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1Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Empty Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Tue May 14, 2013 9:16 pm



Bokuden looked out over the field and pounded a baseball into his glove. It had been far too long since he had the opportunity to pitch in a game. Shinobi and villagers alike came out to play and observe the games during the Spring. However, due to a bench clearing brawl and an angry shinobi's fire release during last year's playoffs that almost destroyed all of the sports fields, all ninjutsu of any kind are strictly prohibited on the fields. Bokuden shook himself out of his daydreaming and began to prepare for his start. After his stretching was complete he needed to find someone to warm up his arm before the game. As he looked around he saw that everyone else had already partnered up with someone. "Oh great," Bokuden mumbled to himself, Of course the pitcher would be the one left without someone to warm up his arm."


Nagare calmly approached the field, with a grin on his face. He was exhausted from practicing Kuchiyose, and decided to sit out on the game of baseball that was soon to begin. The players were scattered across the area, doing various exercises and stretches to prepare for the competition ahead of them. Nagare was amused as he noticed that everyone had paired with someone, save one downtrodden looking man who wore a baseball mitt, apparently the pitcher. He thought for a moment, and pondered going over and warming up with the guy, but decided not to. Horui, who was sitting at a higher standing in the bleachers, hopped down a few benches, and leaned level to Nagare, thinking You're a huge asshole before going out onto the field and approaching him. Nagare smirked at Horui, and thought back I'm tired, so I have an excuse. You're just desperate for friends.

Horui paid no heed to Nagare's remark and removed a note from his pocket, scribbled "Hello, I'm Horui. I can only speak through writing, but I would like to help you warm up. What's your name?", and handed it to the man.

Dākuchairudo Jishin

Baseball, the Dākuchairudo often held games within the clan often their games went beyond the bounds of traditional good-willed competition conditioning the members, herself included, to be fiercely competitive in the sport amongst others. Her glove was charcoal in color, worn beyond its years as made apparent as it's net had began to tear and fray in places. The glove covered her left hand indicating that she was in fact right handed, her index finger poked from the glove moving about on the outside. She, unsure if they were being provided, also brought her own bat which, aside from being heavily stained, appeared to be quite normal. Carrying it over her shoulder, she looked about the field immediately noticing Nagare, or well Horui as it would turn out, appearing to be in conversation with someone who she did not know.

Her normal Social tensions seemed to be non apparent, athletics often allowed her to shed the burdens of her awkward and often crass mannerisms, it was a good outlet to interact with others; one didn't need to speak to convey their skill in such a game. Without further thought she approached the man who she was most familiar with, noticing that he was writing rather than speaking, obviously it was the Soseji's clone Horui instead of the actual being. Still, she didn't feel like searching about for the actual one, walking up toward Horui and the unknown gentleman she spoke, "So, when are we getting started? Stretched at home." she felt there was no need for introductions with the man, or anyone else for that matter.



Still irritated with the situation he found himself in, Bokuden looked up to see a shorter man with black hair and red eyes around his age hand him a slip of paper. Bokuden read the message Horui had written. Bokuden grinned and introduced himself, My name is Bokuden, nice to meet you Horui. He looked at the Horui again and noticed that he had no equipment. Before Bokuden could bring it up the two of them were approached by a rather tall woman with wild hair who seemed to want to get in on the game. Ignoring the rather rude manner with which she approached, he prides himself on his chivalry after all, Bokuden responded to her inquiry. "Am I to understand you interested in joining a baseball game?"


The man identified himself in response to the note. "My name is Bokuden, nice to meet you Horui." Horui held his grin and stepped onto the ball of his right foot, anxiously. Suddenly, Jishin approached, whom Horui hadn't even noticed was in the game. He gave Jishin a wave.

Nagare noticed Jishin walk up to Bokuden and Horui, and stifled a gasp. Well, he knew he shouldn't have been surprised that she engaged in sports, with her figure. Still, it pleased him to see she liked one of the same ones he did. He lifted his arm and waved at Jishin as well.

