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1Taking out the trash Empty Taking out the trash Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:05 am

Kaiser Suiren

Kaiser was excited when he had been assigned his first mission, but the excitement faded when he found out what it was. He had to clean up trash, it wasn't what he had expected but he had to do it. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as he thought, but odds are it would be awful. At first glance, there might not have been anything exciting about collecting trash, but at least he got to be outdoors. He walked into his house and closed the door behind him, he greeted his parents, went into his room and layed on his bed. He got up and quickly rummaged through his dresser, looking for his bathing suit.He finally found it after some backtracking and he quickly slipped his shoes on and said goodbye to his parents. He soon was out the door and running down the street. His house was really close to the lake so the time it would take to get there was very short, so short that Kaiser was there in less than five minutes.
Kaiser surveyed the area with a sigh, "Why can't people just use the trash can" He said aloud.He had all day to do it so why rush, Kaiser sat down under a large tree that provided plenty of shade on such a hot day and looked out at the water. Kaiser loved the water, the way it moved was amazing he thought. He would get hypnotized just watching the waves roar and crash against the rocky shoreline. Only 10 minutes had gone by before he layed down and decided to take a nap under the tree with the gentle wind blowing on his warm face. It wasn't long before he fell asleep. He dreamed of a life underwater, being able to breath and talk all while being underwater. He loved the thought of it, but was jerked back to reality by some loud children chasing each other as their mothers looked on and laughed when Kaiser looked at them confused. Warm, and still a bit groggy, he took his shirt off and dove into the water. He figured since he gets to be in the water why not enjoy himself, he swam around making up games like seeing how long he could hold his breath or seeing how far out he could swim after playing he found himself on the shoreline exhausted. He was tired but he still had to perform a task and he jumped back in. Finally he got to the task at hand, cleaning up years worth of trash and who knows what that rested in the lake. He dove to the very bottom and was amazed by what he found, there was so much trash that he thought he would be there all day. He stared for a moment and realized it wouldn't get cleaned by itself. He made quick work of that spot but when he dove back down there was already more floating trash that had settled into the spot he had just cleaned. He got to work picking up bottles here, empty ramen containers there and every other imaginable piece of garbage in and around the lake. When he was glanced over his work. He saw a lone bottle and just like that he was 8 years old again, he snuck around in the water pretending he was a shark and the bottle was his prey. He went underwater and grab it from below. He came up beaming, bottle in hand. Now finished he smiled, he had just completed his first mission, his first real grown up deed for the village he had lived in his whole life and he was proud, more so now than ever.

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