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1The Butcher Clan Empty The Butcher Clan Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:54 pm



Clan: The Butcher Clan

Kekkei Genkai: Meat release

Elements: Suiton and Katon

Specialization: N/A

Location: Scattered

Clan History: The Butcher Clan descends from a Shinobi in ancient times known as "The Great Food Master." This ninja used many food techniques to cleanse the land of starvation. He had ten sons, the eldest becoming a master of all the food types, and the youngest becoming a master of only Meat Release, the strongest of the food groups.

The eldest son would go on to become a powerful figure within the group known as the CIA, and leave a glorious legacy of spreading food to everyone.

The youngest son, however, would go along a much darker path. He would become known as "The Butcher" and would invade many villages, pillaging, fathering children, and gathering a band of warriors, most his relatives. He would eventually master the Meat Release, and swear to destroy the CIA.

Eventually, The Butcher died, but his legacy is left behind, with many of his descendants continuing in their war against the CIA, and progressing the Art of Meat Release.

Kekkei Genkai Description: Meat Release is the ability to mix the conflicting forces of Suiton and Katon inside the flesh of a dead animal, causing it to explode.

This allows for powerful explosive techniques to be developed, often having differing effect based on the type of meat being used.

All members of the Clan are also master butchers as well as chefs, being able to dissect and prepare practically any animal they come across.

Drawbacks: Due to constantly being covered in the blood and gore of animals, most members of this clan smell, shall we say, less than pleasant. This leads to some unfortunate encounters with society, and some hard time continuing the Clan lineage for the male members.

Members: N/A

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Name: Meat Preservation Jutsu
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Element: Meat Release
Range: Item
Specialty: Fuuinjutsu
Duration: Until Dispelled
Cooldown: Two posts
Description: Meat Preservation Jutsu causes freshly obtained meat to stay in a state of freshness for longer than it normal would, and it repels maggots by imbuing the meat with Chakra.

2The Butcher Clan Empty Re: The Butcher Clan Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:56 pm



This is too similar to the KKG of the CIA even though it is a "meat release", and the fact that it has the mix of Suiton and Katon of Boil Release AND the explosive properties of Bakuton makes it a bit invalid, so this is denied. Sorry. Just join the CIA if you want food-based jutsu, dude

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