a man known as Owydelu of the Senju clan, where the man would give him further information on the task given.

Rinshi left from his front porch to the designated meeting position, coincidentally it would be atop the Hokage Mountain.  Rinshi began his walk to the infamous face mountain for the meeting.  Rinshi walked down the streets of the Northeastern District towards the direction of the Academy, seeing the two recently graduated Akane and Chio bickering as usual.  Rinshi took a quick look up to see that the sky had darken but no stars meaning night was approaching, he began to walk with a slightly faster pace to the mountain.  Walking up the access stairs to the peak of the mountain, he never realized that the mountain was this high.

Rinshi wasn't the biggest fan of night work, nor was he a fan of working without a bite to eat.  Rinshi took a gaze upon the nightlife beauty of the village.  Rinshi had never seen the village like this, nor had he ever been atop of the mountain.  Rinshi took a gaze and was warmed by the lights and paper lanterns that floated in front of him to the night sky, Rinshi then heard someone approaching.  The man was slightly shorter than him, but by appearance it was clear he was older.  Rinshi with a sigh and a hunch of his shoulders, bringing his hands behind his head asked the man.  ”I assumme you are Owydelu, of the Senju clan, I presume.”

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