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"Let's get this show on the road! Yeah!" Shimayo called out enthusiastically, throwing both her hands up in the air. The small chuckle which reached her ears belonged to her wolfdog Calibo without any doubt. He had always been the sarcastic and quiet one of them, but perhaps their differences made them get along so well. There was never a dull moment together.
Starting with some warm-up exercises, the young girl was grateful for the armless shirt she had picked at home. Kumo was not a place known for heat, yet the Thetys grounds were hotter than other areas around here.

When she felt ready for their training, Shimayo clapped once before giving a command to Calibo.
"Stand up, we'll practise our staminas first. I suggest a little morning run. Okay?"
The smile on her lips faded when she met her dog's gaze. Calibo lay on the ground lazily - his thick fur would warm him perfectly during cold times, but it was more of a pain for him in summer. He let out a growl, clearly showing that he wasn't in the best mood today.
"I don't remember that I gave my approval to this stupid training session," He grumbled and rested his head on his paws. "I have zero motivation right now to do anything other than turn back - go home - take a nap. And then you can wake me in three hours or so."

Shimayo sighed, not really sure what she should say or do to make him obey. She knew that Calibo was very difficult to handle; hell, she had known so since he was born by the way he had bit her hand.
"Uum.." It was a rare thing to happen, but in that moment she was speechless. After a few minutes - so it seemed to her - of staring at her companion stupidly, she got a hold of herself and tried the first thing which came to her mind.

"Please?" - "Nope."

Okay. Plan B. She plopped to the ground next to Calibo and started thinking about how exactly that ominous plan B could look like. Too bad she didn't have any food with her.

Training Pet C -> B
WC 365

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