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1Village Maintenance [D-rank, Repeatable] Empty Village Maintenance [D-rank, Repeatable] Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:31 pm



Takeshi recently got assigned his first mission since his graduation. Of course he was really pumped, until he found out what that mission was. All he had to do was go around and fix old people's houses, which really sucked. I mean who wants to go around and fix doors, windows, and clean up garbage? Nobody, but it was something Takeshi had to do if he wanted to do better missions. He was carrying an old tool box that his father loaned him for the mission. It had all that he would need for something like this, a hammer, screwdriver, tape. Yep, everything he would need, the only thing he was missing was excitement. He would have to have some kind of joy when he knocked on some old guys door. That was easier said than done however, it sucked being some guy's personal repairman for a day. That thought quickly went away as he approached the old guy's house. He put on a fake smile and walked up the steps that led to the guy's front door.

Knocking on the door, he waited for somebody to open it. He stood there for what seemed like hours, he put down the tool kit and knocked on the door a couple of times. Scratching the back of his head, he looked around for any sign of life. He walked around the porch and looked into the windows to see anything. He saw furniture, but he couldn't be sure if it was dusty or not. He felt a little worried, he was sure that this was the house he was assigned to. He didn't want to just start doing things without the person knowing about it. Well, I guess its alright. The village should have notified the person. With that, he grabbed the tool box and worked on the window he just looked through. He started by tightening some of the screws along the side of the window. Just to be sure he taped it as well, he followed this process with almost all of the windows.

He jumped onto the roof and got some dead leaves of it. In the process of doing so he found at least three different balls, and what looked like toy. He wasn't quite sure what kind of toy it was, but he decieded to hold on to it. After he got all the leaves of the roof, he collected most of them and put them in bags. He was almost done when he heard somebody walking behind him. It was an old lady holding some grocery bags. Oh! Thank you darling. I was so worried that you would leave I ran all the way back here. she said while smiling. Takeshi disregarded the part about her runing all the here and laughed while blushing. Haha, its no big deal. Oh! I found a bunch of stuff on the roof. he siad turning to show the lady. The lady walked closer to the balls Takeshi found on the roof. She nodded her hear as if she were saying no and looked back at Takeshi. Some of the kids out here would always play kickball out here. she said still nodding. Takeshi looked at the balls and then he remebered the toy he found as well. He grabbed it out of his pocket and the old lady's face lit up.

You found it! Thank you so much, I've been looking for this. Where did you find it? she said as her voice rose up steadily. Takeshi pointed up at the roof and then began to explain. After a short story, the old lady nodded in agreement. She began to explain just what the toy meant to her. It turns out that it was her grandson's. However, after some time he lost it, and then he went off to be a ninja. Sadly, he was killed in action, but she couldn't figure out why the toy was up there in the first place. Takeshi was as clueless as her, the toy looked old and rough like it had been up there for years. After short conversation, she offered Takeshi some food. He ate her home cooking and went home with a full stomach.

705/600 Completed



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