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Kyo had always been a very peculiar person. Even before tragedy reared its ugly head into her life, she had always been described as socially awkward. She had had very few friends in her Academy years and the ones she had were all either gone or had decided that Kyo was too strange for their liking. But even so, the Hokage had decided that she was to take on a team of three Genin students. She had asked herself multiple times why he would do such a thing, but she had agreed to it without posing such nonsensical questions out loud. She knew better than to question Takao. So with that in mind, she had packed a few things with her for the training session that was due hat day. She had asked the three of them to meet her in the outskirts of Konoha, in one of the forests.

It was her time to test them, see if they were worthy of becoming actual shinobi. In her opinion, here was little that the Academy actually taught that was useful in real combat. So it was now up to her to shape these three up into something halfway decent. It was her turn to guide the next generation. She sighed for the umpteenth time. In one of her many spurs of insomnia, she had looked over the files she had been given throughout the entire night. The young Special Jounin had almost memorized every small piece of information that she came across about the three. She had a young Hyuuga girl, a Kokuo boy and an Uzumaki. She had actually liked the fact that she got landed with someone from one of the best fuuinjutsu clans in the entire world. She thought she might as well learn a few things from the boy and maybe use his fresh mind to get inspiration for new techniques. Of course, she would teach him what she knew in exchange.

But that would come later. First, she had to assess how much work she would have to put into their training. Maybe she was underestimating them. Maybe they would surprise her and show a great amount of promise. But Kyo was averse to the notion. The last time she had worked with a group, it had all ended badly, to say the least. She had been forced to watch those she had come to love die before her once again. The idea of now having a team of her own subconsciously scared her. She silently prayed that they would fail the test, but she knew that it would be too much to hope for. And she couldn’t go against orders, now, could she?

That was why Kyo currently found herself walking through the forest near the break of dawn. She had always been one to get up early in the morning. She knew she was heading to the meeting place too soon. Her students wouldn’t be there for a few hours. But that gave her a chance to meditate on her own and set up the things she needed. In the span of a few minutes, she stood before a large pit in the ground. She knew that it had once been used for tournaments and the occasional Chuunin exams, but it had been well over ninety years since it had actually served that purpose. Now, it was simply a large ditch in the ground, surrounded by ruins of what was formerly a coliseum-like structure. The old bleachers had been torn through by growing trees that had effectively turned the area into just another part of the forest. It was the perfect location for the test.

The young woman sat on the ground, staring at the sky above her. The sun was finally rising. Looking at the scenery like this was a habit that she had gotten from her long deceased older brother. He would always watch the sun rising from the roof of their old house. She would often find him there and they would spend hours talking and teasing each other. Kyo clutched the necklace she wore, a small diamond made out of wood that was a memento from her brother. She was unable to hold back the thoughts that flooded into her mind – her hands covered in thin trails of blood, Daichi’s struggles to breathe as the fire surrounded them both. She clutched the necklace tightly, her eyes shut and her face contorted into an expression of pain. Memories of Daichi were one of the few things that could bring out a strong outburst of emotion from the young woman. She opened her eyes and let out a breath that she hadn’t realized that she had been holding.

Kyo slowly got up from the ground and descended into the area below. The sun had already risen and the day was beginning. She had about two hours to set things up. She took the alarm clock out of her bad and set it atop one of the bleachers. She could see the time from below, so it fit. Now she had to test something. She had a technique that was in its early stages of development, but she was sure that she could finish it before the time came. She approached one of the trees closest to her and pressed her hand to it. She channeled chakra through her body and into the tree. She could feel every part of it, every tiny detail. She closed her eyes, trying to concentrate. She had gotten this part down to perfection. Now came the more difficult half.

Kyo extended her hand, slowly reaching through the tree. She could almost feel herself become a part of it. She lost herself within it as she phased into it. It was a strange feeling, but it wasn’t altogether unpleasant. It was new to her. She could see past the tree, feel its roots and branches. She tried to move within it and found that she could do so freely. Good, now to try and move on to the next tree. He roots touched together and intertwined, making it easier to travel from one to the other. After practicing for a good while, she exited the trees and found herself in the middle of the small forest. With a strong jump, she exited the arena and began waiting for her new students.

