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1Help around the Academy no.3 [D rank] Empty Help around the Academy no.3 [D rank] Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:24 am


Solstice had been teaching small lectures at the Kiri academy for some time though the reason seemed to be rather similar each time, though finally the tutor managed to reclaim his rightful place amongst the academy. Though he was a little under the weather, Solstice's clerk position was still largely intact. Over her last couple of shifts she had made herself rather valuable as a marking and teaching tool at the academy, her near perfect grades back when she was one of them.

Solstice lay awake on the Academy grounds, idly watching the mist formations above her head as she waited for her shift. When she heard the raised voices of two kids seemingly getting rather hostile. Rolling over, solstice watched the two kids beat up on the smaller of the three. He was an Aisu. Solstice frowned and watched as the group of bullies walked away.

Looking to the boy who now boasted a rather fashionable black eye, as tears rolled freely down his cheeks. Standing up, Solstice walked over to him, his large blue eyes looked up at her with embarrassment shame and innocence as Solstice began to speak.

What was all that about bro? Why are they being ass-clowns?

The kid wiped away his tears as his eyes followed the bullies as they began to move away. He explained that there was a group of kids from a couple of clans whom were taught some basic taijutsu. With it they can basically do what they want, and beat up anyone who gets in their way.

Solstice frowned as the time came for her to get to class and teach. But first she spoke to the kid lightly.

Meet me here after school with as many friends as you can. I'll take your training and teach you a thing or two, but you have to promise me that you guys will only use it to defend yourselves and other people in the school okay? The boy looked up at her confused at first, before getting VERY excited. Running along to class.

Solstice spent the Day marking papers until sunset, before tiredly walking outside to a group of just over a dozen kids, all ranging around the age of 8. Solstice smiled at the group. More than a few of them had marks over their body. As well as hopefully permission from their parents.

Alright, I want each of you to pair up with a buddy. I'm going to teach you a couple of very basic punches, kicks, and Wushu skills. So, match up and listen. She said with a smile. Turning to one side so they could all see what she was doing.

Alright, for your basic punch, for a proper fist, curl up all of your fingers as tight as you can, rolling them up and then locking your thumb over them. Your basic punch, start with your fist from your abdomen, your legs evenly spaced apart, and thrust it out straight as you breath out, ready? HYA! now you, all of you do ten.

The kids eagerly followed her instructions as she demonstrated, and walked them through the procedure. Moving through the group correcting their posture and ensured they were punching straight. Once they had all done ten proper formed punches she moved on.

Now, I want you to all look at each other, one of you is going to punch for your face, I want the other to do exactly this okay?

She stood straight on and performed the technique as she described it.

I want you to step into them with this leg, nice and close, and bring your head low and to a side to dodge the punch as toy do. Grab your fist with your other hand and bring your elbow up to their chest. Don't do it too hard to each other, but as you get better, you can speed it up a bit okay? I don't want anyone hurt. Lets Go, first one person punches, then the other, ten times each, go!

The kids performed the moves again. Following her instructions to the tee. She smiled as the kids not only seemed to be learning quickly, but enjoying this.

Okay, last lesson of the day, and this will really show these bullies who's boss. Stand with your feet apart like before, always keep your hands up and ready. With one hand, you're going to pull a fist, and sweep a punch to the side, then you're going to Open the palm of your other hand, step low, into horse, and thrust that elbow out as you stomp, like this. ONE, TWO! C'mon, do it with me. Each of them chanted in response, soon after she taught them how to use each of the skills one after the other, and how they all tied together as well as the disciplines and moral she grilled into their brain.

So, why are you learning this?

"To defend ourselves and our friends from bullies." Spoke up a young girl amongst them. Solstice smiled.

Good, don't forget it, or I'll walk up behind you and slap you across the head, I have all of your names remember. I know your parents as well. So, off you go back home.

They all scattered, and Solstice was finished for the day. She laughed as the sun had set behind the trees. Those bullies would never know what hit them...

The next day there was a large fight at the academy. Seven kids were hurt, five of them known to be of the hard cases going around the school pushing people into line. Harsh words were slung by the instructors, but the kids had their pride back, and could once again feel safe at their own school.

Letters arrived at the Aisu house from grateful parents, some even stopping by. Solstice smiled, this is what being a ninja was all about.

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