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1Deed: The Teddy Bear [Kumo - D] Empty Deed: The Teddy Bear [Kumo - D] Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:20 pm



Mission name: Deed: The Teddy Bear
Mission rank: D
Objective: Go make someone happy.
Location: Rice Paddies
Reward: 80 Ryo
Mission description: Today you are tasked with making someone happy. I hear there is a girl by the name of Emily down by the Rice Paddies that has lost her Teddy Bear. Go do something about that.
Mission details: Upon finding Emily, she will tell you that she lost her stuffed bear, Rosie. You must then search for said bear. You will find the bear in the hands of a bully. There will be a small child with the bully, attempting to retrieve the bear as well. The Bully will tell you that if you attack the child, he will give you the bear. The child will tell you to attack the bully and get the bear. You must do one or the other. Doing both will result in failure of the mission. The bully is only a villager and after a few hits will give up the bear. The child is also a villager, and will only put up with one hit before running away. Once the bear is retrieved you may either give it to the bully or give it to Emily. Once this is done, your mission will be complete. Minimum word count: 600

[b]Mission name:[/b] Deed: The Teddy Bear
[b]Mission rank:[/b] D
[b]Objective: [/b] Go make someone happy.
[b]Location:[/b] Rice Paddies
[b]Reward:[/b] 80 Ryo
[b]Mission description:[/b] Today you are tasked with making [i]someone[/i] happy. I hear there is a girl by the name of Emily down by the Rice Paddies that has lost her Teddy Bear. Go do something about that.
[b]Mission details:[/b] Upon finding Emily, she will tell you that she lost her stuffed bear, Rosie. You must then search for said bear. You will find the bear in the hands of a bully. There will be a small child with the bully, attempting to retrieve the bear as well. The Bully will tell you that if you attack the child, he will give you the bear. The child will tell you to attack the bully and get the bear. You must do one or the other. Doing both will result in failure of the mission. The bully is only a villager and after a few hits will give up the bear. The child is also a villager, and will only put up with one hit before running away. Once the bear is retrieved you may either give it to the bully or give it to Emily. Once this is done, your mission will be complete. Minimum word count: 600

2Deed: The Teddy Bear [Kumo - D] Empty Re: Deed: The Teddy Bear [Kumo - D] Tue Dec 18, 2012 5:52 pm




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