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The shinobi academy. A place that have birth many famous and infamous shinobi. A place where wannabee shinobi of all ages come and learn the basics, the building blocks of what it takes and means to be a shinobi – the shield and sword of the village. That's not the only thing that one might learn from the lessons taught, if they're lucky one might learn what it means to be a productive citizen of the village as well. Many come here, their reasons varies, to learn these things and more so they can progress further in the world. While others only come here to slack off, causing trouble for others who want to learn, believing that they don't need the education that's being taught here. That they 'better' and can handle the harshest of the shinobi world. They are know it all. But the truth to the matter is, they don't know anything. And it would seem like it's the latter that Ritsuka will be dealing with today, giving the teachers a much needed break.

Room 101. . .102. . .103 . . .104. . .105. Ah! There it is.” Ritsuka thought crumpling up and swallowing a piece of the paper with the numbers on them. Early today the recently minted genin had when to the administration office, to pick up a mission, something simple – just enough to get his feet wet. And the mission he just so happen to pick up, detailed him to help the academy teachers with some of the more rudely students, maybe they will listen more to a recent graduate who understands them better, instead of someone who hasn't been in the academy for years or decades even. At least that's what he was thinking anyway.

Standing a front of the door, with a folder in hand, Ritsuka went back over the plan to get the rudely students to stop acting up and also engage those who want to learn as well. Knuckles rapping against the door, he patiently waits for it to open while also wandering if the teacher will allow this unorthodox solution.




“Everyone shut up!” The teacher voice carried passed the door that separated Ritsuka from the rowdy class, before it open up, the trapped air rushing out of the room quickly. Ritsuka's nose was quickly introduced and assaulted by the overpowering stench of musk, perfume and cologne, the latter two only making the musk smell worse. It took every once of his willpower not to cringe and high tell it out of there. Maybe it wasn't willpower for the latter, rather, pity for the pathetic state the silver haired chunnin, stepped out, was in. Yep, definitely pity.

“Ginzou-Sensei?” Ritsuka's eyebrow hitched ever so slightly when addressing the man in front of him, who looked like a couple of streetwalkers took turns beating the holy crap out of him. Was he having second thoughts? Of course! But the practical side of him along with him wanting to help others were winning out in this little tug-o-war.

“Hmm, yes you must be the genin who will be handling those spawns of lucif- I mean heavenly children. Kurama Ritsuka, I presume?” It took a moment before the chunnin realized that he was addressed and even longer to match the face of the genin in front of him with a name. All the while Ritsuka waited patiently and didn't seem to take offense to his superior lack of recognizing him? Was he really that forgettable?

“Yes, that's right. Hokage gave me this mission and after reading the parameters I have came up with a solution that's will help the trouble-markers understand the consequences of their actions, while also providing those who are attentive & well-behaved a chance to experience put their learnt knowledge to use. In a fun way. “ Ritsuka stated before handing Ginzou, the tan folder that had all the information concerning the idea he had concocted.

After reading and rereading over the contents of the folder, Ginzou's smile got bigger and bigger till it was threaten to split his face in half. A low pitched whistle is the only thing that escaped his lips but the twinkles in his eyes meant he approved.

Big time.

“Well have fun.”
With a class of twenty, boys and girls. Only a handful of them were hoping & secretly praying their academy instructor would return from talking to whoever was at the door. They enjoy Ginzou-Sensai dearly, he was like the other ones before him, nice, caring, loving, patient gentle, he made sure they understood everything before moving onto another subject. Yes, he was an amazing teacher who just wanted the best his students, nothing more, nothing less. But it seem like others students didn't like the man that much, causing trouble by pulling pranks, throwing split-balls, farting, etc. anything and everything that disrupt the teaching. Gray hairs surely be showing if it wasn't for his silvery hair color. The recent prank involving stink bombs and a 'deadly' mixture of perfume/cologne, surely cause a few gray hairs, as well as stinking of the entire room. Simply put the smell was horrid.

Creak. . .

The sound of the door opening up caught the attention of the class, some where waiting patiently for Ginzou to return while others were snickering at their teacher getting caught in a prank they recently sat up – that dealt with ninja wire, eraser and a bucket of paint. Laughter erupted when the prank went off without a hitch completely covering Ginzou in a plethora of colors. It only continued when the academy teacher didn't say anything while taken his seat in front of the class – grabbing a towel from one of the drawers and wiping his face off, it flickering slightly.

“Seeing how EVERYONE having abundant amount of energy. Allow me to put that energy to good use. For the past few day I have covered on the basics of genjutsu and it's practical uses. So -

“What practical uses? Genjutsu is useless! It's a girly skill! I will never fall into a silly illusion.” Ashia Yuurei, a white haired said, completely cutting the teacher off.

How rude. . .

