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1hankering for noodles [open/no kill] Empty hankering for noodles [open/no kill] Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:25 pm

Mitto Senju

The young senju, whom had just woken up from sleeping laid in bed for a couple of extra minutes. He liked to give his body time to register that he was no longer asleep. Mitto got up and looked at the clock, it was seven o'clock in the morning. Mitto quickly got dressed in his brown pants, brown shirt and then put his green jacket on. MItto than tied his konoha forehead protector around his head which helped keep his orange hair out of the way. His hair went down to the base of his neck. Mitto stepped outside to a wonderful morning; the sun was out and there were hardly any clouds in the sky. ‘ what a beautiful day.’ He thought to himself as headed over to the ramen shop to get a full breakfeast. Mitto loved ramen, and he could never have enough of it. The young boy walked throughout the village until he reached his favorite spot to dine, sat down and greeted the ramen chef. “hey Teuchi, Ayame. How are you guys doing this morning?” “We are doing fine Mitto-san. The usual I suppose?” Teuchi responded. “Yea that’s fine Teuchi.” Mitto said as he turned around in his chair and leaned against the counter. ‘what to do today….what to do’ he pondered as he really didn’t want to do anything, but if he had to do something it might as well be train. The young boy reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a match. Putting the pack away, he lit the match then lit the cigarette as he took a puff and then exhaled. Keeping the cigarette in his mouth, the young senju enjoyed the warm air that was keeping him warm in the early hours of the day.


2hankering for noodles [open/no kill] Empty Re: hankering for noodles [open/no kill] Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:39 am



Makuasiu had just left the house. As he stretched he smelled a cigarette. He hated the smell the cigarettes. He followed the smell to a ramen shop in town. It wasn't far from the usual training spot so he knew the place well. As he approached the ramen shop he saw a young male, about his age from the looks. Makuasiu spoke "You know those things can kill you. A grin appeared across Maku's face but not because of happiness. It was more of him getting satisfaction by stating obvious facts. "If you want to die young then so be it but try not to spread the virus. People like me actually value life." He began to walk away, a sense of satisfaction growing in his mind. A good Samaritan, his father would be proud. he was already proud. Before he left he decided it would be best if he introduced himself. "By the way , the name Makuasiu. Senju, Makuasiu. In a flash, he was off. He didn't expect to be followed and hoped that his words wouldn't lead to conflict, but if so he was ready to spar. His father hadn't taught him to fight for no reason.

Word Count: 200/200

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