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There was a good weather outside. Owydelu woke up harder than anytime. It was very hard for him to fall asleep as long as he knew that the next day he will be fighting a Chuunin name "Takeshi". His name was something he surely heard of. Owydelu just couldn't meet him in person.
By fighting him, Owydelu trough that he would be able to know him better. He couldn't waste time anymore, so he got up and he had got to the bathroom. He was going to take a shower. The water was very cold, but it was also very good for Owydelu. This could've made him be more aware of what could've happened to him if he wouldn't had been able to stay up to Takeshi's skills. After all, he was an Uzumaki.

He got out of the shower with a sheer determination that he will win this. After eating and dressing-up, he locked up the door, finding his way to the Small Forest, after that, in the South of the Konohagure. It was all very calm and quiet. You can clearely hear the chirping of the birds. They were like something divine. It was all very relaxing. But Owydelu couldn't let this make him too weak.
The clouds were like some sheeps in a deep water-like blue ocean. There was nothing wrong with that, especially with the "fluffy little sheeps".

Owydelu finally got there. It was all very chilly and warm at the same time. It was perfect for a fight. From the sunrise, Owydelu saw a shadow lurking and walking watching right in the direction Owydelu was back then. From the start he knew that he was Uzumaki Takeshi.
The Uzumaki Clan and the Senju Clan had a strong bond and a big part of the history together. The Uzushiogakure's Uzumaki Mito married the First Hokage, Senju Hashirama. This was nothing but a fight to improve our both skills. Nothing more, nothing less.

As Owydelu was waiting for Takeshi to appear in from of him, he was repeating in his mind all of his jutsus' handseals.

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Last edited by Owydelu on Fri Jun 28, 2013 5:05 am; edited 1 time in total



Takeshi was new to the current occasion, he didn't really spend his time sparring with people. This was quite nerve racking to say the least, however he knew that his partner wasn't out to kill him. This was just to increase each other's skills, and to help each other progress to be better ninja. The person who he was sparring against was an Senju, which Takeshi thought was really cool. He was gonna be able to meet one of people in the clan that befriended the Uzumakis the most. He didn't really know what to expect when it came to the Senju, however he knew the Senju used wood style. Of course, Takeshi had no experience with the Senju's great wood style techniques.

Takeshi was already on his way to meet the Senju by the name of Owydelu. He met Owydelu during his days at the academy, but they parted their ways after graduation. They met recently to schedule this little duel of theirs. Takeshi at the designated spot to see that Owydelu arrived at the same time as him. He could tell that Owydelu was in deep thought, but Takeshi thought he would try to lighten the mood a little bit before starting the training. Hey Owydelu, its been awhile my man. Takeshi said with a smile on his face. Are you about ready to get started? I know you didn't come for the conversation. The air around Takeshi quickly changed to fit the overall mood of the place they were at. They were in some pretty deep woods, but not too jungle like. Takeshi would have to be careful as to how he was gonna use his Katon style jutsu, he didn't want to start a wild fire.

WC 290/2000



As Owydelu was standing right in front of Takeshi, thinking of how could he get a good start of this fight, suddenly Takeshi said to me with a smile on his face : Hey Owydelu, its been awhile my man. Are you about ready to get started? I know you didn't come for the conversation.

"Takeshi ! It's nothing serious here! It's just a little spar! So It's nothing wrong with a little Chit-Chat here and there in the middle of the fight!" As Owydelu ended his little chat with the Uzumaki member, Takeshi, he started thinking of a way to defeat him quickly. The air has started changing. Even if it was just a friendly spare between two old friends, it still was very cold.
Both Owydelu and Takeshi had started to have a little flame in their eyes, that was making them wish to battle.
From what he heard of, Owydelu knew that Takeshi was a Katon element user, making it a threat for his jutsus. Also he heard something about him from some kids: Takeshi is one of those type of people who are just plain "weird" as some might call it. He is quiet in most situations, whether its in a classroom, or during a group project. Well, I take that back, he does make an effort to be social. Like I said, in most cases he will be quiet during class, but every once in awhile he might say something to the teacher that might make people laugh. In a group project, he will try to be a good group member and be open. However, it is just his nature to be quiet. He isn't socially awkard, he can hold a conversation, talk to girls, or just new people in general. In most cases he is accepted, however he tends to shut down, meaning he will slowly withdraw.
"Takeshi! You are the same as you were back then! You haven't changed a lot! Even if we were classmates and we haven't seen each other for a long time, we still need to start this fight, don't we?"
And with this Owydelu took his battle stance on. He was prepared for everything. Now it was his chance to prove that he was a true Sunju Clan's member. Within a second, Owydelu did the Ram seal saying : "Mokuton: Sashiki no Jutsu!" Suddenly Owydelu made a kunai from the Wooden Technique he made and had thrown it at Takeshi. Now it was his time to prove that he was a true Uzumaki Clan's member.

