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Owydelu found himself with Akai in the Dense Forest. I lifted my face, letting the light and shadow dance across my skin. Bees hummed in and out of the pennyroyal. I inhaled its minty smell and continued on, delighting in the sound of my feet sliding through the leaves. The light was fading, creating new shadows and dark patches around me. Eyes glimmered from tree hollows. The wind wailed between distorted trunks, carrying the sickly stink of wood rot. I moved faster, ignoring the briars that caught at my pants, the damp leaves that grimed my skin.
Wherever you were looking, you could only see the green and the brown of the trees and leaves. It was like a constantly repetitive color combination. Trees as far as the eye could see. The light coming through the trees, a little bit foggy, the earthy smell, the quietness, coolness, moss growing on the trunks of the trees, droplets of water dripping from large leaves, ferns, water trickling through the little creek, bird sounds.
Owydelu turned his head around, facing Akai now. "Are you ready?" asked Owydelu "Then start attacking me!"



Akai suddenly found herself standing in the middle of the beautiful forest, that greenery around was just too much for her eyes. As she was walking still amazed she heard Owy commanding her to attack him. Akai stopped walking and turned her head right to him, keeping the distance of ten metres though. " Should I really just attack him right now? She was moving her head very slowly into one side of the shoulder, then another "Sure not, I am a girl after all, should have some manners...Investigation first". She caught Owy's sight waiting her to attack him, but she moved quickly with the graceful feet and almost in one jump appeared next to him. She was slowly doing circles around Owy like a beast around its prey. " I wouldn't be able to do that If you were an know..the investigation thing...but we aren't enemies, right? An enemy wouldn't spot me just like that. And it's just a training, right?" Her one eye was jumping from the one spot to another like wanting to get out of it's shell, but Akai decided not to use her Byakugan just yet. "You sure have the different chakra, If I just fight you right now, I would  use all of mine and wouldn't prove any point here". As she was still doing circles she was waiting for Owy to move and attack her first.



As Owydelu told Akai that she can attack him, she started slowly to do circles around Owydelu like a beast around his prey." I wouldn't be able to do that If you were an know..the investigation thing...but we aren't enemies, right? An enemy wouldn't spot me just like that. And it's just a training, right?" Her one eye was jumping from the one spot to another like wanting to get out of it's shell. "You sure have the different chakra, If I just fight you right now, I would  use all of mine and wouldn't prove any point here" Owydelu closed his eyes asking : "Ok, so you want me to attack you first, isn't it like this?" Owydelu made some hand-seals and then he said : "Rain Dance! " Suddenly, some dark clouds started to gather on the once deep blue-like sky. The water started to fall from the divine sanctuary, making everything wet and muddy. " Now that I've messed with your hair, can you please attack me first! And use your Byakugan too if you don't mind!" Owydelu stepped back, watching Akai as she was trying to fix her hair. The atmosphere was getting colder and colder. The day was a little too hot so, after all, it was good for a rain to come by. The forest was now looking very sad because of this rain. The screams of happiness of some children that had seen the rain is making this battlefield to feel more like it. The grass was now all wet and moody and there was no time left until Akai would attack Owydelu.

Jutsus Used:

Chakra Left:

Taijutsu Training C->B:



The water stopped Akai from doing her thing, she suddenly was all drenched, her red hair hanging wet on her face. She smiled " Now, now there, are we in such a hurry? Don't even get to play a bit, I don't mind a little shower thing though" , she did a fake sad look and the eye was still going crazy almost like it was too much pressure in that. "I need to take care of it untill I went mad". She walked through the mud a couple of metres " Byakugan!". As soon as Akai said that, her eye turned totally white, shining a little, like happy to be out of the cage. Despite the fact that it's just the one of them, she was well skilled in that technique, probably, if them both would be working, she'll be a shining diamond in her clan. " I need to get the other looked up by a medical ninja already, but should find a trustworthy first". Akai was scanning the environment, she spotted the chakra circulation of the guy "Wow, he is really good" she was admiring at the same time. "Allright then, lets get serious" By saying those words Akai suddenly fell into the possition as she wouln't have any bones left in her body, she was swinging to the sides at the same time. She then just picked a spot in the flow whatever she liked and started atacking Owy. That attack looked like a silly one with those boneless hands approaching, but she DID almost hit the crucial point in the flow of Owy's chakra in his hand. Owy dodged the attack though, so they were standind face to face close to each other with Owy holding her hand roughly in front of him.

