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1 Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank] Empty Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank] Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:39 pm



It was a nice and good day outside. The sun was a deep blue water-like color, giving the impression that the giant fluffy Homuncluluses were swimming across the big divine sea. Owydelu got up from his bed, with the purpose to go get a bite of something. The sun's rays were laying on Owydelu's face now. It was a little annoying, so he had a hard time to stay in bed and to support them at the same time. In the end, Owydelu surrendered and he got up, then going to the bathroom. As always, he took a nice, long and warm shower that would open up his mind for this day. After some time, Owydelu got out of the shower and he got in the kitchen to prepare something for him to eat. He made Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. They were perfect to fill Owydelu's stomach this early morning. After he finished eating, Owydelu dressed-up, without forgetting to put his mask on. He locket the door, like this protecting his house from burglars, thieves and any other threats. The kids were going to the Ninja Academy to learn the basics they needed and the men were going to do their duty for the village. Owydelu walked slowly to the Konoha's Kage Building, conserving his energy. When he got there, Owydelu had taken his information and he got out of the room, and out of the building. As always, Owydelu sat down under a tree, protecting himself from the sun's rays. He opened up the data he had and he started to read it slowly in his mind:
A Sarutobi Genin accidentally set flames to a building inside the Sarutobi compound while practicing a new Katon based Jutsu. These flames quickly spread across a small section of the compound, these fires must be put out before they spread across the entire compound and turn the prestigious clan’s home into ruinous ash.
A Sarutobi Genin accidentally set fire to the building while practicing his Great Fireball Jutsu. Help him put out the flames before they destroy the entirety of the Sarutobi compound!

As he heard about this incident, Owydelu hurried to the Sarutobi compound. When he got there, it was a fire, accompanied by the smoke that was getting out of the windows and the doors of the building. The fire was getting bigger by every moment, making Owydelu become more and more aware of the dangers that the fire would cause if he wouldn't stop them at the moment. The fire was getting more fearful with every second that was passing by. Some Medical Ninja came out of the building with the Sarutobi kids, some of them being responsible for that incident. They had several burns over their body. It was just an accident that caused all this mess. They should've never done that, they should've been more careful with the Fire Release techniques they did, even if they were in a clan that specializes in that.
The clouds on the sky, now were kind of grey, showing that a rain might come by in some time.
Suddenly, Owydelu said: "Why was I even let to do this mission? I mean this shouldn't be given to someone that uses Wooden Techniques! This is just insane!" Owydelu was about to get crazy about the idea of extinguishing the fire using his techniques. There was such a stupid trough that this mission was to be taken by a Senju Clan member. It was just insane. Owydelu calmed down, starting to concentrate his chakra. He had one plan that could either go good or very bad. It passed a quarter an hour and Owydelu was getting more stressed as the time was passing by himself.
Owydelu’s nerves got beyond normality. Now he was getting close to insanity. Suddenly, he decided to not get scared anymore and to act as a true Chuunin. Maybe this could get him a promotion. The air was getting  pressured down. The people were screaming  and Owydelu knew he had only one chance. This plan could go either good or very very bad. This was one in a million chance of a plan like this and nothing could make him turn his back again to this mission. It was his duty, so he had to do his job. With a single jump, Owydelu got beside the burning building. With just some hand-seals, Owydelu said : “Mokuton no Jutsu!” A long, wooden plank got out from Owydelu’s hand, with it getting in the direction of the building. With some rapid strikes, the wooden plank destroyed all the roof, leaving the fire to go straight to the sky. With another hand-seals, Owydelu said : “Rain Dance!” A powerful rain then started to fall over Konohagure, after some seconds. The rain was one of the most powerful ones that Konohagure has seen in the past years. The fire, slowly, extinguished, letting only ashes to remain.  Owydelu jumped with his powerful legs, landing near a medical ninja. “Take care of the rest please! I’m off to the Administration Building!” said Owydelu. After he let the report there, Owydelu was feeling too hungry to do something, so he stopped at Ichiraku’s Ramen. “An Ichiraku Boul with extra pork and eggs, please!” After some seconds, the food was right in front of Owydelu. The soup was boiling hot, so he had to wait a little before rushing into the ramen. Owydelu started thinking about his brother. He learned a lot in the past year, He finished the academy and he finally started to be a gennin and to learn the Wooden Techniques of his clan. Owydelu was proud to be his brother. Koji was now getting fast to the rank of Chuunin, the same rank Owydelu had. Sousetsu, his cousin, taught Owydelu how to use the Wooden Techniques and now, he was feeling lucky to have such a special relationship between Cousins. Owydelu finished eating and he paid for the ramen. Then he got home and he took a long, nice and relaxing nap, before doing any training that day.

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