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26The Aftermath [open/nokill]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Aftermath [open/nokill] Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:37 pm



"Well, I shouldn't be like that. After all, I'm not a child like Jezzi." Jezzi was enraged at this point. Having been accused of being possessive of her friend and now being insulted.... Being treated like a petulant child. What did she say to me????? She was about ready to cut off all of Misoka's yellow hair when Kaizen intervened. She hated to admit it, but he was right. You don't want people to treat you like a child, yet you behave like this as soon as you meet someone who's simply better than you please just leave me alone

Jezzi stood and listened, ashamed of herself. She let Kaizen hug her but she still couldn't bring herself to look at Misoka. She glanced over for a moment but immediately turned her head away with a sharp "hmph! She knew she was being immature, but she couldn't bring herself to care. "Anyways I'm not THAT much younger than you guys... I just look it because... she trailed off. As if on queue she coughed a little, as if her breath had just run out. After a moment her coughing stopped, and she frowned knowing that it only made her seem more helpless. She looked at Misoka as if she had made a decision. "You may see me as a child but I'm barely any more of a child than you...So don't go easy on me.." She then looked back at Kaizen and smiled happily. "Can we go for dumplings? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease??"

27The Aftermath [open/nokill]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Aftermath [open/nokill] Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:02 am



Heero glanced up at Jezzi when she coughed, to him the cough did not seem like a cold but he was not a doctor so he let it go."Can we go for dumplings? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease??" Now that was something he could go for, anything to fill his stomach. " I second dumplings!" He said happily. He just hoped they would stop arguing.

(( Sorry its so short ))

28The Aftermath [open/nokill]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Aftermath [open/nokill] Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:30 pm



Misoka flinched when she suddenly heard Kaizen's voice, not quiet and stuttering as usual, but in a loud and demanding tone.
"Enough!!" he shouted, which was followed by a long preachment. He told them not to be so childish and stop fighting. Then he addressed Misoka specifically, but not in a good way.
"And Misoka, are you kidding me?! Third wheel?? I've treated you just as much or a member of team one as I did Jezzi! You are both important to me and it would not be team one with out you, Jezzi or me!"
She raised an eyebrow, not sure whether she should believe him or not. All the stubborn confidence she had built up whilst fighting with Jezzi began to crumble. Of course she knew that she was being childish. Of course, she was exaggerating a bit. It angered her, though, to have somebody remind you of your faults openly.
With a sigh, Misoka let her arms drop to her sides, looking at her feet. A sense of shame, combined with a hint of hurt pride rose inside her.

What surpised her even more was the fact that Kaizen embraced them all of a sudden! What a mood swing. First, he seemed really angry and next moment, he was hugging them.
Misoka's eyes widened while her body automatically tensed up. Close physical contact with males still sent a shiver down her spine.
Then Jezzi let out a huff and said,"Anyways I'm not THAT much younger than you guys... I just look it because.."
She trailed off, leaving her sentence unfinished. Not that Misoka cared. Despite all that wonderful, equal Team One-thing Kaizen had preached to them, she still hadn't exactly warmed up to Jezzi.

Now that everyone talked about food and what they were going to eat at the restaurant, Misoka knew she had to say something too.
"Okay, I'm coming. But you don't have to pay for me, Kaizen, it's okay." She forced herself to swallow the bitter taste in her mouth and smiled. The way Jezzi spoke out her 'Please' made Misoka almost laugh. Almost. Her pride had only one comment for that behaviour: What a child.
She shook her head slightly, letting go of these evil thoughts. In her mind, though, she had already picked Jezzi as her new rival.

29The Aftermath [open/nokill]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Aftermath [open/nokill] Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:33 pm



Kaizen figured it would be best to have everyone just eat and get to know each other more so maybe everyone could be friends. No better way to do such a thing than over some nice hot food. He heard everyone ask for dumplings and it would be mean if he said no. Not only that but dumplings actually sounded good to him. Okay, okay. Dumplings it is!! Eat as much as you want!! Kaizen let out in a happy tone. Hearing Misoka say that he didn't have to pay for her was nice but he already had it in his head that he would pay. Nonsense, Mi-Misoka, I'm go-going to pay this time! Kaizen told her as he walked towards the exit, knowing the others would follow him.

