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1Missions Empty Missions Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:00 pm

Inuzuka Yui

Inuzuka Yui

  • Mission name: The Cat’s Out Of The Box
    Mission rank: D
    Objective: Get the cat safely on the ground. One Genin is needed at least, up to two teams is capable of taking this mission.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 50
    Mission description: A wealthy buisnessman's daughter was walking her cat when it suddenly got out of its leash. She chased it and chased it, and somehow it ended up climbing all the way up to the top of the Kazekages tower.
    Mission details: Minimum 600 Words describing how you get the cat.

  • Mission name: Trapped
    Mission rank: D
    Objective: Obviously, You need to get the boy out of the well. One Genin is needed at least, up to two teams is capable of taking this mission.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 80
    Mission description: A young boy has fallen into a well. People tried to get in to get him out, but their bodies were too large. Without food and such, he'll die if he doesn't get help soon.
    Mission details: Minimum 600 Words of how you rescue or fail to rescue the boy.

  • Mission name: Nursery Helper
    Mission rank: D
    Objective: Help the nurses in the Suna Nursery for one day
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 60
    Mission description: The Suna hospital has just had an influx of newborn babies and they need a Genin to help the nurses out for one day until they can hire more staff. Tasks will include feeding the babies, changing babies, and putting babies to sleep.
    Mission details: Minimum 600 words on how you handle the day with the nurses and newborn babies.

  • Mission name: Academy Teacher Adjunct
    Mission rank: D
    Objective: Help the Academy Teacher Administer the test to his students.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 70
    Mission description: A teacher at the Academy has scheduled a written test for all of his classes on the same day. He needs a helper to help him administer the test to all of the students. He has asked the Kazekage to send one ninja to help him do this.
    Mission details: Minimum 600 words describing what you do to help administer the test and so on.

  • Mission name: Run the Obstacle Course
    Mission rank: D
    Objective: Run the Obstacle Course and complete is successfully
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 40
    Mission description: The Kazekage is always looking for ways in which ninja can improve themselves so he has decided he will create an obstacle course to test one Genin¡¯s ninja skills. This obstacle course has been designed solely for Sand Nin as it tests many of the abilities they learned in the Academy.
    Mission details: Minimum 600 words describing the race itself with at least three tests within the obstacle course.

  • Mission name: Fill-In Waiter
    Mission rank: D
    Objective: Fill in for the Missing Waiters
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 60
    Mission description: A restaurant in the Sand Village is missing its waiters and they need ninja to fill in for the sick staff. The Kazekage has asked any and all ninja to complete this Mission and fill in for the missing staff.
    Mission details: Minimum 600 words describing what you do to help out in the restaurant. Also be warned that females who take this mission will be subject to wearing a bunny girl or French made outfit depending on the manager.

  • Mission name: Dog Pound Attendant
    Mission rank: D
    Objective: Take care of the dogs in the dog pound
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 50
    Mission description: A Dog pound in the Sand Village is in need of ninja to come in and take care of the dogs and to help out the people already employed there. The Kazekage has asked any and all ninja to complete this task.
    Mission details: Minimum 600 words describing how you take care of the dogs in the pound. Whether it is taking another dog from the streets, helping out some possible ninja dogs or anything else of the kind.

  • Mission name: Lost Pet
    Mission rank: D
    Objective: Find the dog and bring it back to the Kazekage building where it will be reunited with its owner.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 40
    Mission description: A woman in the Village has lost her prize winning Pug and she has asked the Kazekage to send every ninja available on the mission to find her dog. The woman is sure that the dog is somewhere in the city and has not escaped into the deserts around the Village.
    Mission details: Minimum 600 words describing the search for this dog while at the same time note that the dog hasn’t particularly left the house, rather you should find a new dog and make a tale on how you saved it from burglars.

