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1Training Kenjutsu B>A {DONE!/PRIVATE} Empty Training Kenjutsu B>A {DONE!/PRIVATE} Sat May 18, 2013 10:53 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji was from a clan that dedicated a great deal of time to training Kenjutsu, so he was already highly skilled in the art form. Kenji’s goals over the next few days were to brush on the fundamentals that he has been overlooking as of late. Discipline was a necessity for a swordsman. After digesting the small details that were likely to make all the difference in a battle he would apply what he learned to begin contemplating new techniques. But what Kenji was really looking forward to this week was the last day of training. He would have a very special teacher come down to visit him to help him train more vital skills as well as what type of mentality a swordsman must have. This visitor was Kenji’s father Kenjhasi. The new genin hadn’t seen his father or his family since his graduation. He was looking forward to working with him; Even though they have clashed frequently in the past due to Kenji’s lack of obedience. But Kenji was prepared to comply completely with his father’s advice. It was going to take every fiber of his being to do so. Kenji’s father was only a little bit taller than Kenji. He also had blue hair, but his was short and wavy as opposed to spiky. Kenjhasi despite being in his fifties was an extremely fit man. He had a solid abdomen as well as imposing biceps and triceps; he was also rather quick. He speed however, was a little hindered by a bad knee though. Kenjhasi’s personality was strict and by the book. But if there was anything Kenjhasi’s cared more about than tradition, it was family. That is the main reason Kenjhasi, despite not totally understanding or condoning Kenji’s decision to be a shinobi, has supported him none the less. Now, that doesn’t mean Kenjhasi doesn’t pry and probe at his son to choose otherwise, but at the end of the day he is there for him.
The time had come for Kenji to truly train. It seemed like every time the eager genin set aside to train his Kenjutsu, his plans would be derailed by a sudden mission or some other unexpected occurrence that he would be required to attend to. He considered going to the Akako Dojo but it was a decent while away and Kenji didn’t want to take the chance of something stealing him from his training on the way there. Therefore, he decided to train in the general area of the village. He chose a spot about 100 meters from his apartment; this particular spot seemed to always get a significant amount more sunlight than any other area within the general area. It was adjacent to the weapon shop. This spot was perfect for training, mostly flat with a few undulations that would be useful as launch pads for aerial attacks. Kenji carried a wooden dummy that he kept in his apartment, and his backpack that contained other training essential. “Yes, this is it; I’m going to finally train.” Kenji said rather emotionally as he stepped outside his apartment with his wooden training dummy propped on his shoulder. “I made, I actually made it!!” Kenji said excitedly as he arrived to the spot he had chosen for training. He stumbled across this somewhat unusual training ground during one of his D-rank missions. The young ninja wasted little time as he quickly set up his training station. He would be utilizing a 30 meter radius for his training, and he marked the area off as such. The wooden dummy would indicate the center. Kenji was very meticulous and liked things to have a set order, this was extremely important to him so it’s no surprise to see him going to such lengths in preparation.
Kenji was always working on new or already existing techniques; his latest most desired technique was still in the developmental stages. There were a few fundamental components of his skill set that were in need of honing before he would be ready to take on his new technique fully. The key component to his new Kenjutsu maneuver was the thrust, which was the finishing and most devastating portion of the jutsu. His sword was about 48 inches in length (1.5meters); Kenji positioned himself 36 inches away from the dummy. He had his left foot forward and both knees slightly bent. Both of Kenji’s hand wrapped around the handle of the lethal weapon, he twisted his body bringing his right elbow back; the elbow would act as the driving force for most of the power the strike would inflict. After he cocked his elbow, he uncoiled his torso firing both his arms forward; both fully extend to penetrate the wooden dummy. The determined ninja would repeat this simple and short process over and over again for hours. After the third hour of constant thrusting, the ninja took a five minute break to review what he had accomplished. The thrust was a very straight forward and blatant attack, making it easy to dodge. Kenji realized in order maximize the attack, deception was needed. That is precisely why he was so fond of the technique he was going to begin working on soon. It’s a Kenjutsu used primarily by Kumogakure ninja. All the thrusting had began to take its toll on Kenji’s triceps. So he figured it would be a good idea to move on to another vital aspect of Kenjutsu.
