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1Help Around the Academy [D-Rank] Empty Help Around the Academy [D-Rank] Sun Mar 17, 2013 9:52 pm



The faint sound of birds chirping off in the distance is the first sound one is to hear when waking up this early in the morning. It seems as if the first signs of sunlight are peaking through the curtains, indicating that in a couple of hours he would be given his first mission. Though a menial one, today, he predicts, appears to be a lazy days. Guessing that it was 5am, Yuudai felt no need to get out of bed at this given moment. Not once opening his eyes since he awoke, Yuudai pulled his blanket over his head in an attempt to get more time to sleep and knowing that his mother would wake him eventually for breakfast.

He supposes he should familiarize himself with waking up this early in the morning, due to the nature of being a shinobi, but for now he just wanted to close his eyes and go back to sleep. Falling back in to slumber would prove harder than it seemed, as the noise from the outside environment seemed to pick up. When he was initially given this mission, Yuudai was somewhat ecstatic for as much as his personality allowed him to show, however now he was wondering what spurred his behaviour at that moment. Letting out a groan and burying his face in to his pillow, he tried again to fall asleep. The world, however, and his mother had different plans.

Another groan was released as he threw his blanket off himself. Sitting up, Yuudai grabbed his hair tie that he kept specifically beside his bedside as he slept. Putting his hair into his usual ponytail and after discarding his pajamas, Yuudai got up and grabbed his standard set of clothes from his closet. He clothed himself in his usual fighting kimono and white sash. His scarf he left out of his attire as he saw no need for it due to the task at hand.

Yuudai made his way towards the kitchen, where his breakfast was already on the table. His mother probably already had left for work, leaving him alone in the house. Quietly and slowly eating his breakfast, Yuudai realized the time he needed to be at the academy was impending. With his breakfast done, he headed outside and towards the academy.

His academy sensei was standing at the front of the gate, ready to greet him and give him his task for the day. The task was relatively simple, just supervise the academy students and provide help for any questions they had. This task was assigned, mainly due to a teacher being absent for the week and a chuunin had to fill in for the teacher. The substitute teacher had a rough time the previous two days of filling in for the position and requested some help in mediating the classroom.

Walking in to the classroom, Yuudai could already feel the disaster that was near. Exhausting a slight sigh, he walked in to the classroom. The students were noisy, reminding him of his time in the academy. Supressing a slight smile, Yuudai checked himself in with the chuunin and was to introduce himself to the classroom.

With the class coming to a murmur and then ultimate silence, Yuudai stood in front of the class as the substitute teacher made his final preparations for today’s lesson. “My name is Yuudai. I’ll be helping your substitute teacher with today’s lesson, basically answering any questions you have.” Yuudai tried to keep his voice as gentle as possible, though it probably didn’t come out that way, but knowing a classroom full of 8 year olds reminded him they were going to act the same way, whether gentle or harsh.

Most of the questions that were asked pertained to his specialties and training. Not many were interested in kenjutsu as he was when he was an academy student. Other questions related to completely different matters, some of his personal life, which made Yuudai suppress releasing a groan and pinching the bridge of his nose. The questions came nonstop, somewhat like a snowball gathering more snow as it rolls along. The personal questions he chose to answer in vague details or not answer entirely, but it seemed to satisfy their curiosity. At one point he stifled the urge to use his ice needles to get them to quiet down, but that wouldn’t really be helpful at all.

“Can you please watch over the students for the rest of the day? I really need to go.” Without even giving Yuudai a chance to reply, the chuunin bolted out of the classroom. The academy students looked at the door, then at Yuudai, door again, and finally settled on Yuudai. It was close to the end of the day as it is, so Yuudai saw no harm in looking after them for another 45 minutes. With an idea of how to waste time and let the students have some fun, while not bothering him, he stood up and addressed the class. “Hm. Alright, lets finish this with a simple game to test your senses. We’re going to go outside. Each of you will be blindfolded and given a flag to protect. The goal is simple, gather as many flags as you can. Lose your flag and you are out of the game. No chakra, no jutsus, no hitting. Just rely on your senses, grab the flags and have some fun.” The students let out a cheer as they rushed out of the classroom and outside towards the field. Now he just had to make sure no one hurt themselves.


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