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1Whach-A-Mole [C-Rank] Empty Whach-A-Mole [C-Rank] Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:06 am



A week after his B rank mission, he had been assigned to a C rank mission. The higher ups probably knew how hard back to back B ranks were, so they must had decided that he needed a little break. Takeshi knew however that he would be assigned to another B rank mission soon. For now, he would have to focus his attention on the mission he was just assigned to. The mission destination wasn’t too far from the main village, in fact it wasn’t too far from Takeshi’s house. He didn’t need to get out of bed too early, but he still the house early. At this point, Takeshi made it a habit to leave for a mission earlier than he needed to. So he ate a small breakfast and went on his way to the farm. The sun was just starting to rise, causing the different mix of colors in the sky. He jumped on a nearby roof and started on his way to the farm. The farm itself was no more than thirty minutes away from his house, so he decided to take it somewhat easier that norma. Takeshi was a little bit off today, he didn’t feel as energetic about doing these missions. He wasn’t depressed, but after the last mission he took, he had been thinking a lot. The last mission was the B rank, and it was the first time he killed his first man. In fact, he killed a lot of men that night, all for the forbidden scroll, and his village.

Takeshi wondered why he had to kill these men over a scroll, why couldn’t he just let them  live? Why couldn’t he just sneak in and take the scroll, and sneak back out?  These were the questions he asked himself as he jumped from roof to roof. He watched a man die due to his own hands, watched as he spilled what seemed like gallons of blood. They didn’t teach or tell him this at the academy, they never said he would have to actually kill somebody. The more he thought about it, the more he remembered that it was more implied than anything else. Of course they wouldn’t tell budding ninja how the ninja world really was. They would never tell them that eventually they would have to kill for their village, for their lives even. They never said that most of their chances of living a long life to see an old age were now reduced by sixty percent. For some, their chances were even lower, and yet at the academy all he remembered doing was laughing at some stupid joke. Then, just a week ago, Takeshi got a taste of how the ninja world really was. Takeshi thought about the concepts they taught at the academy, everything he has done so far was made for killing. Every cat or dog he chased down was put there to increase his speed and reflexes. The random movements of cats, lifting heavy sod, escorting merchants, all of these things were put there to help Takeshi progress as a ninja. His job would only get harder as time progressed, he realized this in actuality, he would have to kill more, for the safety of his village and its people.

Takeshi shook his head to clear his head of all the things he had been thinking about until now. He arrived at the farm to see a man standing outside, it looked like he waiting on Takeshi to show up. When Takeshi got to the front door of the house, the old man invited him in and gave Takeshi the run down on the current situation. At first Takeshi couldn’t believe what he was saying. It sounded crazy to believe that moles were causing all this trouble, and on top of that, they were supposed to be super smart moles? It all seemed crazy to him, and the old man understood, which is why it took so long to process the mission through administration. Whatever the case may have been, it was now Takeshi job to sort out whatever was going on at the farm. So Takeshi walked back outside and started to examine the holes that were in the ground. He didn’t have anything in particular that would specifically help him with this mission, but there was a few things he could do. However, if those were to fail then Takeshi would be out of luck. Takeshi then filled his lungs and throat with chakra and bent over to face the hole he was standing in front of. He then let out an invisible gas called  Fire Style: Misty Flame Dance, which was used for amplifying an fire style jutsu.The gas also had an extreme noxious smell to it that Takeshi thought might drive the moles from underground. Takeshi blew as hard as he could until he ran out of air, and then he waited for something to happen. He waited for a good ten minutes before he noticed that nothing was going on. He couldn’t tell if the gas had any real effect and it would have been dangerous to leave the gas underground.

So Takeshi decided to try his last trump card, so he took a deep breath to prepare for his next jutsu. This jutsu was Wind Release: Stream and he aimed it at the hole in the ground and before long, he could hear the wind from the jutsu coming out of several other holes. However along with the noise he saw six small bodies fly up from the holes themselves. Takeshi let the jutsu go for a little longer just to make sure he got all of the gas out. After which he checked the six bodies and saw that they were the moles, and from the looks of it they died from the gas Takeshi put in the holes. He picked the moles up and gave them to the old man who jokingly made a statement about eating the moles for dinner. He patted Takeshi on the back for the little damage he did to the farm, if any damage at all. Takeshi went on his way to turn in the mission and then headed home.

1054/1000 Mission Completed

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