((sorry for shortness))

30The Aftermath [open/nokill]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Aftermath [open/nokill] Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:57 pm



Jezzi looked back at Misoka for a moment, but the blonde was giving her a glare that made her shiver, so she quickly looked away. The girl may have seemed kind and meek but Jezzi could tell that there was more to Misoka than meets the eye. Just like me I guess.... Yeah only you're even more pathetic than you seem Shut up please... She admitted that she found Misoka a bit scary but she was more happy that Misoka now saw her as more than just a child... maybe the yellow haired girl thought negatively of Jezzi but it's better than nothing.

She looked at Kaizen and followed him out the door. "Well Kaizen, you can have the honour of paying for me!" she grinned widely.

31The Aftermath [open/nokill]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Aftermath [open/nokill] Sun Mar 17, 2013 7:31 pm



Heero sighed, it seemed as though things had calmed down between the girls and he was glad he was not in the middle of it. He wondered if any of them had heard the report dealing with his mission. That night was the first night he had killed and strikingly enough he felt no remorse. He did it out of malice and yet nothing. He closed his eyes and opened them slowly. He got up and walked over to the group. "Thanks for not arguing, I I don't think it its right for friends to argue..." He said a little stuttering coming back into his sentence. His voice was softer then normal but that was ok, He had friends and they all where about to eat. "Anyways I I'm starved so le lets go eat!" He stated following them out the doors.

32The Aftermath [open/nokill]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Aftermath [open/nokill] Mon Mar 18, 2013 12:07 pm

Ray Kato

Ray Kato

OOC: I hope you guys don't mind if I hop in.

IC: The sickly smell of blood lingered in the operation room as Ray looked one last time at the man laying onto the stretcher, his eyes red with calm evil. He mouth was cruel,and his face obscured by a mask, as he uttered the final words, that the man would hear before he met his demise. "Origaze traitor. I found out what you were up to through Tomoya, and you killing Tomoya just cranked it over the top. You have slaughtered my entire family, Origaze, and thus you must die by the Head's hands. Rest in peace.".

There was a flash of silver, and another spurt of blood as Ray calmly dropped the silver scalpel he had, and walked out of the room, nodding at the nurses who came rushing in as he did so. Smiling in a sinister way, Ray raised his hands in a 'ram' handsign to his mouth, and exhaled, exhaling a dense black smoke that covered the whole corridor, giving him enough time to pull the mask off and allowing him to run past the medical ninjas and run upwards onto the different corridor, breaking in to a room which had different people, one of whom was named Misoka. Ray looked at the nurse.

"I'm Ray Kato, and I demand that I gain a place to seat here, as head of the now extinct Kato clan, and Chuunin of this village."

OOC: Sorry for the short post, but I've to get back in this character's shoes, will take some time.


190 Chakra left.

33The Aftermath [open/nokill]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Aftermath [open/nokill] Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:31 pm



((OOC: Well it is an open topic. Sorry guys, I'm posting ahead of my turn so that I can get a view of the dead person ^^'))

Jezzi was about to walk out with the rest of her comrades when she heard a commotion going on in part of the hospital. She tried to ignore it. It's none of your concern Her inner voice reminded her. Jezzi sighed, she knew it was true, but her curiosity got the better of her. She snuck to the corridor where the panic was coming from, but couldn't see what was going on over the nurses and medical nins rushing past her. She cursed her short height and stood on the tip of her toes, trying to see what was causing this chaotic behaviour. However, black smoke filled the hallway all of a sudden. Jezzi covered her mouth and nose instinctively, just in case the smoke was poisoned. However, she soon realised it wasn't and continued to try and find out what happened once the smoke cleared. She squeezed through the crowd, using her shortness to her advantage. She saw what the matter was, but soon wished she hadn't. She saw a person, lying motionless, chest not rising with the motion of breathing... covered with a red substance that made the air smell foul and rusty. Jezzi gagged and covered her mouth and nose, keeling over slightly.

