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1Karo gets word? [Closed] Empty Karo gets word? [Closed] Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:33 pm



Suna...the village was incredibly pretty for Karo, she couldn't help but enjoy the change of scenery and was not at all missing Kumo. No, it was to get a break from pressuring sensei and whatnot. Kumo was nice and all and the villagers were decent enough just didn't suit her at all! The height made her queasy, the cold made put her in a constant shiver mode and all the shouting of drunks annoyed her. Suna was nice and peaceful for now. It usually was busy this time of the day in Suna since people worked and ran back and forth. She did though miss doing missions so maybe next chance she got, she could ask Gin if she could take part in some of the missions.

The sun...she began to hate. It was nice but it was always boiling here! She constantly complained about it and nothing could be done about it. She sighed as she felt a gush of air fly over head from her. The hell!? She turned and followed the wind and noticed a rather large raven like bird. A raven? Here? The raven swooped back and perched itself on a ledge above Karo, offering it's leg to her. A note was attached. She removed the note and pulled out a small treat for the bird from her pocket. Don't ask. No reason. The bird took the treat and turned away to eat it.

Opening the note she began to read the contents;

Dear Karo.

You may not remember me but I'm the one who handed you two blades during your stay in Konohagakure for the chuunin exams. I have a favor to ask of you and I know this is incredibly rude of me. My name is Kenta Sarutobi. I couldn't come and ask you myself as I have important duties to attend to so my friend Iuko has done the task for me. I ask that you allow me to borrow the blue blade that I handed to you. I seem to have use of a blade but I don't want to leave myself short on money. I promise to repay you for this service and I apologize for wasting your time.
Kenta Sarutobi

How odd...she had remembered him but as to why he wanted the blades was beyond her but...she did owe him for handing her two blades for free so maybe this could be done to repay the debt. She finally agreed to it and looked at the blade strapped to her side. It was a decent blade but if someone needed it, then she had to help. She then tapped the bird, it jumping in fright as it glared at her. Offering up the blade she sighed and looked into the birds eyes.

"Bring this back to your master! Thank you for doing this." She said, smiling at the end before the bird took the sheath with it's feet, flying off once it felt comfortable. Only thing to do now was to wait for the blade to be returned.

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