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1Akuma {Puppet} Empty Akuma {Puppet} Fri Nov 16, 2012 2:14 am



Name: Akuma
Rank: D-Rank
Primary Use: Offensive and Defensive

Description: The Akuma puppet was created by Eli to resemble his appearance. The Kaze puppet has green hair and eyes that look like Eli’s handsome eyes. Eli didn’t put to much time in the appearance of the puppet so he didn’t bother to put color on its surface but instead he gave it clothing. The puppet wears a jacket that matched Eli’s black and white jacket. Also to not keep it “naked” Eli gave his puppet white pants and black shoes to go with it.

Akuma {Puppet} 2q2ffxc

Devices: Akuma is a puppet that has the kanji for wind on its forehead, Kaze and it got its symbol because of the way it fights. Being a small puppet Eli built Akuma with agility in his mind. The Akuma puppet is a puppet that is used mostly for offensive purposes because of its taijutsu speed though that is the reason why it is also defensive. Eli keeps Akuma close because the Chikamatsu clan lacks hand-to-hand combat and that is where Akuma specializes. Knowing the puppet is a speed-based puppet, Eli built Akuma to have strong and hard metallic fists so when it made contact it can really do damage. Akuma also possesses a machine inside of its throat that launches (69) senbons in rapid succession like a machine gun.


Akuma {Puppet} 5xsf3o

Name: None
Type Of Weapon: Steel Fists
Rank: D-Rank
Elemental Alignment: None
Ability/Function: None
Close/Long Range: Hand-to-Hand Combat

Appearance: The Steel Fists are average puppets hands but made of steel instead of wood. Eli can change the color of the puppets hands at will though it is mostly white that he likes to keep it. After more than its share of strikes the paint can wear off and silver is the color underneath.

History: The fist was created by Eli because he noticed after his own experience within a fight that Akuma is very speedy but lacks strength. By creating Steel Fists Eli was able to create a harder impact to the speedy strikes causing a considerable amount of damage. The Steel Fist is a custom attribute that Eli added to his “King Collection” Blueprint and it has helped by giving the puppets strikes more force and its grip more strength.

Akuma {Puppet} 21orf34

Name: None
Type Of Weapon: Senbon Rapid Launcher Machine
Rank: D-Rank
Elemental Alignment: None
Ability/Function: None
Close/Long Range: Mid-Long Range (15 Meters MAX)

Appearance: Of course the mechanism is not visible in the puppets outer shell as the weapon can only be seen when it is used. A number of senbons are launched from its mouth when it is used and the rapid rate of the senbons resembles a machine gun. Inside the puppets throat is a series of tight rubber wheels attached by the outer layer with a finite amount of senbons in its center (Like a pitching machine). When the weapon is used the wheels will rotate and release the senbons in its rapid state. The senbon reaches 15 meters at it’s furthest because of the nature of the lightweight and the aero dynamic build to it.

Extra about weapon: Mechanism only holds 33 senbons. The senbons could be released all at one time which will make for a harder dodge or the technique could be broken down into one other usage, in 3 sets of 10 and one set of 3 shots. These two methods are the only ways of using the weapon and when any of the 33 shots are fired, to refill the mechanism one must either buy the senbon or retrieve it.

History: Eli is known to be a fine strategist and knowing that Akuma is a close range fighter he knew the puppet will need some type of long range protection no matter how mild. The first thought that came to mind was obvious and that was a “weapon that can shoot;” With that in mind Eli created the Rapid Succession mechanism to launch senbons out of Akumas mouth. Creating the machine was a simple thing to do since the technology was already released all Eli needed to do was connect the dots. The weapon clearly helps the effect to the cause that is Akuma being more close ranged prone. With this weapon Eli is able to keep his puppet close while his enemies just a little further.

Last edited by EliKing on Tue Nov 20, 2012 5:09 pm; edited 8 times in total

2Akuma {Puppet} Empty Re: Akuma {Puppet} Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:21 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Extra about weapon: Mechanism only holds 100 senbons. The senbons could be released all at one time which will make for a harder dodge or the technique could be broken down into 4 usages, in 3 sets of 33 and one set of 1 shot. These two methods are the only ways of using the weapon and when all 100 shots are fired a refill will be needed.

That's C-rank, because of the amount it can hold. Also, that's gunna be expensive as hell to reload; because you have to buy the senbon for it.

Otherwise this puppet is fine.

3Akuma {Puppet} Empty Re: Akuma {Puppet} Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:33 am



Yea i think your right loll 100 Senbon every time i run out may prove costly. I'ma just remove that buying to reload and make it a reload on a battle bases. (When ever i use all the senbons in battle i will have to wait for the fight to end for the machine to auto reload)

hmm I thought 100 Senbon was D-Rank as it is since senbons are small but then again it is a lot of needles. I'ma edit it so you can tell me what you think about it

4Akuma {Puppet} Empty Re: Akuma {Puppet} Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:34 am

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

(When ever i use all the senbons in battle i will have to wait for the fight to end for the machine to auto reload)

Wait, what? No no, you misunderstand the item rules it seems. You MUST buy the senbon for this. Unless you plan to make it a jutsu effect where you fire elemental senbon or something, you'll be buying every senbon you cannot recover.

5Akuma {Puppet} Empty Re: Akuma {Puppet} Sat Nov 17, 2012 10:43 am



Yea that's what i thought in the beginning, i forgot about the retrieving the senbons in battle though =x thanks for thatt. But yea that was my mistake i def. misunderstood lol

6Akuma {Puppet} Empty Re: Akuma {Puppet} Tue Nov 20, 2012 3:00 pm




7Akuma {Puppet} Empty Re: Akuma {Puppet} Tue Nov 20, 2012 3:31 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Already told you; the Senbon Launcher is C-rank. Where are the edits to the ranking of the device and the puppet itself?

8Akuma {Puppet} Empty Re: Akuma {Puppet} Tue Nov 20, 2012 3:53 pm



I changed the amount from 100 to 69. How much lower do i have to make it in order for it to be D? and i thought that was the only edit needed, i didnt know i needed one for the puppet as a whole

9Akuma {Puppet} Empty Re: Akuma {Puppet} Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:35 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

The senbon reaches 15 meters at it’s furthest and travels at an incredible 104 mph because of the nature of the lightweight and aero dynamic senbon.

Lulno. No way. Senbon lack the mass to go this fast. Otherwise I can live with 33 at a time.

10Akuma {Puppet} Empty Re: Akuma {Puppet} Tue Nov 20, 2012 5:08 pm



Cant argue with that logic. Ill remove the speed.

11Akuma {Puppet} Empty Re: Akuma {Puppet} Mon Nov 26, 2012 5:23 pm



Bummmp. Bump Bump it upppp

12Akuma {Puppet} Empty Re: Akuma {Puppet} Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:12 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Blah blah. Approved. xD

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