Kenji was a practitioner of the Battojutsu style, which utilized combinations of strikes to fluster and overwhelm opponents. If Kenji was to excel in this subtype of Kenjutsu he would need speed and technique. Kenji understood speed wasn’t everything, you could have the fastest slash, but if you lacked in technique you would immensely in maintaining an advantageous position. Poor technique would lead to counter opportunities for the opposition. Firstly, Kenji didn’t want to follow through too much; this was sure to affect his balance negatively. So the Kenji began training his control, not letting the sword get away from him. When Kenji wanted to stop, it needed stop; when Kenji wanted the sword to change direction, it needed to change; when Kenji wanted the sword to accelerate, you get the point. He needed to be able to make the sword dance if that was required. He decided the best way to work on his control was to start small by making check swings. So he did he started with maneuvers he could alter with ease. He riddled the dummy with cuts high and low that were delivered by short swings that Kenji controlled at will. He made the speed up at the last second, and when he appeared to aim for one spot he’d quick change direction targeting another spot completely. He knew he would succeed in the first phase of his control training. Now it was time for the second and final phase. This phase mainly dealt with harnessing extremely fast and powerful swings so that he didn’t lose balance. Kenji wanted to start with loading up a swing and then stopping it immediately without making contact with the dummy. The first several attempts saw head of Kenji’s sword tipping over and tapping the dummy. He needed to accomplish this seeming insignificant task. If not, how would he expect to deliver a vicious strike and not let the momentum overpower him? And more importantly, if an opponent evaded his strike, how would he halt the forward motion and get back in position to fend off a counter. It was official, he had to be perfect, and there could be no loose ends, no weaknesses.
After resumption, Kenji had master part 1 of phase 2. He was now more than capable of completely stopping powerful swings half way in their motion. Upon halting the blade, the sword at most moved an additional 2 inches. That was perfection as far as Kenji saw it. He was now ready to complete phase 2. Kenji had been training for well over two hours now. Kenji was notorious for his below average stamina, but did have an unnatural second wind. Most people had one second wind, Kenji seemed to have infinite. This meant nothing in battle seeing as it took at least 10 minutes in an exhausted state before your second wind activates. In battle, 10 minutes is more than enough to finish someone. Anyway, after taking a 20 minute break to rest and partake in a small lunch he had packed the night before, he was ready to go again. He knew what he was doing seemed insignificant but he saw training any other way as impractical. Like writing words without letters; most of his life his skill with a sword was second nature, that was good and bad. The effective skills he acquired he kept, but he also kept the things he overlooked. Kenji knew if he was to be serious about being a formidable ninja, details were everything.
Kenji took powerful swing after swing as he tried to prevent the off balancing effects of momentum. It was much more difficult than he expected. It was almost like every muscle and tendon in his arms had to be on the same page, and as of it right now that would have to be achieved consciously. But in time it will be applied to his muscle memory. The temperature had begun to drop and the wind started pick up. Kenji swung against the wind while his blue hair blew violently in his face. Kenji had finally mastered the thrust and control. He found that the easiest way to combat the overwhelming effects of a powerful swing was to use his lower body to initiate another attack which could act as a block or a follow up to the previous attack. The little things were what were going to make Kenji one of the greatest Kenjutsu practitioners Kumogakure has ever seen. Kenji packed up, placing everything back in his bag, and then flung the sliced up wooden dummy across his shoulder. Kenji felt strong and disciplined. In order for him to capitalize on his training he would need to either repeat this 3 times a week. Or a sparring session with one of his peers.

