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It was a nice and beautiful day in Konohagure. The sun was burning hot over the Hidden Leaf Village. Owydelu got up, in a rush, knowing that he’ll be late for his mission. The usual, daily shower he took was as warm and relaxing as the rest of them. He ate some peanut butter with jelly, gaining energy from this easy-to-be-made, still good breakfast. Then, Owydelu dressed himself up, preparing for this new day. He locked the door then, protecting the house from the possible burglars and thieves. Konohagure was such a calm village today. The men were doing their daily routine, going to protect the village from the possible threats, while the kids were going to the ninja academy, trying to learn the basics that a ninja needs to have. Owydelu ran to the Administration Building, praying that he’ll not lose all the high-ranked missions and end up with a D-Ranked. Time was passing rapidly and Owydelu finally got there. “Sorry I’m late! What mission do I have?” The man that was in the middle there said slowly, while closing his eyes : “Because you are late, again, you will only get this mission that is left, named <>!”
Owydelu now was depressed. He missed again an important missions and he ended up getting a low-ranked one. He grabbed the papers with the information about the mission and he got out of the building. As always, Owydelu got outside and he sat down under a tree, trying to read his mission. He started reading in his mind :

The training areas utilized by Konoha shinobi frequently fall into disrepair due to rigorous use. You are to fill in any holes in the field with sod, replace the taijutsu striking logs, as well as tidy up the area in general. All the materials you need to accomplish this mission will be given to you by the owner of the lands.

Owydelu left, with the sadness that was left in his heart, that he missed another important mission. The sun was burning over Owydelu’s head. This was a perfect day to relax in a hot spring or near a river, but no, he had to do the Village’s work. The village was crowded with a bunch of people that were going home with their families, to have lunch or to have fun. Owydelu was now full of laziness that he needed to get rid of, in order to do his job, to repair one of the training area in Konohagure. He finally reached the shop from where he had to take all the necessary material for his work. The shop keeper seemed to be nice to Owydelu and to understand why he didn’t want to do this work. It was a boring mission, but there was nothing he could do to make this assignment more interesting. He got the materials he needed, then he left. When he got in the one of the training fields, he started working without thinking of anything. First he repaired the wooden logs that were used by the taijutsu users for training, then, using the necessary tools, Owydelu fixed the holes in the ground, that could’ve stopped the ninja from running. After finishing this work, Owydelu, in his way home, got to the Ichiraku Ramen and bought some food for him to take home. It was really stupid that he had to do the work of a gennin, but, at least, Owydelu was able to help the village with it’s work. He got home, he ate and then he tried to sleep a little.

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