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1Tsukeru (E - Rank Non combat pet) Empty Tsukeru (E - Rank Non combat pet) Sun Jun 23, 2013 2:49 am



Name: Tsukeru

 He is a lizard. :)

Tsukeru (E - Rank Non combat pet) Desert-survival-7
Like most creatures of his species, Tsukeru loves the heat.
Spending most of his time, either hanging off Tenmei's shoulder or snuggled away between the folds of her clothes or in a pocket somewhere, he is most docile when in the comforts of a warm area.
However, when not sleeping the days away, the small lizard has proven himself to be immensely protective, loyal and highly receptive to other peoples feelings.
He is untrusting, bad tempered and will hiss and doesn't like it when people touch his tail or stomach.

But despite his colourful appearance and the razor sharp claws, Tsukeru was the runt of the litter and too tiny to do any thing except for hiss at people it doesn't like and eat flies.

Oh yeah! He is also a glutton. 

Last edited by Tenmei on Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:01 am; edited 1 time in total

2Tsukeru (E - Rank Non combat pet) Empty Re: Tsukeru (E - Rank Non combat pet) Sun Jun 23, 2013 2:58 am


1/2 Approved!

3Tsukeru (E - Rank Non combat pet) Empty Re: Tsukeru (E - Rank Non combat pet) Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:01 am



4Tsukeru (E - Rank Non combat pet) Empty Re: Tsukeru (E - Rank Non combat pet) Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:02 am



charge this to my card

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