Word count: 1,735/3,000

Last edited by Kenji Chikara on Tue May 21, 2013 7:12 pm; edited 6 times in total

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

A few days had passed since Kenji's grueling and monotonous training session. The very next however, Kenji applied what he learned and was able to master a new Kenjutsu that same day (referring to a free jutsu). It was an unorthodox maneuver that was intended to stifle straight forward attacks. The new technique had speed, angles, and levels (high to low). There were many things incorporated into the relatively simple counterattack. But his training wasn't over. Ever since he decided to become a shinobi, his swordsmanship as a whole has dropped off. He had begun to focus on the overlooked skill of his clan, Genjutsu. All Chikara were naturally proficient in Genjutsu, but simply chose to ignore the ninja skill and focus solely on Kenjutsu. Kenji would do the opposite, he honed his Genjutsu skills as much as he could without having a teacher in the subject. After entering the academy he was able to concoct several ways to increase his Genjutsu effectiveness in battle through the utilization of rudimentary ninjutsu. This is why Kenji is now making up for lost time, because he doesn't like the feeling of being one dimensional. Not to say he isn't skilled in Kenjutsu, it just paled in comparison to his Genjutsu prowess.

Kenji had already brushed up on the fundamentals, today he was looking forward to tackling some more advanced drills. Kenji would be accompanied by his father Kenjhasi. His father always supported him in most of what he did. Kenjhasi is a strict older man, with great strength and reflexes. If Kenjhasi told you something, you were to do exactly that, no flare, no additives. This is what often got Kenji in trouble with his father. The free-spirited genin was not a fan of authority, and usually did the exact opposite of his orders in spite. He was known for putting a little spin on everything. "If we're to train your sword fighting skills, I will not tolerate any insubordination." Kenji's father said sternly. Kenji was in a rare serious mood and responded with a nod of compliance. "First, you need to utilize the forces of movement." "Are you referring to velocity, acceleration, and momentum." "Yes! I see someone has been reading, but this isn't a book son. That has always been your problem. You spend too much time reading, hindering your ability to truly grasp the importance of a moment on a consistent basis." Kenji began ruffling through his hair as he listened to his father. Kenji accepted his personality, and felt it was more of a positive than a negative.
"I assure you father, I am fully aware of the magnitude of our training. As what I do here will certainly affect my results in battle. I am ready to begin."

Kenjhasi was in his fifties but moved like he was thirty. Using bokkens for practice, Kenjhasi darted towards Kenji waving his bokken in a series of circles so Kenji wouldn't be able to predict the direction of the ensuing strike. On a dime he brought the bokken to a halt. What control! Kenji thought in marvel. The practice sword was thrust straight forward, Kenji hadn't expected that. A quick back step with a short flick of his wooden rod proved to be just what his father was expecting him to do in response. Kenji's father snatched his bokken back and was now in mid-air where he would then boink Kenji on top of the head. "OUCH!" Kenji yelled as he rubbed his head. "Lesson 1: Deception. Predictability is your worst enemy. You have to always be one step ahead. There shouldn't be one moment where you're not analyzing every aspect of the field and your opponent." Kenji listened attentively. "For every move there's a counter, know that your opponent knows this and plan accordingly." Kenji gestured to interrupt, "What if you're going against someone who is more skilled with a sword than you." Kenjhasi smiled as he could tell his son was taking this seriously. He knew his son wasn't unable to be serious, it was just difficult for him. "That's a pertinent question son, indeed. The 'stronger' one must attack, the 'weaker' needs to gather as much information as possible. For you defense is relatively easy due to your impressive speed. Utilize your defense and your opponent will show you everything you need to defeat him." Kenji and his father discussed deception a little bit more before actually moving on to the forces of movement. Which him announcing that as the beginning of the session was a ploy to emphasize the importance of deception.

"Increasing velocity, equals acceleration. Acceleration in combination with your body/weapon mass yields momentum. Greater the momentum the greater the damage can be done." Kenji raised his hand awaiting permission to speak. "But doesn't momentum act somewhat like a double-edge sword. The greater the momentum the greater the power, but you also lose control of yourself and/or the weapon." "My point exactly. That is why I mentioned earlier we must 'manipulate' these forces so they act in our favor."

"Use velocity to fluster, acceleration to scare, and momentum to kill." Kenji looked at his father in confusion as he didn't fully comprehend what his father was saying. "Father will you elaborate in more detail." "Of course son." Kenjhasi approached Kenji and put his hand on his should and began to explain further, "Velocity is mainly a defensive force, due to it's accessibility. Meaning it's easy to generate. It takes no real preparation or requirements to create velocity. Making it perfect for interrupting attacks. Do you follow?" "Yes, because of how easy it is to generate, it's perfect for quick defensive maneuvers." "Very good! Now acceleration uses the element of 'surprise' due to the changing of velocity, either increasing or decreasing it. Now the opponent is caught off guard and in 'fear' he will then use velocity or a 'quick' parry." Kenji was beginning to have a better understanding of the concept. "So let me guess, momentum can not be used so frequently. As momentum makes the utilization of velocity difficult, as a result vulnerability." "Perfect! Momentum will lead us to lesson 3, and then we will test what you've learned."

Lesson three was patience. It was imperative for a swordsman to take his time. "The blade is like a snake, it hisses and feints but never rushes to attack. But when it does, it's fatal. That is how a swordsman should be, a deadly snake awaiting the perfect opportunity to strike. And the force used to delivered the fatal blow in most cases is momentum." As Kenjhasi spoke he was gesturing with his bokken. "I must admit I'm still a bit confused. How can momentum ever be used as you mention it when 'velocity' is always there for the counter?" Kenji looked at his father with squinted eyes as he was sure this question would stump him. "Are you no longer listening to me? Has your attention already dissipated? Patience! That is why the kill shot isn't used every two minutes! With deception, manipulation of forces, and patience; the opportunity for momentum will be there. Now! Enough talk, it's time to fight!!" Kenji was startled by his father's sudden excitement, and scared at the idea of fighting him. These bokken really hurt! Kenji said to himself as he dreaded the fight to come. He quickly composed himself and picked up his own wooden staff. "Let's see what you got pops!"