[Mokuton: Mokugakure no Jutsu Training: 1064/1000]



Crossing his arms, Idari meditated as the warm morning breeze swooshed at his face, this was not his first time to meditate during the break of dawn but it was at least where he could think undisturbed. This day was where his first training with the team shall begin, where the path that leads to Hokage is activated….


It had not been so long before it was time to unite with his squad for a training session, this time; their sensei was included this time. This is where he would finally meet his sensei, his teacher, his mentor. It’s apparent that his sensei is a woman and propitiously; of the Senju clan. Whom are known as distant relatives to the Uzumaki, which heralds that his new sensei may be a user in the same Jutsu he exploits ; Fuuinjutsu.

This would absolutely set him three weeks of training ahead of his squad mates, being taught by an expert in the same art is highly profitable, and Idari needed everyone bit of experience in the art of sealing techniques. The Senju are the infamous founders of Konoha, and are also one of the best wood style users in the whole world which hints that his Sensei is challenging enough for him to use his squad’s aid.

Sunrise was currently active, which posts him that this is a morningtide practice session, although the training begins hours later. Realizing he had woken up early, he knew that he’d introduce himself prior to his squad mates and that would be quite a white before any of them show up at the location, which presumably is the southern portion of the Leaf Forest. The exact spot wasn’t cleared in the explanation he received, but at least the location was a good spot to start training.

First, it would definitely benefit all four shinobi in hiding and using it as a camouflage. Second, the squad should also attain some experience from quarreling a higher rank ninja. The sun was starting to crawl out from the underground, as his shadow soared above the treeline. Based on his senses, his Sensei was straight ahead.

Idari reached his hand for his headband, pulling it out from beneath his shirt, as he held it towards his forehead and wrapped it around his prolonged hair. As there was no time to waste, he shifted into his max speed; enough to make the trees fluctuate as he passed. At last he arrived at the destination, and in the distance a brown haired woman stood.

By her there was a large pit, which was already making Idari swallow after recognizing the thing. He hopped off a tree and carried forward to the taller woman, pausing a few feet away. He gave her a smirk, as he was gone with his feet-wide spread; he stretched his arm forward. Swiftly, turning it into a fist and raising it up by his face, he-


Idari extended his index finger, pointing right at her face, shutting his eyes; he was already grinning widely.

“Sensei…. hehe..”


Karasu Kokuou

Karasu Kokuou

Chapter 3: Training Time- Oh Crow, Crow, Where art thou Crow?

Students of the Senju [Akai, Idari, Karasu/No Kill] Ra2Q8HC

Listen While Reading: Cromeo and Akailet

Students of the Senju [Akai, Idari, Karasu/No Kill] DN3p4

Already set out of the Kokuou compound, Karasu was on a mission and with his feet pushing him forward at high speed, he made his way towards the Hyuuga compound. He knew he would have to get there quick if his plans were to succeed and so he would stop at nothing and let no one slow him down as he pressed onward. Today he wore his standard red jacket, black undershirt and matching pants. Except today he wore a special red scarf along his neck which had been his prized possession that once belonged to his best friend Ayano before she passed away. He hardly ever wore it outside in fear it may be ruined, but today was a special day and was to be the first day that his new team were to meet their sensei. With the meeting spot already memorized, Karasu was determined to head there with Akai. What wonders were to await him? As far as he knew it could be a simple greeting so they could all get to know each other. Little did the young king know that today would be the day their skills and teamwork would be tested, and on such short notice. But like always, such things were the least of his worries. Finally making his way to the Hyuuga complex, Karasu jumped the gates, heading straight in and not giving a rat's ass about security and paying no thought to what punishment may await him. Standing in the middle of the very complex Karasu called out and used his chakra resonance ability, his voice echoing through out every house and manor so every Hyuuga alive would hear him no matter how deeply hidden in the Hyuuga compound they may be.