Jutsu's used
Chakra left

Karasu Kokuou

Karasu Kokuou

Chapter One: The King Appears- "Let's Play a Game!"

Training[Invitation Only/Akai, Owydelu, Kami][No Kill] 8v3L4mb

Listen While Reading: Senya

Training[Invitation Only/Akai, Owydelu, Kami][No Kill] DN3p4

The day was young as the sun set at its highest in the sky and a downpour of rain overtook the dense forest. Droplets cascaded down from the cloudy skies only to crash into the tree leaves below and slowly slide down the towering brown bark trunks. It was said stormy forest that had been turned into a battlefield for two young shinobi. But little did the Akai and Owydelu know that they would soon have a visitor in their midst

Soaring through the dense forestation was a single black crow, its wings performing a remarkable display of flexibility as it gracefully dodged the tree branches in its line of flight. It took but only a few seconds before the black bird had spotted and landed on a tree branch near the two shinobi, its talons clasping onto the wood so that it may perch there and gaze down at the two of them practicing.


The bird called out in a fierce screech as it playfully fluttered its wings. Without warning the crow erupted in smoke, the cloud vanishing so that it may reveal a young man standing upon the branch. The transformation technique was broken and Karasu Kokuou, The Crowned Crow was greeting the two below with a soft and silly smile upon his face. As one of the three leaders of the Kokuou clan, Kara possessed its unique and devastating abilities and was one of the most adept in the versatile and unique powers. His sight was instantly set on the Hyuuga woman to his right.

Like a supernova staring down the blank white canvas, the glance sought for their gazes to meet. Those deep white and mesmerizing eyes always caught his attention. His own were but a crimson red mixed with yellow and orange hues, as if a star itself had died in them and it's glorious explosive funeral is what painted the image of his eyes. He wore an unzipped long sleeve red jacket opened up so it may reveal his black undershirt. Along with this his attire consisted of black pants, matching standard shinobi shoes, one tool/scroll pouch strapped the each thigh on the side and a konoha headband wrapped around his waist like a belt. Though his clothes covered it up, Karasu had a muscular toned body chiseled like rock and fit to be a god'swhich had a slightly tan skin tone , a figure he had trained in endurance and speed for combat. The midnight black hair that compared to a raven's feathers would be short and worn down, a few bangs dancing over his eyes as breezes swept through.

"Found you! I thought I felt two chakra signatures over here. Let's play a game!"

The young man's voice echoed through the voice and found its way to their ears, it's tone filled with joy as if he were a child filled with cheer and happiness. Suddenly, a heavenly white aura began to emit from Karasu, one which contrasted with his overall being. The aura was his chakra itself and gave of a pleasant essence with grief hidden deep in its nature. The chakra would float off of his body and hover in mid air just in the atmosphere in front of Karasu.

"Of course, we'll need some background music. Music always makes things more upbeat and fun!"

Using his Chakra Resonance clan technique, Karasu would force the chakra's natural frequency and volume to change, making it able to be heard by everyone nearby. The tones and pitch would change in time intervals, creating a fast and melodic tune. With his energy display up and running Karasu leaped down from the tree and rushed right past Owydelu, heading straight for Akai. His movements were quick and agile thanks to his training and special characteristic, and with swift reflexes he flipped over the young Hyuuga girl, his hands like talons, grasping onto her shoulders and then releasing them as his momentum continued and he landed on his feet behind her. The contact finished, Karasu made a run for it, his voice calling out behind him at the two fellow leaf shinobi.

"TAG! You're it!! Hahahaha."

Training[Invitation Only/Akai, Owydelu, Kami][No Kill] DN3p4

Jutsu Used


Chakra Used


Training Made


Last edited by Karasu Kokuou on Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:26 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Forgot Chakra and Jutsu Used)



As Owydelu was watching Akai in a frontal position, a sound came from a tree : "Found you! I thought I felt two chakra signatures over here. Let's play a game!"

