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1Serenity in action (Ryouichi/invite only) Empty Serenity in action (Ryouichi/invite only) Thu Jul 04, 2013 12:18 am


Waterfall point, a shimmering gem in the stone-laden lands of Iwagakure, and a favorite meditational spot for Harumi and her would be twin, Dainishi. Their Soseiji blood was something of a novelty, it insured that neither of the two would ever truly be alone, or one could say that they were constantly alone, being the same person and all. Harumi chose to look on the brighter side, as she typically did. Her separate colored eyes drifted from the waterfall toward Dainishi who was sitting a few feet away in cross legged fashion with a placid smile upon her face. A cool mist emerged from the falls cooling the two from the warmth of a high sun, the feeling was quite welcome.

As the minutes passed Harumi's mind emptied of the thoughts that had plagued her throughout the day, she sat hugging her knees and longingly staring toward the falls,the sound of rushing water lingered in the back of her head reminding her that she was still conscious. -- The whole moment was absolutely serene, and even though it was only a brief moment in the grand scheme of time it seemed to continue on into oblivion, continuing forever. In a way, we are like the water, Dai. Harumi communicated to Dainishi who responded through their shared thought Water travels freely, going where it chooses, seeking out a new life as it goes. I suppose in that aspect we are a bit like the water, Haru. despite the Iwagakure Hitai-ate they both possessed, they were very much vagrants, gypsies walking the lands.

Harumi nodded still staring out into the rippling waters, mentally debating the pros and cons of jumping into the natural basin, What do -- her thought was immediately cut off by her twin who interrupted No, let's just relax, maybe take a nap? it seemed that Dainishi had always been a bit of a party-pooper, though in this particular case a nap did sound brilliant. Harumi moved onto her back admiring the clouds above while Dai remained still, clearly still enamored with the waterfall.



Taking a trip to Waterfall Point served no real purpose as of today. More than anything Ryouichi was seeking a place where he could find some peace and quiet, a place where he could have access to fresh air. While this location was sometimes frequented, Ryouichi knew others would be training at this particular moment, which he had completed earlier. The Nara had wasted no time in cleaning off and then heading back outside, which brought him directly to where he was standing at this moment. Dressed in his usual attire, one that consisted without any designs, Ryouichi took a deep breath, glad that he hadn't had a bout with his illness so far in to the day, though barely half the day had passed. Maybe spending a few moments outdoors, relaxing would certainly be better for his health.

He hadn't expected anyone to be at Waterfall Point at the current time, in face he clearly expected everyone else to be doing something else. But, he wasn't surprised when he was able to make out a figure in the distance, a figure that certainly looked female from afar. Well, two figures that looked too similar that he could spot, but other than that, nothing really stood out to him. Glancing around at the rest of the surroundings, an area he was familiar with due to his visitations to this specific location due to his forced semi-retirement stage. He had spent the majority of the past seven years discovering locations within Iwagakure no Sato that he had previously never visited and locations which were hidden, not aware to the general public. They provided for a quiet retreat when Ryouichi ever needed one. While he'd usually head straight to such a location on a normal day, when no one else was around, today provided an individual whom he had never seen before and he wasn't sure how to approach the given situations. While he was feeling calmer today than he normally was, there was nothing stating how he'd react to anything, though the same could be said for any given day.

While he didn't approach people in general, more so initiating conversations, Ryouichi slowly trekked to the general location of the two females, identical females, taking his time to take in his surroundings and get as much fresh air while not rushing himself. He allowed his presence to be easily detected, as not to startle the two, even though they both appeared to be in a state of relaxation, possibly even sleeping; something which Ryouichi did a lot in open aired locations.


The faint sound of footsteps pushed their way through the overwhelming sound of the waterfall, it seemed that the two were no longer the only occupants of the Waterfall, not that company was a bad thing. Staring toward the clouds Harumi felt little need to move and observe whoever was approaching, if they had been hostile it seemed likely they would at least attempt at covering their sounds, this person did not. Dainishi turned from the waterfall, a bit more curious about the person making their way to the waterfalls, noticing her sibling had turned Harumi thought of at least questioning her on what she was seeing, So, what do they look like? she asked awaiting a descripition of the figure. Dainishi turned a bit further toward the being, for the moment all she could tell was that he was a male, roughly six foot give or take an inch, and around 150 lbs, all of which she then told Harumi, A guy, average weight, average height, can't really tell anything else as of right now. she would give more information as it came.