Word count: 3,088/3,000

Last edited by Kenji Chikara on Sun May 19, 2013 3:37 pm; edited 3 times in total

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Father and son started at 15 meters away from each other. This was going to be a pure Kenjutsu battle. Kenji went through the lessons he'd just learned as well as the knowledge he acquired a few days ago. If he knew his dad, he knew he wasn't going to make this easy, and with Kenjhasi's Kenjutsu prowess, Kenji wouldn't stand a chance if he didn't apply everything he had learned thus far. Despite the age difference, Kenji only had a slight speed advantage and that was credit to Kenjhasi's amazing conditioning. Don't be predictable and stay in control, Kenji said to himself as he surveyed the field. It was flat, the wind started to pick up slightly, and his father was ever so calm. Kenji was told to let the 'strong' attack, but Kenji decided to be unpredictable as he did the exact opposite. Within a few seconds Kenji was already in striking range, and instead of going for his trademark low strike, Kenji thrust the bokken right into his father's stomach. Kenjhasi would side step and instantly afterwards fired a swift short swipe for Kenji's head. The genin ducked down in fear for his head's well-being and while down shot a straight bokken strike for his father's bad knee. The blow was easily parried but as soon as it was parried Kenji spun up and went for the elder's head. Kenji wasn't even halfway out of his spin before he got punctured in the ribs. Kenji let out a gasp, as the wind was temporarily knocked out of him. Kenji performed a few back flips to get out of the way of further harm. Neither had spoken since the start of the fight, and it was probably going to stay that way. Kenjhasi dashed towards Kenji and out of a side stance initiated a flurry of strikes. Kenji used constant short and quick bokken maneuvers to fend off the unorthodox attack. Kenji would then smack the top of his father's bokken preventing him from bringing it up in time to deflect a head shot. Kenjhasi lowered his head, Kenji would then instantly bring the bokken down. Kenjhasi put his big forearm on top of his head to block the attack and simultaneously delivered a straight bokken strike to Kenji's belly. Kenji jumped out of the way, but couldn't go far as the Kenjutsu specialist had grabbed a whole of Kenji's bokken. Kenji had gotten the hang of this thinking ahead thing. Kenji yanked his bokken towards him and threw a left punch for Kenjhasi's head, the elder would duck and respond with a left hook. Kenji knew it was coming and proceeded to knee his father's left fist and in that same moment grabbed a whole of his bokken with both hand and at point blank range whipped the bokken right into Kenjhasi's face. As Kenji's father was knocked to the ground, the blue-haired genin had a smile on his face. He quickly wiped it off and took a few steps back and bowed. "Are you alright father?" Kenjhasi scoffed, "Of course! You've done well, can I expect this level of commitment all the time?" Kenji smirked, "I'll think about it."

Kenji had concluded this particular phase of his training. To cool down and relax, Kenji requested his father stop by his apartment which was only a few minutes away. As they walked, they engaged in small talk. Then on a more serious note, "Why are you doing this son? Can you give me, can you give your family, your clan a valid reason for involving yourself in such a violent lifestyle?" Kenji looked at his father in shock, as he couldn't quite articulate the emotions that drove his aspirations to become a shinobi. "There was nothing you could do to save that girl." Kenji's gaze became unsteady, "Yes there was..." Kenji whispered. As Kenjhasi saw his becoming distraught, he decided not to probe any further at the moment. Father and son entered the apartment, and in an attempt to transition into a more cheery mood, "Wow! Looks great! So before you cook me up something, give me an overview of what you've learned." Kenji was in the kitchen getting drinks, "Well; first, your opponent should not know what you're planning at any time in the fight. Secondly, tame the forces of movement and use them accordingly. Thirdly, be patient!" "I guess you have it, especially after getting that hit on me, I think you're ready."

They sat down and enjoyed some chicken, rice, and mixed vegetables. Kenji was grateful for his father helping him out, because Kenji was well aware he wasn't the easiest person to teach. And his father isn't one to go into a situation with someone as bad a track record as Kenji's. But he chalked it up to being his son, and his father being obligated to give him a hefty amount of second chances. While they ate Kenji was starting to create another technique that would utilize several of the elements he applied today. But he was too mentally and physically exhausted to expound on the idea for now. He just wanted to enjoy his food and the company of his father.

Word count: 4,020/3,000


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