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The morning rays of the say tenderly licked at the exposed fresh of the Guanyin member, as he made his way through the deserted streets of Iwagakure. Dressed in the standard Iwagakure attire, the special jounin had just left the comforts of his home – leaving the love of his life snuggled in the bed. Moving through the streets with grace that at times defies logic – the former geisha chatted with a few of the locals that were out in the process of setting of their vendors and the likes. At the fact that the medic was talking and happily conversing with the civilians of the village wasn't entirely new – seeing how the man did it daily or when he had the time to do so. Though the conversations he held with the individuals today didn't last long, for Nanashi had another, more important priotity to attend to at the moment.

A few weeks ago, Nanashi had requested to be a sensei for a squad. And it seemed like his request has been granted – partially. Two days ago, he received word that a chuunin by the name of Alessi had been assigned to him and being a little excited about the prospect of being a sensei to another; Nanashi sent her a letter detailing her to meet him at the waterfalls – for a chance to get to know each other. While he didn't receive a letter back, the man was certain that the chuunin would come. Or at least he hoped. If she didn't show, Nanashi didn't have a problem in showing up at her doorstep. He was just that type of a person.

The loud, almost deafing roaring of the waterfalls, water crashing below, signified the medic that he had arrived at the location. Moving towards the area were the water forms a small lake of sorts, Nanashi's citrine eyes looked over the crystal clear body of water, fish clearly seen swimming within them – the silvery flashes of their scales catching one's eyes, like sparkling diamonds. They were so free. Without a care in the world. How he wish he could be like that at times. Shaking those thoughts out of his head, the special jounin sat down on the edge of the lake, indian style, as he allows his mind to wander – while he waits for the one he suppose to train to come.



The sun slowly peeked through the blinds of Alessi’s room. It was morning, and a rather bright one at that. Alessi was lying face down on her pillow. Her covers were all bunched up to one side, leaving the other half of the bed exposed. She slowly inched her way closer and closer to the edge of the bed. Being only half awake wasn’t a particularly good feeling. With one final movement, her feet hit the ground and she sat up on her bed. Rubbing her eyes, she stood up and stumbled to her bedroom door. Slowly making her way to the kitchen, she continued on to get the mail. Her parents were both still asleep, so the house had a rather eerie silence to it. Of course Alessi was too tired to notice it. Once she was outside, he reached into the mailbox and pulled out the letters. Heading back inside, she sat down at the kitchen table and yawned. Lazily scanning over the mail, she noticed that one was made out to her. Opening the letter and glancing over it, she could only make out a few lines due to her grogginess.

Her eyes immediately widened and a surge of energy seemed to rush through her once she had gotten to a certain part of the letter. Hopping off of her chair she rushed to her room and quickly got dressed. Cleaning herself up, she ran full speed past the kitchen and out of her house. It was rather amazing on how a simple letter could completely erase her signs of sleepiness and get her motivated enough to head off in such a hurry.

As she ran throughout the workings of Iwa, she dodged passed the people commuting through the city. Eventually making it to Waterfall Point, she headed straight up the path and was quickly nearing the summit. Stopping before she reached the top, Alessi took one deep breath and exhaled to calm herself down. Now walking, she went to the top and had full view of the waterfalls. After a quick moment of taking in the sights, she walked around. Finally seeing a man sitting right beside the body of water the waterfall came from. Slowly walking towards him, she grinned slightly as she spoke. “Hello?”


A smile manifested on Nanashi's face, when the words of another individual reached his ears. Judging by the voice, Nanashi determined that it could possibly be a female or a very feminine male. Standing up from his resting position and turning towards the one who spoken, citrine gems that sparkled lightly took note of the one who spoke. A female. That's was the first thing that the medic took note of the figure standing affront of him, along with her overall appearance – during so in a tasteful way that wouldn't be classified as perverted.

Hello there. You must be Alessi?” He asked, tilting his head slightly, his long silver hair swishing to the side. Besides being an attractive female, Nanashi noted her build, trying to discern anything of importance about the woman. For all he knew was that she's a medic, nothing more, nothing less.

I hope you received my letter in time. As you know I'm Guanyin Nanashi and I'm your sensei.” The words came out warmily and inviting almost, as he turned his attention back towards the lake behind him. “The reason I ask to meet you out here. Is for us to get to know each other better. Unlike other sensei I didn't bother in reading your file, for I don't put much stock in them. People have a tendencies of being lazy when it comes to updating them. So besides knowing that you are a medic, I have nothing else to go by. I don't know you. And you don't know me. We are perfect strangers with only our love of the medical field being similar. So indulge me in who you are, Alessi. And I will do the same.” The man looked over his shoulder, motioning for her to stand beside him.