  • Mission name: Babysitting
    Mission rank: D
    Objective: The team of ninja must watch over the children for one night, keeping them out of harms way at all costs.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 60
    Mission description: A rich woman living in the Sand Village has asked the Kazekage to send a team of ninja to watch her children. This woman is rich enough to pay for ninja and with her babysitter sick she needs a sitter very quickly. The Kazekage has asked for a team of three (3) ninja to take care of three children, one girl and two boys for one night.
    Mission details: Minimum 600 words describing this sitting in. Please not that if you don’t possess a team of three ninja you can still apply for this mission on your own with Kage approval.

  • Mission name: Library Assistant
    Mission rank: D
    Objective: Take care of the library
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 70
    Mission description: The woman who operates the Suna library is bed ridden with a bad case of the flu. She needs a ninja to take care of the library in her stead. This job will include but not be limited to putting books back up on shelves, finding certain books for people, keeping the library clean, keeping the library quiet, and checking out books.
    Mission details: Minimum 600 Words describing how you upkeep the library and its assets.

  • Mission name: A Race!
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: Win the race or finish in second.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 130 First Place :: 100 Second Place
    Mission description: Every year the ninja of Suna have a large race around the wall of Sunagakure. This race is always won by the same ninja, a Taijutsu master who has honed his speed skills over years of training. The Kazekage needs a ninja to try and beat this man in the race, or at least finish second.
    Mission details: Please be reasonable with this mission. With the minimum of 1000 words describe the race and how you either lose or beat this man. Note that he has Jounin level (A-Rank) speed and the use of jutsu and chakra is prohibited. If found to using it you will have a 50 ryo deduction from your total profit.

  • Mission name: A Challenge!
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: Meet the man within the village and Beat him in combat.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 140
    Mission description: A man from the Wind Country has come to the Capital and asked the Kazekage to send a Genin from his Village to fight him in non-lethal combat. This man is a Taijutsu Master and feels it is his job to gauge how powerful Sunagakure Genin really are.
    Mission details: With the minimum of 1000 words describe how you take out this man. Note that you don’t have to win to receive the reward. Also note that the taking on of this mission is only open to Genin.

  • Mission name: Star Crossed Lovers
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: Find out why the couple broke up and get them back together.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 110
    Mission description: A man in the village is worried about his daughter; she has just broken up with her boyfriend and is obviously very depressed. He has asked the Kazekage to send a ninja to find out why the two lovers broke up; when the ninja has that information they must do everything in their power to get the pair back together.
    Mission details: Minimum 1000 words to describe how you put this broken couple back together. This should take the span of a few days to fully IC’ly perform. Also just a little tip, there is a jealous X-Girlfriend factor in this mess.

  • Mission name: Rare Animal Hunting
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: Capture but do not harm a pair of the rare species of rabbit.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 100
    Mission description: A woman in the Village loves to collect small rare animals. She has recently glimpsed a species of rabbit that she thinks may be totally new and she needs help with capturing them. She has asked the Kazekage to spare one of his ninja to help her. The bunnies are all pink coloreds with a black star shape on their backs. The bunnies also have four ears.
    Mission details: Minimum of 1000 words. Do all in your power to hunt down this rabbit specimen. So long as you bring back one pair alive and unharmed you can go full out with the destruction if you so wish.

  • Mission name: Sand Pirates
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: Investigate the sand pirate rumor
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 150
    Mission description: A rumor of sand pirates has found its way to the sand village. The kazekage wants a ninja team to go and investigate the rumor. The only known fact is that the captain is a master of the goken style. His crew has only swords and has no ninjas. Once you find out the info on the pirates send a letter back to the village and wait for a respond before attacking. A team of one Genin and a chunnin or just a chunnin.
    Mission details: Minimum 1000 words, do note that this mission may be taken by any rank, but the genin require a chunnin or higher rank to help them out. If you are unaware of any of the styles mentioned such as goken, look it up.

