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1Sarutobi On Fire! [Solo/no kill/close] Empty Sarutobi On Fire! [Solo/no kill/close] Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:15 pm

Koji Senju

Koji Senju

The village hidden in the leaf had been quiet on this day. The wind was at calm and the sounds of the many animals couldn’t be heard. Some of the beautiful green trees were losing their leaves. The grasses in certain areas were beginning to burn. The sun was glistening, but the shine was not bright. It was incredibly mysterious around the land of Konoha, something was up.
Koji Senju, “one of Konoha’s soon to be famous” ninja was taking a stroll. He knew a break would do him good, seeing as how he was training with ninjutsu all day. The dedication that he placed into his practice would someday come in handy, but for now it would cease. Koji came to a stop in the middle of the village; a poised look came upon his face. The young man pointed his head to the sky, looking toward the sun. The look upon his face quickly transformed from poised to confused. He noticed that something queer was up today; something wasn’t right. Suddenly, before his eyes a large, thick cloud of smoke arose in the sky.
Koji didn’t think twice about the phenomenon; he quickly rushed to the location of the cloud of smoke. Surrounding villagers took notice to the gray haze filling the sky, but they didn’t seem to care. “Why is everyone just standing here?” Koji thought. To the everyday shinobi, it was common to see smoke filling the skies. Maybe someone was practicing fire release jutsu, maybe someone was practicing with smoke bomb weapons, heck it could be a brawl against a few genin, but Koji had a gut feeling that something was going awry.
The trail of smoke led Koji to a burning building. The building had been set ablaze inside of the Sarutobi compound. The fire was nothing small, either. The flames were melting the building down. Koji knew if he didn’t act quickly, this fire would evoke immense damage. Nearby the building was a young genin, sobbing and weaping.
“Hey! What’s going on?!” Koji hollered.
“I-I-I’m sorry! I accidently set this building on fire! I didn’t mean to! I’m just trying to master Great Fireball Jutsu! Please help me!” The young man responded.
The shinobi was a Sarutobi who was drilling himself in fire techniques. The young man was trying to accomplish The Great Fireball technique; he’d been at it for hours. Although other members of his clan told him to give up, he would not quit. This lack of rest caused fatigue which in turn caused him to mess up and start a fire. He thought lightly of the fire and therefore did not put it out, however the fire spread without warning and began burning down a building. The young Sarutobi felt so much regret and knew he would be in trouble, causing him to make a mess of tears. He screamed for help, but no one was near enough to hear him until Koji appeared.
“Listen, don’t worry! I’m a Senju. I’ve got this covered!” Koji assured.
Koji leapt into action rapidly. He constructed several hand signs and placed his fingers in a circle like motion, enclosing his lips upon the circle.
“Water Release: Wild Water Wave!” Koji roared.
The Sarutobi grinned, feeling a sense of relief. Koji knew water release techniques and this could drastically help the situation. However, because Koji had been training all day his chakra levels were weakened. From his mouth came a tiny burst of water followed by a vicious cough. For a second he had forgotten all the training he did that day.  
“What was that?! My granny could use a better water technique than that!” The Sarutobi said, making a clown of Koji.
“Hey! I was just fooling around! Besides, who’s helping you out anyway?” Responded Koji.
Koji turned back towards the fire and closed his eyes. He concentrated, allowing for his chakra to flow within his body. Koji pressed his palms together as a stream of blue chakra surrounded him to form a blue aura. The Sarutobi’s eyes widened; he had never seen chakra flow so steadily and calm like this. This was the work of a Senju! Koji’s eyes shot open as he prepared another round of hand seals. He placed his lips on the hole his fingers shaped. This time, Koji inhaled a large amount of air.
“Water Release: Wild Water Wave!” Koji called out once more.
This time, an enormous amount of water lashed from Koji’s mouth. The flames were going to come to cease after all. Koji turned his head in different directions in order to spread the water around different parts of the building. The flames would slowly begin to evaporate as the water would engulf them. After thirty seconds, the flame would go from a raging fire to a dim light put out by the last drip of water Koji used. The fire was gone and the chirping from birds could be heard from afar.
“Thanks so much dude!” Said the Sarutobi as he jumped onto Koji to give him a large hug.
“Alright Alright! That’s enough!” Shouted Koji in response.
Several Sarutobi rushed onto the scene late. They witnessed the damage done, but weren’t angry. However, they wished that one of their clan members had done something to cease the fire instead of cry for help so they simply shook their heads and looked at Koji.
“We would like to thank you for assisting our friend here in exterminating this flame,” one of the shinobi had announced, thanking Koji for his hard work.
“No problem. You all should be proud of this young man; he trained so hard that he can now burn down an entire building! I find it to be an admirable trait.”
The young Sarutobi smiled at Koji and bowed at him, showing him respect for the assistance he gave him. Koji bowed in returned and proceeded to tuck his hands in his pockets and take off. He waved goodbye to the Sarutobi clansman as he made his way out of sight.

word count:

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