Many might find this weird, seeing how some sensei invited their squad out to lunch or something. Nanashi didn't want to bother with food at the moment. For some people have a habit to ask differently around others. While being in nature allows one's to be themselves.



Seeing that the man stand and tower over her somewhat, she took a step back to give him a bit of room. Once the man mentioned her name, she straightened up slightly. This man was undoubtedly her new sensei. It took her a fair amount of willpower to not freak out due to her eagerness to meet the man. With a smile and a nod, she quietly answered, “I’m Alessi…”

The man then began to introduce himself and state that he was indeed her sensei. Alessi listened to his explanation of why he wanted to meet her here, as well as how he didn’t bother of looking at her file. She wasn’t angered about the fact that the man didn’t read about her, she was actually rather glad about it. Allowing others to talk about themselves is a better way of getting to know them anyways. Hearing that Nanashi also had an interest in the medical field gave Alessi the impression that her sensei was also skilled in Medical Ninjutsu. At that point, she wanted to lose it, but she was still surprisingly able to keep her cool. Finally, Nanashi asked Alessi to tell him about herself. Just when she was about to think about what to say, her new sensei motioned her forward.

With a quiet and nervous exhale, she took a few steps forward and stood directly next to Nanashi. He was definitely a lot taller than her. He had her by about a foot. Looking up and tilting her head slightly, she thought about what she could say. “Um… Well…” Her voice was slightly shaky and obviously nervous. “I… I’m not sure what to talk about Nanashi Sensei…”


Nervous, was one of the prominent things that he noticed about the one who he'll be tutoring, guiding in becoming a better shinobi for Iwagakre in a whole. Nanashi didn't even need to look at the woman to notice such an emotions, her body language and movement gave it away. Though he did noted that hidden amongst the nervous was barely contain excitement. About what though? Could it be that she actually looking forward to have a sensei who is a medic like her? Or is it something else? Eh, it didn't matter to him why she was excited – as long as that excitement brings her results in training then he would be perfectly fine with it.

Citrine gems brimming with a not mistaken warmth about them, look at the woman who was now standing beside them. Adding to the warmth of his eyes was a smile that simply oozed welcoming and acceptance. The man trying his best in calming the woman down. Though it seem like it didn't work as she didn't know what exactly to say. Guess he'll be given an example. “Here let me give you an example, okay?” He said, turning his full attention to the one he will be teaching and noticing the size difference between the two. Oh she was short. . .

My name is Guanyin Nanashi. I'm seventeen years old, a former male geisha and a special jounin of Iwagakure. I specialize in medical ninjutsu with an less interest in ninjutsu. When I'm not working at the hospital or doing missions. I will most likely be founded in the comforts of my home with my girlfriend. I love anything and everything that pertains to the medical field. I also love tea ceremonies, the outdoors, children, etc. I don't particularly care for those who look down on us medics. Nor do I like rapist, women/child beaters or fathers who don't take care of their children. As for my dreams? Besides finding a loving partner. I want to establish a combat medical division. For I'm a believer that some of the best fighters can potentially be medics, seeing how we know the most about the human body in general.” Nanashi stated, the words spoken perfectly – as if he had rehearsed them thousands of times.

See like that.” He placed his hand on her shoulder and smile brightly “Just tell me about yourself. Don't worry if you forget anything. There will be plenty of opportunities for us to learn more about each other. “



Alessi exhaled softly. She was rather glad that her sensei was going to give her a bit of an example. It was definitely her nerves that were holding her back from talking about herself. Thankfully, Nanashi’s example was about to clear out a majority of her nervousness. She made sure to stay quiet as her sensei spoke and listened to every single word he said. After he was done, he gave her a few words of encouragement and put his hand on her shoulder. With an silent inhale, she began.

