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1Melee Combat Test [Kumo - C] Empty Melee Combat Test [Kumo - C] Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:14 pm



Mission name: Melee Combat Test
Mission rank: C
Objective: Kill the beetles infesting the Tower of Heaven
Location: Tower of Heaven
Reward: 150 Ryo
Mission description: There seems to be something impeding the construction of the Tower of Heaven. We’ve gotten reports that there are large beetles attacking the workers. While normally we could dispose of them quickly, I’d rather send you in to test your combat abilities. Aside: It’s almost as if they don’t want me to build this tower...
Mission details: After you enter the Tower of Heaven, you will find three Beetles on its eastern side. The beetles are about three quarters of your size. After each Beetle is defeated, a new one will emerge from behind the construction equipment and join the fray. Each Beetle can be taken down with one hit from either your fists or your kunai. When ten Beetles have been killed the mission will be completed. The Beetles have a hard time hitting you, even when standing still. If you don’t use your kunai, you’ll get a strong feeling as if someone was telling you ”Use your kunai.” This will happen every ten seconds until you finish killing them all or you start using your kunai. Minimum word count: 1000

[b]Mission name:[/b] Melee Combat Test
[b]Mission rank:[/b] C
[b]Objective: [/b] Kill the beetles infesting the Tower of Heaven
[b]Location:[/b] Tower of Heaven
[b]Reward:[/b] 150 Ryo
[b]Mission description:[/b] There seems to be something impeding the construction of the Tower of Heaven. We’ve gotten reports that there are large beetles attacking the workers. While normally we could dispose of them quickly, I’d rather send you in to test your combat abilities. [i]Aside: It’s almost as if they don’t want me to build this tower...[/i]
[b]Mission details:[/b] After you enter the Tower of Heaven, you will find three Beetles on its eastern side. The beetles are about three quarters of your size. After each Beetle is defeated, a new one will emerge from behind the construction equipment and join the fray. Each Beetle can be taken down with one hit from either your fists or your kunai. When ten Beetles have been killed the mission will be completed. The Beetles have a hard time hitting you, even when standing still. If you don’t use your kunai, you’ll get a strong feeling as if someone was telling you [i]”Use your kunai.”[/i] This will happen every ten seconds until you finish killing them all or you start using your kunai. Minimum word count: 1000

2Melee Combat Test [Kumo - C] Empty Re: Melee Combat Test [Kumo - C] Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:31 pm




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