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1Clear The Trash [Private, Mission] Empty Clear The Trash [Private, Mission] Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:25 pm




Arashi went out of the Tsuchikage's Temple Complex, and headed for the Gisei Lake. That was where his mission took place in. This mission seems a bit... Boring. But okay, somebody has to do it. Still a lot better than just hammering the forge. He walked and walked, and eventually decided it would be smart to read the mission scroll once again, this time out loud.
"Mission name: Clear The Trash. Finally a normal name. Whoever wrote this mission, I salute you! Mission rank: D. Genin. Sweet. Objective: You have to clear the trash around the Gisei Lake. That's... Boring. But I'll do it. Location: Iwagakure. Duh Reward: 50 ryo. Yeah, a little less than the missions I did in the past few days. Not that I mind, ryo is ryo. Mission description: Some people of Iwagakure have been disposing of junk in the beautiful Gisei Lake. The trash eventually floated to the shore around the lake. There is a lot of trash and it is very ugly, so you will have to clean it. Yeah..."

Wordcount: 208/600

2Clear The Trash [Private, Mission] Empty Re: Clear The Trash [Private, Mission] Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:50 pm



The Gisei Lake was slowly showing up in Arashi's sight. Big, blue. But not any blue, it was really dark blue, and seemed "heavy", like all mountain lakes usually do. Arashi always liked coming there, he found the lake magical since the first time he saw it. Wow. Arashi walked towards it, and saw a little hut. I swear, this wasn't here a week ago. He walked towards it, and read the sign. It said "Gisei Lake Cleanless Center". Well, I wouldn't call this a center. A little hut, it was clearly raised in under a day. But I have a feeling this is the place I should go for my mission...

Arashi knocked on the door, and heard a loud and harsh "Come in!". Arashi came in the tiny hut, and saw an old man sitting in a chair. He was smoking a pipe, but he took it out with his hand as he started to talk.
"Are you here for the mission?"
"Yeah, I'm here to clean the lake. Can you explain the mission a little closer please?"
"Yeah, I'll give you a stick and a bin. Fill three bins and that's it. You can come back here anytime, The lake needs it."
As he was saying that, he pointed at the wall. Arashi saw the stick. It had a metal head, for stabbing and carrying trash. There was also a wicker bin, that could be put on the back.
"Alright, that is all. I'm going to start now."
Ara took the equipment and got out of the hut.

Wordcount: 509/600

3Clear The Trash [Private, Mission] Empty Re: Clear The Trash [Private, Mission] Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:57 pm



Arashi put the bin on his back, it had belts. He walked towards the lake, and started collecting the trash. This is... Easy! You just stab the piece of trash, and put it in the bin. Arashi was making great progress, fairly quickly as well. Stab. Bin. Put. Stab. Bin. Put. This is really easy! After about half an hour, Arashi filled the bin. If I remember right, I should empty the bin at the junkyard... Luckily for him, it was only a 5 minute walk. Arashi emptied the trash, and came back. He started filling the bin again. After an hour, he was completely done with the job. He returned the equipment, and headed for the Complex. Easy Peasy.

--- Arashi Quit The Thread ---

Wordcount: 644/600

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