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1Curry & A Butcher Knife{Open//No Kill} Empty Curry & A Butcher Knife{Open//No Kill} Tue May 21, 2013 7:44 pm


Sometimes some of the best food can be founded in the unlikeliest of places – prime example being Ichiraku Ramen. A small stand, specializing in ramen and their variations. Because of it's less then stellar outer appearance, others might not give it a second glance.. Just passing it off as a run down dump, with mediocre food at best. May, Kami forgive those fools who believe such a ridiculous notion. For where many see the place as a piece of coal, others like Ritsuka sees it as a diamond. A lustrous, shimmering diamond amongst duller gems. While the food they serve there might not meet the taste buds of a master chief, the overall atmosphere and environment surely makes up for it. And that's why we find our freshly minted genin sitting at one of the few empty stools, patiently waiting for his order of a Curry Miso ramen dish – nothing more then the basic Miso ramen with curry spice added in the mix. The dish itself it one of the few favorite ramen dishes that is pleasing to his pallet – not only that but it gives a nice kick to the sense, especially if one is just about to start their day – like Ritsuka was.

The greenhorn genin had just left the comforts of the Kurama compound in a rush, forgetting to eat breakfast, wanting to get to the administration office early, to get a decent mission before they were all gone. So on his way their his stomach decided to make it's presence known, thus the reason why he's at the stand, having a quite conversation with the owner's daughter Ayame. Who Ritsuka, if he was honestly with himself, wouldn't mine dating, but alias that isn't possible for reasons better left unknown. She's beautiful. That's all Ritsuka going to say about that. So for now the talks will remain innocent and harmless, not like he had a choice, seeing how Teuchi was making menacing suggestion with that butcher knife.

Thus beginning the day of Kurama Ritsuka. . .

Saori Nekito

Saori Nekito

Saori walked near, he could smell the ramen and so he decided to sit next to a fellow genin, he said "Hey Ritsuka, nice day isn't it, what arw you doing to day?" he said reaching for a toothpick and he gently placed it in his mouth. He looked at the scar on his hand from yesterday, he put it in his hoodies pocket, he smiled with forgetful grin. One bowl please he said as he reached for his back pocket. Toward his ryo.


“Here's your order sir,” The angelic voice of Aiko, one of the few female waiters, announced, placing the steaming hot bowl of curry miso ramen In front of Ritsuka. Similar to Ayame, Ritsuka also founded Aiko particular attractive, but unlike the chief's daughter, he done had sexual relations with her. Needless to say she's one of those bad things he only regrets mildly.

“Thank – “ The greenhorn's reply was stopped mid sentence with the arrival a red hair teenager walked it and sat beside him. The name of said individual came to him after a moment of pondering it.

“Hey Saori. Yes, it is. Nothing much. Was making my way towards the administration office to pick up my first mission as a genin. You?“ Ritsuka replied, after swallowing a mouth full of curry ramen. The concentration of the different spices, making his eyes watering ever slightly. And it came apparent by the gleam in Teuchi's eye that he did it on purpose.

“Haven't seen you in a while. What you been up to?” Ritsuka asked, wondering what his fellow comrade been doing lately.

4Curry & A Butcher Knife{Open//No Kill} Empty Re: Curry & A Butcher Knife{Open//No Kill} Tue May 21, 2013 10:00 pm

Saori Nekito

Saori Nekito

He looked his comrade as to his surprise, A waitress came and gave him a handshake. She lifted a note that he placed in his pocket, the waitress gave him a satisfied look. He said "Well, don't know what that was for, but what the hell" he ate his noodles and said "Not much going on with me, and you?" he said as he pulled out a lolipop and pushed the bowl aside. He unwrapped the lolipop and gentle placed it in his mouth and smiled at his friend. He said well all I did was buy a couple of shurikins and was going to meet my squad" he said while thinking of his squad, he looked at his peer he said "Hey.. Do you have goals that you don't think at unreachable?" he said as he thought of his goals.

5Curry & A Butcher Knife{Open//No Kill} Empty Re: Curry & A Butcher Knife{Open//No Kill} Wed May 22, 2013 12:43 pm


Ritsuka almost snorted at the naivety of the genin sitting beside him. He knew exactly what that particularly waitress wanted from his fellow comrade. Poor Saori didn't realize that he has just fallen prey to one of the many juvenile cougars that prowls Konoha in general. Was he feeling envy? Not at all. If anything it was curiosity, to see how the genin's face when he realize what the waitress wanted. Maybe just maybe he should place the devil advocate and help his clueless comrade out.

“Probably her number or address. Might to look further into that. She obviously saw something she liked. And I don't know exactly what they might be.” Ritsuka stated having finished the bowl of ramen a few seconds prior in replying back, paying Ayame for the bowl along with slipping a tip to her. Eh, her father might not approve of getting fresh with his daughter, but what he doesn't know won't hurt him.

“Same. Visited her grave yesterday. It was nice.” Ritsuka said, referring to his little sister Kozakura who died six months into his academy days. Many people knew the little bundle of sunshine seeing how she went everywhere Ritsuka went, so it wouldn't be surprising if Saori knew her as well.

“I haven't had the chance to stop and buy some of the needed ninja supplies. Probably will though while on the way to the administration building. You lucky. You got a squad. I haven't got one yet.” He said, pondering on why it was taking a long time to find him a squad. Not to be cynical or anything but don't Genin die on missions? Leaving their squad a member short. That he could easily be placed on? And Ritsuka knew he wasn't the only one who graduated this year around, so the question remains. Where the hell is everyone else?

Placing those thoughts aside for a moment. Ritsuka decided to pry information from his comrade about D-rank missions. “So is there any missions I should avoid?”

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