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Kaito Ebi

Kaito Ebi

Kaito walked the streets of Konohagakure, spearing pieces of trash on a stick very early in the morning. "Why? Why did I pick this? This has to be the most boring mission I've ever had. I swear, how dirty can this village be. I mean, what is this even supposed to be?" he questioned, holding the rancid thing on the stick. "Is this food? I don't even want to know. And people get up this early in the morning?" he wrinkled his nose in disgust and threw it in the bag. Kaito continued this loop of spearing trash, guessing what it could be, and disposing of it. ' Sure would like to use clones, but what's the point? Then I'll have three more whiners to listen to." he thought. This work took him all the way from the outskirts of the village to the other end, and he felt he had probably taken care of most of the garbage and litter already plaguing the streets. Anymore, and he could have done a garbageman's entire day of work. He finished this routine around noon, and he decided to take a break at a small shop. He ate for an hour, talking to the other patrons about where most repairs were needed. Unsurprisingly, Kaito needed to enter the slums for the repairs. Broken streetlights, paint was chipping off of many houses, and roof tiles would fall onto pedestrians as they walked underneath buildings. Kaito exited the shop and decided to make his way straight to where the most damage was. Along the way, he painted over graffiti, plastered holes in the wall of an apartment, and fixed broken doors and windows. Kaito stopped when he found himself surrounded by brothels and casinos, and already he was disgusted. The trash that was picked up on his first trip seemed to have magically returned, and Kaito spent another half-hour picking this up. 'Why anyone could stand living here, I'll never know'. When this was finished, he worked on fixing bent or broken fences along the parks. He fixed basketball hoops, chipped away the graffiti on the playground, and aired up children's balls for them. Next, he decided to pay the residences a visit. The many, many people with problems had Kaito re-roofing tiles, painting sheds and houses, and fixed creaky doors or windows. Kaito was asked many questions about being a ninja, and at first, he was very happy to answer. However, after being as things like 'Do you know cool magic tricks?' around twenty times by starstruck children, he felt he had enough social interaction for one day. He did his work sanding tables, fixing potholes in the ground, and repairing merchants' stands with stoic demeanor and eventually stopped talking altogether.While working, he even was pestered by the same merchants he was helping into buying their worthless items. As he finished this work, he decided to repair what he could of the academy. Very eager to leave the dark neighborhood, Kaito quickly made his way to his more favorite of establishments. Konoha's academy was in a bit of disrepair, mainly from the students thinking they could try the more powerful jutsu they learned. This lead to mildew and fungus growing from water, burn marks, and torn-up ground. While working, he again had to deal with the many question's of the soon to be Genin. Kaito answered these questions mainly to distract himself while he did his duty, and thought he made a real bond with the younger generation. With a hard day of work behind him, Kaito decided to call it good tonight and left to receive his payment. On his way, he could already see how his affected the village for the better. Kaito smiled.

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