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1Shenlong [S-rank Combat] Empty Shenlong [S-rank Combat] Wed Jul 24, 2013 6:27 am



Name: Shenlong
Rank: S
Species: Spiritual Dragon
The dragon’s scales are blue and purple, and overall massive in size in comparison to a lizard’s. It has many horns and long mustache-like whispers and a beard, all of which are blue as well. It has four hind legs; a pair about a third of the way down its body and another pair at about two thirds of the way down. Its entire length spans about seventy five feet with a diameter of ten feet. Its feet have five toes, making it an imperial dragon among spiritual dragons. Though it has no wings it is capable of swift and silent flight. It has a more subtle form in which it can switch to at any time, the butterfly.

In its butterfly form, it is capable of flight despite its holes in its wings. Its speed is also the same as that of its dragon form. Its wings and body are bright blue and black, and seems to shine in the light. Its eyes glow faintly when in the dark and when it flits around, the dust from its wings sparkle for a moment before dissipating.
Personality: Much like other dragons, Shenlong is old and wise. It has taking a particular liking to Midnight and as such, does as he asks without question, though Shenlong still has the choice. It has no gender and therefore holds no particular disposition with any gender of humans. A very giving creature, Shenlong used to oversee the land, bringing rain when it was needed to make the land fertile again. However, it is not a being that goes on living a thankless life. If taken for granted, Shenlong would conjure up storms and lightning to destroy the land and heathens. Now at Midnight’s side, he takes out his anger at Midnight’s enemies. Shenlong has also taught Midnight the draconic language, so that they can converse in its native tongue rather than Midnight's.

Note: This is a free Legendary S rank Event Prize. Confirmation here.

Last edited by Midnight on Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:22 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Shenlong [S-rank Combat] Empty Re: Shenlong [S-rank Combat] Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:09 pm



First things first, I know you are owed this from before, but if you still have it I'd like a link to some kind of confirmation of this somewhere on the app.

Now onto the pet~

Oushi- Is this maintainable or is it a pay per activation thing?

Fukiareru- The cooldown needs to be much longer. 3 posts is a D-rank cooldown. Also the barrier's defensive capabilities need to be expounded upon. Standard for defensive jutsu is blocking one jutsu above its own rank and 2 of its own rank. But since it is also an offensive jutsu, I'd lower that to being capable of blocking a single attack of its own rank, 2 of one rank lower. The reflection is too powerful for everything else this jutsu is capable of, reduce it to reflecting C ranks. How deep are the cuts caused by the shattering of the barrier?

Shuurai- Is there any impact or piercing damage from the beam or just burns? And increase the cool down.

Bouheki- This looks fine. Once you increase the cooldown, that is.

3Shenlong [S-rank Combat] Empty Re: Shenlong [S-rank Combat] Wed Jul 24, 2013 5:04 pm



Confirmation by Gin in lieu of Trilby:

Oushi - Uhh. Pay per activation. The talking shouldn't cost anything... but if it does, I might have to drop it.

Fukiareru - Edited

Shuurai - Nope, just burns. And edited.

Bouheki - Edited.

4Shenlong [S-rank Combat] Empty Re: Shenlong [S-rank Combat] Wed Jul 24, 2013 5:51 pm



Oushi- Well you made it a jutsu. Jutso cost chakra, even at E rank.

Cooldowns for your 2 A ranks still need to be a bit longer, but otherwise they look fine.

Bouheki- The more I look at this, the more I don't like completely blocking A rank jutsu. It can completely block B rank and below, but A rank jutsu should be able to break it after a few hits.

5Shenlong [S-rank Combat] Empty Re: Shenlong [S-rank Combat] Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:22 pm



Oushi: Changed it to Rankouge

A-Ranks: edited

Bouheki: edited

6Shenlong [S-rank Combat] Empty Re: Shenlong [S-rank Combat] Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:32 pm



Shenlong ~1/2 Approved~

Dragonballs must be app'd as a separate item however.

7Shenlong [S-rank Combat] Empty Re: Shenlong [S-rank Combat] Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:10 pm



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