“Uh… My name is Alessi Kazako. I’ve just recently turned sixteen, and am a chuunin of Iwagakure. I’m equally good at Taijutsu and Medical Ninjutsu, but I prefer Medical Ninjutsu. When I’m not doing mission… I’m usually reading. I like to meet new people and try to make others happy. Even though I’m training to be a decent combat medic… I don’t like being called short… and I don’t particularly like blood… or death… I’d rather someone get knocked out than die.” Alessi seemed to shiver slightly when talking about death. Just the thought of it made her a bit squeamish. Shaking her head for a quick second, she focused back on her description of what she enjoys and what she is truly like. “I thought I was pretty useful to my last team… considering I was able to heal or defend them in most situations. I’m still looking through some books of mine to see if there’s some sort of fighting style that I can use with Medical Ninjutsu… but I haven’t found anything yet… I might have to figure something out… maybe…” Tilting her head to the left to think, she came up blank. “I’m not really sure what else I can say…”

Deciding that what she said was the best she had, she started to focus more on what Nanashi said about himself. Mainly aiming the conversation on the “combat medical division” bit of his little speech, she started to ask a few questions about what he meant by it. “What gave you the idea for wanting to establish a combat medical division…?” Alessi sounded rather interested in it due to her ability to fully fight AND be a medic.


Kazako, now that was a surname that Nanashi hadn't heard of since the time of arriving too Iwagakure. The name was new to him and a part of him wanted find out more about the clan that she was from, maybe it would give him some more insight? A smile couldn't help to grace his lips at her introduction, and how she preferred Medical Ninjutsu. That was good. Oh, even better was that she wanted to be a combat medic. While on the outside he were composed, inside the man was giddy with excitement at the prospect of the woman beside him. Though on a lighter note, the special jounin will make it his personal mission to call her short, making sure it doesn't effect her in combat if someone accidentally call her that. Not only that Nanashi figured he would have to find a way for her to get out of her fear of death and blood, for both of them came with the job description of a shinobi and a medic. While musing these thoughts, he did give her a comforting squeezed at the mention of her being afraid of such.

As more information about Kazako Alessi was given, Nanashi were relatively surprised that she was once on a squad. And by the sound of it she did well on it. He idly mused what happen to her squad? He didn't sense no regret or anything, so they couldn't have died – could they? Maybe they all got promoted, while she didn't? Yeah, that was it. At least the man hope so. While Nanashi wasn't a taijutsu user per say, he does incorporate a lot of offensive medical techniques that rely on physical contact to be effective, maybe he could help her out in that area.

Think about it. The last known combat medics in the entire shinobi nations were Senju Tsunade and Haruno Sakura. Since than the world has seen any others. It is as if the world had forgotten that medics are important to a shinobi village. Without medics, death rates would be higher. Diseases wouldn't be contain in a proper fashion, etc. Now how does this concern my idea for a combat medic division? The majority of Iwagakure medics never see the battlefield. They are either stuck in the hospital or only called on as support. How many deaths have been caused for not having a medic in the thick of the battle, who can heal along with defend? Us medics are the best at healer the body along with killing it. Think about everything you learnt as a medic. Apply it in an offensive manner. A simply technique that causes rapid healing through accelerating the necessary cells. Can be used to cause the same those same cells to turn on each other, destroying them. The chakra scalpel. Mainly used for surgery can be used to cut tendons, muscles, or even organs effectively killing someone. Every technique a medic use to heal, can potentially be used to destroy and cause death. But the medics nowadays don't see it like this. We are taught to simply use our knowledge to heal, nothing more, nothing less. I don't believe this will benefit us at all. In fact it weaken us. For because of this when a medic is ambushed they usually become a liability because they can't defend themselves properly. This is what I want to change. I want to start a division where medics can learn how to apply everything they know in an offensive manner. “ Allowing the words to sink in, Nanashi smiled at Alessi “It's a premature idea at best. But hopefully it will bear fruit. What do you think?”



Beginning to wonder whether or not telling her new sensei that she had distaste for blood and death was a good idea, Alessi’s mind began to wander about what could possibly come of it. She knew that being a medic entailed much death and blood, but she had a better time of dealing with blood than death. Thinking nothing more of it, she moved on to her “short” comment. She wasn’t embarrassed of her shortness, but did happen to get aggravated and even a bit angry when being harassed with the term. Again, she would just have to see where her comments left her. Alessi began to think about what her sensei was like. He seemed rather kind and supportive. Even giving her a comforting squeeze to calm her was unneeded, yet greatly appreciated. This man was interesting, and Alessi rather enjoyed his company. He made everything seem calm when she was around him. Though that could either be him, or the soothing sounds of the waterfall nearby. Whatever the case may be, she was still excited to have him as a new sensei.