  • Mission name: Doctor’s Assistant
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: Up to Three Teams may take this mission at a time. Must have at least One Genin. Solo, or Team is needed. Stay within the Hospital for a bit, such as a day up to three days. Help out what is needed such as filing, bringing food, bringing in supplies, or anything else that is needed within the hospital such as transporting members from sight to sight, cleaning the beds or anything else that consists of manual labor.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 150
    Mission description: A few Assistants cannot work at the hospital for a few days. Which means the hospital is understaffed. The doctor needs someone to help them and help around the Hospital. Each member is capable of meeting multiple of other members of Sand who enters the Hospital.
    Mission details: Minimum 1000 words describing the experience of helping out in a hospital. Be sure to help out all three days with at least five different patients.

  • Mission name: The Hunt
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: Up to Three Teams may take this mission at a time. Must have at least One Genin. Solo, or Team is needed. Roam around the Wind Country and hunt as much game as possible. Take a set of rope to bring the game back.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 180
    Mission description: A few members are needed for the hunt of Sand. Hunters are needed to search through the Wind Country finding as much game as possible such as Desert Buffalo, Giant Lizards, Jumping Desert Fish. Find as much game as possible, at least three hundred pounds worth of gain, however bring the whole body so then we of Sand Village may take the time to use the whole body.
    Mission details: Minimum 1000 Words all dedicated to trying to find and gather the 300 pounds worth of game. If you have any less than that is a 25 ryo deduction, please be realistic in the transportation of this as well.

  • Mission name: Defeat the Bandit!
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: Up to Three Teams may take this mission at a time. Must have at least One Genin. Solo, or Team is needed. Do what you feel is worthy as punishment against the thief.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 160
    Mission description: A Bandit has been robbing the Kiri Kiri Resteraunt shop for the past week now. The only thing that's known is that he's not a Shinobi of the Village, and also doesn't wear a Headband of any kind on him. He only comes out just before the shop closes, around midnight, breaks in, steals some money, then leaves. He's seen wearing all black clothing, and carries a single Kunai at his right side. Do what you will.
    Mission details: Meeting the 1000 word minimum, defeat the bandit and describe the search and punishment of him in proper well-written detail.

  • Mission name: Missing Child
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: Find the child, if the child has been kidnapped kill or capture the kidnappers and bring them back with the child.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 140
    Mission description: A child was out with his parents traveling from the Sand Hidden Village back to his own Village. On the way, the child was separated from his parents and was lost in the expansive deserts of the Wind Country. The family has asked the Kazekage to send out ninja to help find their child. A team up to three (3) ninja must go from the Sand Hidden Village and search the area around the Village to try and find the child. The family is worried that the child may have been kidnapped, which is why they requested a team of three ninja. The child has been described as being very young, around ten years old. He has short brown hair and he is wearing silk robes.
    Mission details: With the minimum of 1000 words describe the search for the child, the battle with the kidnappers, and the aftermath of the childs psyche.

  • Mission name: Track the Thief
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: Most importantly acquire the stolen money back from the thief. Bring the thief back alive or dead, preferably alive.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 150
    Mission description: A ninja from another Hidden Village has stolen a large amount of money from a bank in the Sand Hidden Village. The Kazekage has asked a team of three (3) ninja to track down and capture this thief. If capture is absolutely impossible, the ninjas must use all necessary force to get the money back and return it to the Village. A description of this ninja states that he is around the height of 5ft 10inch and he has long grey hair. The ninja has also been described as very old with little or no ninja skills.
    Mission details: One genin can take this as well without having a team. Minimum of 1000 words describing the full effects of this tracking down and capturing.

  • Mission name: Help the Village
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: Help the Villagers of the destroyed Village
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 170
    Mission description: A small Village to the South of the Sand Village has been struck by a fire. Most of the buildings have burned and many of the citizens have been hurt or rendered homeless by the disaster. The Kazekage has asked that a team of three (3) ninja go to the Village and help any way they can. The leader of the destroyed Village has assured the Kage that there is no suspicion regarding the fire’s origins, which means that it was a natural disaster, no one committed arson.
    Mission details: Minimum of 1000 words describing what you do to help out this poor village. Please note like before this can be taken by a single genin and is open to more ranks.