The young man's voice echoed through the voice and found its way to their ears, it's tone filled with joy as if he were a child filled with cheer and happiness. Suddenly, a heavenly white aura began to emit from that kid, one which contrasted with his overall being. The aura was his chakra itself and gave of a pleasant essence with grief hidden deep in its nature. The chakra would float off of his body and hover in mid air just in the atmosphere in front of that kid.
Of course, we'll need some background music. Music always makes things more upbeat and fun!"

Using his Chakra Resonance clan technique, he would force the chakra's natural frequency and volume to change, making it able to be heard by everyone nearby. The tones and pitch would change in time intervals, creating a fast and melodic tune. With his energy display up and running he leaped down from the tree and rushed right past Owydelu, heading straight for Akai.
"TAG! You're it!! Hahahaha."

That kid was not something ordinary. He was older than both Akai and Owydelu and he was giving a sign of a special kind of person. His chakra was very different, although it was almost the same as Owydelu's. The Resonance Jutsu was making a great atmosphere in the forest. The wind was blowing with power into Owydelu's face and it was accompanied by the sound of the waves, the river's noise and by the Birds' Chirping. The grass was moving in a symmetric way, leaving the view in a good proportion. The sky was full of the fluffy Homunculus, that were swimming all around the big, deep blue ocean-like divine sanctuary.

Owydelu turned his head, now facing that new guy. "Can I have your name?" Owydelu was looking right in the face of that guy, trying to get some information about him just by observing someone. After hearing the answer, Owydelu made a proposal : "What if you two fight me? Me, Owydelu, versus you two!" Owydelu was prepared to fight, taking his fighting stance. He was prepared for whatever the two of them would bring up.

The light has changed. The rain finally stopped for good. It was Owydelu's doing. There was some mood under their feet, but it was nothing to worry about. Owydelu let Akai go for now and he got back a little by jumping. The atmosphere was now more relaxing that it ever was. The birds' chirping had stopped for now. They knew that a battle was going to start soon. The dust was vanishing from the ground as they were talking more and more. Owydelu was waiting for their response.

Jutsus Used:

Chakra Left:

Taijutsu Training B->A:



Akai has sensed someone coming as her Byakugan was turned on, thus, she didn't turn around even whent touched. She saw the chakra of a guy, a quite powerful one, need to add. She was quiet for a while and when Owy jumped back a little, she didn't loose her position. She spoke to the new guy not even turing her eye "We are in the middle of training you see, it's either this game, or no game" then she finally turned around to see the guy's face, moved very fastly towards him and punched his shoulder a little, then collapsed into that boneless position with one hand pointed into new guy "So what is it gonna be..are you IN..or are you OUT?. Her Byakugan eye was going crazy, the excitement of sensing a battle was getting to her.

Karasu Kokuou

Karasu Kokuou

Chapter One: The King Appears- "If It's a Fight You Want..."

Training[Invitation Only/Akai, Owydelu, Kami][No Kill] 94rUAhP

Listen While Reading: I'll show you what I can do- "Kiba's theme"

Training[Invitation Only/Akai, Owydelu, Kami][No Kill] DN3p4

In mid run Karasu came to a grinding stop and turned back around, just 5 meters away from Akai Hyuuga. Having heard the voice of Owydelu, Karasu soon began to realize he wasn't going to get the game of tag he wanted. It was a little disappointing, but at the very least, the fun wasn't over yet. That was when his crimson eyes set back onto Akai as she began speaking and questioned whether or not he would train with them. His eyes taking in her figure and reading it's every move, he noticed a quick change in position, signaling an attack. Thanks to his speed and reflexes, Kara was able to leap back 2 more meters, becoming just out of range of the Hyuuga's strike towards his shoulder. Having dodged the assault Karasu glanced back at the man Owydelu.

"Fine, I guess we could play a different game. Playing ninja would probably be more fun than tag anyways. But I don't like your rules. It's every shinobi for themselves!"

The young Kokuou king seemed eager to get the game, well, training started and was literally jumping for joy. To those that could not see past the mask of his personality, he almost seemed like a child in a candy store, unable to keep his excitement at bay.

