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1Clear the Trash [D-Rank/Complete] Empty Clear the Trash [D-Rank/Complete] Sun Mar 10, 2013 9:36 pm




It was 6:35 Pm in the early evening in Iwagakure no Sato. A boy with a bamboo hat tilted over his eyes and a blue buttoned up shirt covering his chest was on his way to the Gisei Lake, where he would have to perform his first mission ever. Being as though it was his first mission, he was anxious and nervous. The boy didn't know how the mission would turn out; He was too afraid of failing his first ever mission which was easy at that. It was similar to opening a present on Christmas- you didn't know what would be there or happen. 

With the thought in mind, Kosuke strolled down towards the Lake with his right hand clenched on the metal trash collecting stick. In his other hand, the boy held an empty trash bin made of wicker. "Hope this lake isn't.." whispered Kosuke, stopping in the middle of his sentence as he approached the lake. It was filled with trash; From large objects to small used items- The trash plagued all around the perimeter of the lake and gave off a foul stench that polluted the forests around it causing Kosuke to curl his top lip up to his two nostrils to attempt to not smell the odor anymore. It worked but, Kosuke was forced to breath heavily out of his nose.

Kosuke scanned the area of trash once more before he used his photographic memory to memorise where every single piece of trash was. "This will be just like drawing my transcripts but a bigger course," said Kosuke. He then pointed his metal stick towards a piece of eaten breadstick, and grabbed it up with the claws at the end of the stick. The boy released the claws grip when the metal stick hovered over the trash can to cause the piece of trash to fall in the bin. Kosuke gasped in relief.
"One down, a lot more to go,"
The boy elegantly stroked his metal stick at several more pieces of trash, racking them up onto his stick which he would then scrape all off into the bin in his left hand.

Repeatedly Kosuke continued the process, dancing and singing poems around the lake as he circled the perimeter. When the bin was filled to the top with trash, he dumped the trash from out of the bin into an enormous green dumpster nearby the lake and returned back towards the perimeter of the lake. His second round of trash was also memorised into his head before he closed his eyes, and danced around the lake again while grabbing trash with each time he performed a spin in his dance routine. For his second round of trash collecting, the boy was focused on the cans since he finished the paper and candy wrappers last round. Being as though many people drunk from out of cans- there were a lot more cans than any of the other objects around the lake. It had to be because a lot of people were drunks in Kosuke's generation.

"Second basket done!"

Kosuke shouted, ceasing his dancing and opening his eyes in the process. With a yawn of boredom, he dumped the second basket off and returned to the lake. This time Kosuke didn't close his eyes or dance as he picked up the trash because of the gravel of the lake covering up some of the glasses which could only be found by gently stepping on them. But, there were so few, that they barely filled up the basket on Kosuke's back. It was similar to finding a needle in a haystack. When Kosuke cleared the lake and filled up his basket, he took the basket to the dumpster, emptied it, and headed back to the mission room to officially end the mission.

[Mission Completed: 645/600]

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