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1Conflict [Kumo - D] Empty Conflict [Kumo - D] Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:36 pm

Kita Akumasureiya

Kita Akumasureiya

741 words / 600 words
A few days passed since Kita’s less than enjoyable experience with the shoe-stealing rabbit, and by now the girl had recovered from what little trauma that was caused as a result of her receiving a mouth-and-face full of dirt. The night after the mission Kita had told her parents, who simply laughed at the poor girl. Today Kita was out just before noon, wandering to the mission board to see what her day would be like. One mission in particular sparked her interest – a conflict resolving one, where she was to resolve the conflict however she deemed necessary.

Interesting… She thought as she went over the faces and location. A conflict between an old man and a younger bully, seemed simple enough. Kita had always been raised to respect her elders, and that was a teaching that she was bound to uphold unless there was some extreme reason to forgo her parents’ teachings and side with the younger child.

When she neared the Tethys Grounds, Kita could already hear the argument underway. She could hear the voice of the old man, followed by a rude and stupid retort by the child. Kita picked up her pace, and when the two finally were in sight she waved her arms in the air to draw their attention. ”Guys… guys! Stop fighting! You’re disturbing everyone!”

”Shut your mouth ya little pipsqueak, this is none of your business, you’re just a stupid little girl!” The bully shouted as he waved his fist at Kita. He then turned his attention to the old man and pointed at him. ”Filthy old man, you need to get out of here, you’re stinking the place up, no one wants you here at all!”

The man sighed, shaking his head before turning to Kita. ”You see? These are the people I have to deal with now… yes, I’m an old man now, but I used to be an adventurer like you. I just want to be left alone… but these kids, no matter what I do....”

But Kita was already boiling over from the bully’s comments about her. Pipsqueak? Stupid little girl? Who did this kid think he was? Sure, he might be a little taller and bigger than her, but that meant nothing, and Kita was going to make sure that she proved her point. Kita turned to the old man, arms to her side though both hands were clenched in a fist. ”Don’t worry, oji-sama, I’ll take care of him for you..” She said before stomping towards the boy.

”Hah! Oh I’m so scaaared. What is a little girl like you going to—hey! Hey! Stop it! Get off of me! Back off, you creep!” By now, Kita was half an arms length away, slapping at the kid’s arm and shoulder in a hissy fit-like manner, her face scrunched in anger. ”I’m… not… a…. little… girl…. I’m…. a…. kunoichi!” She shouted in her squeaky anger-voice between hits. She then proceeded to push the kid down with all her strength before pouncing onto the bully with her legs between his chest and her knees pinning his arms down. She sat on top of him, looking down with her reddened face. Her fists were up as if she was going to start pounding him in the face.

”You will leave this poor old man alone. Forever. Or I will come back, and I will beat you up, you little dweeb!” By now, Kita could see that the boy was shaking with fear and on the verge of tears – he was genuinely afraid of her, which warmed her heart a little. This was the just desserts that he deserved. Bringing her fist back, Kita prepared to strike him in the face, but stopped only three centimeters short as the kid started whimpering and crying, begging for mercy and apologizing. ”Got it!? Good!” Kita removed herself from him, watching as clumsily got on his feet and sprinted away as fast as he could.

Kita dusted herself off before turning to the old man. ”I don’t think he’ll be bothering you anymore, I’m sorry you had to go through that, sir. If he ever bothers you again, come look for me and I will beat him to a pulp.” She said to him cheerfully before waving goodbye. Job well done, she thought.


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