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Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

It was just another dull day in Kirigakure. Nothing worth noting had happened since Kiri's destruction, which was awesome. However, it made things a little boring at times. Strafe, being easily bored, decided to take a nice walk towards the outskirts of the village, or what's left of it. He took small steps, relaxing and taking in time to look at his surrounds. He enjoyed watching the various animals scurry through the trees as he strolled by.

Eventually, Strafe noticed the terrain getting a bit different. This was the farthest he had been from the village, and he didn't recognize anything around him. "Did I seriously just get myself lost?" He said trying to remember which direction he came from, before realizing he had made several turns during his walk. "Well that was stupid." He said looking around and thinking. He did have the option of using his Ice Disk to try and scout out which direction the village was in, but the village is still under reconstruction and may not be easy to spot.

Strafe took a seat on a nearby rock as he thought his options through. He didn't want to waste any chakra, just in case he met an enemy out here. At the same time, he didn't feel like being stuck out here either. He just needed to think things through and find the best solution to the problem he created. Which is easier said than done, if you know Strafe.


Last edited by Strafe Aisu on Sat Feb 23, 2013 7:11 am; edited 1 time in total



Finally, after walking for 3 hours straight, he had reached the village hidden in the mist. Like its name describes, the village was cloaked with a thick layer of mist around it, almost making the village look like a ghost town. He could, however, make out the village gates, from a distant. He had entered Kirigakure territory, but he hadn’t quite yet reached the village itself. Just before he crossed over a sign that said, ‘Kirigakure’, he saw a young man, sitting on a rock beside the road. Was he lost? Shibirin almost took the guy as an intruder, but then again, he couldn’t say he wasn’t an intruder as well: he was about to enter a village he wasn’t invited to, but thankfully, he stopped before entering the village. He now walked up to the guy, thinking he might be a ninja from the hidden mist. "Hello there", he said to the guy, as he went over beside him and crouched down.


Last edited by Shibirin on Sat Feb 23, 2013 7:34 am; edited 1 time in total

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

Strafe snapped out of his deep thought only to see a stranger kneeling beside him. The man was older than he was, and had the Iwa headband on. What would a Iwa ninja be doing at Kiri? Strafe couldn't come up with an answer. Was he an enemy? If he was, Strafe would already know. What was his purpose in coming to the village then? There was only one way to find out.

"Hey!" Strafe said as he met the man's gaze with his own stare of confusion. He was not very good at hiding his thoughts, or at least he has been told. "I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you are a friend." Strafe said as he smiled at the man. It wasn't every day that something like this happened, so Strafe didn't' quite know how to handle the situation.




Shibirin recieved a response from the guy: that was a start. The way the guy had said it, suggested to Shibirin that he wasn't your typical, 'going to kill you for no reason' type of guy. He seemed lax and under control of himself, somehing he strives of getting out of people he meets for the first time. The guy apparently, judged Shibirin as a friend, most likely basedoff of his first impression on him when he openly said hi to him. Shibirin was glad the guy thought of him as a friend, the last thing he needed right now were more haters, on top of the ones he already has.

Shibirin maintained his smile, towards the guy and said, "My name is Shibirin. I came here to deliver news about the brand new tournament starting in Iwagakure not too long from now. I knew your kage wasn't around anymore, so i felt as if the news might've missed this village, so i decided to come tell Kirigakure myself". Shibirin didn't leave out any details, he had literally just told a stranger his entire plan for the day. What if this boy wanted to ruine the tournament? What if he used this information for evil? Luckily, these thoughts didn't pop up in Shibi's mind, as he may have then changed his attitude towards the guy.


Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

Strafe was taken back at the man's words. This sounded similar to the Chunnin Exams, but definitely not the same. It was an interesting idea, one that he wouldn't mind being a part of. Sure, Strafe wasn't the most offensive Shinobi, but he was skilled and that's all that mattered. Maybe this would be a good chance to take a break from all the work of rebuilding Kirigakure, which Strafe desperately needed. With the lack of Shinobi in Kiri, the pile of work had been overwhelming.

"I would like to join the tournament." Usually, Strafe wasn't that confident about decisions. This wasn't most cases though, and Strafe new that. This could be a once in a lifetime opportunity, and he didn't want to miss out. "Aisu, Strafe is my name, by the way." Strafe said as he stood up, brushing his pants off. At least now he had something to look forward too.

"Wait." He said thinking about the situation a little more. "I have no idea how to get to Iwagakure." He said as he smiled in embarrassment. It's true, Strafe had never left the village in his lifetime, so this was going to be a pretty difficult task to pull off by himself. Not to mention anything he faced on the way there. It looked like he might now get to participate after all.




The guy seemed enthusiastic about the idea of participating in the tournament. He couldn't say it was a bad idea, after all, Kiri had been quiet recently, after its destruction. There probably isn't much to do here besides help out with the rebuilding of the village, if Kirigakure wanted to remain on the shinobi map. Shibirin appreciated the fact that the boy wanted to compete in the tournament, regardless of the fact that he didn't know anything about it yet, except that it was in Iwagakure. "Great," Shibirin replied, when the guy had made his statement about wanting to join in the competition. He also then said, "I can bring you back with me," after the guy had said something about not knowing how to get to Iwagakure.

Shibirin then stood up, in front of the guy, a sign that said he was ready to roll. He knew he had just gotten here, but he couldn't stand another moment of waiting, and back in Iwagakure, he still needed to set up everything for the tournament. The decorations, the signs to where the toilets were, he needed to get some people to clean the entire arena and every single seat in the building. There was so much to do, he couldn't waste another second sitting here, talking to a former stranger now firend. "Well, we'd better get moving," he said. "There's a lot of preparation that needs to be done for the tournament, you can help too if you like".

{Wordcount: 638/800}

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

"I'm ready when you are." Strafe said as he made sure he had all his belongings with him. "I would love to help." He said as he smiled at the man, ready to start the adventure before him. Maybe Strafe was too naive and kind, but he didn't care at the moment. All he wanted was to see another village and participate in a tournament against other shinobi. This was the perfect opportunity to see how much he has grown since his days at the Academy.

The next three days consisted of small talk, short meals, and excitement for Strafe. He was astounded by the change in surroundings, only proving to himself that he had much to learn as a ninja. He often asked questions surrounding the tournament and those involved, hoping to better prepare himself for his upcoming battles. They finally started nearing the village, making Strafe's anxiety come to a end. All he could do now was focus on the task at hand and representing his village and clan to the best of his abilities. He knew he was going to make everyone proud.

[Strafe exit's thread]




Shibirin had been standing up the whole time, so he only needed to wait for the guy to get up, before the two started walking back to Iwagakure. Shibirin had done two trips in the previous days: one to Kiri and now one back to Iwagakure. He wasn’t sure he wanted to personally deliver the news of the tournament to every single village on foot. For the other villages, he was thinking about delivering the message via his bird, Shun. The dove had been trained before, to deliver messages to and from its owner and those its owner intends. He’d deliver the message to Iwagakure, Konoha and then Kumogakure. He wasn’t too keen on making 3 or more trips to and from villages, just to deliver a simple message as the tournament’s opening, when he could send it whilst still in Iwagakure. If he went with the second choice, which he planned to, he would have enough time to prepare for the tournament. As well as helping run it, he was planning on competing in it too. He wanted to return to Iwagakure well ahead of time, that way, not only could he set up the arena for the tournament, but he could also practise two or more jutsu to use in the tournament. The two boys now made their way towards Iwagakure, talking to each other along the way and occasionally stopping to rest, before getting back to the trip.

[Shibi exits the thread]

{Wordcount: 878/800}

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