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As a new genin Makuasiu was eager to take any mission and knock it out the park. As he approached the mission board , one mission in particular caught his eyes. Although it was just village restoration, he loved his village and everything about it. He gladly accepted the challenge and proceeded to the first building in need of serious help. It was a tall, abandon looking dojo. Makuasiu wondered *What does one do with that much dojo.* Before letting his imagination get the best of him he began to clean. There was a massive amount of graffiti and torn wallpaper from sparring matches. Maku decided it would be easier if he stripped the walls. No one ever said he couldn't leave the building bare. After stripping the walls, which took about 15 minutes because of the height, he decided to sweep the floors. He thought of a very easy way to clear the dust and debris. Air. Makuasiu ran about the building, across the walls ,on the roof, and on the ground with an old fan he found and every time he passed a window he didn't hesitate to open it to let out the dust. After being satisfied with his inside work, he began to restore the outer parts. Makuasiu repaired hole and broken beams using his ninja techniques to repair high, broken support beams. After about an hour Makuasiu felt as if he deserved a break . After all he had taken down the biggest abandon building that he could find. The rest would be child's play.

As Makuasiu began to unpack the meal given to him by his mother and father he wonder what his brother was up to. Being the eldest, his main priority was the little one as he called him from time to time . As his thoughts raced he drifted off in his bowl of ramen.

Word Count 315/600

Last edited by Makuasiu on Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:17 am; edited 2 times in total



Narku's breathing was deep and ragged again, he was beginning to dislike being so late all the time. He leap up and down through the air, hopping from one building to the other. Suddenly he fell dramatically onto a roof that looked out of place, but he quickly caught himself and just as quickly leaped to a high water tower off to the right of him.

Narku gripped the flower printed sac that was loosely tied around his neck with both hands before taking another step towards the edge of cylinder-shaped water tower. He had to admit the sun was high and bright and a small breeze was blowing through his mess of a hair. " Dammit, Maku better not had taken all the work for himself. " he complained loudly, catching the attention of a woman working on her clothes behind him. " Doing a mission I see, Narku. " the woman said, only receiving a nod from Narku. He had honestly stopped there to take a little breather, he hadn't expected going full force from his home to the mission area to take so much out of him. After a minute and forcing his leg to move, Narku pushed off towards the old dojo again.

Twenty minutes later and Narku had finally landed on the soft soil. His blackened sandals was sure to be the first thing heard when he made ground. Its loud clacking would echo for a second before he would stand up straight, his hands still clutching the sac desperately. As Maku would gaze up at him, Narku would salute him with left hand while a smile decorated his pale face and closed his left eye. " Yo bro, I finally made it. " he casually said, all the while untying his food and walking to take a sit beside his elder. Never mind the fact that he hadn't done any work for mission yet. All he knew was that his travel there had burned major calories.

He sat eagerly beside his brother, concentrating on untying his box of food. When finally got it untied, he grabbed the chopsticks and ripped them apart and with a piercing clap closed them back together. " Thanks for the meal. ". He slurped up a string of hanging ramen and filled cheeks. " So... " he started, wiping his hands against his black trousers before swallowing his food. " We make any progress in there ? "

WordCOUNT: 396/600



"Late as usual little bro. I've cleared the tallest building. The rest are child's play." Makuasiu finished his ramen and got up for a stretch. It had already been about ten minutes since his little brother had arrived. As he waited on his little brother to finish his meal, he scratched his head. He only scratched his head when in thought. He wondered if it was weird that his little brother had advanced and graduated in the same class as himself. After a short pondering , he decided it was a blessing. Just another gift of the family. He began to smile as he watched the eager sibling tear through a bowl of ramen as if someone were plotting to steal it from him.

"Playtimes over Narku. The sooner we finish this building, the sooner we can start another mission." Maku thought about how they would attempt the other buildings left. Although it was an easy task , Maku was never without a plan. He actually had two for this situation. It was up to his little brother to decide which would be the least time and energy consuming. Here's the deal , I think we should attempt the rest of these building as a team. Reason being it's less time consuming. What do you think Narku?

Word Count:533/600



Narku wasn't surprised at all that his brother had finished his ramen before him and of course he would take his own time to finish his own meal. He slurped up another noodle of ramen, feeling it slap against his lower jaw when he hastily ate it. He tapped his foot on the stone porch of the building, taking his time to eat and savor the flavor. Narku's eyes lifted from his bowl once he felt Maku lift up from his spot, he followed him as he stepped away and stretched. Once he seen his arm reach up to the back of his head, Narku shrugged his shoulder and went back to his ramen. He knew his brother well enough to know that he was thinking on something and while that was none of his business, Narku stilled wondered exactly what it was. His brother wasn't the most outspoken guy in the world and honestly that worried him a little. Though he guess it was probably the doing of his spineless Senju father. He rolled his eyes in reaction to his thoughts.

Finishing his ramen, Narku placed the box on the side of the porch and raised up, stretching the same as his older brother only moments earlier. Narku smiled at his brother's declaration and felt a deep passion rise in himself. To him missions were another form of testing his limits and as everyone knew, testing limits was something he loved to do. " Of course it is ! " he half yelled and half yawn in response to Maku telling him playtime was over. He came out of his stretch and into a full blown leap into the air. " A team with you ? How could I say no. " Narku crossed his arms behind his head and walked in large steps towards his brother.

He looked off to the south, where the buildings were ragged and debris filled. They appeared to be on the verge of crumbling in on themselves, roofs were missing shingles and planks of wood stuck out in their frames. At first the buildings seemed a little much, but remembering what Maku had said earlier had held off his plaque of laziness. " Let's do this bro. I'll race you there as a matter of fact. " he declared arrogantly. Before Maku could respond, Narku sprinted ahead, throwing his arms behind him and leaping onto a wooden fence and than onto a nearby rooftop. Under the light of the sun, Narku made his left hand into the shape of double barrel gun, aiming his finger tips at his brother. " You're behind bro... " he told him cheerfully before adapting a more stilled and calm tone. " Better catch up, the race has started and your in last place. " He shot the invisible bullets towards his brother before grinning widely and leaping towards the cluster of deteriorating buildings ahead.

With him and Maku working together it had taken little more than another hour or two to finish up the remaining buildings. Working along side his brother was always fun, the two joked around but always got their work done. He was hoping that the two could get a spar in once they got back home to their little secluded home. He wanted to test the new jutsu that mom had taught him. He was sure that it would surprise Makuasui in the best of ways. Maybe he would even get a compliment or two from him.

WordCOUNT: 968/600



"If its a race you want, Makuasiu sprinted off in almost a flash. In mere seconds he had caught up with his younger sibling. Then its a race you will recieve." He smirked lightly. Maku enjoyed the enthusiasm from an eager younger brother and the help would make the job passable in no time. Shoulder to shoulder , the brothers were. Each slightly advancing in front of the next. The buildings were covered in orange and red blurs. The brothers didn't even pay attention to how fast the buildings were coming together. In about fifteen minutes they had cleared what would've took the average ninja alone, about an hour. Makuasiu was satified with their work and decided they should return to the never part of the village. Maybe home would be best. There's nothing like a night of rest after a day of work.

As Makuasiu began to leave the work him and his brother had completed , he thought about how proud his parents might be. He began to think: *To be honest, most siblings are rivals. I actually like the little guy they call Narku. Not only is he special, but he's wicked strong. Not to be nostalgic but I kind of feel like dad. I guess you can say I'm proud. Doesn't mean I'll let him surpass me though. Nothing in life will ever be easy. Especially me.*


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