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1Mission Barrage! [List of Missions] Empty Mission Barrage! [List of Missions] Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:29 am



~Catch the Cat!~

Maybe it was time to help out around the village, it was only fair that she did something for the Kage since she had taken her under her wing (and boobs) for nearly nothing. ONly her cooperation as a medical member of the Hospital which Karo had been from day one. Work was slow but when it came to work, she had it cut out for her. The ninja of Suna sure do go to the max when it came to fighting! Letting out a small sigh, she brushed her orange hair back and looked around for a moment before opening her mission details. A simple D-Rank mission was easy enough so catching a cat shouldn't come as too hard for Karo to do and with that being said she simply rolled up the message, slipped into her back pocket, fixing her katana at the waist and her Tanto tied round the waist and positioned round the front. This suited her better than it would have if she had moved it. It felt more natural this way. Granted she wasn't going to need them but she liked having them nearby just incase.

She had left the house that she had been staying in, locking the door behind her and heading off for the recent area that the cat had been seen in. It shouldn't be too hard to find a bright white cat in an orange and yellow area like this. The sand should have some tracks of the kitty's paws somewhere but with all the people prancing around the village, it was going to be a little harder than anticipated. Her eyes wouldn't help if she used them...she was a med...not a vet.

"God damn it...where could you be...?" She grunt in frustration, slamming her foot down in a strop. And then it hit here...Kazekage's...Building? Did that mean...the cat was on the building!? Her eyes shrunk as she heard a distant meowing, her eyes following the trail of the noise. was perched on the roof...oh dear god...heights. It was her mission mind you and she needed to do it somehow, overcoming the fear of falling to her death and landing with a plop. All she needed to do was get into gear and walk up the side of the sounded silly when she thought about it like that but what if it moved? She couldn't make any clones to aid her, she only had two blades and everyone knows that blades don't give very good hugs, especially against skin. Defeat felt so close as she sat down and scratched her head, trying to figure out how to handle this situation and yet nothing seemed to come to mind other than charging head on into the situation, lunge and hope that she catches the little beast...urgh. This day was not going to be a good one.

With sheer determination in her soul, body and eyes, she got up to her feet, brushing off sand that might have got stuck in places that we shall leave out of this moment, she tied her Kumogakure headband tightly, the thing practically imprinting itself into her forehead before she pushed off with one foot, sending herself into the air before landing onto the side of Gin's building before charging off full steam, the cats eyes seemed to shrink as Karos body was propelled to the thing and being snatched up. She latched onto the thing which then latched onto HER in fright, gritting her teeth as pain seared through her body. She had the cat now at least. Next stop...home to heal from these claw marks...little shit.

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