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1Little Akibear [E-Rank Non Combat Pet] Empty Little Akibear [E-Rank Non Combat Pet] Wed Jan 29, 2014 6:40 pm



Name: Akita
Nicknames: Aki, Little Aki, Akibear (when she's as cuddly as a teddy bear), Akiwolf (when she's hyper)
Gender: Female
Species: Dog (Australian Shepherd mix)

Little Akibear [E-Rank Non Combat Pet] Vg3ggd69a7ven5t2gf

(For copyright: Pictures were all taken by me.)

Personality: Akita stands 22 inches tall at the shoulder. She is very intelligent, stubborn, playful and most importantly, ALWAYS hungry. Indoors, she tends to be a real couchpotato (unless she starts looking for food), but the moment you go out with her, she turns into a bundle of energy.
She also loves water; if there is anywhere a lake nearby, you can bet on her jumping in.
Akita is very loyal to Suzuna and always stays close by her side.

(Could you deduct the ryo from my main account Misoka?)



Approved for 30 ryo.

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