“As I was saying. Today we will have a test over genjutsu. Depending on if everyone scores high marks, determines if I will no longer preach about the importance of the art. Now Maki, please pass theses papers out “ Ginzou said handing the papers to the girl to pass them out – another trouble maker –without bothering to address the rudely student..

“Now remember class this is a test over genjutsu. So read the direction thoroughly and answer them to the best of your ability. Good luck. . .” Ginzou said fondly with his headband wrapped around his right bicep. And began messing with a couple of papers on the desk, Every so slowly a smirk manifested across his face, seeing some of the smarter students figuring out out a portion of the test. Now if only they can figure out the rest. . .

Ten minutes passed by and a frown made it's way on his face. Standing up from the rather comfortable chair, making sure to make enough noise as possible to grab the class attention.

“Everyone! Put your pencils down. The test is over and I can proudly say, you all failed with flying colors.” He said. The room bursting into shouts of dismay and whatnot. Though that stopped immediately when the room is flooded with killer intent.

“Now as I was saying. The reason everyone fail, is for your inability to figure out that not only the test paper was under a simple academy level genjutsu.” Walking towards one of the papers laying on a student's desk ,releasing the illusion with a quick kai, showing the other individuals what was written on the paper.

Congrats on figuring out the genjutsu placed on this piece of paper. Remember genjutsu can be placed on anything or anyone, making you believe that everything is normal while in fact it's not. Subtlety will and always will be one of the most prize skill of any genjutsu practitioner. For the mind doesn't usually pick up on subtle changes, so it's up to you as a future shinobi to be perceptive and find them – failure to do so can cause you, your or your comrades life.

“Now I must applaud some of you for figuring out this portion of the test. Sadly you didn't follow the other part of the rules. ”

“What do you mean?” One of the better students asked the question that all the class members wanted to know. There answers were answered when Ginzou give a shout of Kai, dropping the illusion that was around – revealing to the class that he in fact was not their teacher but someone else.

“Did you know that some of the gruesome death are caused by illusions? Or that brats who believed that genjutsu are useless, normally died days, weeks or even months after leaving the academy? For the simple fact that they can't properly release an illusion or not perceptive enough to noticed small details – like the fact that there's a low powered explosive tag on the back of each test paper about to go off in. “ He said locking the door “That will be going off in forty-five second.”

Needless to say the classroom was in a panics. Now a normal person would try to find a way to escape but it was futile seeing how the door and windows were lock. So in short they were all going to die and all because some of their inability to dispel a genjutsu.


Maybe that was it!

A smile formed on Ritsuka's face when the shouts of Kai, reached his ears, all the students dispelling the illusion that was the explosive tag.

“Congrats. You all passed. But this wasn't about passing nor failing. Apparently a few of you have been giving Ginzou-Sensei a hard time, disrupting the class anyway possible. Now why will you do that? Don't you know he just wants the best for you all?” He stated while running his hand across the wall, his eyes becoming unfocused as he continues to speak.

“Academy instructors do their best to prepare you for becoming a shinobi of the village. They don't do this because they are force to but rather they love to teach. Take Ginzou-sensei for example, you can see it in the man's eyes that he generally cares for his students. And what does he get in return? Nothing but disrespecting, trouble making students who thing they know it all! You might not see it but lessons taught in the academy is invaluable. Behind ever great and powerful shinobi there's a man or woman like Ginzou-sensei who help lay the foundation to their success. “ Anyone could tell that Ritsuka was speaking from the heart, making some of the trouble-markers wonder if he was like them in the academy.

“My mission parameters were to make sure, you will be well-behave and attentive for now on out. I think it's safetly to assume that you all will?” The classroom nodded. The trouble-markers having come to the startling realization that by acting up in class, they were sabotaging not only their comrades education but also theirs. By causing trouble the were indirectly raising the chance of one of them getting killed on a mission, simply for not paying attention to a lesson that could have prevent such situation. That couldn't go on! No longer will they be a disruption for the class! For here on out they will listen to everything that Ginzou-sensei teaches them soaking it up like a sponge. For now they understand Sensei just wanted the best for them – nothing more, nothing less.

It was that realization that Ritsuka saw in the eyes of every student and knew that he had gotten through to them.

A job well done, if he may say so himself.

Making his way to leave, Ritsuka stopped momentarily, not back at the students and gave simple statement that shaken some of them to the core – considering it was their dreams after all.

“The hokages are the strongest in the villages. But if it wasn't for the senseis laying down the foundation. Would they really be that strong?

Teachers. They are the foundation of every successful man or woman. But yet there are rarely appreciated or knowledge. They are normally forgotten. A fleeting memory. But what many don't realize is without teachers they will never be where they are now. Like atoms are the building blocks of matter. Teachers are the building blocks to success. [2156//600]

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