  • Mission name: Guarding the Crossroads
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: The team must travel to the crossroads and stay there for three (3) days.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 120
    Mission description: There are many desert roads that crisscross the entire Wind Country, the biggest of these roads cross and at a point to the west of the Sand Village. The Kazekage needs someone to guard this large crossroads for three days before reporting back to the Sand Village with any news. The Kazekage has requested a team of three (3) ninja to travel to the crossroads and camp near it for three days.
    Mission details: Minimum 1000 words, may be done solo. This mission will take 3 or more IC days to complete. Each day should be a separate post to complete.

  • Mission name: Earthquake Relief
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: Travel to the Village and help out in any way before reporting back to the Sand village.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 140
    Mission description: A Village in the Wind Country has just been hit by an earthquake and the leader of the Village has asked for the Kazekage to send relief in the form of a team of ninja. The Kazekage needs a team of three (3) ninja to travel to the small village and provide any help they can.
    Mission details: Minimum 1000 words, may be done solo. This mission will be where you will meet some grumpy old people and energetic younglings, handle them to the best of your ability.

  • Mission name: Lost Family
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: Travel through the desert around the Sand Village and rescue the lost family.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 160
    Mission description: A man came walking out of the desert barely alive, he was taken to the Sand Village Hospital and he reported that his family was still lost in the desert. The Kazekage needs a team of three (3) ninja to travel through the desert where the man was found and try to find his family.
    Mission details: Minimum 1000 words, may be done solo. This mission requires you to rescue a family that is lost, please do your best to navigate and find them.

  • Mission name: Animal Collection
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: Travel through the Wind Country and bring back two yellow wolves to Suna without harming them.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 170
    Mission description: One of the citizens of Suna is a collector of very rare animals. He is a humanitarian and wishes for these rare animals to stay on this earth and avoid extinction. As such he has gotten reports of a pair of rare animals in the deserts of the Wind Country outside of Sunagakure. These animals are a strange subspecies of wolves; they are very beautiful but also very dangerous. These wolves look like regular wolves but their fur is colored yellow and their bite contains a powerful venom that¡¯s puts its victims to sleep. The man has asked the Kazekage for a team of ninja to help him capture a male and female yellow wolf and bring them back to the Village to be protected. The Kazekage can spare a team of three (3) ninja for this Mission.
    Mission details: Minimum 1000 words, may be done solo, requires one to perfectly aquire the two wolves without harming them and then transport them to the village ASAP. You will be given two sedative darts that should put the wolves to sleep however the female is about to give birth and the sedative may kill the unborn pups. Make your call.

  • Mission name: Rat Infestation
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: Travel to the Mansion and rid the owner of the rats.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 130
    Mission description: A mansion just outside of Suna has been plagued by a large group of rats. These rats are larger than normal and are not afraid to bite people. The owner of the Mansion has asked the Kazekage to send a team of Genin to the Mansion ad rid them or the rats. The Kazekage can spare a team of three (3) ninja.
    Mission details: Minimum 1000 words, may be done solo. Please describe the extermination of these rats within the minimum of 4 posts.

  • Mission name: Kidnapping
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: Find the children and bring them back alive. Also bring back the kidnapper dead or alive.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 140
    Mission description: A man in the Wind Country has kidnapped two children from their homes in Suna during the night. He escaped the city with the children and is hiding out in the Wind Country. He has not contacted the authorities with a ransom demand so the parents of the children have feared the worst. They have asked the Kazekage to send a team of ninja to find their children and bring them home. The Kazekage can spare a team of three (3) ninja for this Mission
    Mission details: Minimum 1000 words, may be done solo. This mission will require you to find the children within two days, they will die the third or more days you put it off. Do your best to find them and note that the kidnapper is a byakugan user and before you ask, no transplants cannot be done under any circumstances.