Alessi started to listen to Nanashi’s long and detailed speech on how combat medics were possibly one of the best types of fighters there were. She definitely felt the enthusiasm behind his words. When he reached a part about Chakra Scalpels, she immediately smiled. Having tried them out during a few training sessions, as well as on a mission, she knew that it was a jutsu to be reckoned with. Chiming back into the conversation, she listened to more of the idea. The overall thought was a bit odd to hear at first, but with a bit of reasoning and possibly examples behind it, the thought could quite possibly become a reality. It was a reality that Alessi would definitely want to be a part of. Alessi grinned once she was asked for her input on the subject. With a grand amount of excitement and hopefulness behind the voice, she started to speak with an upbeat tone. “I love it!” She paused for a second, yet still kept her smile up. It seemed like she was unsure about what she was going to say next. Her voice quickly grew quiet. “Do… do you think I could help you with it…? I mean… I just thought… since I’m striving to be a combat medic and all…”


Two sides of the same coin. This is how Nanashi saw the budding companionship between the two individuals standing affront of the waterfalls. Him, being a sociopath by nature and having no problems in killing another individual, if it meant that he lives another day. Nor did he had a problem sparing one, if it benefit him. While Alessi doesn't refuse to give the killing blow to an enemy, preferring to spare their lives. Maybe in a unrealistic idea that they will learn their lessons? Such naviety, that Nanashi probably will have to address sometime later but not now. There will be other times for that. Nanashi being a person who doesn't allow his emotions to show, only doing so when it will be beneficial to him. Alessi seemingly wearing her emotions on her sleeve, so to speak, without a care in the word. Yeah, they were totally different. But yet the same, especially when it comes to their love of medical ninjutsu.

An appreciating nod were given when she stated that she liked his idea. Good, for she unknowingly will become apart of it. Nanashi's hand found it's way on her shoulder again, as she spoke quiet, almost timidly. “Alessi, you don't need to ask me that. You are more than welcome to be apart of it. What kind of sensei, would I be if I denied you the opportunity in pursuing something you want?” He stated, smiling fondly. “The only thing I ask is that you do you give 100% effort in everything I teach you. And don't hesitate in asking questions or even coming to my house if you need more teaching. My doors are open for you. “ Nanashi meant it. Alessi could come to his house whenever, if she wanted extra teaching or anything. For she was his only study and he be damned if he didn't teach her everything he knew.

Now, have you eaten? We can go to a restaurant of your choice. My treat?” Food, is an excellent way to get another to relax. And this is what Nanashi planned on doing. Besides she was still a little nervous around him. And he wanted to try and fit that, like now.



Alessi was happy to hear she would be a part of Nanashi’s plan. He had a good vision for the future of Medical Ninjutsu. There was no doubt in her mind that her sensei would help her further her goal of being a full-fledged combat medic. Although her and her sensei had their differences, they would probably do well together. Alessi had a few enjoyable thoughts about where she would end up in the future. Bringing her attention back to the conversation, she noticed that Nanashi had yet again put his hand on her shoulder. There wasn’t a problem with that though. She already got the feeling he was using it as a way to relax her. Intently listening, she noted that Nanashi wanted the highest amount of effort given in his teaching. Knowing that wouldn’t be a problem, she nodded every time she heard something she was fully capable of doing.

“Yeah… I guess I am a little hungry…” Tilting her head slightly, Alessi began to think about what she was in the mood for. Going down a list of her favorite foods, she finally stopped on ramen. It had been quite a while since she had some, so she had a slight craving for it. “I could go for some ramen actually…” She definitely started to sound more calm and relaxed. “I guess it’ll be your turn to ask me some questions once we get some food.” With a quiet giggle, she turned to walk off of Waterfall Point. Of course she wouldn’t go running ahead. Alessi would stay with Nanashi and match his pace, whether it is fast or slow.

((OOC: Sorry for the shorter post… My brain is getting a little too tired.))


((Don't worry about the short post. It was fine. ))
Good, it seemed like the woman was committed to learning everything that he had to offer. The silvered hair man idly wonder if Alessi would still be committed after the hell he was mentally planning on putting her through? Unlike what was taught at the academy and/or the hospital his won't be mild nor censored. Instead it will be completely raw, forcing one to see the ugly truth about themselves and the profession they have chosen. He just hoped that the Kazako member won't back out once things got started – he doubt it though for it looked like she was committed.