He, he's dead! He's been murdered! She panicked internally. A little squeamish are we? Her inner voice mocked. She ignored it and backed away, wanting nothing more than to forget the image of the corpse. She backed away into the room she came from but felt the impact of another body and fell over. She picked herself up into a sitting position, her face now pale and a pit in her stomach making her feel nauseated. "S-sorry" she said in a small, weak voice. She looked up to see a tall teen boy(well at least he was much taller than her, and while she was on the floor he loomed over her even more so.) He had longish dark hair like charcoal and a certain glint in his eye which Jezzi could not make out. She could have sworn that he had the smell of blood on him but wished on to jump to conclusions.

34The Aftermath [open/nokill]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Aftermath [open/nokill] Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:50 pm



The door flew open as someone rushed into the room, making everyone turn in shock. It was a tall boy, his facial expression firm when his eyes quickly turned to the nurse standing beside Heero. As he spoke, his voice had such a cold tone to it that Misoka's breath hitched for a second. Something about this guy made her whole body tense up... there was just something wrong about this whole situation. She couldn't really grasp the meaning of his words, either. The now extinct clan? Was it what she thought it meant?

The nurse must have felt the bad atmosphere, too which had engulfed the room ever since the guy had come in. She flinched when he directed his words at her and stuttered,"Why..y-yes, Ray Kato, have a seat.."
Right, he had already given his name: Ray Kato. Misoka searched her memory for his surname, but couldn't find anything related to it. Well, if he spoke the truth, he was the last clan member alive anyway.

Hesitantly, Misoka took a step forward, always prepared for any sudden attack coming from the stranger. She wanted to say something, but the words wouldn't come. Just then Jezzi bumped into Ray from behind. Where had she been?

"Jezzi...what..", she inquired confused before going on in a more confident tone, her gaze focussing on Ray. "What are you doing here? And what do you mean by 'now extinct'? Did someone just die?" Her voice trembled slightly, but she didn't break eye contact.

35The Aftermath [open/nokill]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Aftermath [open/nokill] Sat Apr 06, 2013 4:36 pm



Kaizen was on the way out, along with the rest, but then he heard the commotion and seen Jezzi go towards it. She was soon followed by Misoka. Kaizen knew that his only option was to follow, so he did. As he followed behind them, he noticed a man, and the scent of what seemed to be only described as death. Kaizen knew the smell well but it smelled fresh as if it just happened. Then there was the smoke; something he covered his face from rather fast. There was a lot going on in just the few moments they had gotten back in. Jezzi ended up knocking into a guy who had began yelling. She had fallen over and she didn't look well. Then Misoka had said something about someone being extinct. It took a few moments for Kaizen to take it all in and analyze it before speaking.

I'm sure there are better ways of asking for a seat, sir. Kaizen spoke to the man, walking to help Jezzi up. There is no reason to yell. He looked at the man, noting his appearance, posture and the way he moved. The guy standing in front of them seemed to be a more cold hearted, evil, person. That was what his first thought was but he wouldn't say much more until he could find out more about the guy. In the mean time, he tried to help Jezzi up. As he was trying to help her, he looked over to Misoka and whispered to her. Keep your guard up. Something doesn't seem right about any of this right now. He wanted to make sure that if anything would happen, they would have a chance to fight.

36The Aftermath [open/nokill]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Aftermath [open/nokill] Sun May 12, 2013 3:00 pm



The weird times did not end with almost leaving the hospital, With a so called Ray Kato coming in and making a fuss. Something about this man did not set well with Heero, he reminded him of the guy he just killed. He eyed the guy as hard as he could while the others helped Jezzi up. He placed his hand near where he could draw his sword quick if he needed it.

He could feel his pulse as it throbbed his wounds, he was bandaged up from earlier but he held little doubt if they would hold if he got into a altercation. " Um could you...please more quiet? Th this is a hospital...." He said to the one known as Ray Kato.

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