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1Dead Men Tells No Tales Empty Dead Men Tells No Tales Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:19 pm


Dead Men Tells No Tales 140btb8

It has been nearly six months that Jack has set out to sea after the destruction of the legendary Fountain of Youth aboard the Pearl. Jack Sparrow and his crew of misfits now sail toward the newly founded Sandwich islands. With rich culture, food, and exotic and beautiful women as well, there is a reason beyond these treasures that not only the infamous Jack Sparrow seeks, but the Spanish as well. And just what treasure could possibly motivate Jack to sail across the world?

While searching for the untold treasures of the Sandwich islands, Jack runs upon some familiar faces--some he hasn't seen in years. Can Jack reacquaint himself with his past friends before he sets sail to the sandwich islands? Or is the return of William Turner and Elizabeth Swann something more than meets the eye? No matter the instance, the reunion of the three can be anything but... pleasant.

The Spanish Navy has set sail in search of the hidden treasure of the Sandwich Islands. It has been said a ship had wrecked there with a cargo of stolen jewels, pearls, gold, silver, and a particular piece that has been told down through the years. This particular piece was being guarded by the ship's Captain--a particular piece that offers the owner of said treasure wealth beyond measure. When the island and ship was scavenged, the treasure was never found but in the depths of the Sandwich Islands is where this treasure is said to be... and the Spanish Navy will do anything to retrieve this spectacular loot.

William Turner, the daring Captain of the Flying Dutchman has sailed for 10 years before finding that he and his beloved Elizabeth had a child. After reuniting with his family, William found that his faithful Elizabeth had unbound him from the Flying Dutchman through her faithfulness to him and their child. William and Elizabeth boarded a ship with their little family, and have been sailing the open seas, as Will has found his heart bound to the ocean with his family sailing with him. They have been sailing the seas together for nearly a year when they caught sight of a ship with black sails... The Pearl is in view, and the ships Captains have some personal issues to discuss. Will William and his family get roped in to Jack's personal missions once again?

Everyone has a destiny, and everyone has an uncontrollable fate... it is up to you to decide which way you go, which secrets you keep, which way the dice rolls. However, we must always remember as you tread those deep blue waters, and walk down those dark island passages that no matter where you go, what you do, or what you seek for... Dead Men Tell No Tales.

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