Haven't had ramen in a long time. Don't even remember what's good anymore.” Nanashi admitted. The former geisha haven't had the food in a few years – the last time being when he was a child and still living at the Okiya. Mentally smiling at the woman's composure that's slowly becoming relax around him. Finally! Nanashi didn't want his only student to be nervous around him. For there wasn't anything to be afraid. Not like he were a sociopath, who's anti-social and emotionless – only pretending to be an civilized individual. No, not Guanyin Nanashi. Never him.

On the walk there neither talk, just enjoyed the presence of nature. It was a peaceful walk. The pair arrived at the ramen stand in a relative decent time, Nanashi not entirely hurrying to the place nor going at a snail pace. Pulling the chair out for Alessi, allowing her to sit before he took the chair right next to her. Looking at the waiter, Nanashi told her that he would take whatever Alessi was having. Once the order was placed, Nanashi turned his attention towards his student.

So this is my first time hearing the surname Kazako. Wasn't they a clan or something? Or am I mistaken?” Nanashi asked, curious about her surname. Though this wouldn't be the only question, he asked her, as they waited for their orders “You said, you were on another squad. What happen to them?



As the two walked towards the ramen stand, Alessi felt the need to put both hands behind her head as she walked. It was a bit of a habit, but she normally did so when she was relaxed or content. Sooner or later, her sensei would notice her doing this in the future and immediately match it to how she felt. Entering the seating area, she noticed that Nanashi had gone right ahead and pulled a chair out for her. This was just adding more and more points to Alessi’s thoughts of how he was a kind and supportive sensei. She wasn’t too concerned with him ordering the same thing as her. Alessi just assumed it was because he hadn’t eaten ramen in a while. Luckily, she ordered something that was rather tasty for nearly everyone that had eaten it.

Now it was time for questions. The first being about her clan. ]“Kazako is the name of my clan, yes. We’re not really a connected clan though… Most of our members are scattered among the nations. I’m told we don’t number very much, and the majority of us are in Iwagakure. It doesn’t really bother me that we’re all disconnected though…” Pausing her explanation to watch the chef cook their ramen for a moment, she tried to think about what else she could say about her clan. “My clan mainly specializes in Taijutsu, but there is a fair amount of us that have been trying Medical Ninjutsu. Me being one of the first to try.” Right after she was finished with her description of her clan, her sensei then asked her about her old clan. It was somewhat difficult to give a reason for the spilt, so she tried her best at stating it. “I’m actually not too sure why we split up… I became a Chuunin while the rest of my team stayed as Genin… And with the new Tsuchikage coming up, he might have just wanted a bit of a change… Again, I’m not too sure… I haven’t really kept up with my old teammates though…” Alessi started to sound a bit disappointed that she hadn’t seen her friends in a while, but she quickly looked at Nanashi and grinned to show she was alright.

Just at that moment, the chef put out two medium sized bowls filled with ramen. The presentation of the food made it rather good-looking. Grabbing a pair of chopsticks, Alessi broke them apart and set them up in her hand. Looking over at Nanashi, she gave a light smile as she waited for him to get ready himself. In her mind, it would have been rather rude and un-ladylike if she started digging in. The smell of the ramen quickly filled the air and seemed to drift around the two.


Nanashi listened rather intently as Alessi told him about her clan. While it might seem like the man was just being curious about the Kazako surname, which he was, there were other reasons for asking the simple innocent question. Information. Through conversing with others Nanashi learnt that people tend to speak highly of their family names, usually giving away vital piece of information without even realizing it. One just had to read between the lines or in this case listen. A smile couldn't help but to grace his face at the mention of her being the first trying medical ninjutsu. So she was a trend setter, eh? So she isn't afraid to think outside of the box. And try new things. Good, Nanashi also assumed that peer pressure doesn't play any factor in her life, she does her own thing for her on satisfaction.

Sounds like an interesting clan. Despite us just meeting. I'm proud of you becoming the first one in your clan to take up Medical Ninjutsu” He stated, idly twirling a pair of chopsticks. Those citrine eyes of his looking at her, while she spoke about the genin squad she were on. A part of him was relieved that death didn't play any part in her not being on the squad. So her dislike for killing and blood must stemmed from something else, that he will ask later. Her becoming chuunin before the rest of them, gave Nanashi the impression that she had skills and goes if anything else. “No need to be disappointed about anything. We are shinobi and sometimes we have to sacrifice our social life in order to improve on ourselves. It comes with our profession. Now let us enjoy this meal” Breaking the chopsticks apart, Nanashi gave thanks to the chief for making the dish along with a small prayer beforehand.