"Let's see, judging from the chakra signatures earlier, we have one Senju Clan and one Hyuuga Clan member. I read about both's history and capabilities back at the compound during my studying. The stance the red head is taking must be for the so called gentle fist, and her eyes are the Byakugan for sure. It'll be something to watch out for. Based on what I read on the Senju Clan though, they seem to vary on what skills they have, but are known to be pretty strong. If I'm lucky he'll have the Wood Release like the first hokage, that'll make things much more interesting. It would also be a good time to try and figure out where exactly that blind spot for those white eyes are that I read rumors about in the scrolls. It's not in her frontal view for sure, I'll try the sides first..."

Karasu thought to himself, his words echoing in his mind for only him to hear. He contemplated strategies as he scanned the two before him and analyzed data he knew about each clan. Today was probably their first time seeing a Kokuou clan member thanks to the family being isolated in their compound for so long. It had only been recently since Karasu gave the orders that the clan members could step out into the rest of the villages and earn their way to the true ranks of shinobi and from what the monks told him the clan was very secretive in the past. The fact that information on the isolated clan would have been harder to attain made it likely that not only is this probably their first time seeing a Kokuou, but it is doubtful they ever read about them. Thanks to this, Karasu may have a chance at surprising the two of them with his clan abilities. Knowledge was strength, and if you don't know what you're going up against, you're put at a disadvantage. Kara would do his best to try and use this possible advantage to surprise them. With only a couple seconds having gone by, Karasu stopped his jumping about in joy behavior and suddenly widened his eyes as if he forgot something.

:OH! I almost forgot, you asked me for my name. Sorry, I was so excited to play I almost forgot to introduce myself first. My name is Karasu Kokuou. I am but one out of the three clan leaders or Kings as some call it. Don't let my age or shinobi rank confuse you, I was chosen to be King for a reason. I'm only a gennin officially right now because it was only recently that I changed the clan rules and made it led by three and gave the clan members a chance to leave our compound and officially join the Hidden Leaf's shinobi system.

There it was again, that cheerful and childish attitude; the facade didn't hinder for even a second. Though, deep down Karasu had to admit he was actually a little excited. The young man fell into a stance of his own, one which he slightly bent his legs to be ready for take off and had his arms centered at his torso ready for striking and defending. With a soft smile on his face the young man glanced back towards Akai Hyuuga and locked his bloody gaze on her fading white eyes once more.

"You're a Hyuuga right? I've read all about your clan. You can see it can you? The chakra running through my body. Mister Senju over there has to have me spew it out of my body and intensify it to a degree that the naked eye can view it. But no, not you. You're already witnessing it all as we speak. I may not have your Byakugan Hyuuga-chan, but the Kokuou clan's chakra control far exceeds that of the Hyuuga's. This game is gonna be so fun. I'll show you what it really means to use your chakra as a deadly force!"

As the boy spoke his sweet and innocent smile curled into a wicked smirk, his childish demeanor now morphing into that of a devious misfit. Like the demon child who never listened to the adults and always made a fuss over everything, his eyes once filled with joy now much more fierce and filled with excitement like none before. With his introduction finished, Karasu put on a little display for Akai's Byakugan; the chakra circulating throughout his body began to flow at an alarming rate, channeling throughout his being as if riled up with anticipation. Without warning Karasu took full manipulation over some of the chakra focused inside his figure and began to surge it from the core to the surface. In one single burst he unleashed a wave of chakra out of every single chakra point in his body, the white aura overtaking his figure once more and engulfing it like a cloak. Kicking off the ground, Karasu entered a full sprint and thanks to the short distance between them, was able to get within striking distance of Akai in under a second. The moment he approached, the resonating chakra before suddenly unleashed a single massive sound wave with the last bit of energy it had left. The noise was a glass shattering screech, at such a high pitch and volume it would be not only enough to distract, but give minor ear pain. Luckily, Karasu had already used his clan's chakra density to clog his ears beforehand, ridding his sense of hearing but also ridding himself of the harmful sound. The sound flux would have been done in sync with the moment Karasu headed towards Akai, hopefully to hinder her defense and reflexes momentarily as he made his assault.