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Takeshi heard the jutsu name, but he wasn't familiar with the style of wood. He watched Owydelu make a kunai out of wood, something that was marvelous to look at. The way he was able to construct something like that out of what some seemed like nothing was to say the least, cool to look out. Takeshi couldn't enjoy this moment for long because he had to move out of the way. Since now Owydelu decided to throw it at him and Takeshi wasn't in the mood for splitters today. He didn't exaggerate his movements, instead he stayed in one spot but just slightly move out of the way. He kept his eyes on the object the whole time, so the little maneuver was easy to do. In truth, the throw wasn't something that was hard to dodge, anybody could dodge it. After Takeshi moved, he put his eyes back on Owydelu, and from the looks of it, Owydelu was thinking about his next move. So Takeshi figured it was now his turn, so Takeshi took a deep breath of air and filled his lungs and throat with chakra. From this he held his breath and before he released his breath he said Fire Style: Misty Flame Dance. He then let his jutsu loose and filled the air with the highly flammable gas that would ignite with the smallest flame. He then made a quick move back to gain some distance between him and Owydelu, and waited for his next move.

As Takeshi leapt back to gain some distance, he thought about what he was gonna do. Takeshi knew that Owydelu was at least decent at Taijutsu,, something that, as of right now, Takeshi lacked in. Takeshi's biggest priority at the moment, and even for the rest of the fight was to keep his distance. Hopefully with the jutsu he just did, Owydelu would keep his distance. Takeshi had a wide variety of jutsu up his sleeve, but he wasn't planning on using them all at one time. So he crouched with one knee on the ground and tried to think of different ways to keep him at at a distance. Takeshi cursed the fact that he hadn't perfected the jutsu he was currently working on in time for this little spar of theirs. In any case, Takeshi was gonna have to work with what he had at this time, he trusted in his skills as a shinobi well enough to feel some confidence during this spar. Takeshi kept his eyes on Owydelu, trying to see what he was gonna do next.



Last edited by Takeshi on Sat Jun 15, 2013 7:14 am; edited 1 time in total



As Owydelu heard the name of that jutsu, he stepped back, thinking of what will he do next. From what he saw, Takeshi was a quick thinker, gaining him an advantage. But Owydelu wasn't a slow thinker neither. From what he knew, the "Fire Style: Misty Flame Dance" was a Fire Release Technique that he read about a long time ago, when he was still at the. He remembered of what he knew : The user breathes deep, filling their mouth and throat with chakra. They then convert this chakra into a gaseous substance which they exhale rapidly. This gas is highly flammable, and is impossible to see without a Doujutsu. It does however, have a very distinct noxious odour. When exposed to a spark, it ignites, creating a large fireball that causes first and second degree burns.
If that jutsu was really like it was explained in that academy book he read a long time ago, then it wasn't a joke. Takeshi was prepared to defeat Owydelu's every Wood Release Technique he would use. This match excaladated quickly from a friendly match to a completely true shinobi spar.
As Owydelu had seen that the kunai he threw was no match for Takeshi, he felt a little worried. Takeshi had good reflexes and the affinity for the Fire Release. Without any doubt, Owydelu was feeling that Takeshi had a big advantage and if he would've used him properly, he could defeat Owydelu in no time. Now he was feeling very stupid that he had spent a lot of time on missions instead of using some on the training too.
Suddenly Owydelu felt like this was his chance to attack. Even if he knew that there is some inflamable gas, Owydelu had to get trough it. Owydelu said: " Ram -> Snake -> Tiger : Bunshin no Jutsu ! " Owydelu made two Clones to aid him in battle. Suddenly he jumped up together with his clones. Two of the three Owydelu attacked Takeshi and one had said: "Mokuton: Sashiki no Jutsu"
With this, Owydelu created another wooden kunai, and he had thrown it at Takeshi. Also, when Owydelu was in the air he made some hand seals.
As two of three Owydelus were getting to Takeshi and one kunai was going directly to him, what will Takeshi do?

