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1Melee Combat Test [C-Rank Private] Empty Melee Combat Test [C-Rank Private] Wed Jul 30, 2014 4:38 am



It was a pretty usual morning in the land of the clouds. Kiyoshi had just woken up from a pretty dumb mission the day hence. He still couldn't get it out of his head, he had grown a small hatred for that man with that sword. Can't believe it... That man... That sword.. Kiyoshi kept rambling on for a little bit. He was walking around the village when suddenly he saw the Raikage walking by.

The Raikage chuckled as he greeted Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi saw it and had to wonder what it was about. Uhm, Raikage sir. What were you trying to hide from me? The Raikage bursted out a bit of a laugh and told Kiyoshi to go to the mission boards for a special mission with his name on it. Kiyoshi was confused, he didn't understand what was so funny. Could the Raikage have prepared a 'Clean the Raikage's room'' Mission. If that was the case then he would surely be annoyed. Kiyoshi walked to the Raikage's office to find out what this so called ''Special mission'' was.

Kiyoshi looked around on the boards when the Raikage's assistant called out to him. Over here. she said pretty nonchalant. Kiyoshi just obliged and followed the woman. Kiyoshi was surprised that this so called mission needed so much special procedure. Usually it would just be, grab mission poster, be outta there. But it seems this mission had quite a bit of importance. The Raikage's assistant began to talk. You see Kiyoshi.. We’ve gotten reports that there are large beetles attacking the workers at the Tower of Heaven. While normally we could dispose of them quickly, The Raikage wanted to sent you and especially you for the job. Kiyoshi was well.. putting it nicely, greatly annoyed by this mission. Kiyoshi's biggest fear was bugs. Bugs where his enemies, his weakness, his bane of evil. He could never accept a mission like this so he asked B-But.. the Raikage should know that my greatest fear is bugs.. why me!? The Raikage's assistant reacted smugly The Raikage thought it would be the best to make you do it. Kiyoshi was baffled, he was absolutely beyond words. He couldn't NOT accept. He is a ninja after all. Protecting the village was what he is supposed to do. Kiyoshi took a very deep breath and accepted the mission.

Kiyoshi who was now on his way to the Tower of heaven, was thinking deeply about this mission. G-giant bugs. How big could they.. truly be. Kiyoshi saw the Tower of Heaven coming closer. He got a little bit more afraid as he drew closer to the Tower.  Kiyoshi was standing in front of the tower. He saw the answer, and could hear some noises from inside the tower. It made him shiver A-Alright Kiyoshi.. No need to panic, its just some bugs you can take em! Kiyoshi who had now carefully entered the building was looking around a little bit. It appeared to be pretty peacefull at first, but when he took a look at his left side his worst nightmare came true. Three Giant Beetles were sitting there. Kiyoshi began taking steps back out of fear. He kept thinking Oh no no no no... Kiyoshi almost wanted to make a run for it, but he decided to stay. He thought back to his dad. His dad wouldn't have run away. He would've stayed and took those things on!

Kiyoshi stood still. He took a kunai out of his pocket, and took a battle stance. He took a look around and did some rational thinking. It appears that these creatures aren't attacking me yet. I can only see three of them. There is some construction equipment over there. Hmm it seems there's nothing really out of the ordinary. Kiyoshi deduced that the creatures didn't have great eyesight. After all, they hadn't as much as tried to touch him. Maybe the workers of this place just made so much noise with the machines, they disturbed their natural habitat. In the end it didn't matter how or why they got here, they needed to leave. Kiyoshi walked up to the creatures slowly. He still hadn't completely supressed his fears. As Kiyoshi walks closer, he almost trips over an old hammer. It ended up making quite a bit of noise. The creatures started coming at Kiyoshi!

Kiyoshi took his kunai and took a battle stance again. In the heat of the moment, Kiyoshi was able to surpress all of his fears and in that instance he jumped forward and hit one of the beetles with his kunai. The creature was in immense pain and died. To Kiyoshi's surprise, more another beetle showed up. It appeared that more would show up each time he killed one. Kiyoshi jumped backwards, making some space between him and the remaining two Beetles. As the remaining beetles tried to close the gap. Kiyoshi jumped on top of one of the beetles proceeding to stab it with his kunai. The creature seemed to die just of of that. Kiyoshi thought to himself These things aren't that strong at all! He put his kunai back in his pocket. He wanted to try and kill the last one with his bare-hands. He thought that if he did, his fear of bugs might calm down.

Some more beetles showed up, there were 5 in total. Kiyoshi thought to himself How many of these things are there! Kiyoshi dashed forward and punched 2 of the beetles in the face with his fists. He heard an annoying voice at the time.  Use your kunai! Kiyoshi didn't think much of it at first.

He dashed forward to take another one out but at the same time Use your kunai! It caught him off guard and he jumped back Use your kunai! Kiyoshi became really annoyed at the voice USE YOUR KUNAI That was it! He was getting really annoyed. He took his kunai back out of his pocket and dashed forward with great speed. He killed the 5 remaining beetles in a quick fashion. The voice appeared to have stopped. Kiyoshi afterwards was thinking about the voice Why was there a random voice in my head that wanted me to use a kunai, sheesh. Kiyoshi had taken out 7 beetles now and was feeling pretty confident! He was thinking about the expression on the Raikage's face as he would tell him he overcame his fears. Kiyoshi was pretty happy, but right at that moment three more beetles got the jump on Kiyoshi from behind the construction equipment. His fears came rushing back to him. Kiyoshi was breathing quite heavily and tried to calm himself down. For some reason the creatures had a hard time hitting him, he was able to crawl back up.

Kiyoshi was getting angry. He felt it was a dirty trick to attack when a person from behind. Even though it was pretty much his own mistake for dropping his guard like an idiot. He picked up his kunai from the ground and dashed forward in a rage. Dissapear you bugs! Kiyoshi yelled and he was able to take out the beetles with some nice agile moves. He had beaten 10 beetles and was getting pretty exhausted. There appeared to be no more beetles left. He double checked the Tower grounds to see if there were any left. He got them all. Kiyoshi was satisfied, he overcame his fears and was able to get some nice Ryo.

He went back to the Raikage's office and bashed into the Raikage's office in a kind of rude manner. The Raikage responded to him Kiyoshi what is the meaning of this!? Kiyoshi responded with a bright smile Overcame my fears, completed the mission! The Raikage was impressed and told him that he just completed his first C-rank mission. Kiyoshi was even happier to hear that. He left the Raikage's office with the Ryo in his hand. He walked back home and that would conclude another day.

Wordcount: 1364

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