"Bring me Akai Hyuuga! She's the red head goddess with white eyes tinted with the sky's blue hues. Akai, sweet Akai, where art thou angel Akai?!"

The young man's childish facade already in play, he called out with such excitement and joy, knowing she would hear him no matter what. He was going to make her pay for snatching his cookie away the other day, even if it meant embarrassing himself along with her in front of her entire clan. Karasu noticed as the Hyuuga guards began surrounding him, some even calling out profanities at his so called "ignorance." But the boy paid no attention and simply smiled on, awaiting for the girl to show up. With but a single and short passing moment Karasu called out again.

"Come white eyes, I only want to play before we have to go to the meet spot. Don't test me princess. I'll have you know that I have Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet script memorized line for line, word for word. Please tell me you're on a balcony somewhere! Hahahaha."

His playful act carried on as Kara awaited for Akai to show up. That was when something went wrong, though for only a short moment, it was a critical and dangerous event and slip up on Karasu's part. With his back turned and looking for his teammate, Karasu overheard one of the Hyuuga guards behind him.

"Get out of here! What the hell do you think you're doing?! If you don't leave we'll drag you out."

That was when the Byakugan wielding man made a drastic mistake. With the Hyuuga man taking a single step closer towards the Kokuou clan leader, Karasu merely turned his head and glanced back at the individual, his look alone freezing the guard in place. But what Karasu did next was even more shocking and had the surrounding guards standing on edge, neither thinking of carelessly coming closer without precaution. For the first time in a long time, the young man's act was broken and with a dead serious look in his crimson eyes he stared down the man behind him. The smile was lost and twisted into a disgusted frown as the rest of his facial expression screamed pure hatred and rage.

"Get in my way and I'll slaughter you... And unless any of the rest of you want to be gutted like pigs and strangled with your own intestines, I suggest you shut up and stay where you are. Or better yet, find me my teammate and kindly bring her to me without raising any suspicion."

His words were filled with angst and his voice was finally like that of a King's, demanding obedience. With that being down Karasu put his smile back on and turned around, calling out once more in a playful tone.

"Come on Akai, I'm in a hurry. Let's go."

Students of the Senju [Akai, Idari, Karasu/No Kill] DN3p4



It was a very early morning and the sun was rising already, promising a challenging day. Akai was still sleeping in her bed as a calm baby. She was dreaming about some woman she never met before, the woman was hugging her tightly and giving promises that she‘ll never leave again. Then the woman vanished and Akai saw herself standing in front of three silhouettes. One appeared to be some guy wrapping his hands around Akai, acting protective. The other slihouette as well was some guy‘s who was going forward leaving those two behind and just doing his thing. In front of them there stands a dangerous being ai'ming to get them. As she was all scared and confused in her dream Akai heard some voice in the background saying:

“Hey, you there, you know what time is it?“

Akai woke up suddenly and jumped out of her bed screaming with both eyes almost shut, still dazzled:

“I don‘t want to go to academy, Dad!!!“ She was screaming as loud as she could until realized who she was and that academy was a long way in the past. Akai saw her father standing with his hands crossed on his chest, his expression was sad and angry at the same time. After looking at her for some time, he just went up to the door: “I don‘t know what to do with you anymore, Akai...maybe this „squad“ thing will get you in shape somehow and you‘ll learn some respect to show at home“as he was goigg through the doors he added “There‘s a boy waiting for you outside, better not be what I think“ saying that he shut the doors making quite a noise.

Akai still wasn‘t fully awake, she touched her face and looked into a mirror, then the thought got to her. “I OVERSLEPT!? How is that possible“ Akai shook her head in fear. She was panicking a lot as searching for her clothes. Akai put her getos on and started to run through the door, then she realized “Wait, this isn‘t another „meeting the groom“ day, I have a SQUAD TRAINING!“ She took off her getos and threw them into a random place near house shouting “I will take care of those later, mum!!“ then she turned around and start running like crazy. As running she bumped into Karasu and some members of her family, that was quite a surprise for her. „What are YOU doing here now? We have to hurry you know... She just didn‘t mind her family members and akwardly took his warm hand and started running. Akai kept blushing , because she was looking like a total mess this morning, but still didn‘t want to let go of that hand . As they both were running, she turned her red head at Karasu „What was that all about? You have some explaining to do!“ When she was in a hurry, she reached a really high speed, dragging Karasu along with her, but was it enough not to be late?

