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1Sarutobi on fire [C-Rank] Empty Sarutobi on fire [C-Rank] Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:53 pm



Chapter 1:

    Tamasazuki had been going to the village council, and he walked very slowly, and laid back. He said hi to a few clan members, and chatted with them, then he continued. He saw quite a few ninjas leaving the office. He speed up, and then began to jump on the tops of the village building. Once he got there he heard the kage talking, and she sounded stressed. He began walking up to the second floor when some shinobis handed him a bucket full of water, and they said here. Take this, and hurry. So sarutobi acting like he knew what he was doing followed the other shinobi, and they ran into the far end of the village where a building was burning. There shinobis were pouring the water on it, and some were using their jutsu. I thought i would do something more useful, and gather up some stronger water shinobi. For he knew the people at the front gate that he had greeted every morning were.

Chapter 2:   

    He activated his phasing jutsu, and ran through the forest, at his max running speed. Using his phasing jutsu he can go right through trees instead of going around them. This was very effective ability to have in his village. So when he saw the people at the gate he deactivated his jutsu, and continued to run to them. Tamazuki explained how he needed wall elemental users to help him put out the fire on the Sarutobi compound. There were four people in total that followed him back for he collected all info on them. Two of them used water, and one of them used wind, and the other used earth. They headed back through the forest, and once they came in sight of the building Sarutobi gave them orders of where to stand. The fire was not as bad as earlier, but it would continue to burn the building to ash otherwise. Tamaszuki said on my word you two water users hit it hard with whatever you can along with all of you water users here. Then once they do that wind users hit it with whatever you go without breaking the building. Finally Earth users build a small cube around the building to smother it, and don't make any cracks for it needs no oxygen to get in.
Chapter 3:   

    Tamasazuki holored now water begin, and he watched as all the water came launching at the burning building. The water upset the flames minimally, but then he said wind users, and the flames went out for a moment like it was a giant candle being blown at. Right after this he commanded the earth users to do in right then for the fire would go out it has not oxygen to continue. All the people crossing their fingers listened as the sound of the flames slowly began to die. Sarutobi, stood there looking around. Seeing as the village came together, and they all effectively worked together to tackle the task. This was a safe place for him in Konoha village were they could stop any problems as long as they work as a team. The shinobi were all huddled together as they watched as the earth pillars got removed, and the building was black, but the fire was put out with minor damages to the foundation of the building. Tamasazuki said one moment guys don't leave yet we must carry out are duties of keeping this village look nice. Sarutobi told the guys give me thirty minutes. Sarutobi walked towards the village with a grin on his face still admiring the teamwork the village had done.
Chapter 4:   

    Tamasazuki began approach the village where he went into each store starting with the paint shop he asked if they would donate some paint to painting the villages building that had just been burnt. The shopkeeper just said take it how ever much you need. If it was to support the village they would do whatever. He then headed to the supplies store were he purchased new doors for the ones that had currently been burnt those had also been donated from the store. He put these, and also many brooms dustpans, and new flooring wood, and much more into a cart that had represented the non-selfishness of the village people. He began to head back to the burn site where there were people hollering, and chanting for Tamasazuki, and for Konoha village in general. For everyone had come together to help the village. Tamasazuki helped clean up all the burnt pieces, and burnt stuff.
    Tamasazuki saw a boy who looked upset, and crying for Tamasazuki approached this boy, and asked him what was wrong.
    The boy crying had said i didn't do it on purpose it was on accident don't you people understand.
    Tamasazuki looked at the boy kind of funny, and asked of well you understand that none of us here think you a bad kid.
    The boy replied oh sure thats exactly what you people always say than you stab me in the back later, and use this incident against me.
    Tamasazuki told the kid to just relax. People make mistakes, and he he said i don't know what has happened in you past and thats your business not mine. But i'm sure no one here is upset with you, i know for sure i'm not.
    The boy said, but i burned a building, and you guys had to go out of your way to clean it up why are you not mad, it just doesn't make sense.
Chapter 5:   

    Tamasazuki said well you see this is the first time i have ever witnessed this village ever work together to accomplish something for i myself have not done very many missions, but still it was fantastic seeing everyone work together for one goal. Tamasazuki walked away, and said dont beat yourself up kid your strong the building shows your strength. Tamasazuki waved everyone goodbye, and he continued to the building of the council. Once he got there he said well the fire out.
    The hokage replied i was told, and i hear you had something important to do with it, and for this you will be rewarded.
    Tamasazuki left the building, and was walking straight seeing the sun as it set  into the world. Tamasazuki slept good that night knowing that he had done a good thing.

Words: 1079/1000

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