Jishin, on the other hand, didn't seem to care much for introductions, and gripped Bokuden's attention, saying, "So, when are we getting started? Stretched at home." Horui polished his glasses and put them back onto his face, waiting for Bokuden to say something. Bokuden didn't take long, and replied, "Am I to understand you interested in joining a baseball game?" and once again, Horui waited for the other's response, turning to Jishin's blue eyed glare. It wasn't a hostile glare, but a natural one that she held within her gaze at all times, a part of her personality.

Dākuchairudo Jishin

"That you are.", She stated in response to the man's question, the word civility wasn't in her vocabulary after all. Standing in silence she looked over the man, he looked as if he had bleached his hair which was spiked fairly well. Pursing her lips she wondered about his appearance, it seemed that he looked rather vain. Gripping the bat tighter in her hand, her eyes unflinching it was obvious that she was sizing him up, attempting to intimidate him. All the while Horui was silent as was typical.



The woman was glaring intently at Bokuden, making no effort to hide her attempt at intimidation. Bokuden smiled and replied, "Well, I'm never one to turn down the opportunity to play with a beautiful lady, but the teams on each side are already full." Bokuden proceeded to place his glove down on the ground and picked up two baseballs from a bucket next to him. From there he jumped high into the air and threw the balls in his hand like shuriken at the heads of two men from his team playing catch nearby, knocking them out. "Oh, would you look at that?" Bokuden said as he landed and turned to face his two aquaintences, "It looks like two spots and some spare equipment just became available."


Bokuden talked a moment about how the teams were full, but soon he threw two baseballs to knock out a few team members, and their spots were vacated. Horui giggled silently at such a silly demonstration, but wasn't expecting to play in the actual game. He only wanted to help the pitcher warm up. He looked down at his note, and realized it was full of writing in pen. With no way to communicate, he simply nodded, accepting his fate, and looted the equipment of one of the fallen players. He put it on carefully, then returned to Bokuden with a smile. He pointed to a few different points in the field, then to the batting cage, and then to himself, and shrugged. This was his way of asking what position he would be playing.

Nagare watched jealously from the growing crowd. He relished the chance to play sports alongside Jishin, but remained cool and collected, and leaned back, eyes intent on this interesting Bokuden character.

Dākuchairudo Jishin

Her eyes stayed locked upon the man as he stated that there was no room for Horui and herself, the teams apparently being full up prompting her to shrug her shoulders, "I see." choosing to disregard the fact that he had just attempted to flirt, having nothing to say about it. Of course within moments of saying the teams were full up he decided to clear a few spots in the most asinine fashion she had seen in quite the while, gazing toward Horui she rolled her eyes. Afterward her gaze reverted to the fellow: Bokuden, she had caught his name when he introduced himself to Horui as she approached earlier, "Fancy how spots just open up like that." poking a bit of fun at the man. Horui it seemed had been forced into using the leftover equipment from the two poor sods who were now unconscious, as he returned she asked a rhetorical question directed toward him, " Nagare's sitting this one out?" which really wasn't that big of a surprise, as he never struck her as the type for competition in the form of sports.

"I'll take Short." She stated, or more demanded actually, completely unaware what the two unconscious players' positions were, not that it really mattered to her anyway. If someone else was playing, they would change with someone else. "Bat cleanup.", Her batting position mattered less so, something she was willing to compromise on.

10Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Empty Re: Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Wed May 15, 2013 12:21 am



"Fancy how spots just open up like that," said the woman who then demanded to play shortstop and bat cleanup. The comment amused Bokuden who looked over at the two men he had knocked out. "Judging by their gloves they were our middle infielders," Bokuden said while looking back at Horui and the woman, "So, it looks like you two will be playing short and second. Batting cleanup is fine with me, but before we begin I think it is time we are properly introduced if you are going to be playing up the middle behind me."

11Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Empty Re: Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Wed May 15, 2013 12:34 am


Horui accepted his position as a middle infielder happily, and immediately took position as second baseman, seeing as it was easier than shortstop and he wasn't nearly as athletic as Nagare, surprising as it was. He took his position and waited on his teammates (he had joined Bokuden's team) to begin the game, and he fiddled with the straps of his gloves.

12Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Empty Re: Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Wed May 15, 2013 12:48 am

Dākuchairudo Jishin

As the three were standing about a young man from the other team jogged over after noticing two of the players had been downed flailing his hands in the air as he did so, "Wait, wait, wait! One of those two were on our team!'" Jishin smiled casually at the man, it looked as though she would have a chance at playing against Horui and Bokuden, "Looks like I'll be playing on your team, then." in truth she couldn't wait to line a few balls at Bokuden, it was always fun emasculation people after all. Still the man seemed to wish for formal introductions, to which she simply gave him a subtle wink, walking toward her team's dugout and awaiting her turn.



The nameless woman winked at Bokuden as she walked to the other team's dugout in lieu of a formal introduction. "Nice to meet you too," He said to himself before grabbing a notepad and pen. He then walked over to Horui (who had hurriedly taken his spot on the field before the game actually started) and began writing on the notepad to communicate with him. He informed Horui that he would be batting leadoff and went through all of the signs with him. Once they were done with that Bokuden handed Horui some catchers gear before he warmed up his arm and said,"You might need these."


Batting leadoff? Interesting. So, Horui realized he had jumped to an assumption that his team would be fielding first, when in fact they were batting. Horui's aim was terrible, as far as bats went. And of course, he was first. But he shrugged of this irritation and reluctantly picked up a bat and the catcher's gear that Bokuden held and walked over to the dugout, with a sigh. He just hoped that he didn't embarrass himself too much by striking out.

Nagare continued watching from the audience, and sent a thought to Horui to brighten him up a bit. Don't worry, Horui, you'll do fine! Don't worry about it. It didn't make much of a difference, but at least it showed he cared about Horui.

Dākuchairudo Jishin

It seemed her team was fielding first, having no qualms with the decision she placed her bat against the side of the dugout. Quickly she removed her glove placing it under right arm as she checked her left pocket for a scrunchy, quickly putting her hair into a ponytail. Looking about her team no one immediately stuck out as different, the bunch looked fairly similar to her. Putting her glove back on she jogged onto the field, assuming her position closer to second than third. Awaiting for the others to assume their field position, their team's catcher was still suiting up, she turned toward the bleachers spotting the illusive Nagare giving him a curt wave her mind returned to the oncoming ballgame.



As he warmed up his arm before the game with Horui, Bokuden made sure to hold back. Horui was obviously uncomfortable in the catcher's gear. Bokuden warmed up as quickly as possible and when he was done walked to the dugout. From there he saw the woman standing at short wave to a man in the stands who looked just like Horui. "A twin?" Bokuden thought to himself, "Why didn't he come down with Horui?". The thought would have to be put aside however, as the game was about to begin. The opposing team took their positions and Bokuden handed the his team's lineup card to the home plate umpire. He was batting cleanup, Horui lead off. He walked backed to the dugout as the opposing pitcher was throwing his warm up pitches and picked up a bat and helmet, examining them closely. "Here," He said as he offered the equipment to Horui, "these look to be about right for you."


After completing the practice session, Horui was surprised to see Bokuden walk over and pick up a helmet and a baseball bat, and offer them to him. His face lit up with a smile. He nodded as a thank you, and took the helmet and bat gladly. Trying the helmet on yielded pleasing results, and it fit perfectly. The bat seemed to fit his hand in a similar manner. Maybe Horui was right for batting rather than fielding. He had no idea, really, he wasn't as ardent a baseball player as Nagare was. The only serious sports he played were volleyball and sometimes ping pong. And of course, ping pong was a table sport. He set his mind back to the game at hand, and waited for a signal to start it. He was getting a bit antsy with anticipation.

18Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Empty Re: Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Wed May 15, 2013 10:34 pm

Dākuchairudo Jishin

Jishin stood in silence as the game came together, her team's pitcher stepping upon the mound, the catcher behind Horui holding his glove up in anticipation of a strike. The outfielders moved in toward the infield, apparently expecting a ground ball. Jishin stared toward the batter, pressing her hands against her knees awaiting for the first pitch, and possibly the first hit of the game, "Easy out." she bellowed, fully expecting Horui to be absolutely terrible.

19Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Empty Re: Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Wed May 15, 2013 11:02 pm



Bokuden stood at the top of steps to the dugout to watch Horui's at bat. "You've got this Horui!" Bokuden cheered from the sideline, "Get us on the board!" Bokuden was also paying close attention to the pitcher, analyzing his delivery, and timing his pitches. It was the analytical aspect of baseball that had drawn him to the sport as a child. The games within the game and the subtle nuances were what he most enjoyed.

20Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Empty Re: Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Wed May 15, 2013 11:32 pm


This was it. The ground had their eyes on him, and silence ruled over them. Bokuden gave a few cheers, and Jishin didn't expect much, by the looks of it. Horui was determined, but at the same time, doubtful. He raised the bat over his shoulder, staring down the pitcher. With a swift hand movement and a smirk, the pitcher bolted the ball at an extremely fast speed, and Horui swung the bat with great force. And missed horribly. With a blush and a quick glance toward the ground, he raised his bat again and waited for the umpire to throw the ball back to the pitcher.

This one was a throw that seemed to have forced dexterity, and moved with a slower speed and a higher curve. An intentional curveball gone awry. Horui's luck prevailed at this badly timed throw and he hit the ball head-on, launching it far into the air. He suddenly went into a tunnel-vision state, heading straight toward the first base, moving as fast as possible. He felt every step crash against the ground, the dust raise with each move, and finally, he hit a surface that was solid, and looked down to find himself upon first base. A smile rose to his lips, and he looked around and found a player with the ball just a few feet away. He made it just in time.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead and removing his glasses (as he should have done earlier), Horui took a few breaths and changed his focus from himself to the next batter in line. He was safe for now.

21Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Empty Re: Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Wed May 15, 2013 11:58 pm

Dākuchairudo Jishin

The first pitch was signified as a fastball, their catcher pointing out the number one the fastball. Her eyes followed the pitcher as he began his windup before tossing the baseball in a side-handed manner, the ball seemed to have a fair amount of heat to it ranging in the low 90(s), there seemed to be little chance of Horui getting a hold of the first pitch. As expected Horui swung late, the ball hitting the catcher's mitt with a loud 'THWAAK', the umpire immediately called a strike. In response Jishin gave a subtle smile and repeated her earlier comment, "Easy out." unbeknownst to her she would have to eat her words in the next few moments.

The next pitch, a curveball, hung high in the strike zone giving Horui an optimal opportunity to drive it toward the outfield, and surprisingly he didn't disappoint. Jishin watched as the ball went sailing into right field, bouncing just inside as a fair ball. The right fielder immediately turned and rushed toward the ball grabbing it as it bounced off of the grass and rocketing it toward first base, unfortunately his throw was off leading the first basemen away toward second and allowing Horui a Single. "Way to make me eat my words.", she stated half serious, looking over toward Horui as the next batter made his way into the box.

22Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Empty Re: Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Thu May 16, 2013 12:30 am



Bokuden clapped as Horui led off the game with a single, felling he had made the right choice. As the cleanup hitter he was likely to come up in the inning after the lead off man had reached and so grabbed his bat and waited in the hole. The next batter pulled a ground ball to third allowing Horui to advance, but the three hitter struck out leaving Bokuden to be the last chance to drive in this run. He noted the pitcher being right handed and being a switch hitter comfortably dug in on the left handed side of the batter's box. The opposing pitcher had a decent fastball, but Bokuden was a dead red fastball hitter from the left side. He watched the first pitch go by low and away without ever taking the bat off of his shoulder, Bokuden didn't believe in swinging at the first pitch. Now in a hitter's count however, Bokuden could be more aggressive. The next pitch was a fastball up and out over the plate, which was subsequently drilled to the gap between the right and center fielders plating the game's first run easily as Bokuden coasted into second base and returned the brief wink that the shortstop had given him before.