Akai‘s hair was a mess, she all was a mess today, but she was trying her best not to be late and they both got to the meeting spot almost in some minutes. While they were running through the forest they almost didn‘t fall into a huge pit, but as Akai‘s reflexes were pretty quick, she overcame the obstacle. Her hand was still holding Karasu‘s through that all time. Akai‘s natural ability to sence other beings were naturally on, she sensed the familiar ckakra, that was probaby Idari. While running she sensed more poferful chakra, that was Sensei for sure. She got nervious now, everyone‘s allready there, she and Karasu are the last ones to come. As they reached their destination, Akai saw grinning Idari “Well, he‘s already showing off, that little...“ She was still hoding Karasu‘s hand though, fully prepared to be tested.



Kyo turned around only to find the first of her three students there. Judging by how the sun was i the sky, he was more or less on time. Good, now the other two must not have been far off. This one was quite... eccentric, to say the least. He had come in yelling that he would surpass the young woman. Judging by his physical appearance, this was none other than Uzumaki, Idari. Of course, she would have known that anyways, seeing as the boy hadn't hesitated to yell his name. "Being loud isn't exactly one of the best features that a shinobi or kunoichi can have," She began, cold and sraight to the point as she usually was. Her facial expression was mostly blank, though her head was slightly tilted o the side in a mild show of curiosity and wonder. "You must learn to use silence and stealth if you ever wish to surpass anyone. But no matter, you'll learn that later. There will be enough time to teach you, should you get past today." She finished explaining. "By the way, as you already know, I am your new teacher. My name is Senju, Kyo and I am the current leader of the Senju Clan," She said, bowing slightly towards the boy as a form of greeting him.

Now all they had to do was wait for the other two to get there. In the meantime, it was best to get acquainted with the boy. She sat on the ground and reached into her bag, pulling out a thermos and two cups. She poured both and extended one to Idari without saying anything. She would leave the basic questions for when they were all there, mostly so that they could all meet each other at the same time and not go through the bothersome task of having to repeat the same information time and time again. She sipped calmly on her tea, enjoying the cool morning breeze and the soothing sound of nature. She wondered what type of so called adventures awaited for her and the three new Genin.

She was skeptical, of course. She had reason to be, knowing that she could get them all killed if she did something wrong, as had happened before. Their live were practically in her hands, which made her tense. She knew enough of loss to know that it didn't get easier as time went by and more people she had come to love or even like kept dying. It got to the point where some foolishly believed her to be cursed and often avoided her for that same reason. She had learned how to shrug it off over the years. In any case, she knew that she would come to warm up to her students, which was what scared her the most.

[Word Count - Ninjutsu from B to A: 2520/3000]

[First 1965 Words]

Last edited by Kyo on Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:59 am; edited 1 time in total



Idari blinked his eyes, his grin turning into an innocent frown as his head tilted in a perplexed manner. "Leader of The Senju... huh?" It was surprising enough to make Idari fond of his new scholar. Suddenly, Idari found himself scholared on the way of shinobi and how to surpass anyone as he stormed in exclaiming he would exceed her. He was hushed, yet he knew that nobody would change the way he is. He handled the tea she offered him moments ago, calmly terminating his eyes, he silently observed the floor, obscuring his face from her sight; he was already on his boiling point.

"Nobody... not even you, sensei.. can change the way I am..." He swiftly fostered his twisted eyes, shooting a warning glare through his azure orbs; he had almost uttered a growl."Got that..?" Idari was serious and collectively mad. Yet he knew this attitude would not eventually make him less superior.
He allowed himself to collapse into a seating position. He approximated his lips with the cup's edge, curiously taking a sip at the brown liquid.