  • Mission name: Prison Break
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: Travel to the prison, find the escaped convicts and bring them back to the prison, preferably alive.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 140 for any amount dead :: 160 for all of them alive.
    Mission description: A prison in the Wind Country has recently had a break out of about five prisoners. They escaped from the prison and lost the trackers in the deserts of the Wind Country. The warden of the prison has asked the Kazekage to send a team of ninja to find the prisoners and bring them back to the prison. The Kazekage needs a team of three (3) ninja to perform this Mission.
    Mission details: Minimum 1000 words, may be done solo. There are five convicts of known rapists and murderers. They are not ninja but they won’t go down without a fight, or a piece of action. Do what you can to bring them back Dead or Alive.

  • Mission name: Golden Escort
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: See that the shipment of gold is successfully brought to where it needs to go. Do not allow any of the shipment to be stolen.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 160
    Mission description: A large shipment of gold is going to a Village in the Wind Country to be turned into currency and the Kazekage needs a team of ninja to help protect the shipment from bandits who may try to seize it. The Kazekage needs a team of three (3) ninja to do this Mission.
    Mission details: Minimum 1000 words, may be done solo. Do all in your power to keep the gold from being stolen. You will encounter 8 attempts by the same group known as the black hand.

  • Mission name: Academy Students Survival Test
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: Lead a team of three Academy Students through the exam.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 140
    Mission description: It is time for the Academy Students to go on their survival tests. In keeping with Custom the Academy Teachers have asked for some Genin to come and lead the Academy students through their tests safely. Any number of Genin may take this Mission; they will be leading a team of three (3) Academy Students through the test.
    Mission details: Minimum of 1000 words with a minimum of 5 posts. This mission is a test of your leadership skills and as such if any of your team get killed you may find yourself stuck as a genin for a larger time than expected. Only genin may take this mission.

  • Mission name: Runaway
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: the boy and bring him back to Sunagakure.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 130
    Mission description: A small boy has run away from his parents and the Sand Village. The parents have asked for a team of up to up to three (3) ninja to find their son and bring him home. A description of the boy states that he has short black hair; he is wearing blue tunic, and light gray shorts.
    Mission details: Minimum of 1000 words, may be done solo. You must return the boy alive and yes he will put up a resistance.

  • Mission name: Flood Relief
    Mission rank: C
    Objective: Go to the Village and provide relief.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 180
    Mission description: A large Tsunami¨Ctype wave has washed over a small coastal Village in the Wind Country. The leader of this Village has asked for the Kazekage to send any relief that he can muster to help the Villagers. The Kazekage can spare a team of three (3) ninja to go to the Village and perform relief work. Whether it is caring for the wounded, clearing rubble, rebuilding houses, or anything else the leader of the Village would have you do.
    Mission details: Minimum 1000 words, cannot be done solo, must be done with at least two ninja. You must help out the entirety of the relief for a span of 4 days. Each day being a post.

  • Mission name: Marauding Wolf
    Mission rank: B
    Objective: Travel to the small Village in the Wind Country, hunt down and kill the wolf that has been attacking the townspeople.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 240
    Mission description: In the Wind Country, there is a wolf that has tasted human blood and has become crazy with bloodlust. He has killed and eaten two people already and has been attacking the members of a small Village in the Wind Country. The Kazekage wishes for a group of three (3) ninja to travel to this Village hunt down and kill this wolf.
    Mission details: Minimum 1500 words, may be done solo. This mission is a span of 2 IC days and so the minimum is two posts. You are to kill the wolf and help bury all the killed villagers.

