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1Maeda Clan Empty Maeda Clan Sun Jul 21, 2013 1:09 am


Maeda Clan Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTr2h38KLLR3ODA3ewcePB1O67Jug1F9cLzZLkmC1Nx1GZYyEXmxg

Clan: Maeda

Kekkei Genkai: Medical Suiton

Elements: Suiton

Specialization: Medical Ninjutsu

Location: Kirigakure

Clan History: This clan lived in a small, isolated forest for most of its years, only recently moving to Kirigakure.. They are often seen as mysterious and beautiful, with iconic pale skin and light colored eyes and hair. They are often described as "glowing" and "radiant". Their founder, named Watane Maeda, was a powerful shinobi who gave up his life as a ninja to go and become one with nature, and he practiced meditation and Medical Ninjutsu. He started a family and invited close friends to live with him, and soon the clan was born. Over time they developed the innate ability to heal injuries using Suiton, and it became a genetic trait.

Throughout the years, their numbers flourished, until one day, a forest fire ravaged their home, destroying it completely. No Maeda clansmen died, due to the clan's natural resistance to flames, but they were left depressed and alone with nonsanctuary. The nearest village to them was Kirigakure, as the forest they once lived in was located near the coast across from Mizu no Kuni, so naturally, they all migrated there, and have since led peaceful lives, after much notice as respected medics of the village.

Kekkei Genkai Description: Members of the clan possess the ability to use Suiton with healing capabilities. Their bodies, from constant care and healing from water, have also grown resilient to Katon, providing them with a +1 resistance to all uses of it against them (i.e. a B-Rank Katon jutsu would only be as strong as a C-Rank against a Maeda).

Drawbacks: Clan members can't learn Katon due to incapability to form fire-based chakra. They also can't have a fourth specialization, and their secondary and tertiary specializations cannot be trained higher than A-Rank.

Members: Isamu Maeda

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:
Name: Seinaru Izumi no Jutsu (Holy Fountain Technique)
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Element: Suiton
Range: Wherever the water makes contact
Specialty: Medical Ninjutsu
Duration: 1-2 posts
Cooldown: 6 posts
Description: The user concentrates and creates water that works as a healing elixir of sorts. It can be applied to wounds to heal them over a period of time, capable of healing 1st degree burns, cuts of an inch and under and bruises on the first post of contact, and 2nd degree burns, cuts of three inches and under, bruises and bone fractures after two posts of contact. A Suiton jutsu of B-Rank or lower may be infused with this water to give it these healing properties (the user will still pay the chakra cost for both this jutsu and the one they are using in conjunction with it) or just use this technique to create the water and apply it to a wound directly.

Name: Maeda: Umi no Shinsei (Maeda: Ocean's Sanctity)
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Element: Suiton
Range: 10 meters or Self
Specialty: Medical Ninjutsu
Duration: 1-3 posts
Cooldown: 7 posts after it ends
Description: This is an advanced technique that is the signature move of the Maeda. First, the user creates a mass of water using Seinaru Izumi no Jutsu, and either encases themselves or someone up to 10 meters away with it. While encased in the water, targets will be healed every post; during the first post, cuts of an inch and under, 1st degree burns, and bruises are healed; during the second, cuts of two inches and under, 2nd degree burns, bruises and bone fractures are healed; on the 3rd post, cuts of up to 4 inches deep, 3rd degree burns, broken bones, nerve damage, and any form of bleeding are all healed. The coating of water is extremely heavy and pressurized, preventing the target from moving or using any jutsu while it is active; this same trait also works as a defense mechanism, blocking all jutsu of C-Rank and lower, up to 2 B-Rank jutsu (1 if it is Raiton, 3 if it is Katon), or 1 A-Rank jutsu before dissipating. Bukijutsu and Taijutsu of B-Rank and higher will penetrate the water, but won't cause it to dissipate, allowing it to continue healing. The user may move freely while it is active, but cannot use any other jutsu.

Last edited by Nagare on Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Maeda Clan Empty Re: Maeda Clan Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:21 am


Bump for review.

3Maeda Clan Empty Re: Maeda Clan Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:09 am



It seems quite alright too me.
1/2 Approved

4Maeda Clan Empty Re: Maeda Clan Sun Jul 21, 2013 1:34 pm

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu


5Maeda Clan Empty Re: Maeda Clan Sun Dec 14, 2014 3:00 pm



The healing amounts on the jutsu just need to be changed.

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