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1Okita's weapon purchase Empty Okita's weapon purchase Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:21 am



Name: Katana
Type Of Weapon: Fine Katana
Rank: B
Elemental Alignment: -
Ability/Function: Its a very sharp and durable blade, as all wel made katana's. It has some difference that influence's the way it slashes, however. The microscopic holes on the blade are built horizontally over the blades sides. While they couldn't even be seen with naked eye as well due the slightly bent angle as the blade gets a little thicker at the blunt side their pretty much undetectable. What these holes does is channel air. They are placed out specifically to even out the friction between the slash and air passing trough to make it exactly as fast as a regular fine katana. What's the difference you might ask? Simple, the air tunnels lead the air, the blade has to obviously move trough, slightly sideways. The effect of this is sort of a broader air path following the actual slash line. The air coming after the slash is 1-2cm thick, depending on the strength of the slash.

The flow of air makes expands the cuts caused by the blade. This means a cut by this katana would leave an open wound twice as wide as a normal wound. Other than that the air path can be used to make deflection of thrown tiles easier ( rank C and less), due to the blades nature to repulse objects when slashed. Technically a slash that would slightly miss the tile could still redirect it enough to miss or hit a bit away from the targeted area.
Close/Long Range: Short
Appearance: A katana with a 70 cm long blade and 20 cm long handle. It looks just like a typical well made katana. The only difference you could spot would require a microscope or enhanced eyesight. In this case you would actually see the blade has some almost microscopical holes running horizontally over the blade.
Okita's weapon purchase 9k=

I was told as an Akako with kenjutsu specialty I start out with a free one.

Last edited by Okita on Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Okita's weapon purchase Empty Re: Okita's weapon purchase Sun Jul 01, 2012 12:33 am



Is appearance description a MUST here?

3Okita's weapon purchase Empty Re: Okita's weapon purchase Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:35 am



o_o Sir. You currently lack the ryo for this purchase.

4Okita's weapon purchase Empty Re: Okita's weapon purchase Sun Jul 01, 2012 9:18 am



I was told that as an Akako with kenjutsu specialty I start out with a free one.

5Okita's weapon purchase Empty Re: Okita's weapon purchase Sun Jul 01, 2012 9:51 am



That clan, listed here doesn't say anywhere that you get a free one...

6Okita's weapon purchase Empty Re: Okita's weapon purchase Sun Jul 01, 2012 9:55 am



I just inquired and that was the answer I got...
If I got to buy one - fine ,I'll just save enough money and bump this.

7Okita's weapon purchase Empty Re: Okita's weapon purchase Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:06 am



That will be fine; go ahead and do so.

8Okita's weapon purchase Empty Re: Okita's weapon purchase Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:44 pm



Yeah.. I'm kind of bumping to check whether this would be acceptable. It also would be great if someone told me how much would something like this cost.

9Okita's weapon purchase Empty Re: Okita's weapon purchase Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:05 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Fine Katana is 900, Sir.

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