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Takeshi watched Owydelu like a predator hunts its prey, he watched his every movement. Takeshi was treating this like a real fight with real stakes, and he didn't plan on losing with those stakes. Takeshi could see the hand seals Owydelu made, though, with the sunlight peaking through the trees and into his eyes, it was hard to tell exactly what seals he just weaved. So, still crouching, Takeshi moved his head a little to the left to get his eyes out to the sunlight. To his surprise, all he saw was two different Owydelus running towards him. His brain began to work as quickly as it could, trying to figure out what his next step should be. He felt behind him to feel the bark of a tree, so simply moving back was out of the question. Then Takeshi noticed something he didn't before, and that was a quick moving shadow along the ground in the shape of a kunai. Takeshi couldn't see the kunai before because it was brown and at eye height with him. So it blended in with the environment around him. So now Takeshi had to deal with two Owydelus and a kunai that was gonna hit his face in a couple more seconds. Time seemed to slow down as Takeshi had to come up with a plan of action, and fast. From what Takeshi could tell, the kunai was the most dangerous thing that was on its way to his face. It was hard to tell what the two Owydelus were, Takeshi knew they had to be clones of some sort, but the trees were casting shadows in the same area as the clones.

Takeshi now had less than five seconds to make a decision that could potentially lose him this fight. The clones could be anything, but what Takeshi did know was that the kunai had to be real. So leaped from his crouching state to his right side and rolled on the ground one time before regaining his footing. All Takeshi saw at this point was the clones headed towards him, it was too late to react so Takeshi would just have to stand up and put up his best fight. Then the clones both went to punch Takeshi's face, the punches came from two different directions and Takeshi couldn't think of anything fast enough. So he braced himself for the punches just to find out they went straight through him as if they were ghosts. Then Takeshi finally realized that those two clones were only the academy level clones that didn't have any mass. That raised the question as to where Owydelu was, he looked to all his sides, and then he looked up towards the trees to see Owydelu up their weaving some hand seals together. Takeshi could see what he was weaving up there, but he knew it wasn't gonna be good. He decided to wait to see what Owydelu was doing while preparing something of his own. Takeshi could then start to the wind around him better than before.





As Owydelu was watching Takeshi dodging all of his moves, he realized that Takeshi was actually waiting for me to make my move and to dodge it like before. He was aware of my skills and he didn't actually wanted to attack me. He was more like a defensive guy. That was really impressive. A lot of chuunins may have attacked me faster than anyone, but Takeshi is that kind of a guy that waits and analyzes before doing something reckless. He was truly a remarcable and a admirable shinobi.
The winds started blowing into my face. Was this a jutsu or was is just the nature trying to cool us down? Either ways, I was prepared for everything.
I hadn't had the chance of watching him carefully until now. He still was the same as in the academy days. He still has those deep black eyes like super masive black hole. His hair is still as red as it was in the academy days. Owydelu was hoping that Takeshi hadn't surrendered on reading manga. It was his favourite activity back then. Owydelu remembered that very well.
After finishing the daydreaming of the days that had passed, Owydelu got back on the ground facing Uzumaki Takeshi once again. Without any hesitation, Owydelu made his move saying : " Ram -> Ox -> Boar -> Snake : Mokuton: Shichūrō no Jutsu!" With this Owydelu put his hands on the ground concentration. In just a second, Takeshi was captured in a four pillar wooden prison. " This should end it ! Let me give you just an advice : If you will use your Katon Technique, you will also burn with the cage, causing grade one or two burns on yourself ! Just be aware of that before doing something reckless !"
With this Owydelu ended his sentence, watching from a distance of 3-4 meters from Takeshi. He was wondering if Takeshi had a trick up his sleeve. He was an Uzumaki after all.

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Takeshi watched as Owydelu slammed his hands on the ground and after a few seconds Takeshi watched as a cage made out of wood appeared from under his feet. The cage itself wasn't too big, but Takeshi could tell it was strong. The whole ordeal happened so fast, he didn't have time to react. By this time, the jutsu he had prepared was ready, but Takeshi knew the jutsu alone wasn't going to be enough the way it was now. He would have to add something else to it, to make it strong enough to actually do something. Takeshi knew however that he would be in a bit of bind, but if he wanted to get out of the cage, it would be necessary to break out. Then he heard Owydelu make a comment about the cage. He said a Katon style jutsu it give Takeshi some burns. Takeshi sat down with his legs crossed to help think better. He figured that Owydelu was trying to keep him at a distance as much as Takeshi was. Takeshi wasn't really sure how well Owydelu fought in hand to hand combat, but he knew he was better than him. The more he sat and thought, the more he started to become frustrated with his own skills. He needed to practice his Taijutsu, he needed to be able to defend himself from up close. Takeshi shook his head, and then crossed him arms. He knew that the spar was close to being over, so he decided to let whatever happens, happen.