Just a 5 feet away from Akai, Karasu would launch his attack on her, forming some of the chakra into a large and dense tentacle which would wrap around her right leg and tug hard, attempting to knock her off balance as 5 more tentacles appeared and wrapped around her remaining leg, her torso, and her arms. To further try and restrain the girl the bindings would slam her into a tree nearby, pinning her back to the bark as a human figure was formed with the chakra almost like a clan of Karasu which would grab her wrists and hold them down to try and keep her from striking the chakra bindings with the gentle fist in an effort to break them. Any attempt to struggle against the pressure of the hardened chakra and the Karasu shaped figure as well as the tentacles would constrict more. Though of course, Karasu made sure the grip was not enough to choke or crush the girl, after all he wasn't trying to kill her.

With the sound wave diminishing Karasu would unclog his ears. As soon as Akai would have been flung to the tree, assuming she did not manage to escape the attack, Karasu would thrust his fist forward, sending a fist shaped projectile of the hardened chakra straight for Owydelu, it's diameter being 5 meters wide and with it's speed, leaving only a 5 second interval for Owydelu to try and dodge. The size of the fist projectile would have blocked Owydelu's view of Karasu and the young king took advantage of this blind spot accordingly and would apply a layer of the hardened chakra onto his body similar to how Gaara used his sand armor, accept this was just dense chakra. Once doing so he lowered the intensity of the chakra layer so that only eyes like the sharingan or byakugan would see it. To Owydelu's naked eye, it would be as if the previous aura disappeared and Karasu now stand bare with just his clothes. With his first attack complete Karasu would simply stand there in the middle of the forest with the cheeky smile, awaiting his opponent's response and seeing if they surrendered and gave him the victory.

Training[Invitation Only/Akai, Owydelu, Kami][No Kill] DN3p4

Jutsu Used


Chakra Used


Training Used


( Just for future reference. Whenever I post a quote in blue it is just thoughts to myself, when I post it in red, it's actual dialog for other characters to hear.



Owydelu hasn't finished his words when that guy said to him : "Fine, I guess we could play a different game. Playing ninja would probably be more fun than tag anyways. But I don't like your rules. It's every shinobi for themselves!"

The young guy king seemed eager to get the game, well, training started and was literally jumping for joy. To those that could not see past the mask of his personality, he almost seemed like a child in a candy store, unable to keep his excitement at bay.

OH! I almost forgot, you asked me for my name. Sorry, I was so excited to play I almost forgot to introduce myself first. My name is Karasu Kokuou. I am but one out of the three clan leaders or Kings as some call it. Don't let my age or shinobi rank confuse you, I was chosen to be King for a reason. I'm only a gennin officially right now because it was only recently that I changed the clan rules and made it led by three and gave the clan members a chance to leave our compound and officially join the Hidden Leaf's shinobi system. said Karasu

There it was again, that cheerful and childish attitude; the facade didn't hinder for even a second. Then he turned his head to Akai, saying :
"You're a Hyuuga right? I've read all about your clan. You can see it can you? The chakra running through my body. Mister Senju over there has to have me spew it out of my body and intensify it to a degree that the naked eye can view it. But no, not you. You're already witnessing it all as we speak. I may not have your Byakugan Hyuuga-chan, but the Kokuou clan's chakra control far exceeds that of the Hyuuga's. This game is gonna be so fun. I'll show you what it really means to use your chakra as a deadly force!"

Just a 5 feet away from Akai, Karasu would launch his attack on her, forming some of the chakra into a large and dense tentacle which would wrap around her right leg and tug hard, attempting to knock her off balance as 5 more tentacles appeared and wrapped around her remaining leg, her torso, and her arms. Though of course, Karasu made sure the grip was not enough to choke or crush the girl, after all he wasn't trying to kill her. As soon as Akai would have been flung to the tree, assuming she did not manage to escape the attack, Karasu would thrust his fist forward, sending a fist shaped projectile of the hardened chakra straight for Owydelu, it's diameter being 5 meters wide and with it's speed, leaving only a 5 second interval for Owydelu to try and dodge. The size of the fist projectile would have blocked Owydelu's view of Karasu and the young king took advantage of this blind spot accordingly and would apply a layer of the hardened chakra onto his body similar to how Gaara used his sand armor, accept this was just dense chakra.