Idari's eyes shot wide, his pupils were almost invincible as he went berserk like a bat from hell, he almost choked from the terrible taste this fluid called "tea" had possessed. "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!" Childishly yelling and pointing up and down at the dropped and broken cup, he slowly began recovering from the terrible occasion. He faced his head away from her, partially embarrassed but also annoyed.

"..... Where the hell are they?"

Eyeing off at the complete chasm, it was complete emptiness. Furrowing his brows down, he was beginning to grow impatient. But was interrupted and disturbed of his thinking once their chakra signaled through his head, they were already before his eyes. He rubbed the back of his head, grinning cheerfully as the training is on-the run.

"SO, you finally show up, huh.. hehe."

Chuckling intimately, he pointed his thumb at Kyo; giving them a hint that this was their Sensei. "Try not to get on her bad side!" Whispering behind the black door, he faced their teacher, standing in the middle of his team, Squad 6.



O.O.C : (Sorry for the late post, I was sort of busy with something IRl. Aaaand, can we begin the training? xD)

Karasu Kokuou

Karasu Kokuou

Chapter 3: Training Time- Time to Fly

Students of the Senju [Akai, Idari, Karasu/No Kill] OgjKx93

Listen While Reading: I'll Soar Higher and Higher

Students of the Senju [Akai, Idari, Karasu/No Kill] DN3p4

Karasu would simply smile as Akai grasped his hand and hey fled towards the training grounds, the both of them easily slipping past the Hyuuga guards and exiting the compound. The smile only got bigger as the young king noticed that the Hyuuga girl wouldn't release his hand even after they escaped the Hyuuga clan grounds, a playful tone escaping his parting lips as he replied to the girl's question.

"No way I'm going to let my queen by late all on her own, especially on the first day."

Having stopped at the meeting spot just before a massive pit, Karasu scanned the area and took in the surrounding details, a habit built into him like second nature. He did so in order to scan statistics as well as contemplate possible future strategies that involved using the terrain to his benefit. In all honesty, Karasu became a little unsettled about the setting, something about it screamed more than just a meet and greet. From the looks of it, there was going to be training. He wasn't quite dressed for such a thing and for a moment he nervously fiddled with the red scarf along his neck, the soft cloth beneath his fingertips being something he wished to not get dirty or ruined. With his free hand Karasu pulled off the scarf and tucked it away under his red jacket, hoping that would be enough to keep it safe. With his fingers still entwined with the young girl's to his side Karasu lifted his hand up, forcing her arm into the air along with his.

"Karasu Kokuou and Akai Hyuuga reporting. Sorry for the tardiness, we were on a date and loss track of time!"

Karasu's cheerful voice rang out, his childish facade up and running as he look to his side and gave the redhead girl a playful and teasing smile.

Students of the Senju [Akai, Idari, Karasu/No Kill] DN3p4



Akai was smiling in front of her Sensei and Idari, she somehow felt relieved that her Sensei was a female hoping that they both would understand each other as girls have some different feelings and fears. Akai wanted to introduce herself and apologize for being late, but then she heard Karasu talking and introducing them by shouting like crazy, on top of that, he made up a story that they were on a date. She got furious, the white flame appeared in her eyes, Akai let go of the hand she was holding and with the same hand she punched Karasu right into his head. The punch looked more funny than painful. She was acting like mad person again:

"Are you crazy or something?!? Do you want the whole world to know?!? And you call THAT a date?!? Running from my crazy clan? Oh you, you will pay for your words!!

As she was waving her fist like crazy, she remembered that they were not alone anymore, Akai suddenly calmed down and became as a different person. She stepped forward and bowed:

"My name is Akai, Hyuuga, the daughter of Horu, please forgive me for being late, I will behave myself from now on, Sensei"
Then she turned to Idari and shared a smile " Hey you, good morning, hope you covered up for your team mates?"