While still sitting with his arms crossed, he let the jutsu he had been charging up let loose.  Wind Release: Great Breakthrough. Takeshi said while unfolding his arms. Then as the wind picked up he formed the tiger hand seal and filled his throat and lungs up with chakra. While doing this he slowly stood up and with his legs a shoulder width apart while slightly bent, he looked directly at Owydelu. Due to the jutsu he just used, this fire style jutsu would be fueled by the wild winds that at the moment was wrapped around Takeshi. Then Takeshi directed the wind towards Owydelu simply by looking at him. At almost the same time, Takeshi released Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu. Normally, Takeshi would have had to control his breath to either form a ball, or form a flamethrower. This however was not needed, because as soon as it was let loose in combination with the wind it turned into a torrent of flames. It almost looked liked an ocean of flames that easily went through the cage. Just as Owydelu said, Takeshi could feel his hands start to get burned. Since the flames followed the path of wind that Takeshi created, the flames also started to wrap around him. It was almost suffocating him, but Takeshi didn't stay in the whirlpool of flames for long. Thanks to flames, the wooden cage was weakened, so Takeshi was able jump through the top of the cage without too much of a resistance. Takeshi landed vertically on a tree, but didn't stay that way for long. He used the tree to jump to a branch on another tree the was close to it. From his perch, he could see the sea of flames heading straight for Owydelu.    


Jutsu Used:




(OOC: My jutsus just got accepted. Can I use them here to make this battle more "spicy"?)

While still sitting with his arms crossed, he let the jutsu he had been charging up let loose.  Wind Release: Great Breakthrough. Takeshi said while unfolding his arms. Then as the wind picked up he formed the tiger hand seal and filled his throat and lungs up with chakra. While doing this he slowly stood up and with his legs a shoulder width apart while slightly bent, he looked directly at Owydelu. Due to the jutsu he just used, this fire style jutsu would be fueled by the wild winds that at the moment was wrapped around Takeshi. Then Takeshi directed the wind towards Owydelu simply by looking at him. At almost the same time, Takeshi released Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu.It almost looked liked an ocean of flames that easily went through the cage.Thanks to flames, the wooden cage was weakened, so Takeshi was able jump through the top of the cage without too much of a resistance. Takeshi landed vertically on a tree, but didn't stay that way for long. He used the tree to jump to a branch on another tree the was close to it.

The flames were getting closer and closer to Owydelu. It was looking like Owydelu had a plan to escape from this attack. Suddenly, Owydelu was swallowed by a big ball of fire, leaving no sight of him. That fire left a big track of ash made from grass. After the fire became to estinguish a little, there was no sight of Owydelu. Takeshi knew that something wasn't right there. Suddenly Owydelu appeared in the back of Takeshi, holding a kunai at his neck. It was the kunai Takeshi dodged back then. "I see that you have some tricks up your sleeve! Your escape from that cage was intelligent and also very strategic. You used your Wind Release technique to move the Misty Flame Dance away from you. That was really smart. Also, you used a Fire Release jutsu to escape my prison and also for attacking me. But I used an emergency technique at the start of the battle!"With this, Owydelu created another wooden kunai, and he had thrown it at Takeshi. Also, when Owydelu was in the air he made some hand seals. "This was the Kawarimi no Jutsu that I used! Now surrender Takeshi, this is the end! "

Owydelu was there, fully knowing that he won. If Takeshi would make a move, he would've just hurt himself. For Owydelu, this was finalizing the fight they had.

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From his perch, Takeshi watched as the sea of flames washed over Owydelu. Takeshi was expecting to see him jump out of the flames or even use some kind of jutsu to wash away the flames. When he didn't see any of this, he started to almost worry about Owydelu. This was just supposed to be a spar between two ninja, not a death match. As the bulk of the flames vanished, there was no sign of Owydelu. There was still scattered flames here and there, but nothing that would cause a forest fire, which was odd for Takeshi to think about in this instance. In any case, when Takeshi was just about ready to check out the scene on the ground, he felt something on his neck. Immediately Takeshi prepared his next jutsu which wasn't something that he would use for a spar. Then he heard Owydelu's voice as he began to explain how he managed to survive that little instance.

"I see that you have some tricks up your sleeve! Your escape from that cage was intelligent and also very strategic. You used your Wind Release technique to move the Misty Flame Dance away from you. That was really smart. Also, you used a Fire Release jutsu to escape my prison and also for attacking me. But I used an emergency technique at the start of the battle!"With this, Owydelu created another wooden kunai, and he had thrown it at Takeshi. Also, when Owydelu was in the air he made some hand seals. "This was the Kawarimi no Jutsu that I used! Now surrender Takeshi, this is the end! "

Takeshi did have something he could have used, but he felt that jutsu wasn't something he should use in a normal spar. In a way, Owydelu was lucky that Takeshi was a nice guy, otherwise he would have used his clan's kekkai genkai. Takeshi surrendered, and let Owydelu have this win, but next time, Takeshi wouldn't be so nice.


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