I never thought, I would be given a squad of my own so soon. Believe it or not. I didn't always live in Iwagakure. I use to live in a town in the northern part of Tsuchi no Kuni. Growing up in an Okiya house, I was the only male within the dominant geshia establishment. My mother was a former Jounin of Iwa before retiring and becoming a geisha of sorts, protecting the head matriarch of the Okiya. First fourteens years of my life was spent being an apprentice to my mother – learning the ways of a geisha. Eventually I became a full pledged male geisha. At the age of fifteen my mother began training me in the ninja arts, along with telling me about the Guanyin clan I came from. A year later, I moved to Iwagakure in order to start my shinobi career. Who knows we might have crossed each other paths, without even realizing it. “ Nanashi stated, after consuming a nice portion of the ramen affront of him. The noodles and broth were excellent, and did wonders for his rather empty stomach. “You mentioned earlier, that you wanted to try and incorporate medical ninjutsu into taijutsu. Do you have any ideas, how you want to incorporate it?”



Hearing that her new sensei was proud of her being somewhat of a trend setter, she turned and gave yet another soft smile. “Thanks.” Leaning back slightly, she started to think about any more questions she might have had for Nanashi. There happened to be a few that were drifting around in her head, but she would have to wait till she had eaten. It was a bit harder to think on an empty stomach. After receiving a few encouraging words pertaining to her surpassing her teammates and having to deal with the consequences of improving one’s self, Nanashi gave a bit of a signal to eat. Taking a small amount of ramen from the bowl, she blew on it before eating to make sure it wouldn’t burn her mouth. It was rather tasty and made her wonder why she hadn’t had ramen sooner.

As she ate, her sensei began to tell an interesting story about where he was before he came to Iwagakure. It was fascinating to hear how he was once a geisha and where his roots lay. Alessi occasionally ate a portion of her ramen while listening to Nanashi talk. Unaware that her ramen was slowly disappearing, she continued to listen. There wasn’t much she could comment on after he was done though. Although his story was quite curious, she really couldn’t think of anything to say as a response. Luckily Nanashi was able to ask a question and allow her to avoid a follow-up question.

”Um… Yeah. I’ve actually tried using chakra scalpels during a fight once, but I don’t see them as a reliable combination with taijutsu. The amount of chakra they drain is too much. If a fight lasted a while, the scalpels would either drain me too quickly, or the opponent would find an easy opening when I would try the hand signs for it… It might just be me though…” Alessi sighed and started to poke at one of the fish cakes in her bowl. “I’ve poured over a fair amount of medical books and haven’t found anything that would work as a connection between the two… I’m not giving up on it though.” With a soft sigh, she picked the fish cake out of the ramen and ate it. Looking down into her bowl, she noticed she had already finished her ramen. Placing her chopsticks down inside the bowl, she pushed it forward so the chef would have an easier time of reaching it. Guessing that it was time for her questions, Alessi looked over at her sensei and tilted her head. “You mentioned you had a girlfriend?”


Like before Nanashi listened intently to the words of Alessi. As she described her attempts and failures when trying to incorporate the chakra scalpel into her taijutsu style – whatever that might be. Ideas of how to properly integrate medical ninjutsu into a taijutsu, began to flood the special jounin's head. While not a taijutsu master or specialist Nanashi does know his fair share about the art – him using it every now and than. “The chakra scalpel isn't the way to go if you're looking to incorporate medical ninjutsu into taijutsu. While it does look tempting at first. Unless you have the chakra capabilities to maintain it for a substantial amount of time, than you should look else where. I happen to have a few ideas on different ways to integrate the two styles together, “ he stated having pushed the now empty bowl forward, while absentmindedly twirling a new pair of chopsticks. “Take me for example. While I'm not a taijutsu user, A few of my techniques require me to make physical contact with others. How I see it is the key in using medical ninjutsu with Taijutsu is to only use it when an opportunity present itself. Simply getting into one's guard may allow you to execute an offensive medical technique that could cause paralysis or something. Like I said before, everything we learn as a medic can be applied in an offensive way. You will find that depending on your element, there's potential to make a lot of offensive medical techniques.“ He stated, while paying for their bowls of ramen “You didn't want anything else, right?”