  • Mission name: Contractor from Tea
    Mission rank: B
    Objective: Convince the Daimyo to lend us one of his personal contractors and escort him back.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 230
    Mission description: Suna requires one of the contractors from Tea to perform a special task. A special building has been planned for the benefit of their ninja and one of the great contractors of Tea's Daimyo. A shinobi will need to convince him to lend us one of his personal contractors, the Kazekage allowing the promise of a favor from Suna. There is a problem however, the Daimyo has been experiencing minor uprisings which he has been able to quell for the time being. There are rumors that rogue ninja have been hired by the insurgents and there is a chance you will be attacked, your task is to hire and protect one of the Daimyo's personal contractors.
    Mission details: Minimum 1500 words. You are to help out the Daimyo’s requests in all ways while also protecting his contractor. If you should fail your ryo reward will be reduced by 100 ryo. Do not let him die.

  • Mission name: Trap Coastal Marauders
    Mission rank: B
    Objective: Help the Villagers of the coastal town fight the pirates.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 270
    Mission description: A small group of pirates have been assaulting towns along the coast of the Wind Country. A large town on the coast is suspected to be their next target point, the citizens of that town have set a trap for the pirates and need extra man-power to help them. The Kazekage has asked for a team of three (3) ninja to travel to this town and help in the trap.
    Mission details: Minimum 1500 words, may be done solo. Do your best to take out the pirates and at the same time provide some reconnaissance effort within the mission as well.

  • Mission name: The Rogue
    Mission rank: B
    Objective: Capture and return the rogue masamune to the feudal lord to get the curse seal.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 300
    Mission description: A young masamune, steel skin clan, boy has escaped the curse seal. The rogue ninja is traveling alone and was outside of the village. He has been classified as an A rank missing ninja. If you can survive and capture the masamune strip him of his gourd and take him to the capital to meet the feudal lord and make sure the seal is implanted on the ninja. If the ninja somehow breaks free with the earth or lightning release protect the feudal lord.
    Mission details: Minimum 1500 words. No curse seals can be implemented, only on the NPC. At the same time this mission requires Kage approval for one to partake in. The Masamune clan are known as “Steel Skin” for they are masters of Ninjutsu martial arts. Lightning and Earth Releases are mastered to the highest potential while at the same time their bodies can absorb B and lower ranked tai/ken jutsu like it is nothing. This is a highly dangerous mission so go in prepared to fight to the death.

  • Mission name: Killing Joke
    Mission rank: B
    Objective: Assist the ANBU in capturing this killer, but do not kill him.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 280
    Mission description: A ninja in the Sand Village has gone crazy after losing his wife during a Mission and has started to randomly kill people in Suna during the night. At every murder the killer leaves a Joker playing card, which has led to many ninja dubbing the killer 'The Joker.' The ANBU have been sent out to capture this man, but they need extra manpower to help them. The Kazekage needs a team of three (3) ninja to help the ANBU capture this killer.
    Mission details: Minimum 1500 words, this mission may be done with anyone so long as they are accompanied by a Jounin and higher rank. If you are a Jounin then you may choose to accompany any rank as a partner in the mission. Do not kill the killer, capture only. You may interrogate if you wish but know that if you attempt to, be sure to have mastered chakra control and/or genjutsu because all that you do to him will be reflected back to the user.

  • Mission name: Betrayal
    Mission rank: B
    Objective: Hunt down and kill the Nuke-Ninja before they leave the country, retrieve the information scrolls they have stolen and destroy their bodies.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 290
    Mission description: A small team of Ninja are to assemble after a small group of ninja, consisting of one chuunin and two genin, have managed to steal some valuable tactical information and are attempting to elope to Amegakure using the information as bargaining chips for entry and promotion. The information stolen was in regards to defensive information including the rendezvous point the villagers are kept on the chance the village is attack. It is unknown if the ninja are to meet up with Ame informants so caution is advised.
    Mission details: Beware you will be fighting against a chunnin and two genin from sand while at the same time four chunnin from Amegakure. Do your best and don’t get killed. Kill all seven of these ninja and bring the scrolls back to the Kazekage.

