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1Meeting new people [OPEN/NO KILL] Empty Meeting new people [OPEN/NO KILL] Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:25 pm

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu

Rai had had a very long and hard day. He just needed to cool off, and what better way to do that than to go to the hot springs to relax and meet new people? As Rai walked lazily over to the small hole in the ground, he could hear the noise off crashing water, coming from the nearby waterfalls. Each step he took, he got filled with a mysterious energy, a stronger and stronger urge to just jump in the water. Rai smiled to himself. His steps got quicker and quicker. He could hear the waters talking to him, calling him to submit himself to it. About 5 meters away from the hot springs, he took off his newly obtained, brown Iwa jacket. 3 meters away, he stripped off his long sleeved, red undershirt in a blur. He was in a sprint now, about a meter away, he kicked off his ninja sandals. He had no idea were he dropped his clothes, they just seemed to come off on demand. He could feel the warmth of the springs now, about 45 cm away.
He stretched out his arms to the sky and then dived into the hole, headfirst, eyes closed. He felt total relaxation as he came into contact with the water in a massive splash , thanking mother nature for its natural heated water. His moment of ecstasy only lasted a few milliseconds as he quickly felt a throbbing pain on his head. The pain of his head hitting the floor.

As he surfaced, he used his right hand to rub the throbbing part of his head, and was totally embarrassed as the others that were there before him, were laughing hysterically. One of them, even had tears in his eyes....or was that just water?
He looked round, in a friendly and sociable mood and said aloud, embarrassingly.

"Forgot about that...sometimes it hurts being this tall"

2Meeting new people [OPEN/NO KILL] Empty Re: Meeting new people [OPEN/NO KILL] Mon Dec 24, 2012 3:25 pm

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu

All around him,he saw old men in the spring: not a single one his age was present. by the looks of it in fact, they hadn't even bothered to look at him, just registering his presence as they would think a bothersome fly. Being Raishi, he loved attention, and he couldn't stand being ignored. Hurt by the lack of social skills the old men had, Rai stood up from the springs rather embarrassingly, and started walking off. His feet were wet and he couldn't find his red shirt and his flack jacket. He set out, looking for his belongings around the area he had used to come to the pit. All that, for nothing, not even a blink of acknowledgement. He sure got irritated by these group of men and started walking away, steam coming off him.

3Meeting new people [OPEN/NO KILL] Empty Re: Meeting new people [OPEN/NO KILL] Fri May 31, 2013 3:42 am



Saiyuki was running out of the water since she forgot to have breakfast in the morning even though it was past noon now. She ran out of the water almost hitting someone but she could move her body to the side on time. It did bring her out of balance and with her wet feet she fell like an idiot on the ground. Sai fell on her back pretty hard. Her hand puched her up and she placed them on the throbbing part of her back. "Sorry to have almost hit you." She laughed and placed her hands in her pockets. "I'm Saiyuki from the Kobayashi clan! Pleased to meet you!" she madecs quick bow and looked at the boy as gesture he would introduce himself. As Saiyuki stretched a bit to try to remove the pain in her back, she started to ask how the stranger was.

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