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1Clear the Trash! [Mission/Closed] Empty Clear the Trash! [Mission/Closed] Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:44 am



Rubbing his face from the slap that was given to him by the Kage's secretary, Toushi read over the slip and noticed how he had to clean up the lake...great. She deliberately gave him a shitty job...just cause he called her sweet cheeks. Jeeze, compliment someone and they go bat shit insane...well, he learned his lesson regardless; anyway, back to the mission at hand. He was examining his surroundings before he noticed a basket lying by the side of the road towards the lake...
"I take it that that's the basket I've to use to carry the trash...oh boy." He sighed to himself, rubbing the back of his neck in frustration. He just knew he was gonna hate the Kage and Iwa's people by the end of it...he just knew it.

Picking up the basket with a litter picker behind it, he strapped the basket to his back and twirled the stick around in a circular motion to his left. Why not take it easy? He didn't see any litter around him so why not just enjoy the time he had. There was a hill ahead so the lake had to be behind that and it was...and around it was an army of germs, infestations and trash...the people of Iwa were going to hear about this...and it was not gonna be nice a nice experience for sir!

Getting to the lake, Toushi began to pick up the litter bit by bit, avoiding to fall into the mess, dodging spiders, wasps and insects...while running away from the scene with tears flying from his face. What a girl. Rubbing his forehead, he smiled; he'd already done a small patch and it looked glorious...that was until he actually looked at the rest...yup, people were gonna die indeed! He continued to clean it up before and idea hit him...looking around the rubbish he had more than enough materials to make a huge dump...perfect! Weaving the nets, fish lines, wood and dirt together, Toushi spent more than 4 hours tying this all together before finishing it. It looked horrid but it was going to work! He just knew it! Placing his hands together, he formed about six wings made from light on his back, slowly taking form and illuminating the area around him; scaring away all insects! An evil cackle was released into the air as his wings picked him up about 3 feet off the ground before pulling back and launching forward, creating a powerful large gust of wind to the trash, throwing it all or most of it into the dump. Already half a job done! Perfect!

He did this for about 3 hours before he was fully finished with the shore, having picked a few bits from the water here and there, he flew to the top of the dump as he latched onto the top of the dump...holy hell was that heavy! He forced his wings to put their all into lifting the dump off the ground to get to the Iwagakure junkyard...Granted he was only to do 3 bins worth but why do a half job? The swet from his brow began to fall off the end of his nose and chin while his wings would fade every now and then...this jutsu was beginning to run out and Toushi was no where near the dump...time to push the limits! Toushi, with all his will, drew back his wings and forced them to take one huge great thrust before they ran out and they did. As soon as they took that thrust, the wings shattered and Toushi and the dump were sent flying to the Junkyard...

Toushi hit the ground hard and began to roll and bounce off the ground. He did it...laying there, Toushi just laughed as he tried to catch his breath every now and then...Job well done.

Word Count: 663/600

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