Kyo cocked her head to the side as Idari began to spit out the cup of tea that she had given him. "It's just tea. Green tea, to be exact. It's an acquired taste," She said as she took a sip from the small cup of steaming liquid. Soon enough, the other two students arrived. She looked at the quizzically, her eyes wide and difficult to read as they usually were. They were holding hands, though the girl seemed to be shy and reluctant about it. The boy, on the other hand, looked like he was proud of the fact that he was with the girl. Kyo stood up, leaving the thermos full of tea and the small bag that she had brought along on the side. So these were her three students: Uzumaki Idari, Kokuo Karasu and Hyuuga Akai. There was a moment of silence as she examined them one by one. There wasn't much that she could tell from just a surface glance, at least nothing that the files already didn't describe. Well, she would get to know them better later.

Kyo bowed slightly to the two newcomers. "Good to see that you were able to make it. Next time we meet, your tardiness will be punished severely," She said dryly, in a voice that could send chills down anyone's spine. "But seeing as I already have everything planned for today, we might as well get started," She said, turning around so that she now faced the pit in the ground. "In you go," She instructed. Once they were there, she would go stand on the bleachers, slightly above them but close enough that they would clearly hear her explanation. She reached one hand into her pocket and pulled out what seemed to be a tiny turtle. It clung to her finger for dear life.

Kyo glared at it, silently communicating with the tiny thing. "This will be your opponent," She said loudly, pointing her hand forward and showing them the tiny turtle that clung to her index finger. "Or at least one of them. I will add more as I see fit. The goal of this test is simple: Each of you must land a direct hit on me. However, you must do so within a span of 5 minutes each. You have three hours to complete the task. Understood?" She explained. She then climbed up a couple of steps and entered a stance. Knowing what was coming, the turtle seemed to let out a tiny wail. Its eyes began to water as Kyo launched it across the arena. It flew into the sky and landed in the bushes across the area. Kyo dusted her hands off and sighed. The three students were probably confused, to which she didn't blame them. Hibiki's smaller form was hardly intimidating, and there was no real way for them to know what he was able to transform into. Until... "Three... two... one," Kyo muttered.

A loud growl came from the bushes where Hibiki had landed. The turtle had grown to twelve feet in size and had changed dramatically. It moved slowly at first, looking at the three children with a feral grin. In the meantime, Kyo placed her hand on the tree next to her. She phased into it and disappeared from sight. Hibiki would poise himself and wait for the three of them to attack. Despite how bulky he looked, the turtle was actually rather quick, particularly when it retracted back into its shell and began to spin. But he would save that for later.

[Word Count - Ninjutsu from B to A: 3122/3000]

[Word Count - Ninjutsu from A to S: 122/4000]

[Chakra left: 285/300]



Mounting his position at the center of his squad, he bowed after his colleagues and his sensei, respectively; Team Kyo was born. Despite Kyo showing great kindness, she had mentioned a 'severe' punishment had they appeared behindhand at an appointed time. Their Sensei was serious, for a sensei, she was a cold and a rigid woman in man's world. After the mere introduction, Kyo had turned, facing the large pit; she gestured from the three gennin to the pit. This did not appear well, training inside that thing would knock the balance to the Sensei's favor.

He hurdled his body in a boneless manner, flipping several times before fashionably landing into a fighting stance. Yet in the end, he made himself look like a complete idiot, as their Sensei was still standing up there, he could not clearly hear her voice but at least he managed to understand the main points, anyway. The task was this: everyone of the trio shall land a direct hit at her, be it by physical attacks or any chakra techniques in only five minutes, if anybody messes up; they would start all over again until the three hours are finished. Should the three hours end before they manage to do it right, they will fail and probably return as Academy ninja or just disappoint their Sensei for the first time, both on training and introductory meetings.

From what he could gawk from this distance afar, she weeded something tiny from her pocket and it seemed organic. A turtle was likely to be the best answer, but..  By any means, how can a turtle possibly aid in battle? However, to his own shock; the thing was thrown feet away and probably it's life was extinguished once it's torpid back meets a tree. "...!" His eyes were encyclopedic enough for the pupils to be almost out of sight, dropping his jaw in a puerile demeanor as he glared at her confusingly.