Horui had managed to move up a base due to the second batter, but it was nerve-wracking to wait on a base for an opportune moment to run. He tapped his left foot impatiently. Bokuden also managed to make a hit and move forward, making it to second base. Horui took this signal and ran to home plate, scoring for the team. The next batter arrived, holding his bat tightly. He seemed tall and muscular, eyes set on the ball about to be thrown. The pitcher must have noticed this stare because he threw the ball immediately in an attempt to catch the guy off guard, but failed. The ball got smacked extremely hard, leaving an echo of "PLUNK" emanating through the field. The aim of the hit was bad, however, and the pitcher caught the ball despite the fast speed it was traveling at.

Nagare looked on, slightly impressed by the team. The score was 1-0.

24Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Empty Re: Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Thu May 16, 2013 11:19 pm

Dākuchairudo Jishin

Bokuden, drilled the ball into right field gaining another hit for their team, a solid double she thought, smirking as he began to make his way around the bases stopping at second. Horui had made his way to homeplate, gaining a run for the opposing team. Her competitive thought pattern immediately kicked in as she contemplated berating the pitcher for some reason or another, an unsportsmanlike grimace sat upon her face as as Bokuden reciprocated with a wink of his own. As she was thinking of something rude to say to the man a trouble was brewing on the field opposite to them, a batter had just tackled his way through the catcher of their opposing team knocking the ball from his hands and effectively securing his run.

Quickly words were exchanged between the two as the catcher threw his mask at the opposing player's feet, before screaming at him in a manner loud enough for Jishin's game to be interrupted, "That's absolute Bull!" was the only thing she caught of the two turning to watch the spectacle, as did the pitcher, putting a pause upon the game. In the time she turned the player swung at the cather who quickly reciprocated via attempting blasting him with a large stream of fire, luckily for the other player the stream was off hitting the ground several feet to his left. The flames quickly engulfed the field, and soon began closing in toward their own field. Others players from the two other teams quickly joined in the fight, casually starting a massive battle on the field.

Jishin removed her glove, pressing her hands against her heat obviously amused with the battle. Of course the prospect of getting caught in such a battle was not thrilling, so it seemed best that she bailed out from the ballgame, "Same as last year. Stupid asses." she quipped looking at Bokuden, while she hadn't been there for the last battle word had gotten out around town that such a thing had happened. Without further word she walked toward her dugout, eyes still partially locked upon the chaos that was gradually nearing their field as more and more people attempted to intervene and inevitably ended up sucked into the battle.

She quickly grabbed her bat looking for Nagare, wondering what he was thinking of the idiocy that had just occurred, wondering if he had ended up in the fray. A moment of worry came into her thoughts, a sign that she indeed have some feelings for him, only to be quickly displaced. He was a grown ass man and could take care of himself. Shrugging to herself she began to make her way off the field, looking back once again. She assumed that anyone who had any sense in their damn head would follow her lead and get out of there, best to just let nature take it's course and allow the idiotic baseball playing Shinobi to battle it out.

25Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Empty Re: Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Thu May 16, 2013 11:35 pm



As the brawl engulfing the other fields spread Bokuden said aloud, "AGAIN? That's it, I'm playing baseball down near the base of the mountain with civilians from now on." Bokuden then swiftly made his way to the dugout to grab his belongings and leave. He was sure nothing good could come out of this situation, during last year's brawl over 30 people ended up hospitalized. As he prepared to make his way out he noticed Horui standing at the edge of the dugout watching the brawl. Bokuden ran over to Horui and urged him, "Come on Horui, we should get out of here. You don't want to get mixed up in that, these brawls can get out of hand extremely quickly."

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