Owydelu was face-to-face with the upcoming Chakra fist that was going to finish him off if he wouldn't dodge it. It was coming faster and faster and Owydelu was now aware of the danger he was in. With just a one second move, Owydelu jumped in his left, dodging the Chakra Punch. "You shouldn't be so reckless! You should calculate your moves first!" said Owydelu. Suddenly, Owydelu got an inevitable speed that would get him to Karasu in one moment. Owydelu was now at three meters away from Karasu. With some fast hand-seals, Owydelu said : "Mokuton no Jutsu!" Suddenly, a wooden plank got out of Owydelu's hand and it was going straight to Karasu. The wood was at half a meter away from him. What would he do now?

Jutsus Used:

Chakra Left:

Word Count:



As soon as densed chakra tentacle grabbed Akai's leg, she knew that something was not right, she haven't seen anything like that before, so decided to leave the game behind and get serious. Despite that fact, that her Byakugan was wearing off, she was quick as hell. Akai  understood that if she wouldn't be so, she would get hurt and her training partner  saving her as well. Akai didn't want to be a burden just because she is a female who is considered to be a weakling by some foolish people. She at one point was mad at Karasu for being so reckless and obsessed, but still feeling grateful, that he doesn't treat her like some weak person and fight her like they would be the same matter. Now she wanted to prove him she's not worse than him even more. As Karasu made more tantacles trapping Akai and throwing her into the tree, he was assuming that she wouldn't escape, thus, turned to Owy. But suddenly, a great noise appeared. That was made by the big piece of wood flung to the three. Akai was nowhere seen, she made her movements so fast, that only another skillful Byakugan would notice. Akai was watching from behing how Owy made a plank and threw it into Karasu, but that plank was dodged. Then the voice from above appeared talking with those two. Akai was leaning from the tree she would have been flung to, she was hanging with her feet holding onto the branch.

"Do not act like you are so special and way better than others just because you are from an unknown and privilegious clan. We have a higher rank honorable ninja here..." she was talking hanging upwards and pointing her hand into Owy.

"..if he wanted, he would have knocked us in a minute with one hand! And as for me, just because i'm Hyuuga, doesn't mean that you know me and know all my skills, the clan name hasn't got anything to do with people, all Hyuuga's are different, just a little teaching for you, hope you will keep that in mind." She was still hanging with her hands crossed waiting for a response to her lecture. Akai turned of her Byakugan and went into calm position.

Jutsu used:
Chakra left

Karasu Kokuou

Karasu Kokuou

Chapter One: The King Appears- "Rank Means Nothing"

Training[Invitation Only/Akai, Owydelu, Kami][No Kill] HekrKTS

Listen While Reading: Gennin, Chunnin, It's Nothing But a Title

Training[Invitation Only/Akai, Owydelu, Kami][No Kill] DN3p4

Karasu was somewhat disappointed in his opponent's actions, it seems their responses to his assault was entirely what he expected. With the Senju dodging his attack and closing in, Karasu began to weave his own hand signs before Owydelu began his own for the wood release technique, almost as if the young king anticipated the chunnin to dodge and attempt a close ranged attack. Within a flash of smoke Karasu was gone and the Chakra figure of him along with the tentacles were in his place, a simple substitution technique being the cause. The chakra clone figure would catch the wooden plank with its fist. Being that the two materials were of a similar density and strength, the clone did this without damaging the chakra it was composed of. In sync with the very moment it appeared, the tentacles' target would be switched from Akai to Owydelu, wrapping around him without warning or hesitation. Thanks to the speed of the chakra and the mere distance of 3 meters, it would take just under a second for the restraining of Owydelu to finish. If not avoided the chakra would bind his hands separately along with the rest of his body, making movement and the use of hand seals impossible. As this was done the chakra fist from before would have been shattered and reformed into hundreds of small dagger shapes. The blades of dense chakra would have surrounded Owydelu in every direction from a 15 meter radius just as he had been restrained.

Karasu would have been transported right upon the branch the young Hyuuga girl would have been hanging from once the substitution was done. The cheerful facade was broken as Crow looked down at Akai with a stern look, his next set of words being filled with a calm and serious tone unlike his previous playful speeches.

