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1Naruto:Tales of the Shinobi (Relaunched) Empty Naruto:Tales of the Shinobi (Relaunched) Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:34 pm



Naruto:Tales of the Shinobi (Relaunched) 3HgjbJ9

Naruto: Tales of the Shinobi is a customized AU Naruto-RP site that has just finished undergoing a complete overhaul. New staff, new plot, new areas, and lots of new chances for fun. Our plot is very different from what you'll see just about anywhere; and we've left the details open enough to allow for heavily character driven progression. That's right; what you as the player does has a very real influence on what happens to the world. Plenty of events and constantly updating and newly added systems keep things fresh and fun; and a very active and knowledgeable staff work tirelessly to keep everyone entertained and the drama to a minimum. Come check out the new world of Shinobi Tales and see for yourself what plenty of hard work and a friendly community can create.

Rules || Character Guide || Clan Guide || Specialties || Staff Contacts

What we offer:

  • Experienced, Quickly Responding Staff; With Plenty of Chances to Join
  • Drama Free Environment
  • Established, Balanced, Constantly Updating Systems
  • Large selection of Specialties and Elemental Releases
  • Balanced ryo gain, fair chakra pools, inexpensive items
  • Easy Customization, with lots of freedom
  • No time wasted on hand signs
  • Plenty of chances for rank ups
  • No Favoritism. You get what you earn.
  • Lots of Global and Mini-Events for your enjoyment
  • Custom areas in all villages; with the options for users to add whatever they want
  • Special team for Coding and GFX specialists; with special perks just for them
  • Soon to be released: Bijuu, Chakra Beast, Legendary Beasts, Rinnengan, etc

Currently accepting new staff applications! All Ninja Ranks are currently open and accepting applications!

(We haven't changed our button, so that doesn't have to be changed. <3)

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