For a few brief moments Harumi wondered if this guy, was a wayfarer like herself, such a prospect was rather unlikely, much more likely that he was a homegrown Shinobi of Iwagakure. Without putting further thought into who the man was her mind drifted back toward the clouds, still awaiting further information on his appearance. Information which Dainishi relayed as the man came into focus as he became closer, allowing her to get a better look at him. The man seemed to be around their age, wrapped in training garbs that seemed to remind her more of the Samurai, rather than anything a Shinobi would wear. He seemed to have rather soft features which still held a fair amount of masculinity, holding brilliantly green eyes, and a fair amount of straight brown hair. Dainishi summarized the man through her thoughts to her twin, About our age, long brown hair, green eyes, soft features for a man." she finished with a light smirk awaiting a response from her twin, who replied quicker than expected, Soft features; so, he's effeminate? she asked semi-quizzically, her curiosity almost to the point of having her sit up and look at this mystery man. Without interruption Dainishi replied, No, he still holds a fair amount of masculinity in his features, just softer than most.

Dainishi's observations of the man had piqued her twin's interest, Harumi sat up from her laying position, turning to get a look at the man. Her separate colored eyes lingered on the man, coming to the same conclusions as Dainishi had. Of course, by this point he seemed to be within earshot, doing what came naturally to her Harumi placed a wide smile upon her face, gave a brief wave (as did Dainishi who was without the ability of speech), and said "Hello, quite the beautiful day.", she was eager to converse with the fellow, though she was also eager to converse with most everyone.



Getting closer to the two, even if one were laying down at this moment, he took in the visual details of the female that was facing his way. Just from his distance, Ryouichi came to a conclusion that the two must be related in one way or another. There was nothing odd about the gleam in his eyes, as it was normal amongst people to initially take in appearances before anything further. He made sure to take his time in his approach, as he knew they'd be cautious if he was anything but that. Dealing with shinobi was a different task than dealing with a civilian, thus unable to tell which category the two fell in to initially, Ryouichi spotted the Iwagakure hitai-ate that was apparently sewn in to the right of the jacket, just below the collar. Though he sees the very same hitai-ates every day, it still irks him that he is still delegated, for the time being, to remain inactive; still not even cleared to do menial tasks that civilians can accomplish. His training exerts more energy than that of the missions he would have to take initially, as is the way of the shinobi ranks.

Clearing those thoughts away, he resumed his initial glance at the two, well rather one as the other was laying down. He could clearly tell she was doing the same, yet preoccupied with something else at the same time. His senses, while still a civilian in name, remained that of a shinobi, the direction he wanted to resume one day, something he would resume one day. Upon getting even closer, within hearing distance, the other of the two sat up, presumably to greet the stranger, in this case himself. When she turned to glance his way, the resemblance between herself and the other, there was a logical conclusion that seemed to form in Ryouichi's mind. Twins.

The sounds of nature were broken, but the noise breaking the natural beauty of the environment itself seemed to fit right in, as if it belonged. There was no harshness and just a simple wave of the hand before the now sitting individual spoke. "Hello, quite the beautiful day." Taking a brief second, before he returned a wave of sorts, more so a knod of acknowledgement and a brief raise of the hand to return the cheerful wave, or rather waves, directed his way. Clearing his throat, though he had no need to, Ryouichi spoke with calmness in his voice, a pleasant tone that he usually took up with individuals who he comes across for the first time. "It is. I did not expect to find anyone here at this particular time, though I guess it is uncommon. I'm Nara, Ryouichi, pleasure to meet you. And you two are?" Pleasantries always seemed like a must, even if they were ingrained to him, but he'd rather prefer to forgo them with people who he was familiar with. The words he spoke just a moment ago seemed to repetitive for his own taste, probably from using them and hearing the same words used, except for the name of course.

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