"No, it is you Senju who should calculate their actions a bit more. Blindly rushing towards an enemy you have little information on is a very dangerous move, especially when it was so obvious that their attack was merely a distraction to set up preparations. And as for you White Eyes, I expected a little more out of you. The escape was brilliant, but your way of thinking is entirely wrong. Gennin, Chunnin, it is nothing but a title. Shinobi ranks are merely restrictions to what missions you can take and what privileges you have within the village. Have you already forgotten of the history of a young man named Naruto Uzumaki just over a hundred years ago? A story of how a lowly leveled Gennin defeated an S Rank Criminal of the old organization known as the Akatsuki. A criminal who had the power to destroy the entire village with a single swoop of his hand. I don't know about you, but being able to defeat a man who had the power to destroy an entire village in one technique makes you quite the powerful individual. So please, don't preach to me about ranks, in the end they mean little to nothing in combat. If a title could win a fight, then my position as clan lord would have won me this battle the instant it started. And by the way, I didn't mean any of my previous words as a stereotype against Hyuugas. I was merely stating the difference between my kekkei genkai and yours. In fact, it you ask me, you're one of the weirdest Hyuuga's in history. Since when does red hair run in their bloodline? Not to mention when you have your Byakugan activated one of your eyes seems to have more chakra focused into it than the other. And most importantly, and the oddest fact in my opinion, when I sensed your chakra signature earlier I could barely tell if it was a Hyuuga's or someone elses. It's aura barely resembles other Hyuuga's."

Training[Invitation Only/Akai, Owydelu, Kami][No Kill] DN3p4

Jutsu Used


Chakra Used





As Owydelu finished his attack, Karasu leaned the tentacles right to Owydelu. Akai was screaming from the distance : "Do not act like you are so special and way better than others just because you are from an unknown and privilegious clan. We have a higher rank honorable ninja here..." she was talking hanging upwards and pointing her hand into Owy.

"..if he wanted, he would have knocked us in a minute with one hand! And as for me, just because i'm Hyuuga, doesn't mean that you know me and know all my skills, the clan name hasn't got anything to do with people, all Hyuuga's are different, just a little teaching for you, hope you will keep that in mind."

Owydelu then waited for the tentacles to reach him. With some rapid hand-seals, Owydelu disappeared in a smoke screen when the tentacles have finally reached him. A wooden plank was now captured by the chakra tentacles. Owydelu appeared in Karasu's back, saying : "Mokuton: Shichūrō no Jutsu!" Suddenly, Karasu was captured in a wooden prison, making it impossible for Karasu to escape from it.

"Karasu, let me tell you something! You have a point here, with the "Rank doesn't matter"! But let me ask you something : do you know any technique that is B-Ranked or higher? Uzumaki Naruto knew SS-Ranked ninjutsu that could break down any defense. Also, he knew how to use the Sage mode, being able to double his speed and power! I know you Karasu! I heard of you! You're the one that's using the "Chakra Resonance"! These ranks are not given just to believe that you're stronger, they are given when the Village thinks you're more powerful than you were when you received your old Rank! Now, that you used your substitute technique, you cannot use it very soon, just because you're a mere gennin that has got out of the academy! Don't act like you're superior to us, you're just a gennin! Train more and then come back to us to fight again! And I never let my guard down! I just wanted to make you let yours!" 

Jutsu Used:

Chakra Left:

Taijutsu Training C->B:



Akai suddenly jumped out of the tree with her hand still crossed on the chest. She started walking with her both eyes closed. She perfectly saw where to go though. She was talking while moving:

"You really have the point, Karasu, but I still do not agree with you. The rank is not given to some fool who doesn't know any jutsu, the person REALLY has to show something special in order to get that. You throw Naruto as an example, but let us remember...let's see...Shikamaru. Yes, maybe he wasn' that strong like Naruto was, but he was the only one to plan everything to the perfect and to use strategy, that is essential to survive and as a result he got a higher rank for that, the only one from the whole group. So the rank really means something. I don't deny, that sometimes the person is not worth his rank, those situation are also present in shinobi world."

While Akai was walking into the deeps of the forest her voice was getting harder to hear:

"I hope you won't tear each other into pieces , but for me it is too much of argue today..I hope I'll see you both again and we'll make more pleasant conversations..

She disappeared in that forest, her chakra was nowhere to sense.


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