Nanashi mentally smirked at Alessi asking about his personal life – more importantly his girlfriend. Now that were a first on many accounts. Those who know about his background, only ask him about his life as a geisha – nothing more, nothing else. “Yeah, I'm currently dating Yanagi Akio. It's kind of funny how we met. It was my first time going to the waterfall, and decided to take a swim. While I was swimming I heard a splash so I decided to investigate, only to find another girl swimming as well. I introduced myself to the poor girl who was desperately trying to cover herself up, not like she needed to. Anyway, one thing led to another and we started dating. Sense than it has been fun.” He stated, his eyes becoming unfocused as he spoke about the love of his life.

So tell me. You got anyone special in your life?” He asked, a mischievous smile.



Alessi crossed her arms and placed them on the counter in front of her. She could tell with his rank and experiences throughout his career as a ninja, he would have some sort of input on the idea. Listening to his knowledge on how the chakra scalpels had many pros and cons, Alessi began to brainstorm on other things that might be suitable for use. Of course, having Nanashi as a sensei would benefit her greatly. Knowing he was much more advanced in the art of Medical Ninjutsu than her, she would no doubt find something that would fit into her Taijutsu. Continuing to focus on the discussion, she noted a few key points that he made. Once he was finished speaking, she saw that he was finished eating as well. Seeing that Nanashi was getting prepared to pay, she shook her head to show she was good. Along with a simple, “No thank you”, she moved her chair back slightly to get in a more comfortable position. She was positive they would stay there for a while before either ending their meeting or finding someplace new to talk. For now, it looked like they were going to stay.

Being a girl, it was always interesting to hear how two people met. From the way Nanashi spoke of her, she knew they must have been quite fond of each other. Even his expression changed to a more relaxed and unfocused look.

“Is there anyone special in my life?” It was a hard question to answer considering she hadn’t spent much time amongst her peers lately. Alessi started to think harder and harder, but she came up blank. “I really can’t say I have a special someone…” She shrugged slightly and gave a bit of a nonchalant grin. It wasn’t too big of a deal in her mind. Though she could only guess what her sensei was thinking.


Suit yourself.” Nanashi stated, while paying for his own meal and leaving a generous tip for the waiter and ramen chief. The special jounin usually left tips during the instances that he happen to visit the restaurants – which was occasionally. For the man prefer to cook at home than spending money on frugal endeavors, like theses, but he made an exception this time and probably many more afterward. Anything for his student. Student . . . the word seem so foreign to the sociopath. Never imagining that one they he'll be helping the next generation along their path. An emotionless man who could careless for others well being, with a few exceptions, were given a student of his own – who he must guide and care for them. Caring for another human, who he has no significant ties to. Nor a reason to except being told too by the higher ups. Yes, the prospect of being a mentor to another being, their lives in his hands, is a frightening and foreign concept to him. But Nanashi isn't the type to back down from the challenge and thus will continue forward, making sure Alessi learns as much as possible from him as she can.

Those chopsticks within his hands continue to hypnotically spin within those nimble fingers of his, himself getting comfortable within the chair. Those citrine eyes of is looking outside, noticing the sun was slowly rising to it's highest point of the day. The old idiom that times flies, could be applied here – seeing how it just seem like they had just met a few moments ago. Those citrine orbs of his also picked up the subtle change in her body language, how it was more relaxed than before and he mentally smiled at such visual. Nanashi didn't particular want to leave from the establishment seeing how it had a surprisingly homey feel to it. “Maybe you will find someone special. Despite me being in love with my girlfriend, I still worry that if enemy shinobi or someone who has a grudge find out they might use her against me.” Nanashi stated, shrugging slightly “But I guess that's the risk of being a shinobi and in a relationship. Don't get me wrong a relationship is wonderful. You experience things that you'll never had. But sometimes being single does have it's perks.”

Sighing, Nanashi stretched his sore muscles before turning his attention to Alessi “Now normally there would be some test of sorts, to see if the individuals can work together. However, seeing how you are my only member, I find the exercise pointless. So instead, tomorrow morning we'll spare each other. The spar will be two folded. I will get to evaluate your skills. And you get to see some of mine. Not only that I will begin helping you forming your own unique taijutsu/medical fighting style. You will learn some of my own custom techniques at a later date. I'm more interested in your ideas, so we will work on them primarily.” Nanashi asked. “Is there anything peculiar you want to learn from me? Or maybe something you have an interest in, that you want my input in? If you can't answer now, don't be disappointed you can still ask me at a later date."



Alessi wasn’t too worried about her relationship status. She didn’t have much interest in it as of then. Perhaps when she was a bit older and had more curiosity in such things, she would give it a shot. Now that the meal was finished and the conversation was carrying on, Alessi moved her chair a bit more and got into a more relaxed position. Considering the way the conversation was headed, she guessed they would stay put till the very end of their little meeting. Not like she had a problem sitting at the ramen stand. She would just try and follow Nanashi’s lead if he wanted to move or not.