  • Mission name: Absolutism
    Mission rank: A
    Objective: Discover the source of threats made from the Land of Water. Travel to the Land of Water and exercise your right as a Shinobi of the Land of Wind.
    Location: Land of Water
    Reward: 480
    Mission description: Sand has been receiving threats from an unknown source, but intelligence has confirmed that they are coming from the Land of Water. The Kazekage requires a team of ninja to discover who is behind the threats, and why they are threatening. In order to begin the mission, the shinobi must meet with the Suna operative currently researching the distressing messages, from there, any information you obtain will be kept privy until reporting to the Kazekage after discovering and arresting the source of these threats. Prepare for fighting.
    Mission details: Minimum of 2500 words, travel word count may count as part of this amount. Along with this is the knowledge that you must receive permission from the Kage to perform this mission. Anyone wishing to partake in this mission that is lower than a Jounin rank must be accompanied by either a team of three of the same rank or by a jounin and higher rank.

  • Mission name: Uphill Battle
    Mission rank: A
    Objective: Investigate the bandits and intercept to destroy them.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: 400
    Mission description: On the southernmost shore of the land of wind, there have been reports of docking bandits at night, however, any sentries sent out by the feudal lord have not returned. Sunagakure shinobi have been called upon to investigate these bandits, and to discover what they are up to. It is expected that the leader of this crew, a renowned bandit named 'Bearpaw' is leading this bandit troupe, and is planning on sacking the city. Intercept and destroy.
    Mission details: Minimum 2500 words, minimum of 9 days with each day counting as a post. Perform this well and do the village proud. Each bandit is armed to the teach while “Bearpaw” uses wolverine abilities. Take him out at all costs with whatever you can, do know he is not made out of adomantium.

  • Mission name: Bodies for science
    Mission rank: A
    Objective: Kill a ninja; Bring ‘em back for more cash.
    Location: Sunagakure
    Reward: Genin: 320, Chunnin: 360, Sp. Jounin: 410, Jounin: 470
    Mission description: The scientists and doctors of the Sand Village Hospital have been complaining about the lack of ninja cadavers they have at their disposal. Sure they have a few bodies already but its been the same ones for a long time now and they’re at a standstill. To help the scientists, and doctors, with their research the Kazekage has asked his shinobi to go out, find some enemy (or… ally) ninja, kill them and them bring them back to the village so that production in the morgue can continue.
    Mission details: Minimum 2500 words. Depending on the rank of the ninja killed you will receive a different reward. This mission can be done by any rank given with Kazekage approval. Make note that you cannot kill a villager of your own village and receive a reward. The ninja killed must either be a Staff played NPC or a PC character.

2Missions Empty Re: Missions Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:55 pm

Kaze Chikamatsu

Kaze Chikamatsu

I would like to apply for the D-Rank mission: The Cat’s Out Of The Box.

3Missions Empty Re: Missions Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:06 pm

Inuzuka Yui

Inuzuka Yui

Approved have at it.

4Missions Empty Re: Missions Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:28 pm



Sorry, but this is the Mission Section. Missions here are not yet approved and cannot be taken yet. Approved missions will be in your village's Mission Board. If you want these missions to be approved, please follow the rules listed in the Guidelines.

5Missions Empty Re: Missions Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:49 pm

Inuzuka Yui

Inuzuka Yui

alright anyone that wants one of these missions when you want it pm me and I will post it so it can get accepted I refuse to make fifty posts one for each mission.

6Missions Empty Re: Missions Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:29 pm

Naruto Saga

Naruto Saga

I really like this. What about stickying it in the Mission Board in Suna? These could be basic missions for Suna nin, meaning that once it's done another Suna nin would still be able to take it. Only once per character though to prevent farming.

7Missions Empty Re: Missions Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:43 pm

Inuzuka Yui

Inuzuka Yui

I would LOVE this lol thank you

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