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1Tough Crowd [Kumo-D(repeatable)/Private] Empty Tough Crowd [Kumo-D(repeatable)/Private] Mon May 27, 2013 4:49 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

As Kenji traveled at moderately high speed, the drag created by the omniscient wind was blowing his spiky blue hair back and forcing him to slightly squint. The genin, constantly increasing in skill, skipped from one roof top to the next making no sound louder than a single feather. As Kenji’s lips pursed due to the blistering wind that seemed to caress his lips with a razor, the Sky Bar was coming into a clearer version that offered Kenji’s eyes more details to scan.

The bored genin was heading to the Sky Bar for a mission and hopefully have a little fun, he figured if there was anyplace in Kumogakure that was sure to offer him a good time, it would his current destination. The scarf Kenji had on gave him a certain flare as he glided towards the sky bar. Before walking in, the overly confident genin would fix his tight blue jacket that had his clan's symbol on the back, not that anyone would recognize it, being that his clan was relatively unknown, it was partially his job to change that. As the first Chikara inside the village gates he would have the entire reputation of his clan to uphold.

A sly smile was glued on Kenji's face as he opened the door, he was marveled by the glamor of the club. It had a sparkle about it; it was voluminous, it sat in the sky providing a fantastic view, and also in the club was a glass dance floor that Kenji planned on utilizing. However, Kenji's smile gradually dissipated as he noticed something vital was missing... "Excuse me sir, this is the Sky Bar right?" he asked a gentleman with security on his shirt, he had a uninterested look on his face, and would answer the disappointed genin with a simple nod of the head.

There was nothing going on, except for a few people at the bar engaging in common conversation. Kenji then reached for his sword as he was viciously approached by a huge man, "Damn it, left my sword and all my other weapons home, and I suck at Taijutsu." The tall and chubby man could tell Kenji was startled, so he quickly clarified his intentions. "No, no, I mean you no harm shinobi. I'm Chuckles, the one who requested you for the mission here." Kenji relaxed and looked the man up. "Of course, my apologies, you want to get a few laughs out of these folks right?" Chuckles nodded excitedly.

There was a stool and a microphone stand on the stage. Kenji received the mic from the host, he whipped off his jacket and placed it on the mic stand, he adjusted the mic and took a seat on the stool. As he continued to adjust the mic and his position on the stool, "Hello everyone! I'm Kenji! So tell me, do you guys want to know what it's like to be a shinobi." He glared at the audience as they looked at one another, "YES!" they erupted suddenly. Kenji jumped back at the sudden response and almost fell out of his stool. The crowd laughed at the physical comedy. "You see, if I wasn't a shinobi, I would've fell." The crowd began to laugh at the fluency of Kenji's act so far. Kenji stood up and walked to the end of the stage, "Being a shinobi is all about taking out the trash... I'm talking plastics, foods,paper, aluminum." A stream of laughter swirled throughout the club, the energy was slowly coming back to the club. Kenji gestured to the DJ to play some mid-tempo music. "It's easy to get rusty, that's why you have to keep your groove." He said while dancing with rhythm, the crowd applauded Kenji for his skill. "Also, as a shinobi, you have to deal with a lot of... 'difficult' people. I know y'all know what I mean by 'difficult'." The crowd laughed in agreement. Kenji looked at Chuckles for approval and he found him with his head thrown back while holding his stomach. Kenji lowered his head as a smile came upon his face. "Alright I'll leave you all with this, because I know you all are ready to party and have a blast, not listen to me." Kenji just couldn't go wrong today, even that comment had the audience slapping their knees. "I was walking to the weapon shop, true story by the way, a dog runs up behind me and bites me on the butt." He gestures to the crowd with his head down to let him finish, "Mind you I just had spicy ramen, so... when bit by the dog on my butt... I farted." Kenji closed his eyes and shrugged as the audience was laughing a little, knowing that the punchline hadn't quite came yet. "While I'm rubbing my butt, the owner of the dog, a little girl, comes running behind the dog. She stops in front of me gasping for air and says to me, 'He just can't help it, he loves squeaky toys.' I almost fell on the ground in amusement." The crowd absolutely lost it, Chuckles lost all control and went running around the club laughing hysterically. Kenji was on the stage laughing as well as that story always makes him laugh. "Well, ladies and gentleman, you've been great, but that's my time. Have a great night, and thank you for having me Chuckles!" Kenji extended his hand as he departed the stage, he received a thundering applause that almost made him blush.

Kenji decided to stay a little longer and enjoy himself, he was approached by several people who complemented him on his performance. "Hmmm, maybe I'm in the wrong profession."

WORD-COUNT: 977/600


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