After Nanashi mentioned that she was the only member at that point, she began to wonder who else might be on her team. The fact that the team only consisted of herself and Nanashi made her aware that they might have another student with a different set of skills or talents. Deciding to store the thought for later, Alessi brought her attention back to what her sensei was saying. She was still paying attention while she thought, but now that she had finished thinking; her full attention was back on her sensei. After hearing Nanashi give her a small summary on how his training and teaching would work, he asked her about what she might like to learn. “Well… Since I’m positive you know more than me about all types of Medical Ninjutsu, I’d like to learn a few more jutsus for healing… and possibly hurting. Though the main thing I’d really like to learn is jutsus I can use along with Taijutsu to have some sort of use in a fight. You and I are on the same boat when it comes to not wanting to just be a medic, so I know you would be able to teach me something along the lines of harmful Mecial Ninjutsu...” Alessi seemed rather excited that she was going to have a small spar with her sensei. She knew she wouldn’t be able to beat Nanashi, him being more advanced and all, but she did think about all the possible techniques and skills she would be taught during. Knowing this, she was rather eager to see how she would do against her sensei. Going back to the talk of training, she did have one main question that needed to be answered. “Um… When exactly would we be able to train?”


Humble. Never would Nanashi pinned his student as a humble individual, guess he was learning more about her as the day went on. Which was a good thing. Seeing how that's exactly what the special jounin wanted. Sometimes questions don't need to be asked about another individual, just holding a conversation with one can tell you a lot about them. And if one is good, one can extract information without much trouble, though Nanashi wasn't doing the latter so the point was null and void. “You will learn a lot from me. Just like I probably learn some new things from you. Don't look at this as a teacher and student relationship. For take off the ranks we are equals. So I want us to see each other as such. Call me out when you feel I'm overstepping boundaries. Yell at me when you are upset or frustration. See me as an equal. For I see you the same.” He stated, wanting to make it clear that rank doesn't mean nothing to him. And he didn't want her to think that just because he has the higher rank meant he'll be right all the time, for there will be instantly were he won't.

I will teach you everything I know about medical ninjutsu both the healing and destroying aspect of it. But my main focus will be with helping you develop your taijutsu style. If nothing else by the time we part ways, you will have a terrifying fighting style that will make others quiver at the prospect of fighting you. “ He stated, smiling warmly at the woman who seemed eager to learn from him. At the mention of when they be able to train, Nanashi looked at the clock on the wall before turning his attention back to Alessi. “Tomorrow morning we will have our sparring session, at the waterfall. Afterward, we will be working on developing your fighting style. After that I will start teaching you some theories behind the jutsu I'm planning on teaching you. And than we get something to eat and part our ways. This process will continue till I say otherwise or you object to it.. Yes, we will spar constantly. For the sooner we get in sync the quicker we can do missions together. The spars will also serve to keep us in our speak condition. “ He said, before handing her a piece of paper.

This is the address to my house. I'm usually home when not doing missions, training or at the hospital. Don't hesistate to stop by. Even if it was just for a visit. “ He stated. Cracking his neck to the left, and stifling a yawn “Well if you don't have any more questions. I'm heading home. Been up for 48hours, working at the hospital.” actually it was pushing 60+ hours and only thanks to coffee had he manage to stay up this long. Nanashi wouldn't leave the stand, till he's positive that the woman didn't have anything else to ask.

((OCC:: consider this an exit thread. . . unless Alessi has more questions. PM, if you have ideas for the training. I got a few but they are just rough ideas.))



With a few more statements about them being equal and her learning everything Nanashi has to offer, Alessi grinned at each point being made. She was certainly glad that her sensei would be focusing more on them learning from each other than him barking orders at her. She really liked that about her teacher.  After a quick talk about the upcoming spar, Nanashi handed her an address. She took the piece of paper and slid it into her pocket .

The meeting was coming close to an end, and Alessi could feel it. Surprisingly, she was right. Nanashi asked her if she had any remaining questions and then the meeting would be over. With a happy tone in her voice, she answered her sensei. “I can’t really think of any more questions… It was really nice to meet you Nanashi. I’ll see you tomorrow for the spar.” With those few final words, Alessi got up and left. She only turned back for a quick second to grin and wave before fully heading back home.


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