Idari shrieked and would continue deeming the reason  of murduring the innocent turtle only for his thinking to get interrupted by a furious growl that dramatically grew in volume and even the chills that ran down his spine told him, that in size as well. The beast approached the pit's edge, shooting a gawk as it grunted in anger towards the youthful gennin squad. This was enough to impress Idari, his Sensei was incredibly powerful; even her chakra was twice as large as his own. Idari shifted his weight down, rallying both strength and chakra into his foot core, which directed him flying upwards like a bat from hell, now exceeding the pit's colossal height itself, the jump was enough to land at the target, their Sensei.

"Bunshin no Jutsu..."

While in midair, Idari would generate five clones to distract their sensei, whom was enigmatic, she was completely out of sight, but he could still sense her chakra. His sensory skills portrayed everything to him, the clever Jounin was cloaking herself in the forest and left the squad to battle the turtle alone. This however sparked him an idea, Akai was a Hyuuga and probably had already mastered the Byakugan, thus, guiding him where their Sensei was veiling. He dashed backwards hastily, mustering for Akai as he did.

"Akai! Use your Byakugan, Kyo Sensei is hiding in the trees, I can sense it!" With that, he faced the giant tortoise; it gave him an agitated smirk. This was his very first time to learn a turtle's emotions and this one's was not very pleasant. "Karasu, help me with this, will ya!!?" He silently furrowed his brows at the animal, however he instantly sprung at the giant of a turtle, forming the tiger hand seal as he raced through the field.

"Fire Release! Great Fireball Jutsu!"

His mouth was filled as a butterball and it was itching to become released out. The chakra grew into a mighty stream of flames, roaring in it's wake as it stormed towards it's target, the turtle was approximately and slightly larger than the jutsu but it was enough to only anger the thing. The stream had almost engulfed it's head, but it simply obscured the real show. The flames  slowly began fading, while the giant was mysteriously  out of sight, perhaps safe and sound and perhaps struggling for it's breath. Idari slowly descended a couple of meters away, the turtle might get smart on him and attempt to the make 'the trick be tricked' happen as it was mystically faster than the Uzumaki individual. Panting rapidly, both jutsus forced him to sweat and hardly catching his breath. It was without even getting affected by his master's puppet, he was already half way tired.

He patiently waited for the smoke to clear out, hopefully the turtle would be there struggling.. or more likely not be there at all..



[Raiton ~ From C-B, 1721/2000]



Last edited by Idari on Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:23 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Role-playing mistakes)



Akai seeing Idari in action decided not to stand there herself. The area was not very clear as it was full of tress and other greenery and sensei was nowhere to see, thus the minute Akai wanted to turn her Byakugan on, she heard the same order from Idari on the move. She guessed that they were thinking the same way and thit thought somehow made her feel more like it‘s a  real team work going on.  When the Byakugan was finally on, everything became more clear, Akai gazed into the threes and the chakra moving from one thee to another. The hell, Idari was right, sensei really could hide herself in wood.

Akai was amazed for a bit, but then Idari came along with the fireball aiming at this huge turtle that was in front of her. The girl suddenly turned around showing her back to him, then she exhaled a powerful steam of wind from  her mouth right into the ground in order to get some support. After doing that she jumped just the second before the fireball hit or missed the turtle. Due to the help of the wind, Akai gained a very high speed and appeared to land right in front of the trees. She turned around and took a look at them. Then simply slapped her palms once and released two powerful waves of wind into two directions. The wave knocked down some threes form both sides leaving about ten of them in the middle.  Akai didn‘t turn to see if Idari was allright, she knew and saw he was just fine.

“Idari, she is either in one of those trees!  We have to take her out of there or we won‘t be able to land a direct hit! She was worried now about her last step, Akai was a bit tired as well, but she decided to wait for Idari‘s responce and not to act just by herself. That‘s what a team is about, right?

Jutsu used:
Chakra left 145/150

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